Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

Jan D. / Texas
She just has the prettiest face. Will she end up as dark as Zenyatta or will she be a lighter brown?
I believe she will end up being a bay…so not as dark as Zenyatta and more red :)
Bay is Zenytta’s color. There are many variations of bay from dark (almost black) to a “blood” bay which is red. the dark patches on the filly’s shoulder give away her later color, she’ll likely look like Cosmic and Z.
Kinda my thought, too, Kasei. Really know nothing about horses but the collies I bred tended to go that way. Only it was the head.
Jan D. / Texas
Why do I always get this message? I am so sick of it.. This is why I hardly post on the blog, I don’t have this problem on the forum.
Your comment is awaiting moderation. The spam filter that protects our online community occasionally holds comments for human approval. This can happen if you post too many links. Please DO NOT reply to this comment if you see this message.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Why don’t you send Team Z an email? I’m sure this is just some sort of technical glitch that could easily be straightened out. We hate to have you not participate here (especially as handicapping season approaches :-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Jan, do you possibly have two e-mail accounts? I do, and if I forget which one I’m supposed to use here and I try to log on with the wrong one, I get that “awaiting moderation” message. Love and hugZ, Trina
Erin Gilligan
Oh that filly is just too adorable! And Z looks just as gorgeous as ever!
Alex Bowdoin
I am about to cry! Both Mom and our Easter Bunny look BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for posting these today!!! WOW…HUGS TO ALL AT TEAM Z AND LEF for these photos to us!!!
Zenyatta and her filly are sooooooooooooo beautiful !!
Heartfelt thanks for sharing the precious photos-happy all is well.
Janie (in L.A.)
What a couple of pretty girl-girls! Every picture is so cute I can’t decide which one is best and I am so happy that Zenyatta has such a perfect, well-rounded family. This little baby girl has two darling big brothers and a beautiful mother and doting grandparents and thousands of fans already in love with her – she is definitely a princess!
Love her face
Eveline / Maryland.
Very Precious!
Pamela Norton
She’s amazing !! Was ones of the lucky ones that gots to see her first foal after the Derby with my sister Monnie Goetz 2012.
Holy moly…….she is a miniature race horse! Georgeous!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
How about calling her “Peeps”? Easter candy and fits her big beautiful eyes.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute, Bobbie!
She is just gorgeous! What a sweetheart! Momma looks good as always too!
janet fauble
So happy to see these glorious photos of Zenyatta’s newborn filly. Frisky and rambunctious, free to explore her new world, she looks very happy here. Thanks for sharing her first days with us.
Jane Wade
Adorable! She already knows how to park it!
diane barton
She’s adorable…it’s great that Zenyatta’s colts now have a “Zeaster”
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Well put, Diane!
Delrene in Carlsbad , Ca
Wow wow wow !!! What a beautiful baby!! Zenyatta so glad you are fine after delivery. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous girls with her devoted fans. Zenny she has your caboose and ears!!! Love you all.
Joanna Uk
What a beautiful filly – well done Zenyatta. Thank you for sharing
The Kennedys in San Diego
Simply beautiful! And so happy to hear Life is Sweet foaled within an hour of Zenyatta. They can remain together with their new foals.
♥ Ecstatic Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ :-)
Terry Crow
Always good to hear from The Kennedys, a truly class act.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Yes, totally!
Sharon Tupper
Wow!!! This filly is absolutely gorgeous and has a sock that resembles her mom’s and I just love her face marking (almost like the Queen’s). It’s a mini Zenny!!! Love the photos!!!
Thanks to all who post pictures and keep us up to date with these wonderful creatures. Your caring and generous spirits truly shows in these pictures.
Darcy L. Demianoff-Thompson
Looking at the dark hair framed around her eyes I have to wonder that she just might be a black bay like mama. Either way, black bay or bay, she is gorgeous!
LoriW (So. Cal.)
OMG!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Team Z & everyone for these wonderful pics! They just take my breath away, mommy Z is as beautiful as ever, and little princess is
absolutely precious :) Hope LIS & baby son are doing great….any chance of a picture
of them too?
Luv & kisses….
Hard to see the picture through my happy tears. Look how long those legs are. Wow.
Interesting note: So far in all the photos she has a kind of faraway look, or dreamy look in her eyes. She isn’t looking AT anything in the photos. Reminds me of the look in some of the early pictures of Peter O’Toole. I know far-fetched, but it gives the idea that she is looking at her future? maybe? Destiny. I suppose that name is already taken. Princess Destiny?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Virginia, how about adding a Z, maybe Princess Deztiny?
Happy Zeaster to both of them! Beautiful baby. Very well done Queen Z!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
oh princess Z is just too cute and precious :)
what a perfect easter gift <3
THX LE for cont to share z's life w/us
god bless & happy belated easter
hugs/prayers, vamp
Perky Green
Once again you have really out done yourselves, the photos are FAB to say the least. Mommy Z looks wonderful, and baby? WOW!!!! She has some nice long legs, and I see she out weighed both colts, so she should be larger than the boys, something else she has inherited from MOM. She is so like her MOM a real work of poise, grace, and beauty. Thank-You Team Z for the posts will be looking forward to many, many more.
Correction–(no editing feature on the blog): word # 5 in my 10:28 post should be plural of course, –pictures– duh.
Oh man! So adorable. I’m glad Zenyatta has a little girl to play with. Thank you for the fantastic photos. It made my weekend!
Maryp NY
I’m unable to find the words as to how happy I am to see beautiful princess Z with Zenyatta!! Thrilled!. Isn’t she just a beauty!!!! This makes my day and week-end. These photos are outstanding! How about Life is Sweet having her colt too and they will still be able to be together. Such a blessing for both. Life is good.
Thank you so much Team Z.
Mary Kaye
She is really something, beautiful conformation. Leggy and balanced–and bigger than her brothers were at birth…I think she is the closest yet to being her Mom’s image!