Happy Friday!
As you all know, Zenyatta delivered her first filly on Easter Sunday. She was born at 12:03 am, weighing in at 151 lbs! Zenyatta’s lifetime friend and current paddock mate, Life Is Sweet, delivered an adorable colt not an hour before, just as across the aisle from Zenyatta.
Earlier this month we held a contest asking fans to guess 14Z’s birthday, and we received over 2,500 entries. As usual, we couldn’t pick just one winner! Serena Riecken of Ashland, Nebraska is the official winner, guessing April 19 at 11:53 pm. Don Krueger entered April 20 at 12:04 am. He went over by just one minute, so we think he’s a winner too.
Serena and Don will each receive an 11″ x 14″ print of the above photo signed by the photographer and Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss. If you would like to order a print of this image for yourself, it is now available here at the Zenyatta Shop.
In the coming days we will share more images from the night of the foaling, our trip, and Zenyatta with her darling filly. For now, we’ll leave you with just a few new photos.
-Team Z

Christal Williams
Wow! Beautiful filly. Seems to know she’s special. Great job to all involved with bringing her into this world.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Noel:
Thinking of you, Barnaby and Traveler. Hope both of them are doing better. Love and Hugs, JB
olga lidia rubi
congrats zee she is gorgeous I sure hope she grows into those long legs …like the boys into their ears…se are all so happy you are well and happy an other job well done love and kisses
Congratulations Queen Z
What a beautiful baby girl, with her one white sock, and Z like white blaze.
She seems to Mother’s ears.
Thanks to the Lanes End team for sharing these wonderful photos.
I really like that little girl. Hope she will have good long life. It seems that War Front was a nice choice, maybe you should try that combination again…
All the best from Germany
Bev Airehart
What a beautiful filly, zen yantra seems to just love her babies. Thank you for the photos,
Keeping in my thoughts and prayers the victims and their families who were involved in the Lynx helicopter crash in Afghanistan.All UK personnel.RIP.Hugs Sheena.
Ann NC
Am so sorry.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Rest In Peace and condolences to the families. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
BLACK ONYX FANS……. believe he is running this Thursday at Aqueduct.
Nice to see him back! Go get em boy.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thanks for this info. Welcome back beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ann
Love that boy. So glad to see him back
Ann, Thanks for the news about Black Onyx. So glad he has recovered and is back to the track. Safe trip!
April 27 Cherokee Devotional
Forgiveness seems to be continually with us-the need to forgive, to be forgiven, is directly tied to loving and being loved-or lovable. We sometimes love better at a distance. Time and space have a way of putting things into perspective so that we can see the right and the wrong to be able to forgive or ask forgiveness. We never gain ground as long as we are obstinate about forgiving. A grudge is a stonewall that forbids us to move in any direction. The Cherokees have labored long to understand the reason for the Trail of Tears-the same way other tribes have tried to understand. Life has a way of working itself out to certain ends, a time for everything, and what has been lost will be regained many times over. When? There is an exact moment. Yoweh knows.
When we are at peace we hunt freely, our wives and children do not stand in want…We sleep easy.
Dear Max.Treve beaten in thrilling duel with Cirrus des Aigles! Has been compared to the Grundy/Bustino race in 1975.Comments about Dettori rode like a novice someone said maybe for the chop!!Free the Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. I’m sorry to hear this news. Had the feeling this am that it would go south for Treve. It is often tough for a filly to make the bridge from 3 to 4. It was however her first race back from a long layoff and she may yet rebound. Few horses can race like Quevega without any prep at all. On the other hand, Cirrus is a wily beast who always knows what he’s doing. What a campaigner that he is. He’s also a real character. Lively. Interesting that both Treve and Cirrus are trained by women.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9.
Dear Sheena,
Sorry to read of the Lynx helicopter crash. RIP those who lost their lives and prayers for their families.
Running late today. Hope all is well with the FB furbabies.
Enjoy your Sabbath.
Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Oh my goodness!!!! Thank you so very much for sharing these wonderful new photos of Z’s Princess!! She is so beautiful and precious!! You can see in the photos how much Zenyatta adores her – she is such a terrific mom. Maybe one of these days I will be able to learn how to better express my feelings for Zenyatta and my gratitude for Team Z to continue to share her life with us, but until then all I can say is Thank you and hope that those words can impart the deep feelings that I have. Thank you.
Dear Kathy.Is dry here today!!Yay!The egg competition begins on the Dyfi similar to Zenyatta’s before the foaling we have to guess the time and date.All is calm there we had a new post on the blog yesterday it seems they haven’t seen Blue 24 or Dai Dots since the battle,of course DD disappeared the moment Monty returned It was Blue 24 who hung on like grim death!
Loved Marty’s little video he seems to be in the running to play Rhatt Butler in the remake of “Gone with the Wind” but everything is hush-hush at the moment.Had to laugh the video was so short because he started to lick his twigs and berries!!!Fubu is having trouble with his FB have been a lot of complaints recently,Nissy’s posts have been disappearing,hope they don’t lose their friends.Severe storms heading Joey’s way, he’s going to be a busy boy today!Ray looked so adorable supporting the Bwuins! Have a restful Sabbath.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Good morning Zenny, Princess, Coz, Zi and Zen family.
Just found this video on YouTUbe and thought that it may be of interest. JBBA 2014 Stallion Parade: including CHARISMATIC, SILVER CHARM, CAME HOME, EMPIRE MAKER, JOHANNESBURG (first stallion out and a great love of mine), BOSTON HARBOR and ALDEBARAN. Of interest to me was that all are wearing shoes and not one of them has been allowed to gain too much weight. In fact, CHARISMATIC looks like a colt!
It’s a long video though, so if you only want to see CHARISMATIC, fast forward to 14m30s on the tape. EMPIRE MAKER comes out right after him:
Janet Newman
Charismatic looked fantastic and he did look like a youngster.
Empire Maker looked good too, but Charismatic got the prize for me.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
So great to see these wonderful horses again. Thanks. Love and Hugs, JB
All of them look great. Wonder if Hard Spun knows his son, Wicked Strong, is in the Derby
Janet Newman
Ring Weekend is out of the derby with a fever.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
Oh no; Peggy will be so disappointed. Power Up Ring Weekend; get well soon. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Here’s a video from Japan that includes your Orfevre. He’s brought out almost at the half way point of the video. What a gorgeous boy he is.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
where is the video?
Hugs Ingrid.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ingrid
I’m sure she didn’t realize it didn’t post. I’m sure she will be back later to post it.
Can’t wait to see it.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Peggy,
Go down two post, is there.
he is a beauty.
Also is Azeri’s video, she looks so beautiful like always.
Hugs Ingrid.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Oh, just got a chance to get on the computer today.
Janet, Oh gosh sure didn’t want to hear the news about Ring Weekend. Just Heartbroken, but I would always put the horse first. Sure hope he will be just fine.
I think Graham Motion is a great trainer and I believe he would always do what’s best for the horse. Just pray we’ll see him another day. He’s such a beauty. Thank the Good Lord for great trainers.
Judy, Can’t wait to see the video of Orfevre. Don’t forget to watch the video of Go For Gin. It’s so wonderful to see him too.
Abigail, sure needed to see the video’s you posted. The Stallions just look terrific. Especially Charismatic. I think about them all the time over there. I read one time that it was one of Michael Blowen’s aims to get Charismatic back here. I sure hope he can.
You guys are just the best.
Am still going to be so sad not being able to see Ring Weekend Saturday, but sure hope i’ll get to see him again.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Please don’t mind me. I think I’m having a Senior Brain Freeze. Here’s the video with Orfevre. He’s so beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
Thank you for the video, he is a beauty.
Hugs Ingrid.
JudyB. Very enjoyable. The Golden Boy is as elegant as ever.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Thank You so much. Seeing him just made my day. He is just gorgeous. Love him always.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy, Max and Ingrid:
You’re so welcome. O is another outstanding member of the Chess Club.
Peggy, sorry Ring Weekend will miss the Derby. Hope he feels better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Judy; I thank you, loved this video, One has to love this breed for sure!! To see them walking about as on display as if they are Mr or Miss America is awesome to see and I’d rather watch them than the humans. No put down for our Miss America’s intended.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Z Fans:
Peggy, love the slideshow of Go For Gin. Thanks for telling me about it. He looks great. Here it is for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Love and Hugs, JB
Deb E.
Happy One Week Birthday to Princess Z! How’s it been so far? Don’t you just love your Mom? Isn’t she wonderful? She loves you so much! Pay close attention when she teaches you the finer points of running; she knows her stuff!
Fran Harrington
Beautiful, long legged princess!! Queen Z looks equisite!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena, Peggy, Marshall, Sally B, Sue Fredrick and Z Fans:
Just got back from the farm. Ruby had a Chestnut filly on Friday night, 4/25/14, at 10:30 PM. Will post photos later. Her name is Diamond. Absolute Doll. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Wow! Looking forward to the photos. Congrats, Ruby!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Looking so forward to seeing the pictures. Know you had a wonderful time.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Judy, Wowwee! Yahoo! I am assuming all went well for both and I can not wait for pictures!!
lovenhugs, Sally B
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Congrats to Ruby! So Ruby had a Diamond — can’t wait to see her.
Cheers and hugs
Dear Judy.That’s wonderful news!!!Congratulations to Ruby and Diamond,looking forward to photos.Love and hugs SheenaX
Dear Max.Cirrus is planning to take on Treve at RA,he’s a wily old campaigner!Criquette isn’t too concerned being it was Treve’s 1st race of the season some horses just don’t progress,I’ve seen many colts who are top 2yr olds and they just don’t mature into top class 3yr olds..Punchestown will be good this week even with shorty there,it’s the horses we love ALWAYS!Free the Moose. Sheena.
Sheena. Checked out his stats. Cirrus has made 56 starts. He’s 8 years old and he runs like a colt. It’s kind of incredible. Whenever his trainer is interviewed, he’s always in the shots drawing in all of the attention to himself. He’s just an amazing horse. The bookies are still giving Ascot to Treve, but I’m not so sure about that. Cirrus just won’t give up, and he keeps coming back. Tough as nails. Also he’s a globe trotter. Wow! We’re going to have to practise our French.
Vive Moosie libre! Neigh x neuf!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Congratulations “VyJacK” on your win today.
So Happy to see you back. …………………………….
Been worried about you.
So So happy to see you back. Great job beautiful boy.
carol in arkansas
YEAH…..one of the “V” boys!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
His first race back, wasn’t it so good to see him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Thanks for this info on Vyjack. Congrats beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Peggy, Sheena, Sally B, Marshall and Z fans:
Here are photos of Ruby and her little Chestnut Diamond.
This was her first day outside with Mom. Ruby is very protective, but cooperative with having her foal handled. Jackie, who owns both of them, arrived at the farm about five minutes after Diamond was born on Friday night. Guess it happened rather quickly. She did enter the stall immediately and was able to bond with mother and baby. Diamond is very friendly and came right over to me to have her picture taken.
Today was a day of Hissy Fits. First Angela and her daughter competed at Gold Dust Farm in Chepachet, RI this morning in Barrell Racing. Alex, Angela’s eleven year old daughter took the Championship trophy riding Flash. For some reason, Angela’s Buckskin, Bentley, was having none of it. He was bucking and jumping and would not settle down. As a consequence, she really did not have a chance to place in the competition. This was their first time, so I think he was overwhelmed with the new surroundings. Should get better. Next Sunday the competition will be held at the farm. Will take lots of photos of that.
Later this afternoon, Hudson; who has been taking jump lessons once a week with Charlie, and behaving very well, bucked and jumped so bad I don’t know how Amanda stayed in the saddle. She was reprimanded and eventually settled down to business. Charlie is a quick study and he’s making some pretty jumps. Both of them enjoyed their treats as did Ruby. Will post a couple more photos below. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. She’s a lovely little foal. I like the little inverted comma on her forehead. If they do not know who the father is, why not imitate Hovis. Could the dad be Shergar?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
That would be lovely. She’s is a little Doll isn’t she. Love and Hugs, JB
She is indeed. She also has a very nice set of ears. Ruby was very considerate to foal at that hour as opposed to the middle of the night. Glad that it went well. This is all good.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, Ruby did very well. We’re not sure if this was her first baby or not. Jackie said Ruby didn’t seem to know what to do right away after the foal was born, but now she seems a natural in caring for Diamond. She was trying to get Diamond to stand by using her hoof, so Angela and Jackie intervened and once Diamond was standing, she started nursing. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. It sounds like this may be a first foal. First time moms usually do not know immediately what to expect until instinct just kicks in. Sounds like Ruby has assumed her motherly duties rather well. She sure looks protective in the photos. Diamond is a very good looking little chestnut. Keep us posted on her progress. It’s fascinating to see this up close.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Think you’re right. Yes, Ruby is quite protective of her Diamond. She pins her ears sometimes when you approach the stall. But we talk to her and she calms. She came to me and took some carrots from my hand while the baby was asleep. She’s always on alert though. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Very funny, Max.
What a sweetheart of a foal! Just delicious.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
She is a cutie. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Oh Judy, what a fascinating time you have at the farm! There is so much activity with numerous horses. I love your posts! I share in your delight for this healthy foal from Ruby.. Cute: Ruby and Diamonds! Adorable
God bless all there on the farm
lovenhugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
God Bless you. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
What a beautiful little girl. She is just gorgeous. So So glad everything went well.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
http://www.dropshots.com/littlebigred#date/2014-04-27/15:09:36 Charlie and Deb
http://www.dropshots.com/littlebigred#date/2014-04-27/15:11:19 Hudson and Amanda
Love and Hugs, JB
Very nice. If only Moosie would do that well during a race.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Let’s hope he does when he returns. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
HEY Judy, Charlie and Hudson are quite the athletes for sure. Thank you for these pics! I am thrilled you have all of this to enjoy.
lovenhugs, Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
You’re so welcome Hoping you can spend more happy time with Sir too. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, Great jumps
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, Hudson does very well and Charlie is getting the hang of it. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Hope you had fun in the paddock today. Stay comfy and cozy. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.It sounded like a fun day even with the hissy fits!!Have been known to have some myself!Diamond is a little cariad and her mum is gorgeous.Charlie and Hudson both looked to be doing well jumping.Have heard there are severe storms in some states tonight Joey the foreCATSter is very busy!Hope everyone stays safe.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
I guess we all have our moments. Yes, lots of fun. We had a cloudy day, but no storms. It’s the middle of the Country that are having storms and tornadoes. Stay safe all Z’sters in those areas. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties.
Sheena. Thought that you might enjoy this article from The Guardian on both the jumps and flat racing. Very nice photo of Toormore. Like to see him win it for the UK. A major Classic win could inspire his stablemate to get into the game. Are you listening Mooster?
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!