Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

She is ALL legs! What beauty!
jan O.
With all this girl power beginning to flow, this little filly is certainly going to be super charged as she goes on with her life. Looking at her expression I think she is going to take her heritage mixed with all this admiration and just blow ’em away. I don’t even have words to thank the Mosses and all who care for her for this beautiful gift. She looks like a genetic jewel box to me, with promise written all over her future!
They should name her Princess Z
I was hoping for a barn name of Princess Lilly.
Leslie R.
She’s precious!!! 14Z is gorgeous! What a beauty!
Thanks, Team Z, for continuing to share Zenny and her offspring with us. Your generosity means a lot to me.
Congrats to the winners of the contest!
Hugs to all,
Julie Henry
Momma Z has the prettiest babies- this filly is going to be a looker like her mom!!!!
Congratulations on another safe delivery enjoy your little girl
Did the boys have that same curly mane at that age? She is so stinkin’ cute!! I can hardly stand it! :D ♥
Conformation is stunning! My mouth dropped when I saw photo of her hind quarters..beautiful. Has anyone else notice her muscle development?!?
And lastly, those legs…….!!!!
Congrats and a thank you to Lanes End. They both look so healthy and happy:))
Trisha Veazey
congratulations to Zenyatta and/ connections. She is beauty just like her mother. She was a big girl and hopefully she will be a great race horse like her mother.
Ann are you crying? She is going to be a great lady like her mother.
Love hugs and kisses
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow, the posts just keep pouring in.
@Abigail–you are so right. Could any of us even bear to think of losing touch with “our: Zenny after retirement? I’ll never forget the queasy feeling I had when I didn’t know if there would be a place to put the love I had felt for her. Thank you so much for helping Bella and Butterscotch.
2,000 entries! Wow! Amazing. Heartfelt congratulations to both winners. Way to go. It must have taken some computer program to keep up with all of that.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
I too was a basket case!! Just thinking to have such love for Z and suddenly it was ending was just too devastating for me. My husband thought I really lost it!! Look at what she has given to us all and thank God for Ann & Jerry’s big heart to share her.
hugs, Sally B
Kathy Baldwin
What a little darling she is! :) Makes one feel good just looking at her and momma!
Blessings and all good wishes for Zenny, her sweet beautiful filly, all of Team Z,
Lane’s End and everyone in the Zenyatta Nation! Such great photos. Thanks much
for posting this and getting the weekend off to a nice start. ;)
Peace & Love,
Kathy from SoCal xoxoxoxo
p.s. And many blessings for Zenny’s two fine colts, as well! What a wonderful family!
Thank you Abigall,.
That’s the response I was hoping for.
The world needs more people like you. Hugs and much love to both you and yours.
Patty Prather
Her name should be Easter Lilly
Christine in Florida
I like Zcimitar for a name (scimitar) The white on her face looks like some that I have seen.
She’s such a cutie !! Congrats to Zenny, Team Z, and Lanes End. Hugs to Momma Z and Princess Z :)
Dear Max.Are’nt the new pics great!Such a big filly!Poor Hovis he’d get loads of TLC with me.It was the 1st anniversary of Moose’s win at Doncaster today,we won’t speak of what came after!Noble Mission had a good win in Sandown won by 9 lengths he led from the front.We’ve had a lot of rain which will suit Sire De Grugy tomorrow read that Sprinter seems to have lost interest in racing it wasn’t only his heart problem so…. Happy to see Paul regain the trainers title.Free The Moose.Sheena
Sheena. Agree with everything you said. 14 is remarkably good looking. She’s a diva for sure, a real star. Beautiful in every way. The one hind sock is so chic.
I saw that Noble Mission did well. Good for him and Lady Jane. It was said that he did not have a good attitude to training, like his bro, Bullet Train, but she’s done well with him. Hope this continues.
I was also happy for Paul, all the sweeter having lost the short guy.
Perhaps SS needs the attention of Gary, the horse psychologist, or a little rest over the summer. He’s too talented and young to give up on the jumps.
I count the days for the return of the Moose. I have a little carrot cake to munch on to remember that glory day win.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9.
Lois in Tulsa
Love her body, love her head, LOVE EVERYTHING about her!!!
Darlene Daniels
So precious and gorgeous! Photo 4 of Z and 14Z grazing side by side is my favorite.
Congratulations Life is Sweet.
Thank you Team Z for everything.
Love to all.
What a beauty and so precious! Thank you for the pictures! Made my day…
Wow! Thank you for the pictures! Can’t stop looking at them! They are wonderful! And thanks for the info on LIS. And about that blaze – I’m thinking something Harry Potter! lol
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thank God for little girls! (thinking of a song) These pictures are absolutely awesome.
To see her stance in the third pic is adorable and she is already a star. Z can be so proud once again. Zenyatta is looking like the queen always.
To mention one thing. Zenyatta is a darker bay and I thought War Front was a dark bay so how come the chestnut color?? This again is what is so interesting as it has to go back to grandparents etc.
I still love the name Princess of Zen. I am still thinking.
have a wonderful week end everyone
hugs, Sally B
Terry Crow
Sally-They get bigger each day.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
She’s not chestnut, she’s bay. Chestnuts have a red mane, legs, and tail. War Front is registered as Bay.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thanks for answering my question.
LauraJ is right about 14 being a bay. Her sire War Front is a son of Danzig. Danzig and most of his sons such as Danehill and perhaps War Front are dominant bays, which means that they will not produce a chestnut and can only sire a gray when the dam is gray. Check out early photos of Ziconic as a newborn and you will see that 14 is very different in color from him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Laura J and Z Fans:
Laura J and Max, believe you are spot on. The Princess has her Daddy’s coloring. Here’s a photo of War Front. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Great photo of a handsome guy. He has the classic Northern Dancer blaze.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Indeed he does. Handsome boy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Here’s a photo of the great Northern Dancer. War Front’s blaze is practically identical. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. He was a classy horse and was very powerfully built. He held the time record in the KD until Secretariat. 14 has the same look about her in the eyes. She however gets that regal appearance from both sides of the pedigree. Z is a horse who is so innately beautiful that she cannot take a bad photo. She looks perfect always.
Rosemarie G Cola
pix were the best part of my day!! thank you, thank you!
Rose – so good to see you here.. Miss ya. I love the photos also.. Who could ask for more.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Thank you all for sharing these lovely pictures of our new “niece”. Since I can’t bear the thought of calling her 14Z for 12 months I’m going to call her EaZter Lilly…….and just “Lilly”. She is surely a big girl at 151 lbs, beat her brothers in size. I’m surprised at how light tan she got after drying off, color is more like her dads’, but we got the ears and it looks like she has a white toe on her left hind so maybe she’s got polka dots like Zenny.
Congrats to beautiful LIS on her Tapit baby, can’t wait to see him too.
Congrats to the contest winners, what a great photo that will be.
Kisses on noses Mama Z, Lilly, Zi, CoZ and my beauty Indy too.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Yes, she has her Daddy’s color coat, but she inherited those Roberto ears. I think of all of Z’s babies, though, COZ has THE EARS most like Mama Z. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
I know, Thank Heaven not thank God, remember that song?
Terry Crow
In my mind’s eye I can see Maurice Chevalier dancing.
Ah yes, I remember it well……
I am just now seeing theses pictures for the first time. Princess Z is so adorable and just such a treasure to be able to view. She is one good looking Filly !!!! I just want to kiss her on her little soft muzzle. Zenny, you did great once again!!!
Thanks so much for sharing her with all of us.
Hugs and Kisses to all. :)
Mom’s love their baby daughters!
Wow! Grateful to God for the safe delivery for both Zenny and Z14. Z14 is outstanding looking! The photo were she’s standing like she’s been posed caught my breath and champion came to mind. Gentle pat to Zenny, Z14, Coz and Ziconic. What a beautiful family! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely family with us. Ann, the love that is so evident between you and Zenny and her babies is precious.
Sandi Schlemmer
What a beautiful filly. Congrats to Zenyatta and her connections. Both mare and foal look great…. good thoughts and prayers to them. Thank you again for sharing your stunning champion mare and her foals with us.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Zelestial could be a name for this awesome girl as we wish her the best of all as she grows into her future. Just thinking; got to have a Z!
Hi all; Well, after the visit from Pastor Dave, a good group of us volunteers have spoken to Kathryn to allow Sir, who is enjoying this warmer weather and pasture, a delay for spring and part of summer until the vet comes for immunizations and then she will offer the opinion. Yeah!!!!
Sir has been so sweet this whole week as other volunteers have mentioned too. The warmer weather and sunshine really helps him. I finished a lot of stuff after 2 1/2 hrs and I was pooped. I walked out to Sir in a pasture to give him a couple carrots before I left. You would not know he had any pain! He was loving. I did not bring the halter out but I really wanted to use the curry on him as they are blowing the coat as I worked on Jo. He was not haltered and I knew they prefer two people hanging around if you work with Sir. So I just brushed him, testing, for a minute or so, but I just knew I should have haltered him and then to the fence. I said goodbye to Sir and started to walk away and he followed me and then stood. I looked at him, told him I had to go, but it was as if he would have wanted more grooming, I swear he watched me groom Jo all the while. I’ll have to ask another volunteer to stop by sometime. It is just a personal thing because there are a few nighttime volunteers who do groom him, and when I go I am totally by myself.
So for now all is well at the Cedar Valley Horse Sanctuary. Jo has really improved from the absess she had to her hoof!!
hugs to all, Sally B
Sally. I hope that it works out well for Sir. Keep the faith in him that you have.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
So happy to hear your good news. Sir, really loves and trusts you; not surprising. I hope he continues to enjoy his time in the paddock and being groomed. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Sally-Other then Sir himself, nobody deserves a turn around in his condition more than you. A true testimonial to your faith in him.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lovely news, Sally. Love and hugZ to you, Sir, and Jo.
Oh my what a look she has.
I love Zenny’s boys but this baby girl has something special going for her already.
She may be Z 14 but I think she is going to be the best yet.
I am so happy she is so darn cute and I just love her “I am Zenny’s baby” stance.
Baby Z 14 is going to be the most spoiled of all. Thank you Team Zenyatta you guys are the best.
Coz I Can 2015
I like IK 2016
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
kisses, Auntie Sally B