We at Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm are deeply saddened to share that Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal early this year.
She had been carrying a second Candy Ride filly, and we grieve the loss of this precious life. Thankfully, Zenyatta remains in excellent health and is doing very well.
Khara Ripley
This is the first picture I have ever seen of her where she has sadness in her eyes.
Linda R Moss
Dear Sweet Zenny, we too are deeply saddened and send our love. Ziconic (Z-Z) read your blog post with Linda and Sarah, and sends his love as attested by him licking your beautiful photo. Love, hugs, and blessings – George, Linda, Milyone, and Z-Z ?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh sweet Ziconic! Thanks for reporting this, Linda.
Kissing his mama’s picture❣️
Lots of Hugs and Love to all
Dear Zenny: we love you more than you could ever know! As long as you are okay that is all that matters…
So sad ? hope things go great frome here on out.
Amy Ahonen
For all Zenyatta has done for you, all you have done is breed her over and over and over again. Truly let this fine mare retire at last.
Patricia H Diers
I am so sad to hear this. I just love Zenyatta. I hope she is ok.
So saddened by this news, but happy that our Queen is healthy. Absolutely don’t want anything to happen to her. Condolences to ask who love her and care for her daily.
Terri Jacquemain
Please, before publishing photos of her, be sure to untangle her mane, wash her face, engage her, etc. She is Zenyatta, she is an icon, and should always be presented in her best light. Grrrrr.
Lanie Hitchens
I absolutely agree with this post.. our Zenyatta should be groomed and given extra attention during this stressful time especially when her fans will see her . She should have this done every day as she has more than paid for it with her sweat and blood both as a racing legend and brood mare .
She’s a horse. She’s engaged (note the ears forward?) and she is clean. Let her be a horse.
Are you kidding me? She is a HORSE and in this picture she is just as beautiful in her natural state as when she is dolled up.
Zenyatta, you are gorgeous and we love you so dearly!!!!
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
Dear Terri
? Zenny is and always will be a queen. Therefore, she is entitled to look anyway she feels like being photographed.
Did it occur to you that maybe, just maybe, this pic was taken AFTER she lost her foal? Perhaps she felt like rolling in the mud to soothe herself. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know; please be just be a little less picky. Thank you.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thank you, Auntie Judy. Everyone seems to be a critic these days — a little more kindness is definitely in order. She may look a bit rumpled (not a bad thing), but no less gorgeous. Nothing like a roll in the mud spa!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Hugs and Love
Dee in the Hudson Valley
It is a blessing to love someone so much and for so long that you can look at their face and still see the beauty of their youth. This is a perfect photo of Zenny on a gorgeous Kentucky morning showing her intelligence, her gentleness, her wisdom, her sadness. It makes us love her even more (even though we thought that couldn’t be possible).
Can’t they stop breeding her and pull embryos?
Marilu Villanueva
Dear Zenny, Very sad to hear the news. It is good to know you are well. Rest and take good care of yourself. We love you. ❤️
Thank you team Z for sharing the news with us. Will pray for Zenyatta’s safe and healthy recovery.
So very sorry to read beautiful Zenyatta list her foal, so very sad? thanks for your loving care. ?❤️
Lori Stein
Thank God Zenyatta is in good health! My condolences to Zenyatta and Team Z ?
Pam Egert
So glad she is so well taken care of. I love her so much. This is sad news. Hoping to visit her in the spring, she is number one on my bucket list.
Lynn O'Sullivan
So sad. The Queen is so precious. I have one of the bronze of her by Nina Kaiser on my mantle. Take care and be healthy.
So sorry to hear this. Condolences and hope she’s doing okay
She has lost many……why do you keep putting her thru this???
She has had many miscarriages. Why not let her be??
Lisa B
Very sad news. ? My condolences to Lanes End and the Z team. Glad that Zenny is doing well. Hugs to you all❤
Georgia Williams
Poor Z. My heart goes out to her people.
Bobbie Kolehouse
My sympathies to all her people, but I am relieved to read she is doing well. Makes her daughters more precious.
lynne langill
To the team at Lanes End
So sad to hear that Z. lost her 2021 Candy Ride foal. The upside is that
Z. is healthy, safe and happy.
Jan S./Houston
Very sad news! I am happy to hear she is doing well. Maybe its time for a rest…
judy berube
Dear Z, Team Z and Lane’s End:
So very sorry for the loss of this beautiful baby. Hope you’re doing better Z. You have had so many sad losses my beautiful girl. ???
Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish
I agree so much Judy! Sad, a very sad day once again. But she will endure and stay strong and beautiful just as because she is Zenyatta, our Queen.
Luv n hugs, Sally B
Please stop breeding her!!!!
Im saddened to hear of Zenyattas loss. Bless her heart she had so many.
Marilyn Braudrick
She is our love, forever!!!! and ever and ever!!!! Let her just have a peaceful and happy life, PLEASE!!! Enough is enough!!!
So very sorry to hear this. Hugs to all people involved in her care. Just glad she is doing ok. Love her.
I’m so very sorry for all involved. This does happen and when it does all we can do is pray the mare stays healthy.
We all love you Z.
Oh Zenyatta I feel so sorry for you. Please let her live her days in peace. She has lost too many babies and she grieves for each one. He heart has to be broken once again. I know she’s special, but enough is enough. Love you sweet baby. Stay healthy.
My heart breaks for Anne and everyone at Lane’s End who care for her. Z is such a wonderful Mommy. Give her a hug and a kiss from all of her devoted fans! God Bless!!