Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

Beth Alexander
correct name is Alexander
OMG. They are the Queen end her Princess!!! They’re so beautiful!!!!
DiAnne Patrick
Congratulations to the lucky winners! Omigosh, this little Princess is PERFECTION. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moss and Team Z for sharing Zenny and her glorious family with all of us.
Momma and baby are absolutely beautiful! One request – can we give Zen a break from having babies though? She’s had one every year since retirement. I think as wonderful as she is, she’d love a job for a while. Please don’t breed her to death.
Zenyatta being ‘bred to death’ is not likely. A made in the wild can have a foal every year.
Unless there is a health issue with the her, Zenyatta can effectively be bred every year. She’s even in a better position than a wild mare, cause she gets vet care that a wild mare lacks. The people at Lane’s End have been doing this for a long time, and I’m sure the Mosses wouldn’t breed her if her health was at risk.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
What Crystal said.
Anyway, she’ll get a break soon–not because she needs one physically, but to reset her foaling calendar. Each successive birth has been 2-3 weeks later than the previous one, and eventually the Mosses will have to give her a year off so that the foal will not come too late in the. (All North American TBs have an official birthday of January 1, and chronologically older foals start with an advantage compared with their younger peers.) She may be given that year off as soon as this year, depending on how the Mosses feel about having a May foal. And Zenyatta will probably be unhappy about it when her break occurs. She clearly loves having a foal at her side.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Ooops, that’s “too late in the year.”
Karen Mitchell/California
I’m no expert but this little filly just takes my breath away. She’s so gorgeous that I almost overlooked the incomparable Zenyatta. I second the thoughts of others who say she surpasses any other foal. She already looks like a classic racehorse; maybe she will run in the Derby one day! Thanks so much for sharing these stunning photographs.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Nice to see you again, Karen! Love and hugZ, Trina
Minkysb@gmail.com Smith-Wright
Congrats Zen. Stunning little girl. ZENEASTER
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Z Team and Lane’s End:
My gosh, she’s PERFECTION. Thank you so much for these lovely new photos of Z and the Princess. Her weight at birth was more than either of her brothers. wow. Maybe she will be a Big Girl like Mom. Thank you again for making Z’s many fans a part of her and her babies’ lives through this wonderful Blog. Means so much to us. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
These photos of the stunningly beautiful Princess and her mother have me in awe and I forgot to congratulate the winners of the contest. Congrats on your win of the lovely print. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Carlson
Zenyatta continues to bring us all such joy. Now we have a beautiful Princess Z. Thank you Ann and Jerry Moss and all the people involved for caring and sharing her life with us. Love all the pictures and updates. It’s very remarkable what you do.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, my!!!!! What an adorable baby girl! She must have still been wet when the first picture was taken and she looked so dark. Just look at those long legs. Perfect in every way. Thank you so much, Lane’s End And Team Z.
Poor me–I was vainly trying to catch on the last post (hopeless), so now we’ve jumped to this one. We just never can tell–lol.
@Max–thanks so much for our Friday visit with Hovis. Poor Hovis, you have so much in common with Barnaby, as you are both on the injured reserve list. Maybe one day you will get your own computers so you can chat across the pond.
@Trina–glad to se that you got back on, so to speak. Thanks for the wonderful poem and the tip about the horses in need here in TX. Love to all, and Happy Weekend.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops: Sorry
Dear Life is Sweet:
Congratulations on your new Tapit colt.
So perfect that Zenyatta’s BFF, Life Is Sweet, had her colt and hour before! The above pics are adorable. Love love love!
She is truly beautiful, just like her Momma. She is Zenny’s “minnie-me”. I can’t believe how long her legs are. Congratulations to Team Zenyatta on the new arrival. Thank you for sharing all of these great photos with us.
Ann Goodman
Love the curly blaze.
Barbara Zylbert
151 lbs! She is HUGE!!!! I can see winning the Triple Crown for colts in 3 years time. Please post some pics of Life is Sweet’s colt, LIS and Z and Princess Z in pasture. That would be Sweet!
Congrats to all! Super nice looking filly!!!!
hey another name for her could be Perfect Z! She is really stunning! :D
Dear Team Z.I go away a few hours and look what happens!!!!Such beautiful pics of Zenyatta and the Princess!Gosh she was a big girl 151lbs ouch!!Zenyatta is as ever the attentive Mum.Congratulations to LIS on the birth of her colt.Look forward to more news soon we can’t get enough of our adorable Princess Z .Love and hugs to you all and thank you so much.SheenaXX
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sheena–the story of my life–lol! If there weren’t other Dumplings letting me know about new posts, I would still be posting on the old one.
The Princess sure looks adorable!!! And those ears and the pose! Wow, she is stunning!!
Thank you Team Z, I’m glad everything is going week, and thank you for the Life Is Sweet update, best friends who foal together stay together!!!!
I’m doing the Happy Dance!!!
Wow does anyone else look at that photo of her in a stance in the pasture, and think, she is a BEAST! Super correct and already muscled a bit, wow! Can’t wait to see her go
Thank You from the bottom of my heart for the Friday update and those BEAUTIFUL pictures! The Z team is wonderful. We want to hear lots about your trip, also.
Thank you so very much for all the pics of Zenny and her princess! Love them both so much! And a huge thank you to everyone at LE for taking such great care of our girls.
Well done Zenyatta, she’s gorgeous!
Can’t wait to see more photos and a video would be awesome!
Susan Ladmer
A perfect name for that filly, if it isn’t already taken, would be Zena — a warrior princess to combine the names War Front and Zenyatta.
Little Princess looks just like her MOM! Eazter Baby!!!!
Carla Haider-Sentes
She is absolutely beautiful. I love her face. A Princess she is. Now to find the perfect name for this Easter Angel.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I think it’s great that TWO winners are getting the prize–congratulations to them both on their good timing! Unfortunately my own timing wasn’t so good in that I posted “thank you’s” almost at the end of the prior Blog entry, and I’m concerned that the thankees might not see them, so with your permission I’ll repost here:
Just catching up here with many thank you’s to extend to those who kindly mentioned my poem On the Birth of Zenyatta’s First Filly. Thank you to Elizabeth in NM, Linda in NJ, Terry Crow, Abigail_1849, Pam Homeier, Sandy in NE Ohio, Max, Judy Berube, Barbara Wood, Sheena Davies, Rosemary McCauley, Ann in NC, Delrene, Debbie G, Sally Blank, Anne from Paramount, Kathy and Marshall for your complimentary words. I’m so glad you all liked it. And let me repeat thanks here too for Celeste in Massachusetts, Marilu Villanueva, Sue Fredrick, Lisag in Texas, and Celeste in TX, in case one of you didn’t see my earlier “thank you” post. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. Thank you one and all. Love and hugZ, Trina
Beautiful photos of Zenyatta and her baby girl. What a looker.
Thank you so much Ann and Jerry Moss and Team Zenyatta for taking the time to post photos and information to all the Queens fans. You give us all so much to look forward to and a way to keep in touch with her and her foals.
I for one appreciate it very much and love every photo and information you give us.
Thank you again.
Karen Kania-Forehand
THOSE LEGS! OMG! They go on for miles and miles. What a blessing. She is abosultely stunning. I think she will be able to keep up with her brothers just fine! I kinda like the name “Front of Z Line”!