Happy New Year!
We’re beginning 2015 with a visit to Ocala, FL to check in with Ziconic. For the past few months he’s been learning the basics at Mayberry Farm, and we can’t wait to see him show off his new skills.
If you have a specific question for the Mayberrys about Ziconic or his training, ask it below. We’ll bring along some of our favorites!
-Team Z
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Mary Margaret in Georgia
Beautiful. Ziconic is deep in thought. He must be contemplating his strategies, preparing for his track moves. Very exciting times. Thank you for the updates.
Shannon from Cool, CA
no more babies are left with Zenyatta now.
Sadly….but she’ll have another growing within in her soon, so we should look forward to that. :D
Yeeeehaaaaaaa!!! Can’t wait to hear how he is doing and see pictures, he is so beautiful. Thank you!!
Bev Winteres
He looks great. Looking forward to learning more. Looks like he has potential to be athletic.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Ziconic your absolutely beautiful. Love ya so much.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Ziconic want say much now but had to share with you. Know this is your time, but my boy won his first stakes race today. Night Prowler, Javier, Kentucky Derby here we come. I hope. Zenyatta, Coz, Ziconic. Hope so you don’t mind. I’m so excited. Love all you horses.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Don’t know if you’ve seen the race replay. This is your Night Prowler winning in style. Wow, really impressive win; beautiful finish by NP. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Thank You so much. And, he and Javier beat Uncle Johnny too. How about that.
Just over the moon.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Ann:
You’re so welcome. NP looked great. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to Night Prowler.
He looked cool, calm and collected.
Thanks, JB for the video.
Peggy , Nice Win! Congrats!. Always feels great when youre horse wins especially in stakes company! Good luck on the road to the Kentucky Derby.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thank You so much. Just love him.
Nice TURF run and win – think he may stay on turf
Ziconic is such a good looking colt. I hope he is doing well in training and coming along as expected.
January 4 Cherokee Devotional
Tough-spirited, sensitive, poetic, Geronimo. Thousands could not subdue him, his freedom was too important and his life too entwined in the refuge of nature. But a time came when he wanted to surrender and live peaceably. He simply commented:
“I have to die sometime, but even if the heavens were to fall on me I want to do what is right. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all children of one God. God is listening to me. The sun, darkness, the winds are all listening to what we say.”
It is in our power to say, “I hear You, and I surrender.”
I am going to try to live well and peaceably.
What a wonderful photo of Ziconic!! He has become such a beautiful young colt, yet it is still hard to believe he is now a two year old in training. I’m looking forward to more photos as you travel to Ocala to see him and as always, I am so very grateful for your continuous generosity in sharing Zenyatta and her family with us. Thank you!!
Dear Sheena,
Working again today. The FB furbabies all seem to be okay. Have a blessed Sabbath. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Kathy.The good Lord said we should rest on the Sabbath!!Am on half visiting the furbabies.Very sad story on Zoe about the bushfires in South Australia.Poor dogs and cats at that boarding kennel!Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Ziconic, I think you are recalling the lessons your mom taught you when you were running by her side. How lucky you are to have the Mosses as your human family and Coz as a big brother. Zenny is such a wonderful mother, too. You are very blessed.
Stay safe, enjoy the Fla. weather and remember you are deeply loved by many.
Ann NC
Kyle- your photo of, Zi is beautiful.
Have a nice visit in Flordia, Team Z.
WowZa! Are you handsome or what, Zi?
Love and hugs to all.
Linda in NJ
Hi Ziconic:
You look beautiful. Wow have you grown. You look so mature.
As I mentioned to Coz when he left Lanes End for Mayberry Farm, I said that you really need to work hard and not stay up too late socializing with the other kids. I can see by the expression on your face that you are very serious. So I bet you are a great student.
Now what I would like to know is do you have the same wide stride as you Mama did? Also what type of training do you do in beginning to build strength and endurance to become a racehorse? Do you just jog a lot or do you do muscle building exercises?
You look absoluately fabulous.
Love and a great big hug.
– Linda
Linda in NJ
Hello to Zenny and all Z’sters:
I submitted this post on Zenny’s previous blog, but decided to post it here too.
A while back someone posted that they saw the movie, The Black Stallion. I never saw this movie. In fact, I never heard about this movie until I read this post from one of you.
Yesterday, I was relaxing here at home, and decided to watch a movie, and came across “The Black Stallion.” What a terrific movie it was!!!!! I can’t wait to see it again. I didn’t know the story line, and thought towards the end of the movie it might have a sad ending. So I was upset there for a minute when they raced at Santa Anita. But of course it was a good ending, and I really enjoyed the entire movie.
Thank you to whoever posted this!
Melann Johnston
I think that they actually shot the movie in NY at Aqueduct. Black Stallion was one of my favorites as a kid. I read every book that Walter Farley wrote, even the one about Man O’ War!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Linda
It was me that stumbled across the movie a couple of months ago. Just loved it. I have seen it twice now. Hope they show it again soon. TC can tell us some more about this movie too. I believe he liked it very much.
Linda in NJ
Hi Peggy
Well thank you very much. I can’t believe I never heard of this movie. I saw Black Beauty, but never heard of this one until your post.
It was such a great movie.
Thanks again.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Did you see the Ramsey’s Kittens in the Dania Beach. I was just so proud of Night Prowler.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, I did. What an impressive win that was for your NP. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max
So depending on Jeviar to take care of my boy.
No worries. Javier rides with The Big Beast. Bro Abel is jockey to the Snake. Castellanos are good peeps.
Carol in Arkansas. One of these days The Beast will show at Oaklawn. He’s so huge that you will see him from far off. Keep us informed of any sightings. Looking forward to the return of Beastie.
Champion Australian jockey Gary Palmer has died very suddenly at the age of 53yrs.Now retired he worked as a steward on the Gold Coast He is survived by his wife Debbie and 2 sons..My sympathy to all Australian racing fans.Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
RIP Gary Palmer. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Speedy is a little better very unhappy he cannot play though!Rachel was mortified.Hope you enjoy Downton tonight.”Last tango in Halifax”is back over here.Great programme.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.X
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
I feel so sorry for both of them. It’s going to take some time for Speedy to heal; poor baby, and I think Rachel must really be upset. I enjoyed DA tonight. Have to relish every episode as I guess this will be the last season. I like “Last Tango” too. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Especially Horses / So Cal
Coz yesterday at Santa Anita. Casey Phillips photos from Facebook.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Sorry just the last photo is from 2015.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Especially Horses:
Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Noble and majestic! He’s ready for battle! Just like his Mom. Thanks so much for posting .
Thanks for the photos. He sure is a big good looking horse. So glad they are taking their time with him. The TC races are not the only ones out there and I think a lot of good horses are ruined by pushing them too fast just for the Derby.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks so much EH! Great photos! :-)
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
He is magnificent, so confident, and that beautiful stride is so like mamas. JS said he just needs gate approval and then should be ready to roll. I pray he has a good experience, not like Ebby’s.
Especially Horses / So Cal
Casey Phillips photos from Facebook.
Eblouissante (6-Year-Old Mare)
Date: January 4, 2015
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.01:20 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 33/76
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Especially Horses:
Thank you so much for these exquisite photos of the gorgeous Ebby. Godspeed beautiful E. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ooh -nod thanks for these too! She is so beautiful!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Especially Horses,
Thanks so much for posting these, to me she is one of the most beautiful mares I’ve ever seen (excluding Zenny of course). I remember reading that JS said she was one of the most perfect TBs he had ever seen. Hope she can overcome her fear of the gate and at least win a couple of races before she goes to the farm…..lost forever.
Catherine Uher
In love all over again!!! What a beautiful picture of him!!!
Irene caty
I think that Cozmic One and Ziconic are both beautiful and will be awaiting their time to hit the rack track just like their MOM Zenyatta, she taught them well. Thank you so much for keeping us informed on how they are doing, it is well appreciated. So sorry about Z princess, she was so beautiful and will remember her always. I do hope that Zenny has another girl when she is bred again. I will be watching and waiting to see how the boys are doing and God Bless them both when they do start their racing career. Love to all and Happy New Year.
What a gorgeous picture of Ziconic. It would make a beautiful offering as a painting or photograph.
Anyway with Tapit and Zenyatta as parents, he should be a force to be reckoned with at the races.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
Cathi Sadocha
Ziconic looks stunning. I love the updates and pictures that LandsEnd and team Zenyatta post for all of us.
They always make a dreary day, sunny for me.
Safe Travels.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article and video from Steve Haskin on Silver Charm. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
As always, Steve Haskin made Silver Charm’s journey come alive. Thank for posting this one. Been under the weather with the flu the past few days, but am beginning to feel a bit more normal – whatever normal is! Have missed everyone. with love, Elizabeth
No one says it better than Steve. It is such a joy to have Silver Charm home and safe.
Thanks for sharing the link to Steve’s great article on Silver Charm!
Thanks also to those who shared the new photos of Coz and Ebby!!
January 5 Cherokee Devotional
The ground beneath our feet can seem awfully slippery at times. Something mental or emotional catches us off guard and we fall to our knees as though we are totally helpless.
Never add self-criticism to the load. This is one of the first things we try to do-blame ourselves that we could not see. Why were we not stronger? Why did our faith fail and where did the power go in a crisis?
We grieve because we think we have failed-because we could not hold the line. No, we have not failed, we have loved. We have held life softly and reverently and change has come.
Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished.
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Kyle, for this amazing photo!