Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
I can never part with my old DVR because it has almost all of Big Z’s races. They NEVER get old!!!!!
maureen phi-llips
Dear Judy Exciting blog! we’ve had a memorable day here too with AP McCoy having ridden his 4000th winner at Towester.Greatest jump jockey of all time.Goodnight God bless you, Lola Mae, Charlie, Hudson and all The Sweeties. Love and hugs SheenaX
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
g’nite z & family
sweet dreams dear mama
Today, God’s message for you is to remember his promise. It is often represented by the rare rainbow after a cold overpowering rain, but also present in the rising sun at the dawning of each new day.
maureen phi-llips
Vampressqeen Sue Colvin,
You always put a smile on my face, thanks for all your uplifting quotes. It is well, remain Blessed.
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
As long as I live, I will never forget this race! I was lucky enough to have been there at Santa Anita to see Zenyatta race, my then boyfriend and now husband bought me tickets for my birthday to see her race! A race for a life time!!!! Thank you Zenyatta!!!!
Mary in Boone, NC
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Team Zenyatta, Team Lane’ End, Kyle Acebo, Queen Zenyatta, CoZ, and PrinZling,
I was not notified that I had won an audience with our Queen, but I am truly happy for those that won. Please enjoy for all of us! Thank you for adding extra visitors!!!!
Mrs. Moss, you and Zenyatta look truly stunning: just a girl and her horse!!! Thank you for sharing your obvious love for one another rather than keeping it private.
I think a GREAT tshirt would be the Queen crossing the finish line on the front and the Classic race call on the back.
CoZ…what can I say? This Godmother is very proud of you, with your lovely ears and intelligent look. Remember all your Mother taught you.
High hooves and three whinnies from a member of the Nation in the mountains of NC!!!
xoxo to all,
Mary in Boone
maureen phi-llips
Dear Mary in Boone, NC,
Nicely written. Thanks for sharing. You put a smile on my face when you started your first paragraph because I thought the conclusion was going be say you won. You should be a suspense writer. That was good.
Mary in Boone, NC
Thank you so much, Maureen! I dreamed of winning and wanted to so terribly. Happy for those who did!!!
Linda Shull
Wonderful to re-watch the race. She is still the greatest racehorse I have ever seen in the past 10 years. A great Mom.
maureen phi-llips
Couldn’t agree with you more.!
I am disappointed too because the site kept telling me I was entering the wrong e-mailing it is working now. I don’t know what went wrong. Anyway I will always love Zen. When I get well from my surgeries my dream is to come to Kentucky and visit some of the farms. My hope will be to see her then because I will probably never be able to make but the one trip. Maybe you never know. I meant e-mail not ing sorry.
Rita, I hope your health improves soon.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Team Z,
I am so glad the party on the weekend was a success; the sad part for me is I was not able to participate. Because I am not well since my mothers pass away.
I hope next time I will be able to participate.
Dear Coz,
So nice to see you, I told you, you going to be a Champion!
Big hug,
Debbie G/Kentucky
Well darn, I guess I didn’t win. To the five lucky winners, my heartfelt congratulations. If any of you need someone to go with them as their guest and/or chauffeur, I’m your girl!
@Catherine Uher – Best of luck to you with your heart transplant. I truly hope that you’re one of the five winners.
@Vicki B – I’m so glad I could help you out with your betting. I’m no expert by any means, but I think we pretty darn good!
@Terry Crow – I’ll let Trina fill you in on the bucket story. It’s pretty cute.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, Debbie, we done dood it! Your & Sandy’s style was encouraging, because I felt no pressure one way or the other, so it gave me a chance to just make up my own mind to take a little risk. If someone had been trying to talk me into it, I would likely have felt I had to resist, and refused to try. As it was, it ended up being fun!
Thank you!
Janet Newman
Cute watching these weanlings reaction to the cat.
I just love the one with the big white blaze.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
White blaze AND four white socks! He is just adorable!! How funny to see that cat seem so fearsome to them (do they not have barn cats?). Thanks Janet :-)
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
That was too funny!
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Janet! This is TOO cute — love the “tail action” of the horse with the wide blaze!!
Paula Higgins
Love these pictures of Ann with Zenny! Talk about love. I think it is wonderful that Ann and Jerry still come to see her. I believe they always will.
I watch Zenyatta’s 2009 BCC probably every other day. I have Zenyatta’s signed print framed on my family room wall and see it every day. So, she is ever present in my heart and home and always will be. There will never be another like her.
Oh. My. What a lift to my heart to see these wonderful photos and to remember Zenyatta’s historic Breeder’s Cup win. Wow. While I guess I’m a little sad that I haven’t been notified that I’m a winner yet, I still can’t wait to receive the Zenyatta sticker that I ordered. I will be honored to have that whether or not I was chosen to visit the Queen or not. Doesn’t mean I won’t be jealous of those that get to meet her, though – lol!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do for us. Your generosity in providing this site, keeping this link to Zenyatta available to us is just simply immeasurable, but deeply appreciated. Thank you.
I watch all her races on my computer over and over again; she is so special. I watch other videos too; with her and the man with the camera, the people feeding her, and when they were schooling her, and she heard them say that they were at the post (she wanted to race, and couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t let her go) she loved racing, and all the attention, We never get enough of her; there are so many things that draw us to her, and she has us hooked for life.
There are two things that I would like to find out about or see. One is the video of her career, that was suppose to come out around the time they had the special on HRTV (that was a half hour, but around Christmas time a hour one was going to be offered) I am on the East coast, and don’t get that station, we get TVG. I have been looking trying to find that video, but can’t. Was the video ever made, and if not, will it be?
The other thing, was that by now, we had a video of Coz playing in the field. The last time there was a video of our little red prince, was when he was a month old, running with his mother. I would love to see him running in the field now that he is older, and see how he is developing. Maybe we will get lucky with this last visit. Thank-you Ann & Jerry Moss, and Lane’s End for allowing us to have Zenyatta and her little family to stay a part of our lives. This site continues to bring so much joy to us.
maureen phi-llips
Dear Roberta,
I am totally with you on all you have said. Let me also join you in thanking the Mosses, the LES, and all who make sure our Queen is always the best she can be and happy.. God Bless all and Bless our Queen of hearts always. It is well.
Unless my invitation got lost in the mail, I did not win the visit with the Queen. :( Congrats to the five that did. I’ve never seen Zenyatta in person and it would be a dream come true to meet her — even just see her from a far — some day. Maybe Team Z will run another contest sometime (hint, hint). :))
Alex Bowdoin
I was hoping too….this visit is back on my Bucket List….
maureen phi-llips
Dear Cathleen,
I will be praying for you to meet the Queen of hearts one day soon. I could feel your passion from your writing and I am so moved by it. I also have not seen the Queen in person and I get so angry because I lived in So Cal and worked down the street from her and never went to see her it makes me so angry. Even so, the palpable passion with which you write of your yearning to see her, am telling you, it will come through for you, you’ll see. Too cute.
Thank you for letting us see your passion for the Queen and her brood, have a Blessed weekend. It is well.
She now has over 150,000 FB friends…numbers are growing daily as is her legend.
maureen phi-llips
Amen, she is the Best.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Alex Bowdoin
Dear Team Z and LEF, I am so sorry I did not mention the lovely pic of Coz and the two of Z and her Mom!! Coz is growing up and looking quite handsome. I love the black and white photos of Z and Ann Moss. Just Lovely! Thank you for the update and looking forward to getting the stickers soon. Can’t wait to put it on the car along with my Bloodhorse license plate border,” I would rather be watching Thoroughbred Horse Racing”!! HUGS TO ALL
PatB from NM
Love you always, Z. Love CoZ and baby Red. AND, oh my, do I LOVE that race. Thrilling every time!
I surely do want to be one of the five to visit you, my Queen.
Ms. Sandys
I’m not sure why, but these comments are usually pyschophantic or just plain weird. It irritates me to no end. Feel free to argue my point
Donna H
As always, your terrific faithfulness in keeping us informed is so appreciated. Coz looks remarkable. It thrills me to watch Zenny loving on Ann. And, of course, a race we will always celebrate. Love to all.
So happy that Ebby is staying with John.
Anita from SoCal
Have watched this fabulous race of Zenny’s so many times. Still love it. Thank you for keeping us all a part of her family. Great to see Coz and to know John went to see him too! There is great excitement in SoCal these days!! Love to Team Z, Zenny, Coz and Little Red.
Hovis day, and it’s even more special than usual with a new photo. He has written another poem to honor war horses. We will remember them on the 11th and always.
Dear Max,
Hovis looks so handsome with all his ribbons, and Foxy took notice, too.Things are looking up!
Beautiful poems. We will always remember and we thank all the veterans for our precious freedom.
Ann NC
Thanks, Max. So cute!!!! Love his pic.
Also, really enjoyed the great article about Dan and his grand family. Super, super.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend folks. Hovis…….luv ya!
Hovis looks magnificent with his new hairdo and ribbons. Poem about the war horses was beautiful.
Did he get his new rain coat?
maureen phi-llips
Thanks Max, did I say that Hovis is my new sweet heart!!, he is not only handsome, but also so smart and funny, am just in love. I love his style of story writing, I should come take lessons from him. Hope it wont cost an arm and a leg, knowing Hovis, it just might. Any ways, love you kid you Rock.!
Thanks Hov, have a great weekend and Blessings always. It is well.
Sheena introduced us to this great horse. The UK seems to have a lot of character horses, such as Kauto, Moosie, The Tank, and Steve. If you enjoy his diary, you can buy his books from Bransby Horses website. Proceeds go to horse charity. Bransby has first class service and delivers to the ROTW (Rest of the World) in good time.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! Isn’t Hovis something with his beautiful rosettes? Not understanding too much about “stressage” moves, one can only conclude that this routine was not strictly by the books but good enough to get a second place. HIGH HOOF to Hovis and Becky! Wonderful poems too – his talent knows no bounds. Thanks as always to Sheena via Max for our Friday treat!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Once again, thank you for sharing Hovis with us. Had me laughing as usual; also love the two poems. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. I look forward to doing this on Friday for Sheena because it seems to bring some bit of happiness to people. Horses as you know are God’s gifts. You also know how I especially love a talking horse. These British horses are “cheeky” too, the best kind of talking horse like Ed. Neigh!
Max thank you for the weekly HOOOOVIS post.
It must be so much fun to own a horse like him. He is really special and I look forward to the Friday posts. Love reading about his adventures and human pals.
November 8 Cherokee Devotional
Have you ever had a good idea that just keeps coming back to you? Maybe you don’t quite know what to do with it. When you try to push it away, the idea keeps coming back. When that happens, it’s time to pay attention! There’s a reason this idea keeps coming back to you-probably because Spirit keeps bringing it back to you.
Try talking with it. You may be amazed at what you’ll learn. Take a notebook and simply ask the idea, “Why do you keep coming back to me?” and then wait for an answer. Write that answer down and ask another question. Before long, you have a regular conversation going with the idea. Some call this intuition, some simply an urge, and some believe the idea speaks from their own subconscious. Wherever it comes from, pay attention-because this idea may be leading you to new and better things.
Slowly I perceived that a voice way trying to tell me something. It was a bird cry, but I tell you, I began to understand some of it.
-John (Fire) Lame Deer, Lakota
Ann NC
Woman’s intuition is a powerful thing!!
Thanks, Kathy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
As always, so interesting and “down to earth.” Thanks Kathy. I think I haven’t had enough of these good ideas in my life.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Thank you for sharing another wonderful Cherokee Devotional. Love and Hugs, JB
Have to take issue with the TV people who pronounced Santa Anita the most beautiful racetrack in the country. Wonder if they have ever been to Keeneland in the fall? On a bright sunny day it is about as close to heaven as you can get.
Terry Crow
I have never been to Keeneland, It is definitely on my bucket list. And, I had better get moving on it.
Dear Kathy Great post!We live and learn more each day.Did’nt our Hovis do well at the stressage, am sure Mum, Aunty Becky and Foxy were proud of him.Poor Hawley, Ray’s brudda, has had a really bad ear infection and Ray has been kissing it better!!Hugs to you Holly, Sugar and Nikko. Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Absolutely! And didn’t he look HANDSOME with his ribbons? Hawley feels better! Ray’s kisses made all the difference, I’m sure. LOVE that pic of Ray as a baby in those striped jammies! Beautiful boy.
TGIF! Happy weekend from me and “The Pack.” Hugs, Kathy
Dear Max, Prynhawn Da, sut ydych chi?This weekend I will remember The men and women, who gave their lives for our freedom.Also the 6-8million horses who died in horrific conditions.I often wonder why these beautiful creatures had to die because of our failings and the worse part was that thousands who survived were sold to butchers around Europe.Have you read Warrior the real warhorse by General Sir Jack Seely, the grandfather of our racing commentator Brough Scott?
On a lighter note ,am so proud of Hovis and his rosettes. Well done big man !!! hugs Sheena “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them all.
Sheena. I think that Hovis looks handsome with his rosettes. He has to be good at stressage to win them. Also was happy to see that he is staying inside, if the UK continues to be cold and rainy. Will check out the book. I agree with you about the horses in war, but it was the same conditions for the people. Remember them always.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Max:
I add my thanks to yours for all the members of the armed forces of the US and the UK; humans, dogs and horses, past and present. God Bless all of them everywhere. Love and Hugs, JB
Take To The Skies
A farmer tried to raise an eaglet among some chickens. The eaglet was taught to run around like a chicken and scratch the dirt like a chicken. Instead of flying, it was always taught to look down, and to run away from snakes like a scared chicken. But each time it did those things, it knew in its heart that something was wrong. One day, it happened to look up and see an eagle flying high and majestically in the sky, with a snake grasped in its talons! The eagle gave a loud shriek that resonated deep within the heart of the eaglet.
Each time the eaglet saw the eagle, it knew in its heart that it was beholding its true nature. It tried to tell the chickens about it, but the chickens just said, “Stop dreaming! You’re a chicken. We chickens are earth-bound. We don’t fly. And we’re terrified of snakes!” But the more the eaglet saw the eagle, the more it saw its true destiny. The sight and call of the eagle eventually captured its heart, so that finally, it was able to shut out the voices of unbelief, shake off its earth-bound mentality and take off to the skies to live the high life of an eagle!
My friend, God calls us eagles, and He calls us to live the high life with Him. When you were born again as a child of God, everything necessary for success, for being the head and not the tail, for being above only and not beneath, and for living the victorious life, was birthed in you. Keep seeing and meditating on your true identity in Christ—a beloved, righteous child of God destined to soar and reign in life. The more you get this into your heart, the more you’ll be able to shut out the voices that try to keep you down and defeated, and live the high life! Joseph Prince
This made me think of Zenny and her 2009 BCC.
You are a female the other horses must have been whispering to her in the barn and on the track. A female cannot beat the males in this race it’s never been done. Don’t even try you are a female. Males are much stronger and faster you can’t do this you are a female. and so on
Guess she had the heart of an eagle too. love you Zenny
maureen phi-llips
Thank you Sue for that beautiful beautiful piece, truly inspirational, and so true. Will try to remember it always and not be limited by my fear of heights. It is well, remain Blessed today and always.
Rafael Sanchez
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moss, and the great “Team Zenyatta” at wonderful “Lane’s End Farm”, CONGRATULATIONS on a an amazing idea, creating the “Zenyatta Celebration Day” !
The incredible feats of Zenyatta are still very much alive in the minds and hearts of the people that truly love the sport, it’s only been 3 years since she retired. But time passes by very quickly and tend to fade away the memories of the “new generations”, that is why is so important that events like this happen, because they create an awareness on how incredibly great she was and her incomparable achievements as a race horse !
Last December I visited Lane’s End Farm, flying all the way from Venezuela (my home country), I was told that I would not be able to see her, but I went anyway, and the strangest thing happened to me, being on the same land where she lived, looking at the direction of where her stable is, my heart was so in joy, that I felt a connection so deep, that although my eyes never got to see her, my heart 100% did !!! And since then, my heart always tells me, that one day, my eyes will get to see her !
That’s how special she will always be to me !!!
All the love and my very best wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Moss, the amazing Team Zenyatta, the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm and of course my love ZENYATTA !!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a wonderful post Rafael! I am in tears . . . . . I also visited Lane’s End just to “breathe the same air” but my experience wasn’t quite so transformative. I should have tried harder to feel her presence.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rafael:
Beautiful post. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Here’s hoping that you wish comes true and you get to see Zenyatta in all her glory. If I could grant you the wish, Rafael, I would.
maureen phi-llips
Good morning to all my Z nation family, it is a bright new dawn, a bright new day, here is wishing you all my dearest family the Blessings of the Lord and an awesome weekend.
To the Queen and her Prince’s, much love always, to her parents, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for always sharing your gal. To Lanesend Staffers, thank you for taking care of our Queen and her brood, though Prince CoZ is no longer there but off to school, you made his stay there such fun. To Alys, thanks for all the photo’s and to all the others that post video’s or photo’s, thanks for a great job. So often I forget to thank those that do so much for me so, thanks again to all.
LOL to all.
Here’s my latest from THE VAULT. ENJOY!!!!
Janet Newman
Thanks Abigail,
Phar Lap was a magnificent champion.
So sad that others did everything in such malicious ways to keep him from winning.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Love, love your piece on Phar Lap. Saw the movie of his life some time ago and cried and cried at the end. What a spectacular horse he was. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks so much Judy & Janet! I’m so pleased you both enjoyed it. I just loved researching this story and I’m a HUGE Phar Lap lover! HUGS
Thank you Abigail for such a wonderful article about Phar Lap. I especially liked the film footage of him I had never seen. I believe you had written before about the large heart gene…and Phar Lap did have a large heart. I never knew anything about him until I watched the film Phar Lap. It is a tear jerker but the connection between the horse and groom along with the entire story is captivating. If you haven’t seen the film, it can be played in its entirety on Youtube. The Australian version starts with his death and then goes into his story. Get out the Kleenex….