Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Maryp NY
I checked in just when I needed a lift and sure did get one. Ann and Zenyatta, beautiful together.
Cozmic One looking so big and handsome.
How wonderful it is for them to visit Coz and Zenyatta on the anniversary of BC 2009.
Such special people. So thankful to them.
Coz looks awesome. I hope he matures enough to run as a two year old. But if he doesn’t John will know when he is ready. So next year John will have two of Zennys family in training Coz and Ebby. The picture of Ann and Zenny is beautiful, you can just feel the Love flowing out of it. Thanks Team Z for all the pictures and updates.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Zenny must have been just thrilled to see to see her human family. I firmly believe that they don’t forget these human connections ever. I’m so pleased that they make the time to honor her and her achievements.
watch the video of the 2009 Classic nearly everyday and still cry when I see her win. I just love her so much
I never get tired of watching that race, it gives me goosebumps every time!
It just kills me because I was supposed to be there for that race. My Mom died and I had to cancel. Doubly devastating. Thanks so much for giving 5 lucky people the opportunity to meet Z. I will love her forever!
Now I am HEARTBROKEN to learn that the five winners were selected and apparently I was not one of them.
Hi there Zenny, COZ, Z-13 and Z Family.
COZ — you look like such a big lad now and it must have been exciting to see Ann & Jerry, as well as meeting John again. I hope you had great news to share with them as to how your training is going!
ZENNY — It always warms my heart to see you with Ann. The love just pours off the screen and right into me when I look at these pictures. And I’m thinking about your no-longer-little REDHEAD too. It will be fun waiting for next week’s post with new photos and the HUGE excitement of hearing the names of all the winners from your BC Party. How wonderful that 5 lucky pairs will get to meet you in person!!!!!
As for life here in Montreal, I did enjoy the Breeders’ Cup and was deeply impressed by DANK, DECLARATION OF WAR & THE FUGUE’s efforts, “MOOCHIE’S” Classic win and the lovely CHRISELLIAN (Juv. Fillies Turf). I was equally thrilled by GROUPIE DOLL’s repeat win, the brilliant MIZDIRECTION and, of course, WISE DAN. I sure don’t love our own less, but I am a huge follower of thoroughbreds in the UK and Australia, so it’s always a thrill to see them “in person” at the BC.
Fall is almost over now here, gorgeous as it was and we Canadians are trying to absorb a number of outrageous political events, the most publicized of which has to be the antics of Toronto mayor ROB FORD who has (finally) confessed to smoking crack cocaine. But there’s also the matter of 3 dishonest Senators and a possibly cover-up in the Prime Minister’s office of involvement in hushing up their over-spending. And, in Montreal, we’ve had 2 mayors in a row tied up with the Mafia, largely construction bosses. Which would explain the horrendous state of our roads …. another pothole literally swallowed up a car last week and all the bridges accessing Montreal, which is on an island, are falling down.
On the home front, Daisy Devine (aka The Doodlebug) has had over 200 hits on YouTube for her BC Preview! The kitties are ambivalent about all the attention she’s getting but Doodlebug definitely has more of a prance in her dance since I told her.
Other news: I actually sold one of my art pieces 2 weeks ago, even though I’m not quite finished it. When I do, I’ll put a photo of it on Facebook. It’s a piece that’s taken me months to compose & it’s gone through many changes, but what’s nice is that the woman who bought it isn’t a horse person at all but she loved it. Which tells me that I finally rendered it in such a way that it spoke to a wider audience and that makes me really pleased.
Mum continues to be very frail but we now have help going in 5 days per week, with my brother, my son & I taking over on weekends. And Mum seems happy with this arrangement thus far, although I really don’t know how much longer she can stay in the house at this point. And moving her to a residence evokes many complex emotions all around. But we go on, as we must.
I saw this on CBC National news here in Canada last night & thought STING fans would really enjoy it. STING is writing a play related to his last CD “The Last Ship” and the interview touches on his growing up near a famous, now defunct shipyard, his reflections about the “creative spirit” and memories of his dad. The play opens in 2014, first in CHICAGO & then goes to NEW YORK. It’s quite an extraordinary interview. ENJOY!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Congrats on the sale of your art work. Wishing all the best to your Mum. Love and Hugs, JB
HUGS to you Judy. And warmest licks from you-know-who….
Abigail. Just googled Montreal temps. It’s 40 where you are, which is pretty balmy for Canada. Fall ain’t over yet until December 21. Besides Daisy’s a northern dog, part husky? She must thrive in the snow. Waiting for her Christmas video. Red bow might look good on her.
PS: The temp dropped around 12 noon here to chilly. Miss Daisy, it turns out, is a Northern Inuit Dog who actually knows 2 words in INUKTITUK + FRENCH + ENGLISH. Found this out by sheer happen chance. But she does LOVE the snow but doesn’t do well if it’s blowy (those Zenyatta-like ears)!!!! HUGS
Abigail. Antlers beat a bow every time. Hoping for your sake that the snow holds off and fall goes on for a while yet. Say a bonjour to Daisy. She’s got fans now.
maureen phi-llips
just seeing the Queen with her lovely mama gladdens my heart, there is no denying the incredible bond between those two. Those pics should be portraits. How so cute and adorable. Am in love.!!!.
And then, there’s my sweet handsome Prince CoZmic One, always so regal like his parents with those kind eyes of his, precious. God Bless them and all my Z nation family. We are so Blessed to have this wonderful experience.
How is the little Prince doing with his brooding handsomeness?, Hope he is having fun and blowing kisses to his mom when he see’s her.
Hope Johnny V is getting better. Our prayers are always with him. It is well.
LOL to all.
Wonderful photographs. The 2009 Breeder’s Cup Classic always brings tear to my eyes and even though I know how it ends I always hold my breath. Greatest “Super Horse” ever! We love you Zenny.
OMGOSH! Forgot to add how your BC win continues to bring tears, BIG GIRL and apparently I’m not alone there!
And: SO THRILLED that EBBY is going back to JOHN and that we get to love her some more!!!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Just heard on TVG that Ebby is “on the ground” at Hollywood Park. Saw a shot of John too! WOO HOO! Unfortunately, his horse, Public Interest, seems to be another one who isn’t crazy about the starting gate – not in the money.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
I saw the race :-( on Cal racing
The Kennedys in San Diego
How exciting! We can hardly wait to see her again.
Wowee!!! 5 of you get to visit queen Z how exciting.Good luck to you all,Happy anniversary Darling Zenyatta,one of the greatest races (and I’ve seen quite a few in my lifetime)ever.You showed the boys that GIRLS RULE!!Coz looks more like his mom each time we see him and you must have been sooo happy to have your Mom and Dad visit you on a special day.Thank you once again, Team Z and Lane’s End, for all you do for Z and us her adoring fans.Hugs Sheena.
I never get tired of seeing the pictures of Ann and Z together. I love seeing the bond….the connection ….they have. Thank you all for the updates on Z and her colts….and for the photos and videos. God Bless you all for your kindness to us fans!!
sue and tony
Everytime we see a picture of Ann and her Zenny together we are reminded of a very unique relationjship these two have forged. And, Coz looks amazing…we are sure he is learning his lessons well and will be ready for whatever comes his way. It’s especially heartwarming to know the celebration was so successful because only good will come from all the $ raised. Congrats to those who won the meeting with our Queen…and to think the Mosses selected five winners just shows how much they appreciate the fans. We hope 13Z s enjoying these fall days on the farm. We continue to be blessed to be involved in the lives of Zenny and her boyz.
Mary McCrea
Love watching her run! Only horse I have ever watched who was so unchallenged; she runs every race with her ears forward. Makes me think as she is running she is thinking, “hope the angles are right for the finish photos! Oh, and John did polish my feet so they will be shiny. Oh and my mane and tail, we did make sure to put on the detangler. Looks so much better in photos when the little things are taken care of!”
Zenyatta really is and was the Super Woman! Love her!
Mary…I think you’ve got it exactly right! LOL.
Perky Green
I too shall never forget the 2009 Breeders Cup Classic. What a race Zenny ran,I watch this race often and never tire of it what a thriller.I am not so patiently waiting for Coz to hit the track. I’am so hoping he will carry his family legacy on and on and on. GOD knows it’s in his blood. May all in Zenny’s family stay healthy and sound through out all endevours.
Zenny, you and Ann are kindred spirits and have been from the beginning. Any picture of you two together just makes me smile. It’s thrilling to hear the celebration was so successful because much good will come from the funds that were raised. The link to your 2009 BC win is still as thrilling to watch now as it was when it happened. Zenny you are still “unbelievable”. And, Coz seems to be enjoying his new life at the Mayberry’s and must be the most perfect student. After all, Zenny was his first teacher and we know how great she is at everything she does. I can’t forget to give 13Z shoutout. Hope you are doing well our Red Prince. Enjoy these beautiful fall days with your pals in the paddock.
Wonderful update,love the pictures! Coz is gorgeous. Love seeing Z with her mom too! So sweet. :)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Z Team and Lane’s End:
Thank you so very much for including her fans in Z’s life and in the lives of her babies. The Zenyatta Celebration over the BC weekend was great fun and congratulations to the Lucky Five. A dream come true to meet the Queen. Hope they tell us all about it on Z’s Blog. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
PS: COZ looks great and I love the photos of Z and Ann. Thank you. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful photos of Cozmic One, Zenyatta and Ann. It was nice to hear John made the trip to Ocala — hopefully Coz will be in John’s barn next spring.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Watching Zenyatta’s magnificent triumph in the 2009 BC Classic gave us goosebumps. We knew that day at Santa Anita we would never see another race that could compare.
Alex Bowdoin
Darn…I guess I did not WIN a Meet and Greet with Z…..still on my bucket list!!!! Congrats to those who will get to meet her!!! I hope you are “Newbies” and have not met her before….Give her a Big Kiss from me or at least a nice stroke of love on her neck…LOT OF HUGS TO ALL
I wish we could buy a ticket to visit. I could forgo a vacation trip, making a house payment, paying my taxes, home owners insurance and property taxes all that stuff. One visitor a month in a few years maybe we could get in? What do you think Team Z it could be a great money maker for the rescue.
love you Zenny Sue
Maybe one of Zenny’s boys will make a big splash like there Mum at the BC someday!
That is the best race ever. I have a few more that I love but Zenny’s was the BEST.
Nice pics of Coz he looks great.
Coz I Can 2015
What to say….sincerest thanks to Team Z for letting us visit her life. It still must amaze ya’ll that there are SO many of us out here who still care about her and her foals.
A happy life to all.
Catherine Uher
I am so filled with joy and love at these beautiful pictures!!!! I will be traveling to the KY area in the next couple of weeks before I have to go back on active status on the heart transplant list and I am hoping to have the honor and blessing to meet my beloved Zenyatta before I am too sick to travel anywhere!!! I love you sweet girl so much!!!! <3 <3 <3 Oh, and isn't your first baby just so handsome!!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of him and 13Z!!!!! So precious!!!! #PrayingToMeetZenyatta #NeedANewHeart #StayStrong #BeBrave
Love you with all my heart my sweet girl!!!!
Deana from Texas
I would send a message to the Z Team thru Lane’s End about your predicament. They have accommodated people with serious medical conditions before. It is worth a try. If not, no harm no foul. At least you tried since you will be there soon.
Irene Caty
Just love watching Zenyatta’s Breeders cup race of 2009 any time and it always gives me a thrill. That was the most un-forget-able race of all time and it couldn’t have come from a more loving, great horse than Beautiful Zenyatta. So glad to see that you made a visit to see Cozmic One and Zenyatta. Coz looks like he is going to be a big boy like his MOM. You can see from the pictures that Zenyatta likes when you visit her and still is very affectionate. Z always keeps her rare great personality. Love to all and special kisses to Zenyatta. Will be looking forward to more pictures next week, Thanks!
Ann NC
Thanks, Team Z. Beautiful photos. Coz, hope you still enjoy your Jolly Ball.
Enjoying all of the BC stories, glad all of you Dumplings had a big time!
Ebby, am happy for you.
Luv ya, Zenny.
Has anyone noticed that Zenyatta ran a mile and a quarter faster in that race than Frankel? She was on turns, not a straight race course, and had no pacemaker to clear the traffic away. Zenyatta is the best.
carol in arkansas
Hi Zenny……say hi to “Sweets” for us….
I saw some comments that said……”guess I didn’t win”….but have the winners been announced?…..if so I misssed it….
@Max……did you see Perfect Drift? …he is now a pony ….first day at work was today …
and the kid won….PD at 14 looks phenomenal ….just saw one picture on fb….searching for video ….he was lots bigger than the runner he escorted …gotta love those Big D’s
I just love the feeling that comes out of seeing Ann with Z….talk about two beings perfectly in tune with each other….
Love and good fortune to all
carol. Fab news about Perfect Drift. He’ll keep those young race horses in line. They would be wise to listen to what he has to tell. He’s second only to Lava Man as a millionaire pony horse. I’m glad that he has a new career. Big D would approve.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I couldn’t figure it out either Carol, and then I saw an “update” to this post that says the winners were notified on Tuesday. Sure hope that some of them were peeps like me who never saw her “live” in the past and that there will be another chance down the road to see my “horse of a lifetime.”
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
Hi Sandy!
I didn’t get an email :-(