Happy New Year!
We’re beginning 2015 with a visit to Ocala, FL to check in with Ziconic. For the past few months he’s been learning the basics at Mayberry Farm, and we can’t wait to see him show off his new skills.
If you have a specific question for the Mayberrys about Ziconic or his training, ask it below. We’ll bring along some of our favorites!
-Team Z
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Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and warm. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
That is so nice about the Donkey coming to live at the farm. This is just so precious. Reminds me of “All Creatures Great & Small” A home for him this is wonderful.
On the previous page the Donkey that I was talking about was just lying down in the field. The Mare’s were I believe all of them standing up. I bet Max was right that they were giving him a rest. They were all pretty close together too. Just a Picture. I bet the Mare’s were in Foal too. Just precious. Remember I was telling you about this. So ironic that it was being discussed here too. We Zsters I think our hearts so much of the time are feeling the same way.
Peggy, I bet this was just a precious sight to see.
Judy B. I know there will be a special spot in your heart for Eeyore; you said the donkey was blind I believe.
love n hugs, Sally B
Goodnight lovely Zenyatta
love and kisses on your nose, to Coz and Zi
and blowing them to best friend Sir and sweet zprincess
Auntie Sally B
Dear Judy.I posted the video on my FB now.Poor Nissy has been late posting his blog tonight.He told me he’s had a weird kind of day the peep#1 has a kind of spring fever and it’s absolutely freezing there she is planning on planting bulbs Mouses!!!Cannot wait to see the little donkey!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the SweetiesLove and hugs SheenaX.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Abigail,
Thanks a million for this article from The Vault! You are consistently amazing!
Beautiful photos and superb writing. Super!
Hugs and Love
January 19 Cherokee Devotional
Rigid routine, rigid thought, can make rigid bodies. Turn off the paved path and put your foot on the earth. Feel the pulse, the life, the clean earth. If there are things that keep you from seeing the horizon, look straight up. The sky is there above the smoke, the smog, the haze that would hide the blue. Reach out and lay your fingers in the flow of any little stream-clean water is there behind the chemicals, beyond the things that would pollute. Lift your spirit above the sirens and shrill voices and ugliness of graceless personalities. Pause for even a minute in an attitude of worship. It is your day.
Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth and the Great Silence alone.
Santee Dakota
carol in arkansas
Oaklawn has special day of monday racing today….
Derby points up for grabs in the Smarty Jones
Mikey in town to ride in this one….but not on the fav
Should be a mob scene..
We are going to try to go….but if cant find parking may have to cancel
Kisses for all the soft noses
carol in arkansas, Oh how I remember the parking! We scouted things out the day before Zenyatta’s race. We arrived early in the morning to find parking and spent time at the tracks restaurant, saw a couple of jockeys etc. Watched some work outs on the track. Leaving the restaurant later we forgot to walk straight, talking etc. and found ourselves by the shedrows. This is when a groom saw me trying to take a picture and invited me to come over by him and his horse. Long story, but he told us where Z was and said we could go to see her because others had. This became one of the exciting times!! Almost got into trouble though. These others had passes and most photographers!! Hope you can get to the races! hugs, Sally B
Barbara Wood
Sally B–You were there too???? I wish we could have met up. If I had had my Dumpling tag, I would have worn it! Hugs.
We were at Oaklawn for Zenny’s Apple Blossom also!! On a tip from the hotel people, we didn’t even attempt to drive to the track that day but took either a shuttle or a cab – I don’t remember which – but it was so much fun. The whole town was excited for Zenyatta!!! What a great day!! The traffic and the crowd did me in, though so we decided to skip the Arkansas Derby (I think) the next day – lol. I will always hold dear the memories of what a wonderful day that was and all the people loving/excited about our Zenny. Wish I could have met up with y’all!
Hope you make it and have a fun profitable day. Thanks again for cheering on ROC!
Dear Kathy.Happy MLK day to you!A day off for you?A wonderful devotional today,I almost feel we have become like robots going about our daily lives in this modern world.Dolly has some lovely temps today 72F it is very cold over here I hope we don’t get any snow in west Wales doesn’t look too good mid-week.Mango’s got nice weather too Judy was out and about.Did you see the little video of her “talking”?Wittle Faith looked great out shopping,they have helped so many dogs.Beautiful pic of Joey today miss him so much.Marty looked so cute on his own little sofa and was watching football I think I am not sure of the US teams!!Haven the cat has been in trouble,he got shut in a closet and ate some plastic.He’s been put on “hairball” meds and a high fibre diet so far so good and Colwyn is improving his friend Maggie is crossing the bridge today.There was a wonderful video on Hovis’ page yesterday I couldn’t post it here but it’s up on my FB.Have a lovely day.Marty seemed to forget what day it was!!!Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Yes, I’m having a great day off. So glad you liked the Devotional. 72 is a great temperature. Good for Dolly! You stay warm and comfy. Mango is in NM, right? We have nice weather in the west. NM is susceptible to snow sometimes. Will look for the video of Mango talking. They can be so proud of all the animals they have helped. I loved Joey’s picture too. Miss him so much! Marty was adorable on his sofa. Fingers crossed that Haven gets well. So glad that Colwyn is doing so well. Sorry to hear he’s losing his friend Maggie. I did see the video you posted on FB. Just gorgeous! Having lunch with 3 friends from the library. Looking forward to that! There’s a Hobby Lobby near the restaurant so we’ll go over there and check that out afterwards. Have a great day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Dear Zenny,
I am sure the ground has turned to mud in your paddock, so go out and have a wonderful mud bath before your date with War Front. Be sure to put that guy in his place and let him know you are “The Queen” and he is lucky to even get to see you!
Janet Newman
When I went to Claiborne back in October, the gentleman giving us the tour is one of the grooms who preps the mares coming in and handles them during the breeding process. He had a picture in his phone with Zenyatta. She towered over him, but she had the majestic pose we have all come to love. To him, she was one of the best mares he has ever handled. ” Class from start to finish.”
Barbara Wood
@Celeste_in_TX–that would have been awesome!
Terry Crow
I have been away from my friends on the blog due to some things I had to take care of at UCLA so forgive me if this subject has come up before. Apparently, NYRA has instituted a rule that horses cannot run again until at least 14 days have elapsed. When I first learned how to handicap a horse race, back in the stone ages, one of the main handicapping angles was that you did not bet on a horse who had not run in the previous 15 days as 80% of the winners did so. I imagine safety was the main purpose of this but I find it a bit intrusive. My opinion is probably in the minority, but I would like to hear other points of view. At the present time this is in effect in New York only. Maybe racing needs a czar to coordinate all of the individual rules that the states have.
Terry Crow
Latest joke from Hee Haw-Applies to me more more each day–Even if you know you are in the will, it is bad taste to drive a moving fan to the funeral home.
Barbara Wood
LOL. I love this. So glad you are back, TC,GP.
Some of us who have horses in our virtual stables would see it differently. In rescuing some in the past, we have learned that particularly low level claimers are thrown out on the track because they are expendable. We have learned that there are some trainers we need to keep an eye on and if their horses start to slip though the cracks, we get worried.
Terry Crow
Good point, Barbara.
Oh Terry! That is toooo funny and maybe hitting too close to home!!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to California Chrome, Untapable, Close Hatches and all the other award winning boys and girls. In my world, Wise Dan is up there on top, too!!
Hugs and Love