Happy Monday!
Alys sent us some photos over the weekend. She caught 12Z having a good roll and Zenyatta spending some time (and sharing apples) with Donna.
-Team Z
Queen of Racing
Happy Monday!
Alys sent us some photos over the weekend. She caught 12Z having a good roll and Zenyatta spending some time (and sharing apples) with Donna.
-Team Z
Janet, New Additon to Foal Photo Album
John Mulholland tweet
Niji’s Grand Girl and her Giant’s Causeway colt. Hot damn!!
Keta Note: I think John is just a little excited
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
What a gorgeous coat color. Thank you for this adorable photo. Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
I agree with Judy, beautiful coat on this colt.
Yes, I think John is a bit excited LOL!
Ann NC
That’s great! He’s a looker for sure!
Lanes End Farms tweet
Truly amazing weekend for ENGLISH CHANNEL
Here are the stats: 2 days, 4 tracks, 3 surfaces, 5 winners, 1 graded
shirleeinindy Joyful Victory ran quite a race. Hugs, Keta
Mary Rampellini Daily Racing Form tweet
#BeyerSpeedFigures from Saturday night stakes at #SamHouston:
Joyful Victory 100; Swift Warrior 98; Icon Ike 93; Tour Guide 83
Trina Nagele in SoCal
A Birthday Poem for Joy Kruckenberg
(January 28, 2013)
Dear Joy, beloved sis of Heidi Kruckenberg,
I’ve heard
Your birthday is today,
So I’m sending a poem your way.
Heidi has shared
That your dad, loving and big-hearted,
Deeply for you two girls cared.
Back in the day
When he was alive,
He always did strive
To be a role model
In so many a way,
Including of course
Love of the horse
Which he to you both imparted.
Your riding days started
Before you could toddle,
And soon you competed in shows.
Did that maybe include rodeos?
Heidi does attest
The days she does recall
As the very best
Of all
Were when you a day-long trail ride
Would take
To a small man-made lake
Two hours away–
You would rise before the sun
To begin your day of fun,
And meet up with friends
With whom the day to spend.
Joy, you were so happy
Star Trek to be astride,
The gentle stud Appy
Of your beloved pappy,
A chestnut stallion sporting white on his rump
Spangled with brilliant red flecks.
Heidi would ride
Star’s Mini Hi,
A homebred daughter of Star Trek’s,
And let us your friend Barbara not forget,
Who would ride
Another Star Trek daughter,
The mahogany mare Moon Beam,
Whose Appy tail did seem
Scarce more than a whiskered stump,
Which she nonetheless carried high
When on the run–
”Twould appear she was waving at one
As she would run by!
Approaching the lake water,
Star Trek would, I reckon,
Feel it him beckon,
’Cuz he would dash right in
For a refreshing swim,
Soon to be joined by each daughter.
Another favorite spot
Which you and Star Trek both loved a lot
Was on a large neighboring plot
Of rolling hills,
Where you would find special thrills.
You would Star Trek steer
At a gallop toward a hilltop.
At the summit, finishing his run,
He would stop,
Then triumphantly rear
And on his hind legs hop,
Executing those leaps
Which are known as the feats
Of the Viennese Lipizzan!
Oh my goodness, what fun!
Do you think this might show
That in his veins still did flow
The blood
So fine
Of that sort of noble horse
Brought by the Spanish invaders,
Some four hundred years ago,
Cousins to the famed Lipizzan.
As history took its course,
Some Spanish chargers did get loose
Which would contribute down the line
To the Appaloos’.
First the escapees ran
Wild and free,
Enjoying only each others’ company,
And soon the West
With their numbers did flood.
Those that from the Spaniards fled
Lives of freedom led
Till many a native tribe
Them captured and began to ride.
Those equine’s descendants
Acquired by Nez Perce traders and raiders
Two hundred-some years later
In the far Northwest,
Were by the Nez Perce selectively bred,
The best to the very best,
To produce,
Most resplendant,
The Horse of the Palouse,
Known today as the Appaloos’.
The Nez Perce many horses did lose
When they made their truce
With the U.S.
Many horses were killed, but some did survive,
So there was still a chance
To keep the breed alive,
And today the breed does thrive,
As it did through Star Trek on the Kruckenberg ranch
In the growing-up days
Of Heidi and Joy,
Each a tomboy
With Horse Whisperer ways.
Joy, as images from then
Of bareback rides
Through your mind flicker
Once again,
And you hear
In your mind’s ear
The horses neigh,
And snort and nicker,
Remember that now as then,
Though at times one sis may with the other bicker,
Heidi to you
Will forever be true.
She’ll be right by your side,
She will you not fail
As you now face medical travail.
Joy, all the Z-sters, too, do you invite
To join us here on Z’s site,
And we hope Zenyatta’s spirit just might
Give you added strength in your fight.
We wish you a happy birthday, Joy, and many, many happy returns!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Wonderful. Hugs, JB
Dear Joy:
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and improved health. Love and Hugs, JB
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
Trina, this poem made my heart smile, remembering all those times we went to the lake and rode through creeks and streams. I know Sis would love this and if she feels half as much Joy from this that I do, she’ll cry too! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! Now, if I can just get her over here. :)
Happy Birthday to Joy!
May this new year bring all good things!
Trina, another journey shared through poetry. Beautifully done!
Hugs, Keta
Karen Gogue / My heart :)'s ♥
Awww my heart does indeed smile ♥♥ LOVE THIS! :)
For you Joy – feel better soon and kick your sis’s ass!
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
Ha Ha Ha, Karen!!!!
Karen Gogue
Janet Newman
A wonderful birthday poem for Joy.
Here is hoping you have a great day Joy!
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday, Joy!
Many blessings to you and to Heidi as well.
Lovely poem, Trina (as always)
Bill & Rose from Idaho
Trina, thankyou so much for the beautiful poem. As being Joy’s Mom & Dad, we really appreciate your prayers and concern for Joy. We love all of you, thankyou again.
Mom and Dad.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Rose and Bill,
It’s nice to meet you. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m so glad you liked the poem, and I pray that Joy will soon have a good resolution of her medical problems. Please all stay in touch and keep us Z-sters in the loop. There will be Zenyatta news here to look forward to too–in another month or two, she’ll have her second baby. I hope you’ll check in to see. Love in Z-sterhood, Trina
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
Thank you from the bottom of my heart . The birthday poem was the pirfect way to start my Birthday . I dont know you , but today I felt I did , as thougth you were thier . Thank you so much . From both me and my sis heidi . Thank you Heidi I Love you very much ! And yes I cryed too…
Joy. All of the best on your day. Happy Birthday. Hope that you are feeling much better soon. Best wishes to Heidi too.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday Joy. We are a great group, and I’m glad that you were able to stop by and see Trina’s spectacular poem (history lessons on many fronts) and receive the good wishes of Z’s family. Best wishes for a much better year ahead.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Dear Joy,
Happy birthday wishes again and best wishes for the year ahead! I’m so glad that you liked your poem and that you joined us here on Z’s site. I hope you’ll continue to join in here on the Blog. I also recommend checking out the great Zenyatta and 12Z photos and videos—they’re always a pleasure to see–and take a look at the Forum too. Don’t be a stranger, now, you hear?
Love in Dumplinghood (Heidi will explain it!),
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
Now, that I can say this. I told my Mom what you were doing and she was so eager to get her hands on the poem. I told her how to get here but, she’s not at all a computer person. So, I sent them a copy via email so she can print it there. I also had Cindy print a copy. I’m sure that Joy’s already printed it out. That was just sooo wonderful of you. I can’t Thank you enough and tell you how much it truly means to myself and for Joy. Now, the surprises haven’t stopped here. I have “something” planned for mid week. Some already know what that is but, shhhhhh.. Last thing I need is to have the “beans” spilt now that Joy knows how to get here. LOL
Love and hugs in Dumplinghood!
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Power Up Joy (PUJ)!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Joy– today we honor you on your special day and came to know you better through dear Trina’s poem. Many, many Dummplings are praying for you and sending you heartfelt support.Sending massive Z-hugs. Power up, Joy!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Joy:
Your sister Heidi is a beloved Z’ster and Dumpling to all of us in Z’s Family. Having a sister of my own, I understand the special bond. Hoping and praying that you feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue / My heart :)'s ♥
Happy happy birthday Joy!
Jackson Bend Won’t Stand in 2013
By Blood-Horse Staff Updated: Monday, January 28, 2013 4:03 PM
Journeyman Stud stallion Jackson Bend , a dual grade I winner who was retired from racing in October, will not stand his first season at stud in 2013 after it was determined that he would require more time to recover from a training accident suffered last August.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/75892/jackson-bend-wont-stand-in-2013#ixzz2JJ8tr3oa
Such a nice horse. Hope that he recovers fully this year.
Janet Newman
Well it is sad news, I am very glad they are taking JB’s
health in consideration. To try and continue could risk his life.
Thanks for the post Keta.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow–that is a shocker. I just love him and am glad they are having his best interest at heart.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta and Z Fans:
Thank you, Keta, for this update on JB.
I was so worried that Jackson Bend might have lasting effects from a concussion he suffered as a result of a collision with another horse while training at Saratoga. Now it turns out he sustained a back injury as well. Love this Boy and praying for his complete recovery. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Judy B,
Any animal or human that sustains a head injury, the pressure goes down
the spine so they often occur together. It seemed that initially it was the head,
but, with the position he has to assume breeding, the pressure was increased
down the spine from his head striking the ground. The spinal vertebra are
pushed together so there can be back trauma. Same with humans, so often do
head CT scans as well as neck x-rays and even down the spine after a head
So glad they found it as he could have permanent injury with the pressure on
the spine breeding takes.
So glad they are taking care of this wonderful horse.
Thanks for commenting on color/temperament connection. What is a ‘V’ in horse breeding? Does temperament effect speed, or is it intelligence & a large gait/lg heart? Being able to take in a huge amount of air.
Also on concussions, on the Denver Post a participant in the on- going X games, was involved in a horrific accident, after which he actually got up and was escorted to the hospital where things got progressively worse, I guess his heart was bleeding and they had to to emergency heart surgery, and that put extra strain on his brain and it is in real trouble. His father is expecting him to die. Concussions are the news in sports now.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Makes perfect sense that type of injury could travel affecting the spine. I hope he can be made comfortable and recovers fully. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny B and Z Fans:
Do you remember actor Liam Neeson’s wife, Natasha Richardson. She sustained a concussion when she fell while skiing (no helmet) in 2009 and sadly she passed away. So sorry about the X-Games athlete. Hope he pulls through.
As far as temperament in horses, I personally think it’s rather like in people; part nurture and part genetics that makes up temperament, not color. I think John Shirreff’s training methods are nurturing to horses so if they have inherited a sweet temperament, JS just encourages that.
Horses who have been mistreated have to learn to trust again and when they are treated with kindness most do and their personalities change; they become more gentle, calm and do know humans are trying to help them. They begin bonding with humans and other horses. It’s there nature to be social. So if it’s not in the horses makeup to be bad tempered, even mistreatment won’t make them mean. They will shy away from people; a certain object, or noise or whatever caused them stress in the past.
Sometimes just the move to new surroundings and the loss of a best buddy will cause real anxiety in some. In time and shown kindness and patience, they adjust. I’ve seen all of this first hand on the farm where my Charlie is.
I think a long gait, large heart, good lung capacity, intelligence and just overall soundness and good conformation are in the genes. Some horses inherit those genes and some do not. It’s like a box of chocolates (as Forrest Gump would say) you never know what your gonna get. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Sunny B,
“V” is Zenny’s abbreviation for her “mom” “Vertingineaux” sorry for the
confusion. Temperment is like “personality” is for humans. For horses
it is if they are kind, gentle, bite, kick, rear up; stubborn, opinionated (constantly have something to day “in horse language” about what you are doing or what is going on in their world), determination; will to win;
have an attitude (turn their back when you come to their stall); curious
(stick their head out and watch everything); sulk in the back of their stall
(unhappy, not sociable), those kind of thing.
You may hear trainers, when they have trained a “family” like Personal
Ensign and her daughters; or even Zenny and “E”. They talk about
temperment or characteristics that are the same. John says “E” is like
Zenny in that her head is always out and she is looking around,
very curious when people come up; kind etc…
As Judy B mentions; how horses are treated will affect their temperament,
but the basic temperment in bred or genetic.
Interesting comment about the participant in the X-games. I had a very interesting patient, a young may in his 30 with a back injury. When he was
in his early 20’s he was in a high speed motor vehicle accident, and
ruptured his aorta (which is the bleeding you are talking about) fortunately
no head injury, but had emergency surgery and survived, very unusual and miracoulous.
He continued to have pain too long after his injury so he was sent for
x-rays. The radiologist reading the x-rays noticed a fracture in his lower
back vertebra and thought it was “new”; after telling him the history we
figured out it was an old fracture from 10 years ago that is now causing
him problems. He was mad because no one told him about the fracture.
Horses have very long backs so are very vulnerable to back issues.
That is why many trainers have horse chiropractors that work on their
horses to keep them aligned and comfortable when they are being ridden.
One of my friends at the barn had a back injury herself, and because of
that she would sit “crooked” on her horse and rode him stronger on one side than the other. Therefore, the horse was stronger on one side than
the other like she was. She often had to have others ride him or have
the chiropractor out for alignment so he would be comfortable.
Very interesting question Sunny B.
Judy berube,
I would never disagree that fair handling of any animal is very important in the development of that animal’s attitude and interaction with humans.
That said, there are also a lot of ‘nature’ aspects at play as well and it is unfair to assign purely human emotions to a horse and ignore their unique ‘horse-ness.’
Some instances that immediately come to mind:
Hastings. Hasting’s dam was a mare named Cinderella who was quite famous in her own right for her temper and she passed it right along to her son. There is a saying in the horse world that you can not get a good colt off a bad mare, meaning (among other things I’m sure) that if the dam’s temper is sour, she is going to teach that negativity to her foal in those formative months the foal is on her.
As we all know, Hastings was a very dangerous stallion, he made Dynaformer look like a teddy bear. Hastings temper was as much a product of nature as handling. He was from a mare with a vicious temper and he was an entire, breeding stallion.
Breeding stallions (particularly thoroughbreds) are due respect every time you handle them. Some of them, keep the distinction of ‘human’ and horse clear and they are professional about their business. For other stallions that ‘nature’ of territoriality and the aggression to dominate the situation overrides every other imperative and the human handler is seen as a viable threat to that dominance and thus to be ‘taught a lesson!’
It takes a very skillful and experienced stallion handler to keep situations from escalating to that point. Something that drives me a little crazy is when people constantly complain in You Tube video commentary about the stallion handler, ‘jerking’ the chain out of the stallion’s teeth or giving little jerks on the shank as they stand and talk.
People complain about how mean it is to the horse and making the horse anxious, etc, etc. What they do not understand is that you cannot give a stallion or a stud colt an inch, because an inch, quickly becomes a mile. The grabbing of the chain in the teeth is a dominance play on the part of the stud. As we all know, these horses are NOT stupid. He gets that chain, he has leverage against his handler as the shank becomes USELESS to the human.
The shaking of the shank, ‘jerking’ of the line is an unspoken communication between handler and stallion, a near constant conversation of “Hey, pay attention to me. No, we’re not going to check out any mares, stop looking over your shoulder for someone to show off for, lets not have any of that rearing nonsense, this is a nice little photoshoot, lets keep all four on the floor buddy.”
The shaking of the shank, the quick removal of the chain from the teeth, while it looks like playfulness to the layman is actually an experienced stud master cutting off any avenues of escalation to a GENUINE confrontation. It’s not that any of the stallions are mean or mishandled, they are BREEDING STALLIONS. Their instincts tell them to subdue any challenge to their utter dominance of their surroundings and when you’re talking 1100# of muscle and hoof against 180lbs of human, the advantage must be maintained.
So you have your Hastings and your Dynaformers, horses who were always treated with respect but who had tempers that demanded handling strictly by professionals.
Storm Cat’s offspring were known to be particularly hot when they were on the track. I remember well a video of Empire Maker getting ready for one of the TC races and while on his gallop he decided he wanted to go for the cut and blew across the track, nearly plowing through other horses. His trainer mentioned dryly that EM’s dam Toussaud used to pull the same stunts in training.
Remember, for all her sweetness around the stable, Zenyatta was a handful on the track. http://www.drf.com/news/zenyattas-people-exercise-rider-steve-willard
Ann NC
Wonderful information.
Steve Willard,my hero,the master. Almost every horse is pretty much born,honest and with guts. Training, riding, and keeping that spirit intact is to be admired and very much respected!
Look at our Fabulous feral Filly ( FFF ), Miracles of Life! Wooza.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks very much Zenyen – really fascinating info. Loved the handler’s mental “talk” with the horse.
Man ‘o War can be traced in Zenyatta’s pedigree. Hastings is Man ‘o War’s grand sire. Hastings was known to bite other horses on the track. Off the track handlers needed cubs to control him. Zenyen is right. Compared to Hastings, Big D was mellow. Hastings and Big D, love them both.
Ann NC
Yikes! Thanks,Max!
I remember riding an OTTB,mare,named May. We had our end of summer show and nobody wanted to show , May. Well, Mr. A looks at me and says…one left and she’s yours!
During the show,May got even. She was reaching over and biting the others that went by on their mounts. I mean,she was biting LEGS of riders.
At that point, I had my hands full and did not rebel against May. i grew to love the ole girl,May.
I’m trying to recall the details of … Display I think it was who was a horse of two moods.
His groom made it clear, every morning he would go up to the stall with Display’s breakfast and as “And how’s our beautiful Display today?” If Display came over, interested in his breakfast and his ears up, handling him was going to be fine. If instead, he kept his head in the corner and smashed his hind feet into the stall door, everybody knew to keep their distance and not bother him that day.
There was never any rhyme or reason, would happen during breeding season and off breeding season but the message was loud and clear; you handled Display on the days *he* deemed a good day.
Zenyen. A great story. I’m adding Display to my list of favorite bad boys.
Louise Castello
Wow Max, I’m with you. I love those bad boys! Very interesting stuff Zenyen and Max!
dear joy have a very happy birthday and better health this year hugs sheena
dear trina spectacular poem such talent!!! hugs sheena
dear trina thanks very much for the news about judy glore I had put a post up asking how she was(we had’nt heard in a while)barbara kindly told me she was better I often think of her and how the horses need her a wonderful woman full of spirit hugs sheena
Trina Nagele in SoCal
So true, Sheena. Hugz.
Happy Birthday, Joy! I hope you have a fabulous birthday and that you’re feeling better real soon.
Awesome poem, Trina! I don’t know where you find the time to write these beautiful poems. You are a true treasure.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Don’t telll anyone, but our Trina is the 8th wonder of the world–lol! Hugs to you both.
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
:) shhhhh
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Great poem for Joy, Trina.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Sunny B and Zenny Fans,
Here is a link that talks about the two basic colors of the horse, black and red,
and how all of the other colors occur.
Thanks for the link.
Ditto on Trina’s poem for Joy.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
BERNARDINI, WIN NZ RICHEST RACE, KAAKA MILLION – posted the link to show the photo of her, a gorgeous yearling photo.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Thanks for this. Another gorgeous Bernie Baby. Hugs, JB
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Judy B,
So glad Bernie has been successful “down under”.
Pati-Pray for Tessa.
Tessa Update: Tessa had a not so good day yesterday. She didn’t want to eat her feed but did enjoy being out in the sunshine, she did nibble at her hay a little bit. Today she did eat her feed, she is not over the hump as we were hoping and ask for the prayers to continue.
Maybe she wanted sunshine instead of food. If I was stuck in one place for the longest time, I would want to move around a bit too. At least she is snacking though. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than not eating at all.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Power Up Tessa!
Elizabeth in NM
Please count on prayers for dear Tessa and for you from here. Will keep them up daily.
Janet Newman
Power Up Tessa!
One day at a time. Prayers continue for you and all who take care of you.
Kathy R.
Are you listening to all these messages of support for you Tessa? Just keep getting well.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Praying for Tessa! And for all her helpers!
Love and thanks to all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
PUT. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Happy Birthday, Joy, and all the very best wishes to you and Heidi!
Thanks, Trina, for another wonderful work of poetry!
Continuing prayers for Tessa and lighting of candles, too. Power up, Tessa!
Ann NC
If I may, Marshall…
Add me in with all that you said.
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca PUJ
Not sure if anyone has posted this video. Joy, if you are on here, you’ll love it as all will.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Heidi. We vcan never get enough of our Z.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you, thank you so much. I was having a very stressful morning until I sat down to the blog and looked at that video. I have seen it before, but so needed it this morning. It made my face and my heart smile, and tears of joy streaming. Never gets old.
Happy belated birthday to Joy. Trina, fabulous poem again. It just amazes me how we can learn and feel like we know so much about these wonderful people, through your wonderful poems.
Have a great day everyone. Zenny and 12Z, I love you forever my angels,
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful video. I remember hearing about it when it was first posted, but then it disappeared before many of us got to see it. I’m so glad that it’s “back” – truly the highlight of the week.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Sunny B,
Left a post above on this page for you.
Yes, I read it, thanks for going thru all the trouble, btw, the young man I mentioned yesterday, is from your neck of the woods.
How many of the Triple winners were Reds? Besides our most famous one, Secretariat? And who & what were the other colors ?
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Sunny B,
A Texas, in gorgeous Colorado. A wonderful time of year to be
their, white snow and crisp mornings, lovely mountains.
That is a great question about Triple Crown winners and their colors.
Will have to take a look a that. Guess you like those Chestnuts !!!!
We know Seattle Slew was a brown horse, Affirmed was a chestnut,
to be continued …..
Janet Newman
You will probably discover the majority
of the winners were chestnut. I looked it up
when I’ll Have Another was making his bid.
I had them written down, but misplaced that
list somewhere.
Janet Newman
Sunny B and Sign,
I knew my darn list would show up after I post.
Here is the horses and color. Correct me if I am wrong.
1919 Sir Barton- chestnut
1930 Gallant Fox-bay
1935 Omaha-chestnut
1937 War Admiral- Brown
1941 Whirlaway-chestnut
1943 Count Fleet-brown
1946 Assault-chestnut
1948 Citation-chestnut
and the other two that Sign has listed. That makes 6 out of 11 being Chestnuts.
Janet. I have never seen a color photo of Whirlaway. He must have been a glorious sight with that long, long chestnut tail.
Among the great chestnuts is Man o’ War.
Citation was a bay http://www.pedigreequery.com/citation
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
(so very glad for the Japanese; he has been a handful and they
will have something special)
War Emblem Represented by Champion in Japan
By Blood-Horse Staff
Updated: Monday, January 28, 2013 3:07 PM
Posted: Monday, January 28, 2013 1:50 PM
War Emblem, the 2002 Kentucky Derby (gr. I) winner who has had a limited number of foals due to his selectivity in the breeding shed, has been represented by a champion in Japan.
War Emblem-sired Robe Tissage, campaigned by Silk Co., was honored as champion 2-year-old filly for 2012 when the Japan Racing Association held its awards ceremony Jan. 28. The filly, whose victories included the Hanshin Juvenile Fillies (Jpn-I), is one of eight stakes winners for War Emblem, who has been represented by 48 winners from 80 starters. In all, War Emblem has sired 89 foals through December 2012.
War Emblem won the 2002 Derby and Preakness Stakes (gr. I) before being shipped to Shadai Stallion Station in Japan to stand at stud. His low number of foals is attributed to his selectivity in which mares he chooses to service, and in 2012, none of the three mares he covered were pronounced in foal.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/75890/war-emblem-represented-by-champion-in-japan#ixzz2JN3ZtdZa
Maybe he just doesn’t like girls…
Especially Horses / So Cal
He is a “funny” chap. Amazing that he has come through with some very good runners. I wonder exactly what type of gals he is attracted to, ha-ha.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Zenny fans, Dumplings and All,
We thank you for waking up once again to see and to hear this morning.
Please keep us safe from all dangers and harm, through the day.
Help us have a positive attitude with plenty of gratitude for what we
have in our lives.
Let us make the best of each day and every day to clear our minds and be
open to your words.
Please help us expand our mind so that we can accept new things and people
into our lives.
Let me not whine and whimper over those things we have no control over.
Please help us respond and push ourselves beyond our limits so we see
shades of gray rather than black and white visions.
Keep us strong so we can help those weaker.
We believe that you can change people and you can change things.
We pray for our friend, family and equines this day for safety and soundness.
We pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that
seems them and confession are made willingly.
This is our prayer for this wonderful, blessed day.
dear sign lovely prayer hugs sheena
dear pati am lighting candles for tessa and keeping her in my prayers hope she has a better day today it will take time hugs sheena
Marty R / Colorado
The Lane’s End foal list is starting to grow, six as of this morning. The lastest is Sweet Life foaling a Bernardini filly 1/29. Sweet Life is the dam of Life Is Sweet.
Janet Newman
LE was off to a slow start there.
I knew it would start to pick up.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Marty R, thanks for the reminder to check the LE’s site.
Janet, it does seem like the first foaling came late.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty R.:
Thanks for this link. Checked on LE’s site just last week and there was no 2013 foal listing. Will save this in my favorites. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Check out the Black Overo:
Dual registry! How would one of those look coming down the stretch?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a cool horse Ann! He looked so graceful (maybe it was the music). What would you call the type of place he was running in? Thanks :-)
Ann NC
Now w/ our knee deep mud,ice and rain,we would call it riding heaven! Ha!
I guess just a very nice enclosed riding/training arena…to die for! Riding and training year round,no weather delays.
Kathy R.
Dear Ann: I want one! Will have to consult my financial adviser! Hugs, Kathy R. (and thanks for the post)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Gorgeous! Thanks, Ann.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thank you for this video. What a gorgeous boy. Great strut and stride. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for this video of a stunningly gorgeous horse. Painted Freedom is lovely.
Great to see a two-toned TB!
Ann NC
Dear Anne ( Honey ) in Paramont,
I am sorry about your guy,Rightful. Always a tough pill to swallow. Know I have been thinking of all of you and hope Righteous will continue on w/ a new career.
Now, was in the local Agri supply store yesterday and saw the best pair of mud boots, with horses all over them. Immediately thought of you and am proud you “sloshed on”, fulfilling your duties as a GREAT owner, seeing your guy!
Take care and if had seen GS,like you again,they would have to peel me off of the floor,lucky you and how sweet of him to be so kind about RI.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Hello Again Everyone!! I started typing this a few minutes ago and suddenly it all disappeared! Will try again and see if I can make it work.
I was going to wait until I had caught up with all of today’s posts but,couldn’t resist commenting on something I noticed above.
I saw the mighty Citation (as well as his stablemate and running-buddy,Coaltown) in the pasture at Calumet eons ago. They both looked shiny,glossy black–I had always thought they were,but,knowing what I know now about how horses colors are classified,they must have been really dark brown–and just looked black. They surely did not look bay.
Isn’t it so fun to hear about how well Rosie N. is doing?? I was so thrilled seeing her up close at the paddock at the BC,and to get a picture. Surely hope she DOES get to ride Bobby in the Derby!!!
Will write a little later about Barnaby and Traveller–it’s getting busy here at work!! Love to all!!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Citation and Coaltown. That’s serious horseflesh!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue N.
Good to hear from you. Will look forward to update on B and T. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sue Noel,
How exciting to have seen Citation and Coaltown at Calumet!! What a wonderful memory to own.
Look forward to your next post!
Take care and hugs!
♥♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG ♥♥
♥ On behalf of Queen Zenyatta – I’m wishing Princess Rachel Alexandra a Happy Birthday ! In my ♥ i know they would have been friends off of the track :-)
♥ Happy Birthday to EBLOUISSANTE – who shares her birthday with Penny Chenery, 1/27 ! :-) I hope Ebby got my birthday card!
♥ Love, Auntie Judy to ALL horses!
Ann NC
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Judy, as you know, you’re not the only one who can see RA and Z being good friends off the track. I love this Mel (Marcie) Leonard cartoon drawing of Rachel and Zenny having a cup of tea and some cupcakes together in the Thoroughbread Bakery, happily chatting about their impending motherhood. Adorable!
Happy birthday, Rachel!
♥♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG ♥♥
I love ♥ MEL’s cartoons! I bought some of her boxed cards. I sent one of Zenny’s to Dottie last year for her birthday :-)
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting MEL last year, too! She’s a riot!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday E.
Hugs, JB
Joining Auntie Judy in HAPPY BIRTHDAY RA!
Stonestreet Farm tweets
It’s her birthday & she’ll stay dirty if she wants!
Springlike in #lexky for Preakness winner Rachel Alexandra’s bday!
She is expecting a filly by Bernardini in mid Feb this year!
For our Saratoga & NY Z-strs Spa Infield Goose aka SaratogaGoose tweet
It’s Rachel Alexandra’s birthday! I loved her.
I used to fly past her barn at Saratoga just to see her.
Ann NC
Happy B-day,RA…you look gorgeous in the photo,mud and all. Love the wisps of mane catching the breeze,beautiful.Enjoy the day,RA.winter to spring to winter…help! perfect horse gift…MUD!!!
That silly Saratoga Goose! I love the Goose!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta:
Thank you for this great photo. Happy Birthday RA. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute! Love the pic, and the tweet from the Infield Goose who “used to fly by her barn just to see her.” Thanks, Keta!
This Day-1973 Forego, eventual 3-time HOY Year, 1974-76, broke his maiden by eight lengths in his second career start at Hialeah Park
KY Tbred Assoc.tweeted a response
Forego was an amazing thoroughbred. Born here in Central KY, excelled on the track,
and lived out his days at the @KYHorsePark.
Keta Note; It is nice to have a happy ending!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta and Z Fans:
A bio and photos of Forego. Three Time Horse of the Year. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks,Keta and Judy B.
Great horse trained by the great, Frank Whiteley.
Judy B. ..I had lost my bookmark to that link,thanks for refreshing it for me. It is wonderful reading.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Love that site too. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the link. I really enjoyed the bio on Forego — what a great horse!
Take care!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Glad you enjoyed the bio on Forego. He was incredible. Love and Hugs, JB
horseracinghl tweet CALVIN BOREL STILL OUT
Calvin Borel still a week out from returning from broken wrist per @OaklawnRacing
Mary Rampellini DRF tweet
Jockey Calvin Borel could return the second weekend in Feb.,per agent Jerry Hissam. Borel was sidelined by wrist injury; is at 4,999 wins.
Ann NC
Come On ,Calvin.
RA wants a trading card,signed,framed and delivered asap!