We at Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End Farm are deeply saddened to share that Zenyatta lost her 2021 foal early this year.
She had been carrying a second Candy Ride filly, and we grieve the loss of this precious life. Thankfully, Zenyatta remains in excellent health and is doing very well.
Very sorry to read this. We’re thankful that Zenyatta is okay. It helps to know she is so well taken care of by everyone at Lane’s End.
This is such sad news. Thank goodness Zenyatta is well.
Deborah Capobianco
So sorry to hear. I am glad she is doing well hugs to her.
So very sorry to hear this. Thankfully, Z is ok.
So sad since she loves being a mother so much. Glad she is healthy.
Denise Babjack
Thank God The Queen is ok. Maybe it’s time for a break for her.
Rita Pierce
I am so saddened by this news. It seems like this is becoming a pattern for her not to carry her foals to term. I know everyone at Lanes End has only her health in mind but at what 16 it might be time to quit breeding her. She is so valuable to her fans!!
Please let her rest.
Perhaps give her a year off she’s not a baby making machine xx
Rachel Fabrizi
So to hear such sad news. Glad Queen Z is healthy.
Linda Fabiszak
Time flies. So many love this mare. This photo is the first I’ve seen where Zen is showing her age a bit. Sad about the foal…. no question her owner will do the best by her.
Jo Anne
My condolences to all her connections.
Linda Raszick
So sorry ? to hear she has lost her foal. I have loved Zenyatta since I first met her in So. Cal. Glad she’s doing good❤❤
Sorry for your loss. It’s probably too late but could she be a substitute mom for a foal that doesn’t have as good of mothering mare as she is?
I agree maybe time for her to retire to Queen status instead of brood Mare.
Mary Jane
Sad news indeed. Maybe it’s time to stop breeding Zenyatta? Make her more available to the public? She is without a doubt one of racing’s greatest ambassadors. Might that be her best role going forward?
I hope she’s doing well take care our beautiful lady
So sorry Zenny ”
She sure is showing her age , maybe time to retire her from breeding and send her to the Hall Of Champions at the horse park ?
While I would love to see her go to the KHP and be accessible to her fans when the time comes that she is retired the hall of champions would probably not be a viable option. While she obviously more than qualifies to be housed as a champion, there are stallions there, and adding a lady to the mix would stir things up. But I would think it wouldn’t be too hard to find a suitable place for her there.
I’m sure that would go over well with all of those retired breeding stallions……
At the horse park, she’d spend the bulk of her time in a stall or in a small paddock. Horses, especially older ones like Queen Z, do better with more room to stretch their legs and graze all day long.
She was a phenomenal race horse. Sadly her time as a broodmare was not as fortunate. So sad too loose her foal. I think she wants to be ridden and enjoy the human partnership.
I agree with Mary Jane.
Paul May
So sorry to read this news. Paul from the UK.
I agree with others. Its time to stop breeding her.
I appreciate the news, sad as it is. I’m glad to hear Zenyatta is doing well. Can’t have anything happen to her. I just adore this girl!
suzanne leonard
Nature is telling you something. Please let this grand mare retire from the breeding shed.
Please don’t send her to the horse park. She deserves to be in a large paddock with her buddies and not on display. Sixteen is not too old to breed especially if she is no longer in foal. The owners have always done what is right for her and will surely continue.
Give her some REST!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Such sad news, but I am so grateful that Zenny is OK. We love you beautiful girl❤️❤️
Debbi M
Very sorry to read this. But is amazing how much my heart just swells with love any time I see a picture of Zenny, our Queen.
Lynn Turner
oh beautiful gal, so sorry to hear this news….my condolences to all…..so sorry….so glad shes doing well …heart wrenching news…
Linda D
Very sad indeed. I’m glad that Zenny is doing well. Condolences to the Mosses and those that care for her at Lane’s End….