Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you Lola Mae, Charlie,Hudson and all the sweeties. Sleep well. Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties
The great gray Giacomo (Moss) is heading to Maryland. This new farm is on the site of the former Windfields, Maryland, which was home to Northern Dancer. Best wishes to Giacomo and the others on their new home.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for sharing this article on Giacomo. Beautiful Gray. Hugs, JB
JudyB. I once heard one of the Adena Springs staff talk about him. Giacomo is a special horse. He likes Jerry Moss to visit. He listens carefully for Mr. Moss to open up the wrappers on his peppermints and, when he hears this, he comes running for his treats. Giacomo has a very nice temperament.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
There is a video of him I will try to find. The groom was saying that he plays “catch me if you can” with him when he goes to bring him in at the end of the day. Will post it when I find it. He’s a real beauty. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Here’s the video and insight into Giacomo’s personality. Great temperament. Hugs, JB
Absolutely breathtaking! It sounds like he’s well loved too.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great video – thanks Judy (and thanks to Max also for posting the article).
Ann NC
Wonderful news.
Giacomo, make them get you a big Chesapeake Bay Retriever to sleep outside of your stall.
Beautiful, beautiful country.
Thanks for the news, Max. Thanks JB for the video and story.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Love the idea of a dog buddy for G. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. That is the video. Sounds like Adena Springs is another good place to live. Heard an interview with a horse trainer who was first hired by Frank Stronach as an apprentice. The interview for the job was held in a barn at Adena Springs Canada while Stronach was cleaning out a horse’s stall by himself. Stronach knows the horse business from the stall up, so that I believe those comments about him by the horse manager in the video about Giacomo.
Terry Crow
The only ;problem I have with this is that Giacomo’s sons and daughters will now be Maryland breds rather than Cal breds.
Dear Max Thanks for pic of Moosie, Nigel got fined £140 by the stewards, seems he used a bell to get our boy moving.Dave one of his owners says it was a step in the right direction!Moosie is lapping up all the adulation.
Good to hear about Giacomo going back to Northern Dancer’s old home.I wonder when Moosie’s next outing will be??? hugs Sheena
Sheena. This is funny. Moosie runs on the jumps from the sound of a bell. Someone should tell him that he will get a bigger lunch if he wins a race. On the other hand, Moosie is just looking out for his own safety and I don’t blame him. You are right that his fan base is increasing. Part of the reason is that he is one very handsome ole chestnut. No doubt he will let us know when he will appear again.
Mullins says that the Fly will improve as the season rolls on. Apparently the Fly put on some weight during his summer holidays, but he remains as coltish as ever. Did you notice the cotton balls in his ears like Zenyatta? Quevega wears them too.
Ann NC
Thanks for the update, Sheena. Poor , Nigel, trying his best.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
The only thing I would change is the No. 2 Choice. Taking nothing away from the grit shown by Blame, I would give the 2010 BCC to Zenyatta as well. She ran the race of her life. What a performance. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry Crow
No argument with either of you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Found that video on Giacomo and posted it on Page 10. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Here’s a great article on Giacomo. Look how dark his coat was when he won the Derby in ’05 compared to now. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
He is so beautiful,
thank you for the link.
hugs Ingrid.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
You’re so welcome. Hope you are doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
I am a littler bit better, thank you for asking.
Big hug Ingrid.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That was a nice piece, Judy, I didn’t know that much detail on his nature and exploits, Thanks!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B, Marshall and Janet:
Glad you enjoyed the video and the article on Giacomo. He’s got a great personality.
Janet, I know what you mean. Taking nothing away from Giacomo’s Derby win, Afleet Alex proved he was the real deal going on to win the Preakness and the Belmont. Love him too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this article on Giacomo. He has really gotten lighter, but he was a beauty when dark grey and still a beauty (maybe more so) as light grey with dapples. Love the descriptions of his personality — what a “lovebug”!
Bunches of Hugs
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for this. So enjoyed seeing it again. He’s such a pretty gray isn’t he.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, he is. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Kind of like my hair.
Linda in NJ
Thanks for sharing. What a handsome horse!
Janet Newman
Loved the video Judy B, Giacomo broke my heart when he beat Afleet Alex, but I do admit I have developed an affection for this guy over the years.
Terry Crow
Janet-Agree. Afleet Alex does not get nearly the credit he deserves.
Alex Bowdoin
Not at all! I have wanted Z to be bred to him since the beginning. He may be small in size, but HUGE in Heart and Talent!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sure wish I could be in Lynhartsville, Pa on Nov. 24. They are having Open House at Dana Point Farm. Wiseman’s Ferry will be in the spotlight. What a beautiful horse.
Sure wish Mr Fink would carry Lisa Danelle to visit him again. I’ll just keep hoping. Sure would like to see another Colt or Filly by these two.
November 19 Cherokee Devotional
Anyone who has ever woven a basket, pieced a quilt, or painted a picture knows how satisfying it is to mix the colors and fibers and textures. One or two shapes of colors may not make a picture, but as more are added each day, more of the design is revealed.
Events are woven into life the same way. Some of the strands may be weak and some of the fibers seem colorless. There may be no real design, and we may find ourselves working with drab and unattractive pieces. Limited vision discourages us and makes us think we have not done one exciting thing.
Given time, we find the quiet tones of life, the times that seemed colorless are suddenly important and worth recalling. Excitement is a minor feature on the face of existence and is not the most important part of real living. But if we gather all that we have experienced in life, we will make a serviceable quilt and paint a picture of contentment. In short, we will make a good life.
I am the man that makes it rain.
-Lone Wolf, Kiowa
Ann NC
Very nice, Kathy, thank you.
You’re welcome, Ann. Happy Tuesday!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
You’re welcome, Judy. Kathy pats for Charlie!
You all please remember my daughter and her father in your prayers. He is ill with lung and brain cancer and she is trying to take care of all that entails. She lives out of state so it is really stressful. I am helping all I can, but it is really a problem since we are looking at radiation and chemo. I won’t be on much for a week or so.
But—Bless Muchie!
Prayers going up for you, your daughter and her dad. I’m so sorry.
I’m sorry…that should be “Shirlee.”
Janet Newman
Keeping you, your daughter and her father in my thoughts and prayers.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Prayers for you and your family Shirlee. Will be thinking of you – keep us posted.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
So sorry for you, your daughter and her father. Please know I will keep all of you in my prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
shirlee-It is unfortunate for you that you are in the middle of this situation. Good luck during this time and may God bless all of you.
Ingrid Arnone
OH! Dear so sorry to hear about your father illness,
My prayers are for him, I wish him the best!
Hugs Ingrid.
Linda in NJ
I am so sorry for your family. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
God Bless.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
So sorry to hear of your problems. I’m sending prayers for you and your daughter and her father for strength to see this thru. hugs
Alex Bowdoin
Sending Prayers to you and your family…HUGS
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Will keep you, your daughter and her father in my thoughts and prayers. So sorry about this. Please take care and feel the love from this blog.
Blessings to you and family. Hugs
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Shirlee
I will keep all of you in my prayers
Bluegrass Girl
Thoughts & prayers with you & your family during this difficult time.
Sending a hug, BGG
Ann NC
Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Shirlee.
Hugs, Ann
Dear Kathy I think Lone Wolf must live in Wales, with all the rain we get!that said it’s sunny and cold today.Poor Boo he didn’t get an extra cookie,who could look at that face and not give him a treat!Ray is up! Love and hugs to you Holly,Sugar and Nikko Sheena
Dear Sheena,
That’s funny! I certainly wouldn’t be able to deny Boo anything with those beautiful pleading eyes and that adorable face. Will go look in on Ray. Another sweetie!
Have a great day. Hugs from me, kisses from The Pack.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I found Boo on Facebook but I can’t find Ray anywhere. Can you folks give me a hint? Sounds like a place I’d like to visit :-)
Sandy, it’s Ray Charles the Golden Retriever. He’s BEAUTIFUL!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Aaaaah! Finally found it – thanks Kathy. I see he also has a website with lots of merchandise. Think Hovis needs to look into this – wouldn’t it be cool to have a Hovis mug or something?
I would LOVE some kind of merchandise featuring Hovis! Great idea!
Dear Shirlee God be with you in these difficult times He alone will give you the strength . Keeping your daughter and her father in my thoughts and prayers.hugs Sheena. Keep us posted
Dear Heidi Hope I’ve got the right date.A very Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy and have fun. Hugs Sheena
Shirlee you and your family are in my prayers.
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Thank you Sheena. I’ve had a great bday weekend and week so far. Cindy’s been surprising me left and right and tonight, she’s taking me out for dinner. :)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Happy B’Day, Heidi — I hope that dinner was good!
Ann NC
Hope your Birthday week is a great one, Heidi, our cappin buddy!
Terry Crow
Heidi-Here’s hoping that your birthday was the best one ever.
Bluegrass Girl
Happy Birthday, Heidi & many more!
Cindy is such a loving caring spouse–you are blessed!
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Some of our closest friends were at the dinner which, was a surprise. I told Cindy that this is a topper! She’s gone out of her way to make my 40th so very special. I’m still on cloud 9.
Thank you for all the happy bday wishes. I love my Z family! You’re the best!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
Dear Sandy Glad you got to find Ray,most of these animals I find on Facebook (except Hovis) have goods to sell.Would be a great idea for Hovis.If you like cats I have a list! Love and hugs Sheena
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you,Lola Mae Charlie, Hudson and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC,HT and all the Sweeties
Linda in NJ
Hey Zenny
What a nice surprise you had to see your mom Ann. Coz looks great. Can you tell us about when we can expect him to enter his first race. I am thinking maybe this time next year.
Bluegrass Girl
Megan Surprised with her long lost horse Published on Nov 19, 2013
Megan has been searching for this horse, last tribute, for 4 years. He was claimed from the barn she worked from and has been bouncing around bush league tracks ever since. He changed hands, owner and trainer, and was passed around like a bad joke.
Yesterday she thought we were waiting around the track for a horse for me to train to ship. But I had a surprise for her!
After 4 years, they’re finally reunited!
Mike Mehak gave his GF Megan an early Christmas present.
Megan had been the groom for this horse as a 3 year old.
Then he moved from trainer to trainer until Mike tracked him down.
Here is how he describes himself on Twitter
real Mike Mehak. Broke down, fat ex-jock, learning farrier trade. Views expressed are for comedic purposes only. They may/may not represent my actual feelings.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Merry Christmas Megan!
BGG. You have found many interesting articles and videos for us. This story must rank with the best. It is a total joy to learn this. Another grand ole chestnut is home.
Bluegrass Girl
What a lovely thing to say! Thank you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
What a heartwarming story. Thanks for posting it. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, BGG, her surprise & joy was moving. It doesn’t get much better, to find the one you’ve been looking for.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks so much for this video. What a great surprise for Megan and what a wonderful gift from Mike Mehak. Last Tribute (Alfie) is a beautiful guy — a grand ole chestnut who has found his forever home!
Ann NC
Thanks, BGG. Lucky boy!
Sheena, Ann, JudyB, Kathy and all Moosie fans. This is another video version of Moosie’s race with great shots of the beginning with our Moosie standing still. Nigel was really urging on the reluctant Moose. However you can also see that the Moose has excellent form when he decides to race and may just need more real estate in which to show his stuff. He was running very well at the end. Maybe needs 3 miles or to start on cue?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for this great video, although I watch the jump races through my fingers covering my eyes. Can’t bear it when they go down. I wonder what it is that Moosie’s thinking at the start, when he just stands still. Gotta love him. Hugs, JB
JudyB. He might have studied Zenyatta and is giving the other horses a head start. He has to study her technique more and see that she could close and win even when far behind and “dead last”. He hasn’t got that part down yet. LOL!
Bluegrass Girl
Francesca tweet with Photo
Mad Moose…actually moving!
Confirmation that Moosie raced!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Maybe that’s it. He’ll figure it out. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, Max and BGG. Moosie made up some serious ground.
Another half mile and no telling? Reach for it Moosie…wow, gorgeous!
Wow, that was really thrilling to watch! Thank you, Max!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Max. Moosie makes me shake my head — no wonder his trainer chased him down the course, to get him going! Seems like “racing” almost makes no sense to him. Have they tried a carrot on a stick yet, out in front of him?
Terry Crow
Max-Do people actually bet on these races?
TC. Yes indeed. One of these days Moosie is going to win against the odds with a big payout.
Terry Crow
When he does win somebody will be able to retire with the profits made by betting on him.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Max – it was easier to see him in this version (and he DID seem to be getting it together there toward the end so more real estate to work with might actually work!).
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
After you all have spoken about Moosie, I had to bite. That was too funny. He was just standing there like, yah, and you want me to do what?? Seeing his trainer chase him was funny.
Alex Bowdoin
To JB, I just LOVE Afleet Alex and I pray that Z will be bred to him next. It is a good match!! He has so much Heart and will to win, like our girl!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Alex:
Love him too. Would be a beautiful foal. Love and Hugs, JB
sue and tony
We have always loved this guy, too. He always ran like a champ and we will never forget him almost falling to his knees and regrouping to win a big one!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue and Tony:
That was a heart stopping moment. What an athlete to right himself and go on to win the Preakness. Kudos to jockey, Jeremy Rose, for staying in the saddle too. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max Very much doubt whether Moose would have run were it not for the bell and Nigel! Simonsig tweeted today he had to lay down(the shock)of Moosie getting more mentions than him!!Hurricane Fly and Quevega are in the running for Irish horse of the year, she only runs twice a year!! Have you voted in the Vox Populi I gave my vote to Wise Dan, think it’ll be between him and MMM. I just cant help loving the Moose and his quirkiness Hugs Sheena
Sheena. Moose is now the king of social media. The fans love him. Watch out Kauto. Maybe Moosie has the message now from Nigel that he needs to run on the track and not just stand there. At the very least, he jumped well and kept going. Progress!
Hoping that the Fly or Quevega wins as Irish HOY. Quevega may run only twice a year but she always wins. There are however some mighty fine horses in that contest.
I voted for Danny in the Vox as I cannot ever go against Dan. Who can resist a chestnut these days? Speaking of which, Willie Mullins has Annie Power entered at Ascot. She is a very big chestnut filly who is unbeaten in her 7 races. Mullins thinks that she has the scope to do anything. Hope that he is right.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I voted for Dan too. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sheena, Max, & Judy,
Even though I bet Debbie G. will go for Groupie Doll, I had to vote for Wise Dan in the Vox Populi, as he helped win me my Exacta in the BC., which I will never forget.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B:
So many deserving horses, but I just had to go with Dan. Love and Hugs, JB
Here is Annie Power. Lovely chestnut.
Here is Zenyatta’s entry in Sporthorse data. It contains a photo of her with Tasty ever on guard. Click on the symbols next to some of the names of her ancestors to see her relatives. Nice shots of Kris S and Roberto.
sue and tony
Very interesting, Max. No wonder our Zenny is the Queen. She sure has some royal blood running through her veins. There will be such excitement when her boyz hit the track …Coz will be closely watched by millions and will our red Prince.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you for this link. Did you see the name of Kris S’ Dam; Sharp Queen. How appropriate. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very cool to see it like this – thanks Max! I still think that Roberto might be the source of “the ears.”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
She’s a beauty. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks Max. Annie Power is something else! Wow!
Annie Power is jumping at Ascot against males, such as Zarkander. Hoping that she does well. Power up Annie Power.
Bluegrass Girl
Terry Crow
Wow! Don’t think I have add this is basketball
John Clay tweet on Tues. Nov. 19
Final: Kentucky 105, Texas-Arlington 76
Terry Crow
Texas-Arlington? That school probably has a total enrollment of 60, 25 of which are on the basketball team.
Bluegrass Girl
Brian Zipse @Zipseatthetrack tweet Tues. Nov. 19
I do not expect to see Royal Delta in the Cigar Mile field …
waiting for the official retirement announcement.
So, be on the lookout for an announcement!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for all the great links and updates you give us. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Thanks for the comment and especially the hug & love.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Latest Blog from Barbara Livingston. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Just realized there is a photo of Secret Compass and Paynter. She is the baby that was euthanized. Heartbreaking. Hugs, JB
Nothing beats the highs in TB horse racing and conversely nothing can compare to the heartbreak whenever one of these beloved creatures is lost way before its time.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
The very sad part of racing. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing, JB. It is sad but glad BL captured that great moment!
Love, love, love them all! What a great BC! The jockeys , Stevens and Smith made it extra special!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann and Sandy:
In one way it’s good that BL captured Secret Compass and Paynter in such an adorable pose. We can remember her happy and well.
Sandy your photos of BC day were beautiful and made me feel I was there. The one of Z’s statue was a gift; almost as good as seeing it up close. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Stunning photos – thanks Judy. Barbara Livingston was there when a lot of us were still in bed, and seeing these close-ups is simply amazing (my view was a bit more “wide angle” – ha!).
Bluegrass Girl
Team Zenyatta @TeamZenyatta
Celebration Stickers are shipping today! #zenyattaparty2013
FYI-This is a tweet posted on the right side.of the Blog & of course on Twitter
Wanted to make sure that everyone would see it.
November 20 Cherokee Devotional
Curious, I watched a bird perched in the top of an oak tree that has only a smattering of leaves remaining. The bird sat very still. It seemed to turn its head so that its beak showed plainly. It should have moved more than it did because only an owl would sit that still, and it was too small to be an owl. I watched at intervals but nothing changed. A large number of blackbirds flew over and some of them landed in the tree. Was it a blue jay? Any other bird would have flown, but it did not. After awhile, I realized it was not a bird at all, no matter how much it had looked to be.
How many times have we judged something to be a certain way? Very often, things are not as they appear. We can be so sure and insist on what we think is real, and it isn’t real at all. Our sight and our insight are tangled and we make a judgment that has no substance. How can any of us have accurate vision without the Spirit to guide us?
When I make peace, it is a long and lasting one-there is no end to it.
-Satanta, Kiowa
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
How beautiful and insightful all of these Native American Devotionals are. Thank you for sharing them. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Love and hugs back to you. I’m so glad you like them.
Dear Kathy A beautiful post,am learning so much about the Native Americans and their way of life.Wish we had some Californian sunshine is so cold and wet over here!Ray looked so cute helping Momma wive the weaves!!!Hugs to you and the puppy pack Sheena
Dear Sheena,
It’s supposed to rain here the next few days. Even thunder is expected tomorrow. The Pack will be terrified. Ray is just adorable. I also loved the shot of him at dusk.
Happy Wednesday!
Hugs from me, kisses from The Pack.
Bluegrass Girl
Champion Royal Delta retired from racing
By David Grening Daily Racing Form 11/20/2013 12:14PM
Royal Delta, a 10-time graded stakes winner and two-time Eclipse Award champion, has been retired from racing, her connections announced Wednesday.
Breeding plans for Royal Delta were not yet finalized as of Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, Royal Delta was vanned from Payson Park to owner Benjamin Leon’s Besilu Farm in Ocala, Fla
Bluegrass Girl
Daily Racing Form @DRFInsidePost tweet
Trainer Bill Mott: “I never retired a horse that looked as good as she does.
You could probably lead her over there tomorrow.” #RoyalDelta
Bluegrass Girl
Jay Privman DRF tweets on Wed. Nov. 20 2013 UPDATE
Centralinteligence, who suffered fracture in BC Dirt Mile & had surgery, doing well,
may even race again late next year, per trainer Ellis.
Marshall (NC broad)
Good news, BGG!
Thanks a whole lot — power up Centralinteligence!