Happy Thursday!
November 7th is particularly special to us, as it’s the anniversary of Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup Classic win. In honor of this day we’re re-releasing Jamie Corum’s Zenyatta: Breeders’ Cup Gold in the Zenyatta Shop.

We were at Mayberry Farm in Ocala yesterday visiting Cozmic One. Coz looks great, and Ann, Jerry, and John were thrilled to observe his morning routine.
Today we’re at Lane’s End with Zenyatta, and we told her all about the incredibly successful 2013 Zenyatta.com Celebration. The winners and results will be released once all prizes are claimed, but we want to thank each and every fan who participated. Thanks to you, this weekend was even more fun than we had hoped! The Celebration Sticker and Invitation To Meet Zenyatta were so popular that we decided to draw five winners—Zenyatta can’t wait to meet you!
We’ll update the blog next week with many more photos from this trip!
Update: The five winners of our Invitation To Meet Zenyatta drawing were chosen and notified on Tuesday, November 5.

In the meantime, don’t forget to watch Zenyatta’s 2009 Breeders’ Cup run today. We love you, Z!
Dear Kathy Such a beautiful post. The Native Americans are far wiser than us. We should have listened. Poor Ray had to call Daddy for his food !!naughty!Looks as if he’s going to have a great 1st birthday on dec 8th.Have a great sunday Hugs to you and the puppy pack Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Ray is just adorable. Such a beautiful dog as is his bruddah. That’s one birthday party I would LOVE to attend. I’m sure we’ll see videos.
Have a wonderful day.
Hugs from me, kisses from The Pack
Dear Max and Ann The Fly has got the new record of 17 grade 1 victories!!!! Ruby had to shake him up but he’s a class act.4-timer for Ruby and Willie.Now for the Moose!! Hugs Sheena
Ann NC
That is FANTASTIC! Thank you, Sheena for the update. Wonderful accomplishment for, The Fly, Willie and Ruby!
Sounds like, Moosie is off and running….yeah! Would love to see, Nigel chasing him out from the start!
A howl at the moon is in order then!
Sheena and Ann. I am happy beyond measure. That little horse is one tough customer. World record breaking win puts him ahead of greats like Kauto Star and John Henry. Here he is doing it, and acting up as usual at the end. The Fly is wild!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for that, Max and Sheena! Nice win for #17 G1’s. And still spunky at the end, too.
Dear Max Think Nigel is more out of breath than Moosie chasing him at the start, he did decide to start finally, McCoy got the winner on Kid Cassidy and Moose was brilliant he beat His Excellancy Yay!!!Hugs Sheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Ann, Max and Z Fans:
So happy for Moosie. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena and loyal Moose fans. Moosie ran! it’s a miracle. Here is the video. He looks very well turned out and a credit to his groom. Handsome ole chestnut. Next time.
Great interview with AP.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Max, for providing the “glimpse” of Moosie. Perhaps he doesn’t realize that you have to be a bit more “forwardly placed” to remain on the camera. At least he started – maybe next time will be even better :-)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That was great, Max — Kid Cassidy getting it near the end, and Moosie delivered a complete race, not the last one home, either!
Vicki B. Fly’s trainer said that the Fly is always “coltish”. Last spring he bite his trainer before a big race in England. Mullins made the mistake of turning his back on the Fly just for a second while giving him a drink of water and got a bite on his behind for his trouble. He could not sit down after that.
Nicki Boyd-Clouston1
Hi: In response to posts on Black Jack. Fort Myer offered the horse to Jackie as a gift but she declined, saying that he was better off where he was doing what he did best. Black Jack clearly was one of the most famous horses in US history. I have a book written about him & there are photos of him with his biggest fan & her gifts of a cake every year on his birthday. He couldn’t be ridden as it caused him a lot of pain. He was a beautiful horse.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Nicki,
Thank You so much for your post also. The article I read wasn’t clear on why Jackie didn’t get him. It just said she had wanted him. Thank you for explaining it. I will have to find a book about him. Want to read more.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Hmmm, I read something that said Jackie tried to buy him after he retired, but was told she couldn’t. So there are some missing pieces to the whole story. I hope we find out
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Vicki
The article I read said that Jackie’s request to buy Black Jack was considered. It ended with pretty much just that. It did say she was given his saddle and other things of his.
There are some missing pieces. I hope we find out too.
Peggy and other Big O fans. Some news of Orfevre, waiting to run again at the end of next month. Most of the news is about upcoming Japan Cup.
Ann NC
Thank you, Max. Very exciting.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max
You have just made my day. Thank You so much for the info on Orfevre. It has been scarce lately. I am so hoping he runs in the Arima Kinen. I think the date is Dec. 22nd. Just can not wait to see him. Will be counting the days.
It sounds like the Japan Cup is going to be great too. Some really good horses in that race.
Oh, and Thank you again too for the race on the previous page on which Hurricane Fly won. Beautiful Horse.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
OMG, didn’t mean to leave out the video of Moosie. Such a beauty. Great Great Video’s
Thank you.
Dear Max,
Moosie takes my breath away. What a gorgeous horse. Thank you!!!
Kathy. JudyB once said that Moosie bears a strong resemblance to her Charlie.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Kathy:
Max, thank you for the videos of Moosie and Orfevre. Too Grand Ole Chestnuts. So glad that Moosie made an effort.
Kathy the first photo is Moosie and the second photo is my Charlie. What do you think of the resemblance? Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Here’s another photo of Charlie. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Kathy and Z Fans:
Charlie in his bell boots. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
OOPs: Meant Two Grand Ole Chestnuts. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Yes! I definitely see a resemblance of your Charlie to Moosie. He’s very handsome!!!
Hugs, Kathy
Terry Crow
Judy-Charlie is a fine looking horse and not too spoiled. There is a definite resemblance.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
I get your subtle hint; Charlie is TOO spoiled. Guilty as charged and so is Angela. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Judy, I’m glad to see picutres of Charlie, and put “a face” to the name. He’s a good-looker, and he and Moosie could be cousins. Thanks,
JudyB. I hope that you realize that the next step for Charlie is his own twitter account like Moosie. They could be twins. Same attitude?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B and Max:
Yes, Charlie and Moosie do resemble each other and they do share a similar personality too.
Max, I don’t know about a Twitter account for Charlie, but I do know he’s on Angela’s Facebook page. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Yes, Judy! Charlie and Moosie could be related!
Similar personalities too, huh? What fun!
Love and Hugs
A very sad end to a sensational day for Willie Mullins and Ruby Walsh when Sanctuaire fell while schooling and had to be put to sleep.Formerly with Paul Nicholls he raced a lot against Sprinter Sacre.RIP beautiful boy hugs Sheena
Sheena. Oh no! I know of this horse. This is terrible. You were right that untimely death too often stocks these jumping beauties. RIP Sanctuaire.
Sheena. Here’s the story on Sanctuaire. Horrible. Sounds like they had no choice, but to euthanize. Another freak accident claims a noble talent.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans:
So sad to hear Sanctuaire was euthanized. Too many horrible accidents. RIP beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
RIP Sanctuaire. Another sad loss.
Stories like this are so disheartening, especially since they seem to be getting more and more frequent, and I shed tears for every one of them, the ones I know and the ones I don’t. In my perfect world, these animals would have their same beautiful streamlined bodies but with legs like Hovis… odd looking I’m sure but much more practical… instead of having to run on what seem like matchsticks. A fall or one wrong step can have such tragic results.
This is just too sad.
Marshall (NC broad)
Oh, how very sad, Sheena. Another lovely light gone out much too soon.
RIP beautiful Sanctuaire
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Charlie and Moosie have a little “attitude”. Love it. Hugs, JB
Hi Team Z
Can someone please explain why the stickers have not come. It has been 17 days!
I would appreciate an update.
Thank you
PS could you think about making the sticker a magnet please.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I had ordered a photo. When it was delivered, there was a note saying that the sticker would be shipped in two weeks, So I assume that demand far outstripped their inventory and they’ve had to have more printed.
Dear Max Great to see a re-play of Moosie’s race Nigel has been fined for his”behaviour” at the start.Jim Mcgrath said it’s off to the naughty step for moosie!!We all love him and he did get round and beat another horse so all in all a good day!A great ride from AP,the interviewer Alice is married to Hovis’ friend William Fox-in-a-hole.3 cheers for the Fly. hugs Sheena
Sheena. There were at least two other blokes, as you might call them, chasing after the horses at the start. Were these other trainers or the stewards? Some had what appeared to be canes or whips. Saw Nigel waving his arms while running, but did not see him do much else. What was the problem?
That video of Moose’s race was good. It shows that Moosie is a very handsome rogue. Looks like there are other willful types in his circuit although they call Moose the king of the quirky guys.
Ann NC
I have never seen such a start. Maybe , Moosie was waiting for his hip call to post, ala Richie Sambora or Chenoweth style. I think the visiting BC horses told him about their experience.
Anyway, thanks for the footage of the races, Max. What goes on in his mind?
Ann. Sheena says that Nigel was fined for using a bell to urge Moosie on. Maybe they should try a song from Kirsten. Moose might run at very high speed.
Dear Max We may hear more from Moosie tomorrow about Nigel , trainers don’t really get involved down at the start, is usually staff at the course who deal with quirky horses. Mullins had a 7 timer today and the bookmakers were glad to see the back of Ruby after his 5 winners.,I didn’t know Sanctuaire had left Paul he was a lovely young horse, very sad. hugs Sheena
Sheena. I once thought that it was going to be Gary, the horse psychologist, who might urge Moose to run. Someone tweeted on Sam’s account that it was not surprising that Moose took off and ran after all that waving from Nigel. Moosie must be unique among horses because he’s more popular now than ever. He is getting more publicity for Middleham Racing than the winners.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Z Friends
I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit with Cozmic One recently. Wanted to share
He is absolutely beautiful. More beautiful in person. There is just something very special about him. I got to see him get a bath and I got to feed him some carrotts. Just got to hang out with him a little bit. Was just wonderful. It was early morning . He seems to be so well behaved and they told me that he loves it in Ocala. I just loved seeing the training track and the viewing stand. Just loved the farm
To: The Mayberry’s, thank you so much it is just beautiful there. Coz is in a very loving place. I could sure tell that. They told me that he loves his groom too. Thank you so much Jeanie and Margarita.
To Ann & Jerry, Thank You so much for sharing your beautiful horses with us and Keeping us updated. I can not even tell you how gorgeous Coz is. He is just something very special. Even the way he walks. I know he gets it from his mom but he sure does get a lot of his charisma from Bernie’s side too. From Indy’s side and Cara’s side too, her dad Quiet American. whom I love so much. I was remembering Black Jack today who followed JFK to his final resting place. There was just something very special about him. Sometimes you just can’t put it into words. It’s just there. Same thing with Cozmic One.
Coz is going to be one of America’s finest horses and probably most famous.
Pray that God will take care of him and all horses always
Love, Peggy
Peggy. Very nice to hear this news of Coz. He sounds like he has learned well the lessons that his mother taught him. He’s Z’s boy for sure.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Peggy,
Thank you for sheering with us your great visit with Cozmic One, I knew he is special, now you telling us that he is very special, I was right!
Wow! I envy you, I live here in Florida, and maybe before he goes to real track I can go visit him!
Hugs Ingrid.
Bluegrass Girl
Thank you for sharing your visit with Coz.
It was great hearing how well he is doing in his new place.
Very reassuring.
Hugs, BGG
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Love your post about your visit with COZ and the Mayberry’s. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
So glad you got to see Coz in the flesh and report that he is doing well.
How awesome that must have been!! Thanks for sharing your visit with Coz with the rest of us. I’m sure he is so beautiful now and gaining so much strength and grace. Wonderful!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
OMG, in one respect I am so happy for you, and in another I’m so jealous that you got to see and touch my boy, forgive me. What a special day to be able to be so close to Zenny’s firstborn, touch and interact with him. It sure sounds like he is the beautiful boy we all expected him to be. I too see a lot of Bernie in him, he’s the best of both of them and he carries a heavy burden of expectation. He is always in my prayers, as is our Zenny and Little Red. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing adventure. hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the great report Peggy! So glad to know (rather than hope) that Coz is doing so well in Florida!
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing, Peggy. Coz sounds like he is a smart fellow.
Rosemary McCauley
Peggy – you are one lucky lady indeed to have a personal visit with Coz. I, along with everyone else, am very appreciative of your up close and personal analysis of the appearance of the Queen’s First Foal.
Maryp NY
Happy, happy, happy!!! That you had an up close and personal visit with Cozmic One!
Thank you for telling us all about how nice and beautiful and of course, special he is and how nice the farm is. How lucky are you!!! Thanks again.
Alex Bowdoin
Thank You Peggy for this most wonderful report on Coz!! What a surprise and LUCKY you to get to visit with him. I bet he is a Grand Looking Individual!!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Lane’s End.
What a wonderful job you did with Coz. They mentioned that to me in Florida too.
What a Class Act you are. You did such a wonderful job with him. Thank You
Terry Crow
Here is an old chestnut to end the day. Two guys were hiking in the Alaska wilderness when they were spotted by a grizzly who started to give chase. One of the hikers stopped, sat on a log, reached into his backpack for a pair of running shoes. and put them on. “Why are you doing that?”, asked the other hiker. “You can’t outrun a bear.” The other hiker then said “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you.”
Bluegrass Girl
Ended my browsing in PHX with a laugh.
Thank you.
KY beat Robert Morris tonight. So, now 3-1
Big game on Tuesday night
Terry Crow
The Wildcat football team lost to Vanderbilt on Saturday. VANDERBILT!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Too funny. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the laugh TC – good way to start a Monday morning :-)
Ann NC
Sure nuff is! Thanks TC.
Rosemary McCauley
Hey – another good one Terry!
Dear Peggy You are one lucky lady!! To see Coz in the flesh, he learned from the best.I have been hearing about the storms in the mid-west of the US ,hope everyone here is keeping safe.I loved reading about Black Jack, it’s certainly a week for memories,we’re having a lot of programmes over here too, watched one last night about the Cuban missile crisis,when I think we were on the brink of destruction my blood runs cold. Enjoy your lovely memories of Coz.love and hugs Sheena
Dear Terry A good laugh to end my sunday LOL hugs Sheena
Bluegrass Girl
Hurricane Fly enters record books
Posted by: AAP+ Filled in: Australian Horse Racing | 18/11/2013 at 12:48pm
Hurricane Fly has jumped to a world record 17 Grade One wins with victory in the Morgiana Hurdle at Punchestown in Ireland.
The Willie Mullins-trained champion overtook Paul Nicholls’ outstanding steeplechaser Kauto Star and legendary American Flat performer John Henry as the winning-most horse at the highest level with his eighth course and distance win.
Read more: http://www.justhorseracing.com.au/news/australian-racing/hurricane-fly-enters-record-books/235930#ixzz2kxdnoGh5
Pati-Tired College Student
Vox Populi is up again! Go vote! There are three of my favorites on this ballot and I can’t decide! Am I a Dan Girl or a Groupie? Maybe a MuchoMachoLady or a Paynter..?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Thanks for the link to the Vox Populi voting. Have to go with Dan. Love and Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
I voted before I saw the “other” choice….I like them all….and am happy with the choice I made, but had I seen I could “write in” …I would have voted for Saginaw….
Rosemary McCauley
Thank you Pati for posting the link to the Vox Populi Award. Queen Zenyatta was the first recipient of this award and deservedly so. Many thanks to Ms. Chenery for her insight in creating this opportunity for the many very talented and beloved equine athletes.
On another note, there was a recent online voting for the top ten Breeders Cup wins. I may have missed it, but what was the result of that voting?
Terry Crow
Rosemary-I did not hear either. Am interested in the result if any of the dumplings out there know what it was.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP and Rosemary:
Here’s the article by Steve Haskin on the best BC wins. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Thanks, Judy. It was as it should have been,
Rosemary McCauley
Judy – Thanks for the link regarding the top ten BC moments. Zenyatta’s BC Classic win was placed right where it should have been.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Sweet Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Black Caviar tweets update on Jimmy on Mon. Nov. 18
RT “@simonmarshall33: Brett Tennent-Brown (Jimmy’s vet at Werribee) has told me
that Jimmy is good this morning and remains stable.”
Bronwen Healy tweet with PHOTO
@simonmarshall33 says Jimmy is doing ok today..
Come on pony, you mean too much to me
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for sharing this update on Jimmy. Power Up Jim. Love and Hugs, JB
What happened to him… colic, illness, accident? He’s such a handsome boy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Randy:
I think Bluegrass Girl posted that the whole thing started from a spider bite that led to more complications. Hoping Jimmy recovers fully and soon. Hugs, JB
Wow… horses must be as vulnerable as we humans are to such things. Thanks Judy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Randy:
You’re so welcome. Yes horses are vulnerable to a lot of the same things as we are. Hugs, JB
BGG. Power up Jimmy. He looks much better. Hope he continues to get well.
Alex Bowdoin
We have been lighting the “Zenyatta healing candles” for Jimmy at Gratefullnes. If you wish to light one for BC’s little brother, here is the link. http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=JIMM
And for those who wish to light a “Healing” candle for St Nicholas Abbey” aka Nic, we have been lighting candles for him since his initial “injury” and then of course the surgery and then the Colic surgery and the Laminitis…He has a LONG ROAD to travel to get well…Coolmore has not responded to my asking how he is….. http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=stnic
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Alex!
I went to both sites — candles lit. Let the healing continue for both these beautiful, wonderful horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Alex:
Thank you for these links. Will light candles for both of them. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Great news, Max!
Thanks for the update on Jimmy. Power up Jimmy!
Marshall (NC broad)
Oops! I should have said: Great news, BGG!
Sorry about that, but the good wishes are the same.
Continued thoughts and prayers for healing, Jimmy.
Bluegrass Girl
Caroline @CaroSearcc tweet on Monday Nov. 18 with PHOTO
See grandmum of @blackcaviar2006 @AllTooHard Scandinavia + Fastnet bub @coolmorestud Tues 730 Thoroughbreds
Caroline is a TVN Raceday Presenter, Thoroughbreds breeding show Tuesday
BGG. Nice photo of an impressive looking mare.
November 18 Cherokee Devotional
E lis e, Cherokee grandmother, said, “Always look behind the stick that stirs.” It will tell you if there is any truth in what is being touted. Ask yourself: What are people’s motives? Who supports a certain idea or plan? Does something prosper or not?
Do not be fooled by what you see. Filter what you hear for worthless impurities, and go beyond your natural senses for deeper meanings and purposes. Keep your understanding free and observant, for there is much that will obscure it. Nothing is so exclusive that you cannot have access to the truth. And remember always to look behind the stick that stirs.
I say by the sun and the earth I live on, I want to talk straight and tell the truth.
-Satanta, Kiowa
Dear Judy B.,
Happy Monday to you and Kathy pats for your very handsome Charlie’s velvet nose.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Kathy A very wise grandmother,just like mine! all is well with the world, Ray and his bruddas are up, now waiting for Boo’s monday message.Glad you like our Moosie, he’s such a character and is much-loved in the UK,has well over 2000 twitter followers Hugs to you Holly, Sugar and Nikko. Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Love the expressions on Ray and Jack O’s handsome faces. So sweet! Boo and Buddy always pure joy. Moosie oozes charisma. He’s wonderful. Thank you God for all these wonderful animals that touch our lives!
Happy Monday, Sheena.
Hugs from me, kisses from The Pack. Kathy
Is everyone and our horses ok ?
Hope everyone in Zenyatta Nation is safe and well after the terrible weather that has been happening across the US. I remember so well the riderless horse in President Kennedy’s funeral procession. I was home sick from school and blessedly innocent about death. My Mom explained what the riderless horse represensted and it is as clear a picture in my mind today as it was then.
Keeping in my thoughts and prayers everyone affected by the tornadoes in the mid west. May God bless you all. Hugs Sheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Sharing your thoughts for all the people lost or hurt in the terrible storms here and in the Philippines. Prayers for all. Love and Hugs, JB
So glad to hear that Cos is doing well. I’m sure he is in excellent hands. He is so young to be having a rider on his back. He was just about 18-19 months when a picture was posted of a rider on his back in the stall. I understand the conditioning and saddleing but I wish trainers would wait till the colts and fillys are older to put riders up. The babies have such fine bones, it doesn’t take much to cause future problems.
Queen Z ….hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather and preparing for your 2014 filly!!
sue and tony
Not to worry. Coz is with the best of the best and in the hands of true professionals.
I can’t imagine how excited the Mosses must be and how hopeful John must be as he looks to the future with an eye on the next phase of his training.
Trisha Veazey
Congratulations to all who are privildged to have been chosen to visit the queen.
I hope the terrible weather did not affect Lane’s End or any of our beautiful horse farms in KY.
Love to all
love , hugs and kisses
Sheena and Moose fans. Here is a great photo of Moosie getting ready for his race. Looks imperious to all. Defiant too. Good comments on the Moose by his ever widening circle of fans.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Just love Moosie. Thanks for sharing this photo. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, Max. Cantankerous is putting it mildly. Being fined? Oh no, Nigel !
I’m thinking, Moosie would be a great show jumper….the ring would all his and none of that pack mentality. Until then…until he finds his Game Face. Start Moosie Start.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great picture – thanks Max! Nice to have a better idea of what he looks like than one gets from the race video :-)