Happy New Year!
We’re beginning 2015 with a visit to Ocala, FL to check in with Ziconic. For the past few months he’s been learning the basics at Mayberry Farm, and we can’t wait to see him show off his new skills.
If you have a specific question for the Mayberrys about Ziconic or his training, ask it below. We’ll bring along some of our favorites!
-Team Z
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Dear Elizabeth.Happy New Year.Hope you are feeling better soon.Love and hugs Sheena.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ditto from me Elizabeth!! Have been trying to think of an easy way to share pictures so that we could see beautiful New Mexico :-)
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Sandy, for thinking of me. I really need to get my website for my art up and running one of these days. If I ever do, will let you know. I take so many pics! My husband sometimes downloads my camera for me on his computer when we’re on trips. I try not to notice his eyes rolling when he sees I have 3000 pics from one day. He’s so good, he hardly ever makes a comment about that. Thanks for thinking of me. Am a bit better today – dragging around like a sick puppy, but better. with love, Elizabeth PS ‘ I ‘ don’t take ‘that’ many every day!
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Sheena, am better today. Going to try to behave myself and not go out in the snow in my nightie early a.m. to take photos (when you live in the boonies, you can get away with any attire). I photograph almost every day early to catch the sun rising from behind the mountains. I just got carried away by the beauty of the snow blanketing every plant and tree and the light on the snowy mountains, and stayed outside in the freezing cold too long. Anyway, am going to ‘try’ to reform… a bit. Thanks so much. with love, Elizabeth
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Didn’t realize you are not feeling well. Wishing you feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Glad to hear you are better.
Dear Kathy.Great devotional as always.Does’nt the dreaded day come around so quickly poor Marty!!We’ll all have to turtle-turtle in our socks!All our furbabies seem fine except Lil’ Oscar who will be crossing the bridge at 6pm(our time).Colwyn of Colwyn’s adventures has a nasty wound after his surgery and it’s getting drained.I think he gets to see the vet today.All depends what the mass turns out to be.
Wow Boo has made it to 17million!!!Is there no stopping this dog!I see Joey is losing some of his “likes” they haven’t been posting a lot over the holidays.Hope work went well over the weekend.Great video on Hovis yesterday of a small horse.Hope to see the “big man”back this week.Have a good Monday!Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Since I worked yesterday I have today off! Yay!!! I’m all snuggled into my sock. Feeling so bad for Lil’Oscar’s famly. Such a tough day for them. Prayers that Colwyn’s visit at the vet’s isn’t to horrible for him, also that the mass is something that can be treated and will be something he can recover from. Boo is so insanely popular. Just unbelievable. Sorry to see that Joey is losing likes. I worked pretty hard yesterday, was very at the end of the day. Had a nice dinner with my friend Angela just up the street from the library so that was nice. Will look for the video on Hovis. Have a wonderful day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Sheena,
Make that very “tired”…not sure what happened there!
Hugs, Kathy
Barbara Wood
What a simply gorgeous photo of our darling boy. Ziconic, the way you carry your head looks so much like Mom. You are too beautiful for words. We are most grateful for all the Team Z/LE crew who let us have glimpses into what is going on.,
@Peggy (N)–COngratulations!
Happy New Year to all! May we all be happy and healthy and together at its end.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Barbara
Thank You so much. Just love Night Prowler.
How amazing is it to see Coz training at Santa Anita? It seems like just yesterday that Zenyatta arrived in Kentucky. Her boys are both movie star handsome and I hope they will both enjoy safe and thrilling careers. I know that my love for racing grows everyday and I thank Zenyatta and all the connections for that.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Cozzy worked out today.
Cozmic One (3-Year-Old Colt)
Date: January 5, 2015
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.01:60 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 31/58
Especially Horses / So Cal
Coz worked in company from the gate with a 2 yr old unraced Moss owned colt named Captain Tim by Candy Ride out of Kaydara, by Kris S.
I wonder if he got his gate card. Trainer John Sheriffs said all he needed was his gate card and a fast work and he’d be good to go.
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Especially Horses,
I did a pedigree query and saw that Kaydara was the dam of Cloud Man.
For those not familiar, Cloud Man was a Moss owned, Shirreffs trained colt by Thunder Gulch who had to be euthanized after breaking a cannon bone in the Hollywood Derby in 2011. It was very heart wrenching for all in the Zenyatta Nation.
Ingrid Arnone
Thank you for the up date,
do you know when he is going to start running?
I cannot wait…
Hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Especially Horses:
Thanks for this info on COZ. Getting anxious. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Stressed out about this. Hope that he does well. Same for Ebby when she races again.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Me Too. Godspeed to both of them. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Just want him to be safe. Don’t want any accidents with him or his bro. He’s precious to us even if he cannot run even a quick step as a racer.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I totally agree. Just want him and ZI to be safe and sound and live happy, healthy lives. Love and Hugs, JB
Ziconic is so handsome. I can’t wait to see the Queen’s boys race!!
Her Majesty’s Bold Sniper has arrived in Australia to be trained by Gai Waterhouse.He is a homebred by New Approach.Sheena.
Karen R.
There’s a couple pictures of Coz during this recent work session on Victor Espinoza’s twitter page. He looks so good.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
Thanks. I think I found the photos of VE and COZ that you referenced. Posting them here for everyone to see. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen R.
Thanks Judy. If I did it right, here’s another pic from Coz’s gate training session yesterday:
Oh my God, look at our beautiful Coz!! He looks awesome in all photos!
Thank you Judy B. and Karen R.
hugs, Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
Thanks. He’s just gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks to Karen and Judy for these great pictures of Coz, Victor, and the beautiful San Gabriel mountains!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the great pictures of Coz. He sure is a leggy guy. Just hope he stays happy and healthy.
I know many people are pulling for Victor to get the mount, but I am partial to Mike. He does not seem to be “whip happy.” And who can argue with his success with Zenny?
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
I was hoping for Mikey to ride COZ too; just because of what a great team he and Z were. Love and Hugs, JB
I think it would be interesting because Mike could compare the two as to how they are progressing.
anne bonner
It’s just got to be said — Zenny continues to do everything perfectly!
Have you ever seen 2 more gorgeous colts? They could not be more different in appearance, yet each is simply stunning and sets our imagination and hopes for each into full flight!
Thank you Team Z for these wonderful photos and for continuing to share Zenny’s world with us.
Best to all,
Annie B in MA
Linda in NJ
I am thrilled that Victor Espinoza rode Coz. Victor seems like such a nice person and would be good to the horse he is riding. Great news.
I hope we get a heads up in advance of when they plan to race Coz. I am getting the feeling that it will be very soon.
diastu in tempe
Hi Linda in Brrrrr NJ
If you put Cozmic One in your Equibase virtual stable, they will give you “Early Entry” notifications, then “Final Entry” notifications so we’ll all have a few days heads up.
Love and SqueeZes, DS
The Danimal is back and is getting more and more interesting. His momma has a tattoo.
Kick butt, Danny.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Oh, too cute. I just love Mom Lisa’s tattoo. Hoping for Three Time Horse of The Year! Go Danny. Love and Hugs, JB
Indeed. Like it that in addition to advising Jeter, Dan can pick winners in horse racing and basketball. He also wants his checks made out to cash.
Kick butt, Danny.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Love this Chestnut King. Love and Hugs, JB
Danny Boy and Ziconic look a lot alike in their cashmere costs. Ziconic is probably assembling his own portfolio. Seems like he’s thinking in that photo, maybe about a tattoo? The Queen Z momma to The Red Prince Z.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I like it. Love and Hugs, JB
That was fun. Danny can do just about anything and look good doing it. Mama herself “ain’t bad.” Thanks for posting.
Lisa Danielle is a beauty. Fink always says that her babies look like Lisa
D. Dan gets his Secretariat genes from her. The cashmere coat may come from there too, although Dan’s dad is also a chestnut. Dam sire Wolf Power was a gray from South Africa. Dan is an international horse of mystery.
Elizabeth in NM
Max, Thank you for this link to WD. I haven’t seen anything that funny in a long time. Made my day!
Max, He’s my man Wise Dan, tattoe and all! Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Thanks for sending Nissy and Savannah. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
diastu in tempe
Dear Ziconic:
As a weanling, you looked like a yearling. As a yearling, you looked like a 3YO. Now, as a 2YO – – – WowZer!!!
(Is anybody gonna stand guard to keep the fillies away?)
Be a good student at Mayberry’s and we’ll see you next year in California!
Dear Judy Goodnight.God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Speedy is a little better but still pretty sore.Love and hugs.SheenaX
Dear Max.Dan is certainly an interesting boy!!!The Fly will create history if he wins the Irish Champion Hurdle on Jan 25th.Mullins has Faugheen entered too but can you imagine him running???.Sheena.
Ziconic is such a stunning handsome boy!
Zenyatta, be proud! I LOVE YOU and your young
love n kisses on your soft nose
Auntie Sally B HAPPY NEW YEAR…..stay warm!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Wow! What a great photo of our Ziconic — great job, Kyle! Thank you so much. He is gorgeous. Will be looking forward to the update.
Hugs and Love
Betty in Tampa
I’m so excited — an update on Zenyatta’s “Chestnut Perfection” coming soon! The picture of Ziconic is beautiful, but it is from Sept. 2014 while he was still at Lane’s End. Can’t wait to get some current pictures and hopefully a video so we can see just how much this big, beautiful colt has grown!
January 6 Cherokee Devotional
What have we of life’s beautiful things? A rainbow’s shimmering hues when a shower has ended? A warm brown puppy in the sunlight? A mockingbird singing while a thin veil of clouds is drawn like misty curtains across the face of the moon; a playhouse where string is stretched from tree to tree to shut out invaders; children’s laughter and the fluttering of bird wings in a tiny flowing stream?
The best of beautiful things are still free. They are bits and pieces of joyful things that become a part of us-a child in a field of daisies, a friendly hand, a smile, a whispered prayer. What are we that is not a fragment from a past happiness-a i yu quu-v hna i-to hi dv, a moment of peace?
When we see the changes of day and night, the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, and the changing seasons upon the earth…anyone must realize that it is the work of someone more powerful than man.
Santee Sioux
Elizabeth in NM
Beauty and truth. A powerful message. God’s many blessings to you as always,
with love, Elizabeth
Barbara Wood
Good morning, all:
In the midst of this hard winter, here is something to warm your heart.
This is a very short video of a pit bull comforting a deer caught in a fence until help arrives.
Dear Barbara,
Such a sweet story!
Hugs, Kathy
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
This is Priceless. Amazing. Love and Hugs, JB
That is special Barbara! hugs, Sally B
Dear Kathy.Chased-by-bears is very wise the best things in life are always free!Pit bulls are banned in the UK but they can be very loving GIVEN the right owner.I’ve been watching the tribute to Lil’ Oscar loved his little wagon.Colwyn had a good report at the vet yesterday the drainage tube may be removed later this week.Poor Miss Kitty’s mum can hardly afford her heating bill the house is so cold and it snowed there.We,senior citizens get a winter fuel allowance in the UK and, of course,our winters are much milder.Loved Joey’s beautiful pic really tugs at the heartstrings and that cute video of the cat and the puppy trying to get his bed back!Max and Mia had sweaters on seems it’s even cold in Florida but warmer with Mango.Abby’s in trouble again with her princess coach!Hope you have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Loved the video of the pit bull comforting the deer caught in the fence. Felt so bad for Lil’ Oscar’s mom and dad yesterday having to let him go. Breaks your heart. He’s running like the wind now, free from any pain. So glad for the good report on Colwyn. Such a cute little dog! I feel bad for Miss Kitty Face’s mom. I really can’t relate. We’re not that cold very often here. I loved that pic of Joey. He was such a handsome boy. Haven’t seen the pic of Mia and Max in their sweaters yet. Will go visit them in a minute. Have you visited My Pom Pals yet? If not, you’re in for a treat! Abby is so unruly! Have a great day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
carol in arkansas
today its 50+ and sunny in Hot Springs…just lovely…
on Friday Oaklawn opens its meet
Saturday is the annual 50 cent corned beef sandwich and 10 cent soda day
but the freeze is coming tomorrow….will be highs at 30…maybe…
but I will be there…I hope…
Elizabeth in NM
Carol, Hope you get to go! Will look forward to an update if you do.
That is cruel. Our high tomorrow is 3 with a wind chill of -20. Enjoy the great weather and the racing. Hope you get to see Rivers and watch for Ride On Curlin for me.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
The Stamp of Greatness: Thoroughbred Legends in Sculpture. Look who’s in the first photo. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B. I am honored to love one of the greatest of the photos, Zenyatta! It is awesome to see these sculptures of some of our greatest. Thank you
love n hugs, Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks bunches for this link! Those are some very impressive statues of some even more impressive horses! Our Zenyatta is right at home with the legends; after all, she IS a living legend. I really enjoyed this.
Hugs and Lots of Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally and Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This was a great story, and the pictures were wonderful! Thanks as always, JB!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Barbara Livingston Wins Third Eclipse Award For Photography
San Diego Horse Race January 6th, 2015
Our congratulations to Barbara Livingston who Tuesday was awarded the 2014 Media Eclipse Award for Photography for her photograph of 3-year-old colt Tapiture working out in a driving rainstorm at Churchill Downs in preparation for the 140th Kentucky Derby. The black-and-white photograph appeared in Daily Racing Form on April 30 of last year.
Barbara has an amazing gift!! I love her work and this pic is awesome. Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
A master of photography! Barbara Livingston is superb. Congratulations!
This photo of Tapiture working out in the storm is great!
Thanks for the link, BGG.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info on BL. She is simply THE BEST. Love and Hugs, JB
Palace Malice posted two pics of Ziconic on his face book page on 12/29. One is the photo of him taking the grass from the child, the other is just him being his beautiful self with his copper bangs draped over one eye a’la old time movie star Veronica Lake.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks for referencing these photos of ZI. He looks amazing. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:I love this article about the statues of the greats and was thrilled to see Red Rum there!Also the great statue of Yeats at Ascot.plus,of course, our Queen at Santa Anita.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Some beautiful work honoring these great Champions. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Glad you saw the story and the photos Sheena. I was thinking about you when I read the article. Lots of greats from across the globe!
My dear Zenyatta;
Hugs to keep you warm, kisses to warm your heart
and to your young.
love forever, Sally B
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Sue in FL
(January 7, 2015)
On January the First,
A new year was begun,
Starting in the Pacific
And moving to the west
As, with the rotation
Of the Earth,
Each meridian
By midnight was touched.
We of Zenyatta Nation
Have bid the old year adieu
And now usher in the new
With a special salutation
To Sue our dear Floridian,
Whom we love so much
(Isn’t she terrific?),
For in this season
Of festivity
Commencing with the Nativity,
We also fest
Sue’s day of birth.
For this most excellent reason,
Dear Sue
(“Jellybean” on the Forum),
Let’s now leave behind decorum
And start your birthday celebration
With a little inebriation.
In toasts to you and your famous pluck,
We’ll clink glasses of the bubbly,
Or, in deference
To those with a different preference,
Raise a mug or two
Of a cold and foamy brew.
Our seven wishes for you:
Success in all you do;
Days filled with heartfelt smiles;
No regrets
When you look back;
The very best of luck
In your fantasy bets
(And this goes double
For real ones at the track);
Tender love abiding
Shared with your treasured pets;
Many hours spent riding
At Penny’s Skip Over Trouble,
And many happy miles
Spent driving your new Ford truck!
Happy birthday, Sue!
Love and hugZ,
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Lovely poem for Sue in FL. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sue:
Happy, Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Robinson
Thanks Judy don’t you wish we had fantasy racing in the spring. It would be great fun. love Sue
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Sue,
♫•*¨*•♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫ ░H░A░P░P░Y░ ♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫
(¯”•.¸*♥*¸.•”¯) ░B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░ (¯”•.¸*♥*¸.•”¯)
♫•**•.¸♥¸.•**•♫ ░T░O░░░Y░O░U░!░ ♫•**•.¸♥¸.•**•♫
Best wishes to a good friend and our cappin’ queen! Can’t wait for the next round!
Thanks Judy and Sandy you are good friends and I love you guys. Sue
Sue Robinson
Thank you Trina you are the Zen Poem Queen, I love this and love you. Sue
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Trina – another great poem. Nice to see you here :-)
Thank you Trina You are the Zen Queen of Poems! I love this and I love you. Sue
Trina. Excellent as always. Nice to read heart felt thoughts warmly expressed on a cold cold day.
Sue: Enjoy your birthday and make it last all year.
Elizabeth in NM
Lovely ~ as always.
Sue, A very happy birthday to you.
with love you both, Elizabeth
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Trina,
You have done it again!! Great poem for Sue in FL — thank you!
Lots of Love
Dear Sue FLCPRC,
All the very Best Wishes are sent your way, too!
Hugs and Love