We at Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm are deeply saddened to share that Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal early this year.
She had been carrying a second Candy Ride filly, and we grieve the loss of this precious life. Thankfully, Zenyatta remains in excellent health and is doing very well.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight; stay comfy and cozy. Love You, Hugs, JB❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Found this photo of Z on the Forum. It is from her Instagram Page.
Beautiful Queen. LoveYou. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Snow Queen!
Love you Queen!
Thanks, Judy B. Hope you and Lola M. are staying cozy and warm.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Snow Queen, indeed. She’s so beautiful.
Hope you, the crew, RL and all the fur babies are staying cozy and warm too. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
John Walsh
To all at Lanes End
I’m so deeply saddened to learn that our precious Zenyatta lost her baby!!! It brought tears to my eyes immediately!!! I’m heart broke for all of Z fans and our Queen Z ?
Dear Judy,
Just BEAUTIFUL! We love her so…
Hugs, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy, Ann and Kathy,
YES! Snow Queen is perfect. ☃️
Thanks for posting this lovely scene, JB.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a great day and a restful night. Love You. Hugs, JB
Barbie Taylor
Zenyatta looks beautiful standing in the snow. She looks healthy and happy. Love her so much!!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters + all of Team Z?
I pray every1 is staying safe w/ this weather/ snowstorm. The snow is pretty, but i wish it wouldn’t fall on the roads. Sigh ?.
Thx for the links!
Much luv ? HugZ ❤ prayerZ ?.
Plz stay safe & healthy including the horses ?!
Mary Darden McLeod
I am so very sorry. Our Queen is such a fantastic Mama. Please give her xoxo from Mary in Boone.
Mary in Boone
So sad to hear Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal. I keep hoping for Zenyatta to be able to safely have more foals to carry on her legacy.
Each year I anxiously await a new baby.
Prayers all the time for Zenyatta to be safe and healthy.
Prayers for her fillies to have a fabulous racing career.
This is how many she has lost now?? But u keep breeding her for $$$. Shame on all yas!.
Technically Zenyatta has birthed most of her foals live and losing them happened by unfortunate circumstances after they were already born. As much as I no longer agree with horseracing (because there are too many people who are in it solely for the money), I get the feeling that Zenyatta has been bred not for money but for the grand hopes that she might pass her genetics on to another wonderful racehorse.
Very much appreciate that we have been privy to get a glimpse of the ups and downs in the life of a racehorse mare…
Perhaps it is time to consider giving Zenyatta an extended respite from being a broodmare or consider no longer breeding her.
She will 20 years old on her next birthday. She is a great mother and loves her foals, and she has had 7 pregnancies. But she has lost 2 foals in utero and of course she lost that newborn colt 4 years ago. Not to mention the loss of Z Princess due to a tragic paddock accident..
She has given birth to Ziconic and Cosmic One (who is now a gelding) and 2 gorgeous fillies. Perhaps one of the 3 still capable of breeding will result in the birth to a foal that has inherited their grandmother’s talent as a racehorse. Genes often skip a generation.
Lise from Maine
So sorry to hear that Zenyatta lost her 2021 filly.
Love Zenyetta!
Lise from Maine
Jan S./Houston
So sorry for the loss of Zennyatta’s foal. Can you give her a break for now.
Jan S./Houston
So sorry for the loss of Zenyatta’s foal. Will you give her a break for awhile!
Marla J Westley
You broke zenyatta’s spirit when you took her off the track. I am so confused and hurt that she couldn’t keep racing? She lost a race by a head and that meant she was done racing? Why couldn’t she keep racing that’s where her heart and spirit are she knew every time she got in that gate and heard that Bell that it was her time to shine she knew that and when she was coming for home down the stretch she heard the crowd her ears were forward and she heard all of us cheering her on. Is it a protocol that you must retire a horse that loses One race? She might have known and felt that she couldn’t catch the horse therefore she would be looking very forward to getting back in that gate I’m just sorry for the life she’s living now. I’m a native American woman and I can see it in her eyes and I can feel it she’s a good Mama okay but that’s not what she wants to be and then even after the loss of all those babies she’s pushed out she’s pushed out all those babies except one that was aborted that tells you right there that her body and her having to strain and feel those pains there’s nothing sadder than when a mayor has to push out those huge babies. I truly believe z princess was going to be the next zenyatta she really was she had the spirit she had the heart she had the speed already at 8 months old she was going to be the next zenyatta. It’s almost proof because she was running and playing with the other horses no doubt trying to beat them all when she got bumped knocked into the gutter and broke her back devastating absolutely devastating that was going to be the next zenyatta and from there on out I don’t think she wants to be a mama. Once she’s weaned her babies and the babies are on their own with the other yearlings she doesn’t know it anyway. Can you please send me an email and explain some of my questions to me I’m not trying to be disrespectful at all in fact I have the utmost respect for the owners the trainer lanes and all involved. But I would like an email answering my questions and explaining to me why she’s not out on that track at least exercising somebody on her back maybe put Mike on there just to exercise her let her know she still has a purpose she doesn’t look good her coats not shiny she’s losing muscle she’s not happy and I can see it and I can feel it I hope you believe me being a native of the land we have a connection with mother Earth grandmother Moon and every living thing including plants and trees and all of God’s glory we respect every bit of it I think zenyatta deserves to run on that soil every single day with a rider on her back really run her good around a track. Okay thank you I hope to hear from you
Sally Blank
I feel so sad and Zenyatta will always be my most concern. I love her and all her foals and I am devastated for Z when she loses one. God bless.
Sally B
Another tragic loss ! This pains me terribly .Is there no place better or safer to raise her children? So concerned for all . Zenyatta is so so beautiful and magical still !