We at Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm are deeply saddened to share that Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal early this year.
She had been carrying a second Candy Ride filly, and we grieve the loss of this precious life. Thankfully, Zenyatta remains in excellent health and is doing very well.
Love you Zenyatta…so sad to hear this news, but so very thankful our big Mama is doing OK. Big Baby Girl, you are still my favorite! Hugs xoxo
Tracey Panizzoli
So very sorry. I’m just sitting here crying as I just read this news. That mare means the world to me. I wish I was there to give her tons of kisses. When did this happen?? ❤❤❤???
Kathleen Renshaw
Sorry to hear about such a sad loss. Please keep Zenyatta as healthy as can be. To all her team you have my deepest condolences.
Cathy Floetke
As a multi-horse owner and dedicated trailrider, I don’t see a thing wrong with her picture and she looks gorgeous! I don’t see the age that was commented about and if people saw the fuzzies and the disheveled mane on my mare right now…lol I’m so sorry Zenyatta lost her foal. I know Lanes End is an excellent farm and I’m sure they did all they could for her. I’m a huge fan of horses and not of horse racing, but if she’s been a broodmare, 17 is not too old to breed. Looking at her history, she appears to have always been given time to recover when she has had pregnancy issues.
ron spratt
So sad for “Z”. I know how much she loves being a mommy. I’m glad she is OK though. Such bad luck. I would love to see “Z” have a baby that was as talented as she was on the race track. We need another filly that can do what she did.
Marilyn Escalante
Her eyes look sad. So very sorry for the loss.
Cynthia Holt
Tears,, tears, tears. I am deeply sad for this ending to the hope of a new life which would have brightened our world in this time of darkness. My heart goes out to our wonderful Team Z, who so deserved this joy. Thank God we still have our irreplaceable, much cherished Zenyatta. She is our treasure, our Queen of everything for all-time. We love you, Zenyatta and Team Z.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Cynthia H.,
❤️ ? ❤️ ? ❤️
You captured what we are feeling perfectly, as usual.
Thank you.
Hugs and Love
For the love of god, give that beautiful girl a break, Maybe this is her way of saying enough already.
I am deeply saddened to hear of this tragic loss. Please accept my deepest condolences to everyone connected. I had seen a picture of Zenyatta last week and she appeared disheveled, now I know why. Sixteen is not that old for horses. I am sure her owner will make the right decision for her in the future. Her fans shouldn’t be a factor in her future pregnancies. I pray for the best for her always. Lindal
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I agree w/ u lindal ?. ?. Im sorry for Zs loss as well as sad for Ann & every1 involved w/ Zenny. U all will b in my prayerZ ?.
Much luv ?. HugZ
Vickie Nitschke
We need to get her retired. One of these times it will take her too. How can we all band together and help this happen? My favorite OTTB retirement place is http://Www.unbridledspitsottb.org is ready to welcome with open arms!
Ingrid Arnone
I only hope they stop getting her pregnant, she lost four foal’s in total. Please no more babies???
Please stop with the comments that the horse shouldn’t be bred. It’s nobody’s business but the owners. Horses in the wild breed every year starting at an early age and receive none of the care that a famous race horse receives.
Barbara Wood
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news
Sandy Frey
Thinking of all connections during this time. I’m sad for Zenyatta, Team Zenyatta and the Lane’s End staff, but I’ve always said that everything happens for a reason. That foal is in God’s hands now and grazing heaven’s fields. Zenyatta is loved by so many and we all appreciate you for posting this news. She is special and I know that Ann will always do right by her. Sending loads of love to you!
Susan in Fl
So very very sorry! Peace to all
sad–she is such a great lady!!
sandra jakowpck
Zenyatta, Our Girl Should Rest. She has lost 4, this has to be vary hard on her.
Barbara Wade
Zenyatta looks beautiful with her winter coat . She probably loves being outside with company. So sorry she lost her foal.
Maybe it is her way of saying it is her time to stop having babies. We fans would hate to see something bad happening to her that could possibly cost her her life. It can and does happen.
Susan J. Schube
Time to stop with the pregnancies? Maybe it’s time . . .
Maybe it’s time to listen to her body and stop Im-pregnating her! Let her retire already instead of a breeding machine.
Donna Gail Heim
This is such sorrowful news. Our precious Queen enjoys her offspring so much. Praying for her health and well-being.
lisa crewe
So sad to hear of your loss. It’s never an easy thing to go through. Your in our prayers.
Sue Perry
A very sad bit of news. Very sad. ??
Could we please maybe just let her be now so she can enjoy a happy healthy life.
Mary Mc
So very, very sorry to hear. My prayers though are for Zenyaata’s mental and physical health; which for the abundance Zenyatta has contributed to the Moss’ ownership, Zenyatta’s Racing Team, Fans, Lane’s End, is abundantly more than could ever have been hoped for or expected!
Such sad news. I rushed to this website after reading the headline at The Blood Horse. I am thankful Zenny is ok physically. She seems so happy with a foal at her side. I am grateful that she birthed two healthy, beautiful daughters. The one bright spot in the Blood Horse article with the announcement of the name of Zenyatta’s yearling filly by Candy Ride – Zilkha! Love that it rhymes with silk, and may her life be smooth as silk. I’m looking forward to pictures of her, I loved her build as a foal.
So sorry to here this news. Zenny Loves being a Mom. But it is good to know that she is safe and happy. You are always in my prayers Zenny.
Paula N Higgins
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Awful. I am relieved she is o.k. Pregnancy
is not without risks in humans and horses. Something we need to remind
ourselves of.
Judy A Chandler
This should be the end of her breeding. If she has lost 4 foals, she needs to be treated like a queen and taken good care of for the rest of her life. She does not need to be a breeding machine. That is just not the moral and ethical thing to do.
Denise in STL
Dear Ann, Words cannot accurately describe how we all feel for you and Zenyatta during this difficult time. Just know that we all love you and Zenyatta and we are glad to hear she is doing ok.
i am so very sorry to hear this news – i do hope our dear zenyatta is doing well – she is such a great mom to her babies – i am just heartbroken for her – i would hope they do not breed her again – zenyatta did so much for this sport – she gave everything she had on the track every time she ran – watching her run was the most fun i ever had in this sport – it was truly the best of times – sadly, she has gone thru a lot since she retired from racing – she gave us so much happiness, i always wanted her to have only the same – so i do hope she recovers completely from this loss – we can only hope and wish for her to live many many more years in great health and happiness – thanks to the zen team for letting us know…. and please, give her lots of love and pats for all of us here who love her dearly.
Vickie Nitschke
I agree completely. Please let’s retire her fully!