Happy Monday!
Alys sent us some photos over the weekend. She caught 12Z having a good roll and Zenyatta spending some time (and sharing apples) with Donna.
-Team Z
Queen of Racing
Happy Monday!
Alys sent us some photos over the weekend. She caught 12Z having a good roll and Zenyatta spending some time (and sharing apples) with Donna.
-Team Z
Janet Newman
Love the pictures and Thanks so much.
There is no better way to start the week!
So nice to see even the really valuable horses allowed to be horses! Queen Z looks a bit tired. Thank you for posting these wonderful “family” photos!
Julie Olen
Who could help but love Zen and friends. Such beautiful athletes!
Jeanne Sutton
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne B
Thank you so much LE for providing us with these current photos! Z looks great as does 12Z! Really appreciate it!
I love the photos! 12Z is having so much fun and looks like his mommy! who still is as gorgeous as ever!
Rosemarie Bandura
Whomever that person is feeding that apple to Zenyatta, must feel they have the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD!! :-)
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Rosemarie,
Donna is feeding Zenny the apple. She helps with all of the foalings.
Allie in Texas
Zenyatta still has those mesmerizing eyes. The Prince is as cute as ever. Thank you so much for sharing these moments with us.
Brenda in TX
That’s the same way that my dog looks at me when I’m eating an apple – Gotta share w/ our animals – Still the pretty girl w/ the most soulful eyes – Luv ya Z
ann oconnor
absolutely gorgeous. Z12 is a magnificent colt. Zynatta looks really good. Bet she loved that apple.
She does look tired..no pep or zing..maybe she is bored being a brood mare
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Dawn,
I think it is the heavy weight of that almost ready to foal; foal. Just like women
at 9 months no energy just ready to give birth.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
WOW!!! I am in tears! JR is so big and just absolutely gorgeous, and of course Momma always looks wonderful! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Big hugs to all.
Z looks happy and content.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
YIPPEE! Nothing like a good romp, roll, shake , and run! 12Z and his buddy, who is also gorgeous, are having a ball. Z. looks very pensive, and I love the picture with the peppermint (at least I think that’s what it is) perched on the fence. What a girl. We can’t thank you enough, Alys.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Barbara,
Love the peppermint photo, too. A little tempting for her.
Lisa in Colorado
Z is always perfection. 12Z growing up so fast.
Thanks to all for the wonderful pictures.
Happy Happy Happy
Alys another great series of photos.
Thank you-it is so appreciated
love the pictures!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Oh Zenny!!! What beautiful pictures of you and your guy (and his friend!!). Don’t you think he is growing up to be a very handsome lad? He looks like he is having such fun. Not having seen too many horses “up close and personal,” I am always amazed to see pictures of them rolling around on the ground. Please tell Alys thank you for this lovely treat. Hope you enjoyed the apples.
Love from your Ohio friend,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
The Prince is more beautiful in every new photo. Love his personality too. Hugs, JB
Diane Rochford
Great pictures! Question: Does anyone know what brand of pants Donna has on? Cheers, Diane
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Good question! I’d like to have some like that too.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Diane,
Donna may have on cloth chaps as they have snaps all the way down both sides of the leg. She probably puts them on when she gets to the barn, her regular pants underneath, and then takes them off and leaves them as the end of the day so as not to bring anything from the outside into the barn.
Like wearing scrubs into the OR and then gowning/gloving, at the end of the surgery,
take the gown and gloves off and scrubs are good to go.
Ann NC
Carhartt makes great clothes.
We have pants,chaps and some overalls,all keep us warm ,dry and cozy! Rugged wear.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Ann NC,
Here is the link to Carhartt, another great grouping of outdoorwear.
Had not heard of them either.
Z's Web Team
We checked with Donna, and she’s wearing overalls by Berne. You can find them here.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
WOW! Thank you so much!
Ann NC
Thanks Web Team
Santa…take notice,please!
Kathy R.
Dear Ann: Now I like an organised woman – putting in the Christmas orders in January! Very efficient! Hugs, KathyR.
Louise Castello
Thank you web team. You guys are so great!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
12Z is having so much fun. Z looks great and if she looks a little tired, let’s remember she’s not that far away from her due date. Time to start marking the calendar and watching the clock!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon:
Anxious Aunties again. Hugs ,JB
Great shots of both junior and Zenyatta. That first close up Zenyatta is stunning. Just love Big Mama Z. Fun to see junior getting all frisky too. Thank you for posting!
Gwen R
Love these! Thanks!!
Trina Nagele in SoCal
SunnyB.Permalink | Reply
January 21, 2013 at 10:43 am
Excuse me, but doesn’t the present admin have one of the worst record on the treatment/management of wild horses? Or have I been misinformed on this site?
Trina Nagele in SoCal
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under Ken Salazar has indeed had a shameful record in the treatment, amounting to planned extermination, of our wild horses, who are being gathered and sent to slaughter. I encourage everyone to follow the blog Straight From the Horse’s Heart for current information on how you can help save our wild horses. Here is news of the recent successful rescue of 41 wild horses put in the slaughter pipeline by the BLM. http://rtfitchauthor.com/tag/humane-society-of-the-united-states/. I was proud to be a part of this rescue. We are hoping and advocating for improved policies under the new BLM director.
Since the BLM was put in charge of our wild horses in 1971 NO administration has truly cared for them. Blaming Pres Obama is not fair as no other president/administration has done any better. They have been treated like vermin the entire time. With the BLM in charge of mining and grazing the horses will always be second class citizens on our public lands even though grazing costs the taxpayers over one hundred million dollars annually, for private cattle on public land. Salazar is personally worse than other Sec of Interiors because he is a rancher but as a Democrat from the West he should have been a huge improvement….too bad he caved to his ranching cronies instead of following party lines which are always better for the environment/wildlife than Republican party lines.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Dear LeeAnne, thank you for speaking up for the horses.
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club; RN philosopher
Dear Leeann,
Heard Obama has the worst rating of a new starting second president,
2. Very sad management of these horses.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear LeeAnne:
I agree with you. Hoping with a new BLM Director things will improve for our (National Treasures) these beautiful wild horses. Without them there would be no ranches. Their ancestors helped settle the land and make it possible for pioneers to survive. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
We need to speak up for them, as voices of those who care are their only hope. People need to know that they have been mismanaged to the point of non-viability, and we are in danger of losing them. Trina is right. R.T. Fitch’s blog is excellent.
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Salazar is leaving office this year, Thank God. I blame him also for the death of the Woves in Yellowstone Natl Park etc….He will pay someday for his cruelty towards animals.
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Thanks for mentioning the wolves, Alex. I couldn’t agree more.
What a happy guy and beautiful Z ! Anyone lucky enough to spend the day with them is lucky enough♥
AJ from CA
Thanks Alys for the cool pixs of Z and Z12 – I’ll use one for my computer background at work. These pixs made my day!
Carol Ross
Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures. Luv you Mama Z and handsome baby boy!
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Gorgeous photos! Thank you, Lane’s End. And here’s more from Inauguration Day.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
—Katharine Lee Bates (1913)
And here on Z’s site, let’s make that “with DUMPLINGHOOD and brotherhood/ From here to overseas!” (Thinking especially of you, Kathy R and Sheena!)
Alex Bowdoin in MA
Thank you Trina! That is FABULOUS!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Too cute. Hugs, JB
Beautiful pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing!!