Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

Susan In Fl
What a cute face & Mom looks as good as ever! Thanx for sharing! Peace & Happiness
Just look at that baby standing like a champion already. Beauty.
Her name shall be LegZZ.
carol in arkansas
good morning Zenny…..have the most wonderfulest day….give the little PrinZess a kiss for me…
Roxy and I are going to spend the day at the dog park…..We are putting on a “Strut your Mutt” event….she can not enter because I am on the board but will enjoy being there and watching her friends…
hope Cigar is doing well…and all the others who have issues…
@SallyB…..great report on Sir…maybe he has “turned a corner”…
kisses for all soft noses…worldwide…
Terry Crow
carol-I have seen your dog’s name spelled as Roxy and Roxie. Which is correct?
Carol, Any news about your boy, River?
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thank you Carol and I have a feeling your Roxy will have a great time even if not in any event.
hugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Hope you and Roxy had a fun day at the “Strut and Mutt” event. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Kathy.Is a lovely day at Sandown,very showery here in Wales.Lovely to see the top horses parading.Does’nt Zoe look so cute in her new shoes how on earth do they manage to walk in them though??Her Zoeism today was so true if we didn’t have the heartaches we would never truly appreciate the happy times.
I found a post on Joey’s page about N2 the talking cat he died yesterday from cancer,a beautiful black boy he has 23I,000 friends!I watched some of his videos he had a lovely nature purring all the time at the vets was awful to see his x-rays the huge mass he had in his stomach.I’m sure his owners are celebrating his 14yrs though.
Marty was enjoying his custard!Trust him to stop off in Switzerland to check on his monies!!And he was lucky to receive some yogis in the post.Have a great Saturday.Hugs to You,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Well at least it’s nice at Sandown. When will the weather get nice and stay nice in Wales? I love to see the horses parading. One week to go to the KY Derby! I’m getting very excited! Zoe’s new shoes are precious. I have no idea how they stay on dogs’ feet, however. It’s true that we can’t truly appreciate the happy times if we haven’t experienced heartache. That was very sad about N2’s passing. We know we can’t have our beloved pets forever, but that’s exactly what our hearts want. Marty likes custard. I don’t think there’s much food-wise that he doesn’t like! Maybe while he’s checking on his monies in Switzerland he can stop off for some premium Swiss chocolates! Boo is being devoured by faux fur and wants his food delivered to him on the couch. So cute! Have a wonderful Saturday. I work today. Hope the day goes fast! Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Dear Max.The short jockey and Un De Sceaux have won impressively at Auteuil!!!Lovely to see the horses parading at Sandown and the awards being handed out.Tidal Bay has being retired safe and sound ,has been a great servant to Paul.Now for the Sire!Free the Moose!Sheena.
Sheena. Glad for Un and Willie Mullins. Let us know about Sire.
Here’s a treat for you. It’s a video of Kauto. He looks wonderful. I love the commentary about him by Yogi and Clive Smith. Smith says that Kauto is like a friend or relative to him. He travels to watch him. Contrast that to the attitude of shorty.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sue Fredrick
I so agree Indy is just the Grandest Old Man. I know I worry about him getting older.
We’ll have to pray really hard that he stays with us for a long long time yet to come. I know we all love him so much. The times i’ve seen him he’s had the best personality.
Another older horse that I was seeing the slide show yesterday on Blood Horse was Go For Gin, at the Kentucky Horse Park now. Wow is he still a nice looking horse at 26. He looked so full of life still. I think he’s to be featured in the Blood Horse magazine coming out today.
Dear Max.Had to tell you Sire De Grugy just won at Sandown and is National Hunt Horse of the year!!!Maybe not his best performance but wasn’t his favourite heavy ground and is the end of a long season!#siresonfire!!!going to watch Kauto’s video now.Thanks so much! Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. This is great news. Moosie wished him well before the race. A win is a win. He certainly deserves it. Did he get another victory kiss from Jamie?
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
Dear Max.Wonderful video.Kauto has much to look forward to and we always know our boy is in the safest of hands.Take note Shorty!!!Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. Yogi and Laura seem to treat Kauto very well. You can tell by the way In which Yogi speaks of Kauto that he respects him as an athlete and a horse. Smith is also a careful owner who looks out for the best interests of Kauto. He knows that Kauto is smart and needs a job. If I were an owner of a top class race horse or any horse for that matter, I would wonder about anyone who thinks that horses are replaceable.
Nicki Boyd-Clouston
I don’t think we need to worry about Zenyatta. The Mosses are exceptional breeders & will do everything to keep her healthy & happy. I must say, though, it would not be in her best interest to NOT breed her again. If she is in good heath, which we can see she is, her physiogy is best in a pregnant state. In the wild, mares have a foal every year, it’s nature’s way. She will have to take a year off, if not this year, than next to reset her clock for earlier foaling. Mares love their foals & most will pine if they do not have one at side. So, we should not concern ourselves with the issue of her career as a broodmare. She has so much to offer the gene pool. The Mosses will ALWAYS make the best decisions for her.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Nicki; I totally agree with you with the care and Mosses decisions. I was unaware it would Not be in Z’s best interest to breed again yet this year and your explanation. This was very interesting! Thank you
Sally B
Peggy Buffington
Thanks, Niki-Boyd, for such a lovely way of wording what horsemen/women would have liked to have said, but just didn’t have the gentle way of words to do it. Lovely filly this year, although I was hoping for more colts. It’s always seemed like the colts take after their dam and the fillys their sire. In this case, that might not be so bad! Zenyatta’s foals seem to have such wondferfully correct legs and knees from the time they’re foaled and that’s so great. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when they go to the track. Eblouisante isn’t having much luck, getting to the races. She seems to be in perpetual training, costing more and more money, but I suppose the person who owns her doesn’t have to worry about that. My stable mail said she worked yesterday in 49 and change…..again…so one of these days she’ll get a chance to at least go see if she can become a race horse. She has so much left to learn.
Ann NC
The words of horsemen/horsewoman may not be soft, but their hearts sure are!
She’s a beauty…
Looking at photos of Coz and Zi when they were that age and she seems to have more presence and be more independent already!
Better look out boys!
She is adorable. Zenyatta, thank you for another future champion. I have a good feeling about this one and Coz. Take care.
That little girl is so perfect. Zenny looks so happy and content. I am thrilled for LIS. Hopefully they will all four be together for a long time.
Ann K
The Princess is very big and strong, just like her mom, and also with her gentle and knowing expression. Can she keep up with her brothers? Sure! She’s going to be bigger than either one of them!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
California Chrome and Ring Weekend both leave for Kentucky on Monday April 28.
Leaving from seperate parts of the country
Safe travels to both you boys and all.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Peggy, I have a loving soft spot for A P Indy, who I visited twice at Lanes End. In fact, he drew the biggest interest during the visitation day!! I fell in love with him those times. I truly wish one of them would do him proud. Indy deserves it.
hugs, Sally B
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sally,
I so agree i wish one of A P Indy’s would win.
He actually has four others in the field from his blood line too, Hopportunity,Chitu, Uncle Sigh, Commanding Curve
I am so pulling for Ring Weekend or California Chrome, but just love all the field.
Sure wish we could have a Triple Crown Winner This year.
Dear Max. I know you know this but Medal Count is the son of Dynaformer. and General A Rod is in his family too. I know I am probably telling you something you already know, but just wanted to be sure.
Peggy. Yes, I know about Medal Count. Dale Romans has high hopes for him. MC has the Roberto ears. I do like Cali Chrome, but it is very tough indeed to go against a son of Big D.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
The more i see of him the more I just love him. He is gorgeous. Know Dale Romans is so proud.
Peggy. Dale Romans loves this horse. He said that MC is the best horse that he has had for the Derby. Like horses of old, he’s been heavily raced – 7 races to date. He’s big and tough like his daddy. He also has the Big D stride and stamina to get the distance. He may be a biter too. Love those kind of horses. Anything can happen in that race with 20 in the field.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy, Sally and Z Fans:
I love AP Indy too and what a legacy he is creating. He is the sire of my favorite boy, Bernardini, COZ’s Daddy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Max:
Would love to see CC and MC do well in the Derby; a tribute to AP Indy and Dynaformer. Both have trainers that seem to really love their horses too.
Peggy, I think Ring Weekend would be a good long shot choice. Love and Hugs, JB
Max & Peggy,
I too am pulling for the Big D boys. Interesting item on Bloodhorse.com about General a Rod hooking up with Will Take Charge in a workout at Churchill. Seems he has a bit of Big D’s character.
Of course, these are just 2 I like. My heart is over ruling my head.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
“Indy” part of your family’s coming to Kentucky. Yah…………………………………….
I predict she will be the best of Z’s offspring. Just sayin’
Dear Max.Sire got a hug from Jamie he’s going to Buxted on his holidays although wishes he was going to Cyprus!!!I wonder what next year will bring with SS coming back and Simonsig but nothing can take this incredible season from him.Treve tomorrow taking on Cirrus des Aigles!News from Nissy his nip is germinating!!Yay!Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. Given the choice, I’d go for Buxted. I saw a video of Sire’s win. I thought that it was a good one. He did not do so well on one of his jumps, but he powered home with real determination. He is one classy grand ole chestnut. Impressive looking blaze too. Noticed that Sammy was riding Kauto’s bro for Paul in that race.
Also watched the win by Un de Sceaux. He did really well too. He’s now 9 for 9.
Read today that shorty is 5’10”. That’s tall for being short, but his critics must be talking figuratively.
Glad to hear of Nissy. Went for a walk to Stars today and saw a Seville lookalike on the street. First cat sighting since the retreat of the polar vortex. Forecast is now endless rain.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
carol in arkansas
@TC…..I spell Roxy…..but checked her papers and they say Roxie….so both are right!
@Shirley….no word on River since last day at Oaklawn ….no posted works anywhere…
He could be having a rest….
Terry Crow
Thanks, carol. I guess everyone is right. God bless Roxy/Roxie.
Dear Max.I haven’t seen any of the regular cats around my way lately and we HAVE had some nice days!Is spring ever going to arrive with you?We were meant to have a sizzling April LOL I think I remember telling you our jump jockeys are not too small AP is about 5ft 10ins as well but somehow Shorty seems more appropriate after his comments at Cheltenham.Un de Sceaux is very good but I think Vautour will be a star next season.Kauto has put 3 messages up about his old stablemate Tidal Bay a horses horse I loved that description!Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. Given that winter vortex, if it’s not snowing, it’s spring. We cannot temp fate by asking for much more. You did mention that Brit and Irish jump jockeys were a lot larger than Uncle Johnny and others. You’re also right about AP. He’s at least 5’10”. Did AP win the championship again this year? Kauto has a way with neighs. Such a clever boy he is.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
Terry Crow
Good thing it is not neigh x 10. Then, it would make no sense at all.
Irene Caty
Princess Z is so Beautiful and boy does she ever look like her Beautiful MOM. I’m sure that Zenyatta is quite over joyed at this point. It really is wonderful to see the two of them standing side by side and looking so happy. I bet the Princess will also have Z’s personality. Zenyatta is so amazing and I just love her so much. I love the pictures and think they turned out just great and thanks so much for sharing. I will be waiting for the next pictures to come. Sending Love and Kisses to all and also thanks for telling us about Life Is Sweet and Congratulations to her and her owners.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Happy sunny days to you Zenyatta and your image 14Z. Now, I know these little ones can be a dickens and some times demanding, so get your rest Z whenever you can!!
Goodnight, God bless Z, Coz, Zi and 14Z, kisses to all
Auntie Sally B
That last photo of Princess Z – head and shoulders shot – just melts me. She is so beautiful. Love her curly mane and little white sock. Thank you to Lane’s End for taking such good care of our Zenyatta and sharing her pictures with all of us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear CatJ and Z Fans.
Can’t be sure, but it looks like she has a mouthful of grass in that photo. When I first looked at the photo wasn’t sure if it was little chin hairs and then I realized she must have been grazing with Mama Z. Love that photo. Too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
We are going to have two new Saints. Isn’t it wonderful. Pope John XX111 and John Paul 11. Two amazing men. Just brings tears to your eyes.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, both beloved, holy men. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max
I left you a post way above.
She even stacks herself. She seems to be quite intelligent. Notice the gal did not need help bringing her outside with Zenyatta. Cozzie they needed another handler to keep him in line. Never saw many photos of the Tapit foal/colt being led out with mom.
She just seems to have the whole package. Nice one! Good job, Z.
Dear Max Yes, AP won his 19th consecutive title.His little boy Archie, who underwent cardiac surgery recently, was with him also daughter Eve.He will be 40 in May and has no idea what he will do in retirement,can’t bear the thought.He has re-written all the record books.Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. 19 wins is very impressive. It’s like Z and The Fly. I read recently that AP plans to keep on racing as he hopes to hit 5000 wins. Also read that AP has broken almost all of his major bones at least once. AP is one tough hombre, as is Richard Hughes. He’s returning to racing after his fall with Mars in Dubai. Only wish that Mars had survived.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
Dear Judy. Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.X
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
She’s going to be tall. Compare the length of her canon bone to that of her mom, it gives a very good indication of her size. She is a big filly with good flat bone, well laid back shoulder, and a great hip. If she has that competitive spirit of her mom, watch out!
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta!
I first thought that your little girl looked like you but she is reddish brown.
Oh my!
She is to cute and adorable.
I am so eager to see some videos of both of you.
Love to you, Zenyatta, and your little girl.
Lise from Maine