We at Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm are deeply saddened to share that Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal early this year.
She had been carrying a second Candy Ride filly, and we grieve the loss of this precious life. Thankfully, Zenyatta remains in excellent health and is doing very well.
Jan. 26
Sending my sympathies to my Big Girl, to Team Z and to Lane’s End.
This is very sad news, but I’m happy that Zenny is fine.
Sending love to all.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
I am saddened to read of Zenyatta’s loss. Thank you for letting her fans know. We love her so much. So good to know she is doing well.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I 2nd this comment ☝.
Christine Braeuner
Diane Martin
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of her filly. My heart breaks for Zenyatta and her human family and connections. I wish all the very best to Team Zenyatta.
Barbara Brayton
Poor Ms Zenny. God love her. Praying for her to stay healthy and happy.
Tracy L
I’m so very sorry to hear this sad news! Although the loss of this filly is heart wrenching I’m glad and comforted knowing that our beautiful Queen is in good health! Praying for all of Team Z during this sad time. ???
tom ricciardi
She lost one before this also one died after a few months. Does she have any 2 year olds?
Quit breeding her, she made enough money
Jim Puertas
I’m so so very sorry to hear this, R.I.P little one and there’s no doubt you would of been a champion like your mommy and daddy.
Janet Newman
Heartbreaking news, but thank God that Zenyatta is doing well.
My sympathy to Ann and all at Lanes End who love and care for her.
Your destiny was to be a great racehorse, while a successful breeding career does not seem to be in the cards for you.
You are after all unique and you will always be the one and only Zenyatta.
So sorry to hear this. Hugs to Zenyatta and her family of caretakers. ??
Vicki Scott
Noooooo………..,. ???
Mary Anna Savage
Heartbreaking news; so sorry to hear this. Sending hugs to the Queen. XXX
Ann NC
I am so very sorry.
Stay well, Zenny.
Love you!
Rhonda Brown
It’s time to think of retirement for this mare….the loss of 4 foals is not normal for a mare of ANY age. This needs to be about the welfare of the horse and not the owners pocketbooks. Zenyatta deserves her retirement and to keep breeding her could put her health at risk as well as any more future foals.
Thank you for saying this. Seems obvious that pushing her like this can only end in a very bad way. Sometimes people need to know when “enough is enough.”
Rachel Oliver
Please don’t breed Zenyatta again. It’s very hard on her to go through this loss over and over again. She could learn something new, perhaps, with her high-stepping performance.
I’m heartbroken for everyone. I know mares greive the loss of their goals.
Sue Reed
My deepest condolences to Ann, those at Lanes End, and all her connections. She is loved by so many. Thank you for the update, I am happy she is doing well. She is such an amazing mother. I know you will make the choice which is best for Zenyatta regarding future foals. Ann she is your horse, and you love her dearly. I support your choice.
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
Dear Sue, I agree with your sentiment ?
Judy Olcott
Poor Zenyatta. She looks sad in the photo. I don’t know how horses process loss but grief is not an emotion known only to humans.
Could she be a surrogate? Just a thought.
I agree with those who hope she will perhaps be retired now. That she can enjoy her golden years in sunshine and relaxation.
This is very sad news. My heart goes out to Ann and all the staff at Lanes End who love and care for Zenyatta. I hope there will be other precious babies for the Queen. I can’t help but think she is not done.
After all, Somethingroyal was 18 when she foaled Secretariat. Zenyatta always does things in her own time.
Wendy Treadaway
Very sad news indeed, but the fact that Zenny is doing fine is the most important thing. Love to Zenyatta and Team Z and her Lane’s End family.
STOP BREEDING HER !!!! It’s been evident for years that along with terrible unfortunate events, she’s also just not a producer . Why continue to jeopardize her life for something that just continues to fail year after year . Shameful !
Completely agree. I’m afraid Z Princess was the one to pass on Zenyatta’s greatness.
Sure seemed like she had her “spark of greatness.”
Liz Alcoba
I was not aware that she had lost some babies already; Perhaps is time for her to stop breeding and retire to live a happy life.
S. L. Trout
Zenyatta should be retired. Unquestionably she’s one of the greatest race mares ever, but losing four foals is a tragedy. With the very sad state of horse-racing in America, it makes one question the intent to continue to try to get her in foal again. Her talent may never be duplicated. It’s tine to place her welfare and safety above the desire to create a foal with only the possibility of possessing her greatness. I think that Thoroughbred breeders, owners and trainers need to step up and pledge their support to ending the terrible number of breakdowns and horses being destroyed at barely two years of age at tracks all over America. Thousands of thoroughbreds are created every year but few end up being outstanding. What happens to all those who fail to perform? We have a lot of important and pressing issues to address. These horses give everything, including their very lives. We owe them kindness and humane treatment. So many are not getting those basics. I love Zenyatta. I’ll never forget her spine-tingling Breeders Cup race. It will remain one of the most thrilling races I’ve ever witnessed. Give this great mare a rest. Retire her now.
Kris O / Illinois
Glad Zenyatta is doing well, and sad we won’t have the joy of watching her new foal. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Carol Blount
This is so sad, but its not her only loss….maybe, even though other mares have produced at her age and beyond, like humans….we are all different, horses are too…maybe her time is done or maybe she needs more time between breedings, but her losses over the last, let’s say 5-7yrs….it’s sad, and she feels it too…she has formed a great bond with the stunning baby she has now, and carrying another….maybe its too much for her….just my opinion, sorry if this offends
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
Dear Ann, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine your grief every time you lose a Zenny foal ? My heart weeps ? with yours.
Lane’s End: Thank you for your wonderful care of our Queen Z. It has been painful at times. May I ask someone to please give her a big hug and kiss from me?
Dear Zenyatta, you mean so much to us. We are grateful that you are doing okay. (I’m just sorry you had to go through another loss.) We know how much you love being a momma ? God bless you and keep you in his care ?
Would all these people saying not to rebreed her say that to a woman who wants children? She’s a mare and meant to have babies. She’s so rare and special she should have as many as her owners and vets think she can. Condolences to her owners, grooms and all who love her. So happy she is okay.
Shannon from Cool, CA
Feeling the grief, so sorry about Zenyatta’s loss.
Let this champion rest. After so many losses it seems she is not up to the task, at her age. So sorry for her loss. This must be so difficult on her. I hope she has a friend to keep her company.
Jeanne from Montana
Oh, such sad news. Prayers for Zenyatta and all that care for her. All of us grieve with you.
Thank you for sharing the news and comforting us that all is well with Queen Z.