Fall has arrived, and so has your opportunity to meet Zenyatta!
We will be raising funds for our favorite Thoroughbred charities over the Breeders’ Cup weekend. Look out for upcoming posts detailing the 2020 Zenyatta Celebration.
In the meantime, enjoy a few of the latest images of Z and her filly plus a fun video courtesy of Thoroughbred Daily News.

Mary Darden McLeod
Queen Z, you are looking so healthy & happy. I am delighted your filly has your lovely ears: I can tell she is perhaps as special as you are.
Alys, thanks for these great photos, and the video is quite special!
Zenyatta, you are The Queen of my heart!
Mary in Boone
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Congrats to AP boy. He seems to throw some good turf horses. Guess if he had run on the turf he would have been a winner. Thanks for posting about Van Gogh.
Getting close to the BC. Wonder which race Swiss Skydiver will be in? No matter which, I am still going to pull for her to be Horse of the Year.
Ann NC
What do you think, Zenny?
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Ann, this is too cute!
Will be bittersweet, if Sky goes in the Classic and wins, to have Z’s 11 year reign as the only girl to beat the boys in the BCC come to an end. We shall see! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a wonderful day. Love and Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Found this on Lane’s End Twitter page. Too cute video of AP Indy from February of this year. RIP beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Awwww…I miss him!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
I know. I picture him, Big Red and all the greats having fun fencing racing each other in God’s Great Heavenly pastures. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Swiss Skydiver working. Wow, she’s a speedy little girl. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
She’s FLYING! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy, Ann and Z Fans,
Thanks for the video, Judy. Wow Swiss Skydiver is really zooming! Run, Swiss Miss, run! Gotta love this girl. ?
Hugs and Love
Unrelated breaking news:
Heads up all “Peanuts” fans: I saw an article in the newspaper announcing that Apple TV+ has made a deal with Wildbrain, Peanuts Worldwide and Lee Mendelson Productions. This makes Apple TV+ streaming service the exclusive home for the classic Peanuts specials and any new original series/specials based on Schulz’s cartoon characters. I can’t imagine not seeing these holiday specials on regular television networks anymore. Guess Rudolph, Frosty and the Grinch will be next. Gee thanks (not) technology! ☹️
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I luv Swiss too ? Marshall.
Im upset at not seeing Peanuts on TV too. I was really looking forward to it. Sigh ?. Guess ill hafta buy the great pumpkin on Bluray now…..?
Ann NC
Fly, baby girl, Fly!
So pretty and she is really rockin’ the leg wraps.
Love that color on her. Could watch her all day.
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Sky’s something else!
Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
I,ve been mourning the loss of my little dog Sassy so I have gotten a bit behind. Loved the photos of Zenny and Zandy/ZenCanna or for now Z20. I was just curious if anyone had any news about Zellda.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Martha,
So sorry to hear about your dear little Sassy. I know Sassy had a good life with you though. It rips your heart out when they leave, but oh, the joy they give us while they are here makes it worth the pain of goodbye. I believe you will be together again one day.
Take care. ?
Hugs and Love
Dear Martha,
How my heart aches for you over the loss of your precious Sassy. Our fur babies are part of the family! I believe Sassy will be waiting for you on the other side. I will pray for the vast emptiness you are feeling right now.
Hugs, Kathy
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Im sorry about Sassy Martha ☹. But IK u gave her a good life. She’ll be waiting for u in the next life! Mega HugZ ❤prayerZ ?.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
So very sorry for the loss of your Sassy.
RIP little Sweetheart. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Love all of you so much. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Sorry about the duplicates. Not sure how I managed that. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
?? That’s ?JB. It’s magic right?!?
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Contrail wins the Japan Triple Crown. First horse to do so since Orfevre. He is the son of the late, great Deep Impact (Sunday Silence) out of Unbridled Song mare, Rhodochrosite . All three finishers in the last leg of the TC were sons of Deep Impact. Wow! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Congratulations, Contrail! That’s very impressive…all three finishers!!! Seep Impact is smiling down!
Hugs, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the article! Exciting race with Contrail and Aristotoles grinding it out.
That was quite a long race, too — 1 7/8 miles (3000 meters). Big Congratulations to Contrail and all connections. Deep Impact has certainly made a big impact on racing, as has his sire Sunday Silence and his dam-sire, Unbridled Song. Contrail’s mama, Rhodochrosite, is proud, too. Cheers!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops, make that Aristoteles. My spelling mistake.
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Martha F.,
I wrote to you on the previous page, didn’t want you to miss it.
Hugs, Kathy
Beautiful as always, Zenyatta. Never tire of seeing your picture and hearing updates about you. Everyone always smiles when they talk about you! Would love to meet you!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Enjoy your day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Rachael Alexandra’s full sister, Gladys, wins her Maiden at Gulfstream West on 10/25/20. Was her second start. She’s a cutie. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That was a very good race by Gladys! Congrats to her and all connections.
Well done!
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Good job, sister G.
She’s a beauty! Here’s to a safe and sound career.
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
Gladys showed a lot of confidence for a two year old. She hit the gate hard in her first start and finished 8th of 10.
Loved her closing finish. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
She is a quick study, JB. Oh, that gate!
Yes, good for her. She did not mind the flying grit from that track either. Beautiful win for her.
Dear Judy,
Great job by Gladys! Thank you for posting the race!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for posting Gladys’ race. She is a runner. Hope she stays healthy.
See Bloodhorse.com. BB in trouble again.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
So disappointing and sad to read another of BB’s horses tested positive for illegal substance. ?
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
That thing about holding water……
Bob, your bucket has a leak.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
You’re cracking me up, again. ?????
Love Ya. Hugs, JB
RIP Einstein
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Allen,
So sorry to hear this news of Einstein. What a talented handsome boy!
Wish he could have had longer at Old Friends to enjoy his retirement. Kudos to Mr. Blowen and Old Friends for the surgery that enabled him to have the extra year, to just be a horse and a farm favorite. RIP brave warrior.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
RIP Einstein.
Sweet boy.
judy berube
RIP Einstein, beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Sorry to read of Einstein’s passing. RIP beautiful boy.
Hugs, Kathy
Sandra Cadwalader
So very sorry to hear about Einstein’s passing, he was one of my favorites. Sorry I missed my chance to see him at Old Friends.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a wonderful day and a restful night. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Beautiful Bellafina retired. She will be bred to Uncle Mo. Wishing her a long, healthy, happy life as a Mama.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the news about Bellafina’s retirement. Best wishes to her and to stablemate, Donna Veloce, in their new careers as broodmares. Good health and lots of TLC to both!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
Happy retirement, Bellafina. We all hope being a Mama will be to your liking.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A gorgeous Son of Street Cry, Zulu Alpha, to miss the BC Turf due to small degree of swelling in left front leg.
Get well soon Champ. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Get well soon, Zulu Alpha!
Thanks for the post, Judy.
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very sad for him and his connections. He would have been a contender for sure. It seems like there are even more horses than usual who have had to withdraw because of injuries. 2020 continues to plague us!
Dear Judy,
Get well, Zulu Alpha, we will miss you at the BC Turf!
Hugs, Kathy
Barbara Brayton
RIP Einstein.
Is it just me, or are horses started too early, and then retired too early. There is so much emphasis on breeding, but then they may only run a year or two, three if we are lucky. Is it because there is more money to be made in breeding? I absolutely agree that the horse’s welfare comes first. Just wonder what is the point of breeding all these racehorses. This is especially true, because so few will have success on the track.
Do horses just not have as much endurance as they used to have? Is there too much emphasis on the wrong qualities?
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I agree w/ u.
IMO Barbara, they dont have the same endurance as rhey used too. It’s sad. ☹.
Dear Phil,
Condolences on the loss of your precious Kathy. Prayers for your family. May she Rest in peace.
Phil Rabl
Dear Z fans. This is a brief message from Phil, Kathy R’s husband, to let you know that she passed away peacefully last evening after a long battle with a debilitating lung illness. She loved the Zenyatta site and, even though she stopped posting for a period of time, she read the blog site every single day. And she loved her beautiful mare, Thurzel, who she cared for without much regard for her failing health. Thank you for all the good you all do.
With heartfelt gratitude from Australia. Phil
judy berube
Dear Phil:
OMG, I am so very sorrow for your loss. Kathy was a sweet lady and we emailed back and forth when she first adopted her darling Thurzel.
Kathy is the second beloved Z’ster we’ve lost within a year. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
My reply is “awaiting moderation” which generally means it disappears.
I am so sad about Kathy R. May she rest in peace. ?
I will try to send my reply to Phil again tomorrow.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
This has been a truly sad year of turmoil with this awful virus and the loss of our Sheena and now our Kathy.
We must live in the belief that things will improve and we will all get to meet some day. Love and Hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Phil,
Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear that Kathy has left us. My sincerest condolences to you and the family, including her sweet Thurzel. We loved hearing from Kathy and getting news about her dear horse and things in Australia. She was one of our longtime Zenyatta fans and a member of our ZFamily. We were so happy when she began posting again.
Thank you for letting us know. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love
Thank you for letting us know about your loss of Kathy. It hurts our hearts each time we lose anyone from Zenyatta’s blog. So glad she enjoyed all the posting on here. God’s blessings and peace to you and all your family.
Ann NC
So sorry for your loss.
We will miss Kathy here on the blog.
Love to you, family and the beautiful Thurzel.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Phil,
I am so sorry for your loss. We all loved having Kathy here on the blog and learned so much about Australia and Australian racing from her. I know this has been a long difficult road for her and all of you. Please know that she will be missed and that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Phil,
I am so sorry about Kathy. We loved hearing from her and learning so much about Australian racing. I was very happy to see her posting again. It was evident that she got much enjoyment and love from her sweet Thurzel even though her illness kept her from the barn. It comforted her that you were caring for Thurzel.
Thank you for letting us know about our Kathy R., and please know that you and all the family are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care, dear friend.
Hugs and Love,
(This is my second attempt to reply to your post. You may get the first reply later since for some reason, the blog site was moderating it.)
Martha Fosdick
Oh My. I am so sorry to hear about Kathy R. This has been a very bad and sad year. Also very sad to read of Einstein’s passing. Dear Barbara I’m with you. I “ve thought for many years now that the little one’s shouldn’t begin racing until they’re three and could possibly run until they’re five or so. I know racing is a whole different ballgame, but it’s a shame they couldn’t be like the jumpers who I understand don’t even start training until they’re about eight and continue their career to about eleven or twelve. Also, I wanted to thank all of you who sent me a note about the passing of my little Chiweenie Sassy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi all,
Well this isn’t a very happy Friday here on our blog, but I’m sure that Kathy R would have wanted us to continue to follow our boy Hovis. As you will see, he is enjoying some pampering which is a bit . . . well . . . upsetting to his stable mates. It is really hard to tell from this (and also from Facebook) if there is any real progress so keep sending him your best thoughts and prayers. Have a good weekend as we prepare for the Breeders Cup next week (and other things too, of course).
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Oh my, I am glad Hovis has his own electric snuggie and room service from Mini-mum, but I sincerely hope he can improve and turn the corner again. I guess they continue to be in a holding-pattern for now. Hope springs eternal — stay strong.
Sending tons of good wishes and healing prayers for Hovis and comfort to his family.
? ❤️ ?
Thanks for the Hovis diary, Sandy. Fingers crossed.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Hovis Friday update. Sending him continued healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB