Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Love the pics! Can’t wait to see more. Seeing Ann and Zenyatta together truly touches my heart. And Coz…what a guy!
Hope everyone enjoyed the Breeder’s Cup championships as much as I did!
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta I hope you haven’t forgot about me and I saw you dance you great you are they best race hours
Hi Dalton! I know your teacher and I just LOVE her. I LOVE Zenyatta too! Glad to meet you!
Judy in South Carolina
My heart is full anytime I see photos of Ann with Zenny. My greatest wish is that she someday has her own farm/breeding facility so that they can be together every day. The love between the two of them is like nothing I have EVER seen in the world of Thoroughbred racing.
And SO excited to hear that John was in Florida with the Mosses to visit Coz. Sounds like he’s going to be the trainer of choice! Sure hope so!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Judy:
That would be perfect for COZ. Love and Hugs, JB
Deana from Texas
I think he is going to be tall like Z and his Aunt Ebby. And…it will take him some time to grow into himself like both of them. He is more narrow like Ebby because of the Bernardini influence rather than Street Cry but I feel sure he will be tall, and of course talented. It would be great if John can train him, he certainly knows how and has the patience to get them right!
Don’t know how many of you have seen this but I thought it was so lovely that I would share…..
When I Am An Old Horsewoman
I shall wear turquoise and diamonds,
And a straw hat that doesn’t suit me
And I shall spend my social security on
white wine and carrots,
And sit in my alleyway of my barn
And listen to my horses breathe.
I will sneak out in the middle of a summer night
And ride the old bay gelding,
Across the moonstruck meadow
If my old bones will allow
And when people come to call, I will smile and nod
As I walk past the gardens to the barn
and show instead the flowers growing
inside stalls fresh-lined with straw.
I will shovel and sweat and wear hay in my hair
as if it were a jewel
And I will be an embarrassment to ALL
Who will not yet have found the peace in being free
to have a horse as a best friend
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For the kind of woman I will be
When I am old.
-Author Patty Barnhart
Thank you for sharing Leslie. Have never owned a race horse but have loved many.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Leslie:
Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. Love and Hugs, JB
Why wait? Do all of this it now. Carpe diem, women. Men too.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Well I got the Old part down!! What a lovely, lovely poem, thanks for sharing. hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Leslie,
Thanks bunches! This is a wonderful poem, and it reminds me of a long-time dream of mine (since childhood) — to be in the barn and listen to the horses breathe.
Love this post! Hugs
This is my motto right now. It has been more than fifty years since I had a horse, and he was mine just for a brief time. Now, at almost 66, we are seriously considering adopting an OTTB. In other words, my husband finally said yes!!! We are checking out places nearby to board, we have been to visit the rescue one time, and there are still lots of details to iron out. I know it seems silly, but I’ve always, always wanted a horse. I’m 65. If not now, when?? Wish me luck!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
High hoof to you and your hubby Celeste. You seem to be on the brink of a wonderful adventure, and I hope you will bring us along for the ride. Can’t wait to hear about “your horse.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Celeste:
I’m with Sandy. Looking forward to hearing all about your horse. He or she will be one lucky TB to find a forever home with you. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Way cool, Celeste! Will you be able to ride her/him often (I hope), or is he/she destined for a different purpose?
Marshall (NC broad)
YAY, Celeste!!
How exciting! This is great news — please keep us posted. You are an inspiration, and as you said, “If not now, when?”. Go for it! Some lucky horse is in for a wonderful life. Good Luck to all! Hugs
Celeste, Good luck. Keep us updated on your search for your horse. I know there is a wonderful needy one out there just waiting for you. Bless you for what you are doing. I hope he/she will bring as much joy to your life as you will to theirs.
Thank you all for your support!! This is a bit scary, but so exciting at the same time. At our ages, we are looking for one of those wonderful OTTBs who has been around, but may be not quite strong/healthy enough for a very athletic second career. So many are suitable for light riding but not for serious training for jumping, speed events and so on. We want a family horse that all of us can ride. My daughter and I went to the tack store yesterday and bought some buckets and brushes and a lead rope – lol!! No horse yet, though. :)
Maryp NY
Dear Celeste,
I wish you barns full of luck and am so happy for you and the wonderful horse that will be yours!! Bless you and hubby for your love and generosity.
Terry Crow
You are right, Celeste. If not now when? The happiest time of my life was when I was around horses. Keep us in the loop. We care.
Sheena and other fans of UK racing. Here are the lists of the Cartier award nominees, splendid horses all. Mad Moose’s people have several names on those lists, like Toro and Toormore. All of these horses are magnificient racers.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’ve come a long way – actually recognize about half of these names! Thanks to Sheena and Max for broadening my horse horizons :-)
Wow, What a Lady, What a Horse, What a Race!! Watching it brings tears of joy every single time, it’s utterly unforgettable! Thank you for the memories and all the new ones to come :)
Kathy f.
I wish the video showed a little more. Remember when mike brought her back to the grandstands? And the tvg announcer said these grandstands haven’t shook like that in a very long time
Kathy Baldwin
Beautiful Ann and Beautiful Zenyatta! :) Wishing continued blessings for you both, as
well as all of the “connections”.
Went to Hollywood Park yesterday (Thursday) for opening day. It was a lovely day and
I looked toward Barn 55 and thought of you Zenny and your most wonderful, special
“connections”. ;)
Sending peace, love & light to all in the Land of Zen!
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
Dear Max Great selection of horses for the cartier, was dominated by Frankel for the past 3yrs. Maybe Treve this year???Perhaps if Moose had decided to race a little more, he might be up in the stayers category!!!!Hugs Sheena
Sheena. Yes, I was thinking the same thing about both Frankel and Moosie. The field is more wide open with some very good fillies now in the competition. I hope that Estimate wins. She’s a great runner. If they had a prize for the most unpredictable, Moose would get it.
Dear Abigail Have been reading your wonderful article about Phar Lap. Sadly his death remains a mystery, a cruel end for such a magnificent creature.My parents were children during the 20s’ and 30’s ,life was very hard. Keep up the good work.hugs Sheena
Sheena: I am so glad you are reading it, Sheena. I found this part of Phar Lap’s life just fascinating to research. Of course, this time was miserable in North America too but my sense is that, indeed, it was much much worse in Australia. His death was so tragic and it looks like it was actually colic, based on a story that Tommy Woodcock told James Mason before the former died. Apparently, as they were returning thru California from Mexico, Woodcock spied some alfalfa and, as Phar Lap hadn’t had much green for about 2 weeks they stopped to let him graze. But alfalfa can really “tie” an animal up and that’s what Woodcock said happened a few nights later. Given the autopsy findings (although I’m not too sure it was that carefully done) colic brought on in this way could explain it. I also discovered –which I found very moving — that California stopped for a 1 minute silence when the great horse’s death was announced. I hope you watch the videos — especially the BONUS FEATURE. It’s amazing and the last footage ever made of Phar Lap before he left Australia. HUGS!
Terry Crow
Abigail-I had heard that Phar Lap’s demise was caused by arsenic, possibly from using his owner’s concoction. I know testing was done on his mane after Mr. Woodcock’s death,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you, Lola Mae, Charlie, Hudson and all the Sweeties.I hope your back is better now and you are taking it easy.Sleep well. Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
Groupie Doll to run in the Cigar Mile.
Terry Crow
Don’t know if I agree with her trainer that she is good as she’s ever been. However, I applaud the new owner’s decision to temporarily keep her on the race track. I don’t really like her chances to win the Cigar Mile, but I’ll be pulling for her.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Well the party’s over and I guess I didn’t win the visit so I’ll go back to the real world again, shucks!! Love seeing Ann hugging her beautiful girl, what a relationship they have……very special indeed. COZ look humongous or that man leading him is very short. What a beauty he is I just can’t wait to see more pictures of him and some updates on the handsome little Red.
Because we are all so happy our Ebby is not leaving John I found this picture taken by Mary Meek at Keeneland. I posted it on the last post but then they added this new one so for those who may not have seen it here it is. She is stunning and look at the lovely kind eye she has. Enjoy https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151795796404843&set=a.73128334842.76512.630404842&type=1&theater
Ingrid Arnone
Thank you for the link,
Ebby looks so beautiful.
Hugs Ingrid.
Marshall (NC broad)
I agree, Sue. This is an absolutely gorgeous photo of Ebby! As someone mentioned, the composition and the colors are sensational. Ebby, you beautiful creature, your eyes are lovely and kind. Mary Meek is a talented photographer.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
Thank you so much for sharing. She reminds me of her Daddy, Bernie, in this photo. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Ingrid Hope you are feeling a little better now. The loss of a mother is very hard to bear, but it does ease with time,believe me I’ve been there.Hugs Sheena
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for your kind words.
Hugs Ingrid.
Janet Newman
This is why I love Gary Stevens and glad he is back riding and having success at his age.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks so much for this link. Gary Stevens is such a nice guy — he and his wife really care about the horses. Kudos and Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
GS is a great rider and a great person as well. Thanks for sharing this article. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hi & sweet dreams queen z & zsters
Today, God’s message to you is that all things are possible for those who believe. Faith is sometimes the only thing you have, but what a gift it is. With faith you can press on in the midst of adversity. Have faith, and it will light your path.
@kathy- love ur devo today
@Sue FLCPRC – what an inspirational story. tTHX
@Rafael Sanchez – how wonderful ur post was :)
@LeslieA – nice poem :)
@maureen phi-llips – do u have an email so we can keep in touch?
mine is vampressdanser@gmail.com
FOR ALL WHO ARE SICK & suffered loss – i’m praying for ya ♥
may god bless u allmy dear z fmily
hugs/prayers, vamp
heres a laugh before bedtime ;) ;)
Daily Joke for November 07 2013
Q: What do you call a man with no arms and no legs sitting on your front porch?
A: Matt
gnite every1!
Anne from Paramount
Terry Crow and Vicki B: I was there at Zenyatta’s farewellS–both of them. Yes, Terry I do remember those boos for Arnold. And he did have the sense to stay away the second time, if he thought about it at all. We were very near the rail not far from the Winners’ Circle. It gives me chills now thinking of it, especially the second one. As the Kennedys said, we knew she would not be back and, something/someone very special was leaving us. But as we know now, she may have left the race track, but she is still in our lives, thanks to the Mosses and Team Z.
I cannot add to what anyone has said about these photos, so I’ll just add “what she/he said.” Just wonderful!!!
We’ll probably be at Hollypark this Sunday. My car is in the shop (again) and tomorrow we will have to check on its status. Art Wilson (no relation) gave his Top 10 Hollywood Park moments in today’s Long Beach Press Telegram. #1: (a partial quote): “Zenyatta pulls off the impossible–The all time greatest filly/mare and arguably the best horse–male or female–to ever race, the incomparable Zenyatta accomplished the near impossible during the lone Oak Tree meet at HP on Oct 2, 2010. (hey, Anne here, my birthday! It’s coming back to me! Great present!) The Street Cry mare helped draw 25,837 to the track in a venue that was having problems drawing 10,00 to its signature race, The Hollywood Gold Cup. They showed up to witness the final victory of Zenyatta’s career, a win in the Lady’s Secret Stakes that ran her record to 19-0.” It goes on for a little longer and there are nine more “top moments.” Number 10 is none other than Lava Man, matching Native Diver’s record of three consecutive Gold Cup victories. Column does not say where to reach Art Wilson except through Twitter at @Sham73. I know he was at the track the weekend before Breeders’ Cup. Might have been there for BC too, but I did not see him then.
P.S. When I look at the clips and photos of Z’s races , I look to see if I see anyone I now know, but did not back then. One has to look closely–sometimes I think see a Dumpling or two and it’s entirely possible, although then we did not know each other.
Thanks again, Zenyatta! :-) High hoof!
Anne from Paramount
Terry Crow and Vicki B: I was there at Zenyatta’s farewellS–both of them. Yes, Terry I do remember those boos for Arnold. And he did have the sense to stay away the second time, if he thought about it at all. We were very near the rail not far from the Winners’ Circle. It gives me chills now thinking of it, especially the second one. As the Kennedys said, we knew she would not be back and, something/someone very special was leaving us. But as we know now, she may have left the race track, but she is still in our lives, thanks to the Mosses and Team Z.
I cannot add to what anyone has said about these photos, so I’ll just add “what she/he said.” Just wonderful!!!
We’ll probably be at Hollypark this Sunday. My car is in the shop (again) and tomorrow we will have to check on its status. Art Wilson (no relation) gave his Top 10 Hollywood Park moments in today’s Long Beach Press Telegram. #1: (a partial quote): “Zenyatta pulls off the impossible–The all time greatest filly/mare and arguably the best horse–male or female–to ever race, the incomparable Zenyatta accomplished the near impossible during the lone Oak Tree meet at HP on Oct 2, 2010. (hey, Anne here, my birthday! It’s coming back to me! Great present!) The Street Cry mare helped draw 25,837 to the track in a venue that was having problems drawing 10,00 to its signature race, The Hollywood Gold Cup. They showed up to witness the final victory of Zenyatta’s career, a win in the Lady’s Secret Stakes that ran her record to 19-0.” It goes on for a little longer and there are nine more “top moments.” Number 10 is none other than Lava Man, matching Native Diver’s record of three consecutive Gold Cup victories. Column does not say where to reach Art Wilson except through Twitter at @Sham73. I know he was at the track the weekend before Breeders’ Cup. Might have been there for BC too, but I did not see him then.
P.S. When I look at the clips and photos of Z’s races , I look to see if I see anyone I now know, but did not back then. One has to look closely–sometimes I think see a Dumpling or two and it’s entirely possible, although then we did not know each other.
Thanks again, Zenyatta! :-) High hoof!
Anne from Paramount
sorry, did not mean for above to come out twice!!!!
Terry Crow
Anne-Twice is not enough in this case. I agree that Z’s second retirement party might have had a different tone if Arnold had appeared again. I do believe that he is ultimately responsible for the demise of HP. If he not not sold out to the Indians by giving them exclusive rights to all forms of casino gambling the track (and other tracks) could have somewhat prospered by having slot machines on the premises. We’ll never know now. Good luck on Sunday.
maureen phi-llips
Dear Vampressqueen Sue Colvin, thank you so much for always responding to my posts. Thank you too for sharing your e-mail address, will definitely keep in touch.
This is a little quiz for you, guess what my e-mail address might be. Its easy if you think of who the love of my life is. I await your answer.
Have a restful night and an awesome weekend. It is well. G-night.
November 9 Cherokee Devotional
Don’t study the problem, study the solution. Whatever the problem is, remember that spirit is part of the solution. Emerson said, “Great men are they who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force.” No matter how difficult or complex a problem is, Spirit knows and cares about the solution. As important as the intellect may be in finding a solution, remember that intellect will never overcome the spirit any more than pride can overcome humility. That does not mean you shouldn’t use your intellect, but it does mean you shouldn’t try to solve a problem by intellect alone. Open yourself to Spirit, and Spirit will lead you to the solution.
The monitor within my breast has taught me the will of the Great Spirit.
-Senachwine, Potawatomi
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Lovely. Thank you.
Dear Kathy Wonderful post.I remember Alaister Campbell saying of our then PM Tony Blair “we don’t do God”.How sad is that! Hoping ray can get 100,000 likes soon,loved him doing his morning exercises.Have a great weekend Hugs to you and the “doggy” gang! Sheena
Hi Sheena,
Ray doing his yoga is so adorable. And check out Boo and Buddy in their great outdoor shot. You have a great weekend, too. Hugs from me, puppy kisses from “The Pack.”
Dear Kathy Great Boo and Buddy shot. Oh, I envy the sunshine ,is so grey and cold here, have heard they’ve had the 1st snow of the season in the north of England.Brr!hugs Sheena
Bluegrass Girl
HRTV insider tweet Sat. Nov. 9 2013
Trainer John Shirreffs wins R3 at Aqueduct with Protocol
giving him his 5th winner from 13 starters since Oct. 14.
FYI-Protocol is owned by Ann & Jerry Moss
Bluegrass Girl
NYRA news
The John Shirreffs NY-division is rolling now.
Protocol breaks his maiden 2nd out at #Aqueduct.
Alex Solis up for the Mosses at 6-5. 8-1-9-5
Ann Maree / Tennessee
This is such great news for John, BGG….thanks for staying on top of this. I sometimes wonder if he realizes how many people are pulling for him and jump for joy when something good happens for him. I think I would enjoy spending an evening with John and Dottie almost as much as I would enjoy spending time with Zenyatta! Am a huge admirer of them both! Hugs, dear friend.
Bluegrass Girl
The Blood-Horse Race Results VIDEO Sat. Nov. 9 2013
Protocol (Proud Citizen – Magic Pearl) wins a maiden special weight at Aqueduct.
BGG. Thank you. This is a very good win by a handsome chestnut. Congrats to Mosses and all connections.
Thanks, BG! What a handsome colt and so happy for John & the Mosses.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
YEA! Another win for John (and the Mosses). Things are looking up!! Will be interesting to see what he decides to do as far as racing Ebby is concerned.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info. Congrats to Protocol, JS and Mr. and Mrs. M. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max The end of our flat season today,many congratulations to our 2 Richards Hannon and Hughes, father and son in law,champion trainer and jockey.Kauto might be parading before the Tingle Creek at Sandown, he’s really missing Supersteve,no night time fridge raids!Hugs Sheena
Sheena. Just think that this time last week Richard Hughes was winning at Santa Anita. Here’s hoping that Richard Hannon will have some free time to inspire Moosie. His horses could yet win those Cartier awards next week.
Hoping for Kauto that Steve is back soon. It was only to be a few weeks until his return.
Kauto loves his parades with the girls. Neigh!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hi zsters ♥
In Times Like These
There is Peace…
The peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
There is Hope…
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
There is a Plan…
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
@kathy- nice devo today :)
@maureen – ur email probably has zenyatta or zenny as part of it along w/ur name
like zennymaureen@gmail.com or yahoo.com zeyattamphillips@gmail.com
am i close?
god bless every1
hugs/prayers, vamp ♥♥♥
maureen phi-llips
Hi Vampressqueen,
You are so right, about the Queen being part of my e-mail address. How did you guess?
Anyways, here is wishing you a Blessed night. Check your e-mail.
Dear Max Have heard the Highgate Wallaby has died after an operation for a broken foot.It had escaped from the cemetery and the RSPCA managed to catch it,sadly it never recovered from the anaesthetic.Staff say there might be another one there.RIP hugs Sheena
Sheena. The news seems to be somewhat dismal on many fronts lately. Have they identified the wallaby as native UK? There was some question about that.
Have you heard anything about Nick the horse, not really interested in the other Nick?