Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

Ida Lee
Thank you so much for the photos. I’m misty eyed right now. The Princess is just beautiful and Zen, well she’s such a great momma.
Jean Colgan
I’m 88 yrs old and seen some great horses in my day, but Zenyatta and her family
are the most beautiful, you know she gets good care, Thanks to Ann and Jerry
what Great owners, I only wish I could have seen her race, but my daughter is
another horseing fan and goes to Santa Anita here in Ca. She introduced me to
Zenyatta and I’m Happy she did. Best of luck with her kids, and May God Bless
you all.
Rita Burton
Oh my goodness, she’s already got the pose down (pic 3). She’s a beauty, just like mom!
Beautiful Regal Princezz.
Thank you for sharing.
Love, Arlene from Vermont
candi carter
congratulation from the bottom of my heart ZENNY you have an angel a stunning gorgeous beautiful baby girl love you all!
Wow! Thank you for the wonderful pictures and update. Congratulations to both winners. 10 mins and 1 minute off! AmaZing.
God bless!
Tiz Herself
This morning it was TGIF, now it is an AWESOME TGIF, thank you Team Zenyatta as always for the updates on Princess and the Queen. She looks very much like her sire. Quite the “engine” on her, too!
Happy Friday Everyone! This made my day let me tell you!
On that note congratulations to Curlin, Ashado, Gary Jones, and Alex Solis on their inductions into Horse Racing Hall of Fame! How cool would it be for ROC to win the Kentucky Derby for his daddy next week?
Great update on the Derby runners, sounds like ROC is a character! Danza looks FANTASTIC in those photographs… I am finding it hard to root for one horse lol.
She’s beautiful like her mom! And she’ll do her mom proud for sure!
Tiz Herself
I love that first pic of Z!!! All these years of her in retirement and she still (will always) look so majestic, elite, her ears forward like that… there will never be one to match her.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TH:
Z’s a Horse of a Lifetime. Love and Hugs, JB
Julie from Kokomo
Agreed, matchless!
Tiz Herself
The confirmation shot, sure looks like Princess has a frame to grow into – wonder how tall she’ll be? She’s got legs to grow into for sure!!!
I heard somewhere that both colts are getting to be as tall or close to the same height as their mommy. Either way, she stamps her foals!
Ann NC
Princess sure is stunning.
Thank you, TeamZ and congrats to the winners.
Precious, precious, precious!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Mama Z, love you and your beautiful family. Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Tiz Herself
Too bad Zensational is taken! lol Rizen Star? A spin on Risen Star! Flicka? Zendar (Like “Graydar” but Zendar lol)
Tiz Herself
Or a take on Eclipse , Eclipze (The angle I’m thinking is the story of Eclipse
Am starting to read the book Eclipse: The Horse The Changed Racing History Forever by Nicholas Clee – the story of a horse who would not be beat. Foaled in 1764, the GB bred and won 18 of 18 races, a direct grandson of the Goldolphin Arab and the Darley Arabian.
Then there was American Eclipse who came later, foaled in 1814, American Eclipse was also unbeaten in 8 starts – Eclipse a great grandsire on his broodmare side.
Zen’s Eclipse, Eclipze, I am enjoying what I am reading so far.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Tiz Herself, I really like your suggestion Eclipze. 14Z’s birth was heralded by a lunar eclipse, and the name looks ahead too to the Eclipse Award(s) that we hope 14Z will garner.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Eclipze would be way too close to Eclipse. It would sound the same.
Mary in Boone, NC
Hi All!
Look what a GREAT job Zenyatta does as a Mother in the 1st photo: HRH scans the environment to make certain all is safe. PrinZess has the same ears as CoZ, Ziconic, and Our Queen: aren’t they adorable?!?! Would love to kiss them!!!!! Look at that stance: you talk about genes!!!! Hope we have all noticed Our Queen has stamped each of her babies with a deep understanding of the blood that flows through their veins!!! Of course, the babies have their Sire’s genes too….but Our Queen always knew how to handle the boys!!!!LOL
High hooves and three whinnies for our ELEGANT PrinZess and Our Queen. Enjoy your time with your Mama: drink deeply of both her milk and her knowledge.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Kyle, Team Zenyatta, and Team Lane’s End for keeping all of us godparents involved.
Love to All,
Mary in Boone
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Love your “HRH,” Mary. Love and hugZ, Trina
Kathy M
Beautiful filly from a beautiful Mom!
Dear SallyB. So glad to hear the good news about Sir,the warmer days will surely help him and more than that,your love and devotion.Hugs Sheena.
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you,LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Were’nt the pics a lovely surprise mum and daughter look magnificent.!Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. God Bless. Beautiful photos. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Tiz Herself
Zen Nation! That would be a neat name! Zenfever, Zenzational! (Zensational taken, Zenzational is not!)
Carol Hoffine
What a beautiful little girl!
Sandra Bennington
She is a beauty! Nice booty!! Love the new Princess!!
Perfectly beautiful each and every one!
The 3rd photo down with just the filly standing reminded me of the photo of Secretariat as a weanling. Different color of coat but something, a presence. She has a beautiful head, EARS, and gorgeous, alert eyes.
Deneen in NE
Just beautiful!!
Kris Megaro
Not even a week old and stands so regally just like mom.
She has the same hind legs as her mommy. Built just like her. And I think I have a good name for the new baby……Zen Garden
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Such a beautiful little girl. Just gorgeous
Thank You so much Ann, Jerry, Lane’s End for letting us be a part of Zenyatta & her Family’s life.
Beautiful Pictures
She is beautiful so regal. Looks very muscular. Thank you for sharing the pictures and allowing us all a window into the world of the Great Zenyatta.
Janet Newman
What a beautiful filly. So nice to hear Life Is Sweet foaled an hour before Z.
I love all these wonderful photos.