Happy Wednesday!
Last week was a special one for the web team. We packed our cameras and muck boots and headed to Lane’s End to catch up with Zenyatta and her boys.
We roamed around the paddock with Zenny and 13Z (with pockets full of peppermints), spent a day with Coz to observe his new routine, and took a lot of photos. In the coming weeks we’ll put up photo galleries and add new prints to the Zenyatta Shop. Also in the works is a video interview with Assistant Yearling Manager Cooper Sawyer—he’ll explain how Coz is being prepped for the next stage in his career.
Since it’s that time of year where we begin to make plans for the Breeders’ Cup, we’d like to announce that there will not be an official Zenyatta Celebration at the Breeders’ Cup this year. Instead, we’ll hold a special event online that everyone can take part in, from the races or from home. Details will be announced at a later date.
-The Web Team and Team Z
All photos by Kyle Acebo

Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Janet
I have had you in my prayers. Hope you are doing OK.
Yes, A Barn Fire is one of the worst Night Mare’s I could imagine.
Janet Newman
Thank-you Peggy
Trying to adjust to not seeing Sassy greeting me when I come home.
It is strange how empty a place can feel.
Louise Castello
That’s one of the hardest parts. I still look for my Buddy and it’s been over a year. It will get better though. I’m still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Pati-College Girl(maybe)
I walk up stairs and I’ll hear Sammi’s wheel going, but I know that she has been gone for almost a year now. It’s a cruel trick of the mind, though I’m sure it is meant well, and that we expect these things because we have done them for so long, and enjoyed them so much, we can’t help but hope, even though we know it isn’t to be.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
It was a few years, after my cat was gone, that I still sometimes found myself “looking” for her. I buried her in the backyard of the house where I was living, and still think about her there, when I occasionally go by that place. It means something to me, that I know where she is. Those familial connections are deep.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
Thinking of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Janet, I know you don’t want to hear it, but the only thing that brought me comfort when I lost my 20 year old Muffin Kitty (who greeted me at the door when I came in) was going to the shelter and getting my two that I have now. I gave my daughter all kinds of grief for even suggesting such a thing but I went “just to look” and came home with two of the bestest cats. Forgive me if I offend you by suggesting this, but just know how it helped me. Blessings.
Janet Newman
Dear Shirleeinindy,
No offense taken, your suggestion comes from the heart.
I would need to convince my husband who is adamant about
no more. We’ll see, maybe down the road.
Hugs to you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Janet, you are in my thoughts and my heart. I hope your hubby will relent one day and that you both may again find renewed joy with a pet. I know I would be lost without mine.
It’s definitely true that having others who need your care, helps get past the grief. I have 5 others that need care, so life must go on. I still think I see her funny face around every once in a while.
Janet: I lost my dog, Jericho, to cancer in 2011 and, although I have a wonderful girl in my life now, called Daisy Devine, whom I love completely, I have never stopped missing Jericho. I say goodnight to him each & every night, along with Daisy & my 3 kitties, before I fall asleep. The truth is that they never stay with us long enough — since “long enough” would be forever. I send you hugs and know exactly how you feel.
Terry Crow
Abigail-I thought I was the only one who did that.
Janet Newman
Found a great video of I’ll Have Another running along side of another
stallion at Big red Farm. At first I did not see much and then you see him.
I watched it several times. if this has been posted before I apologize for the re=post
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Janet,
We have seen this video before, but what a treat to see it again. Those two are racing just for the joy of running. Thanks for sharing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jan:
Have seen this video before. Never get tired of it. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks Janet. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I know my posse greeted your, Sassy at the rainbow bridge. Hugs.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautiful to see this.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ. Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
According to this article in DRF, Ebby stumbled a bit at the break. I don’t believe she was ever in the frame of mind to race today. Poor baby. Love and Hugs, JB
My thoughts on yesterday, for what it’s worth…Ebby may not want to be a racer. Every horse is different and she may prefer motherhood to the track. It seems as if she has had various issues along the way and maybe this race will put things in perspective for John and her owner. One thing is for certain, this horse has been handled beautifully all along the way. John and his team know how to train horses and get them ready, regardless of circumstance. However, it’s still up to the horse regarding desire to be a competitor.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops! Here’s the article:
Here’s my take on the race Ebby’s today. She reared up and bucked right in the gate. I think she didn’t like the ‘feel’ of Rosie. Horses don’t like the gates to begin with, and I think they spook with anything unusual. I’m a girl and I don’t agree w/the girl power” thing. Eb is used to male jockeys and that’s how it should have been. I watched Rosie style vs. Mikes style of riding. Totally different. Rosie needs more experience me thinks. “Ebby knew something wasn’t right. Okay I’m running for hills to dodge tomatoes now.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
That’s perfectly okay, zfansandy. I might agree with you a bit, so I’ll get ’em too.
Ebloissante has only had 2 before this with a long recovery and training period between those and now. Don’t know if her workout riders are all male but I think this had little to dowith Rosie.
Amen Debra. Don’t know much about it but if Ebby has “lovin on her mind” not much any jock can do.
Rosemary McCauley
zfansandy: I thought I was the only one who had these thoughts so I’m glad you expressed them also When I watched Ebby’s race on Saturday I got the same feeling you did. Rosie’s probably has never even been on her and likely didn’t have the chance to view her past two races. In those races, Corey seemed to relax her and didn’t push her at all early on and let her settle into her own stride. I have those two races on tape and I went back afterwards and watched them. Corey also didn’t use the whip much, if at all, and “showed” it to her to keep her mind on her business. Rosie seemed to push her from the beginning and it could have turned Ebby off. I also heard something about a problem with her teeth, but haven’t found an article yet.
I agree that while female riders can be calmer for some horses – in this case maybe, for Ebby on this day, it didn’t work.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s a tweet from Barbara Livingston on Ebby. If you click on the photo you can see BL’s shot of Ebby in the gate. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Actually there are two photos of Ebby in the gate that BL took. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB. Glad Rosie and Ebby and all involved are OK.
Ebby is a smart girl and has had enough of the ” steam bath ” offered at the Spa. After all she is a California Girl.
She and Hovis have it right, the hot, humid, sweaty days making us grumpy!!!
Hugs. Ebby will be back.
Ann NC. Agree with you. Racing in 90+ humidity is no fun for human or horse. Sore teeth don’t help the cause either. Ebby may have been very wise to take it easy under those conditions, and save it for another day. Moosie might have just stayed put, as he has done with or without a gate, so that we have to give her credit for running.
Ann NC
I give her a big ole heapin helpin of credit, Max! The deck was stacked against her.
Also kudos to the gate keepers.
Moosie, clearly he is a front runner and suffered a bruised ego when the others broke out of the gate and left him behind. I think he was totally flabbergasted. He is a beautiful jumper with springboard action.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Found this video on Backside 55 Facebook Page of Ebby in the paddock before the race. You can see Dottie there and John saddling her. She’s so beautiful. She’ll bounce back and do better next time. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Judy, thanks for that — more than I’ve gotten to see of her, John and Dottie in awhile. Let’s hope it was just an off-day for Ebby.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B:
You’re so welcome. Hope she feels better today. Was a rough, scary moment in that gate. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for posting this Judy. Although DirecTV didn’t “crash” at a crucial moment, they showed very little of the pre-race activities due to switching to race 1 at Del Mar. I did see Dottie and the interview with John which was great.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Ebloui carried on awful in the gate. I didn’t notice any stumble out of the gate but they announced it. She ran like like she didn’t want to. I’m so sad about it and had so looked forward to the race.I still respectfully blame the jockey. Sry.
Catherine Uher
Thank you for these beautiful pictures of Zenyatta, baby 13Z, and Cosmic One!!! I look forward to them so much every week as they bring a smile to my face!!!! Pleas give them all hugs and kisses from me!!!! I hope one day I will be well enough to travel up there and meet Zenyatta in person! It would make my whole life if I could ever meet her. Sending lots of love to all of her connections too as I am so grateful for you taking pictures of her and her two boys and always sharing them with us!!! <3
Big morning for the 75 riders who completed Tevis. 100mile race from Tahoe to Auburn completed within 24 hrs. These are mostly Arab and Arab crosses going over rough mountain terrain. Congrats to all. http://www.google.com/search?q=tevis+cup+2013&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=yODrUaaOEK7UigKg8oDwDQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=1024&bih=672#biv=i%7C1%3Bd%7CKgeL3uZ3QvcEWM%3A
carol in arkansas
these horses are champs…I have been thru there in a car many times…that is hard enough for me…the sierra Nevadas are gorgeous but rough
Janet Newman
I have seen footage of this race and it is amazing what the horse and the riders do.
I could not image doing this.
Patricia in far northern California
Must make a small brag here, the son of my last stallion (who died last year at age 28) will be entered in the Tevis Cup next year. His owner is an experienced endurance rider and she has been training and prepping him for the last 4 years (he is now 7). This is not an endurance RACE as they do in the Emirates etc., but an endurance RIDE, and not only is it closely monitored by the vets with mandatory rest stops at certain intervals, there is a huge incentive to bring them in in the best condition possible; the winner by time may or may not be the Best Condition winner. The horses and mules that do this ride are well conditioned, full of energy, and very well prepared for the rough, extreme terrain, heat, and night riding that are all involved. A friend’s gelding won both awards a few years back and it was no mean feat. Some people train extra horses and then “loan” or “lease” them to riders from other countries (Japan, UAE, others) that have ridden in this in the past. And Arabian horses always do best, though there have been TBs, QHs, Appys, and mules that have done well too. So much depends on the rider, the individual horse, and the training and conditioning. It’s not a casual thing to enter. It’s a feat to even finish.
Bluegrass Girl
Patricia in far northern California
Good luck to horse & rider. Endurance is tough.
Let us know the outcome.
Kathleen O'Mara
I’ve done a number of rides. Funny thing, my horse was always in better shape than I was in the end. Lots of vet checks, no people check s.
I’m in gold country and ride some of the trails used in Tevis. I can actually.ride out my gate and catch the trails to Tahoe. I’ve ridden in a number of endurance rides on one of my mares that was by my senior stallion. She has this huge trot, and everyone said she looked so smooth to ride….what they didn’t know was the effort it took to keep her at that pace instead of a zillion miles per hour. She was always ready to go again, I needed bed rest for a week ;-).
sharon in seattle
I’m excited for today’s big handicap at Emerald Downs, the Mt. Rainier Handicap. Tres Borrachos has been shipped in for the race so I get to see the big guy in person along with some of the other best racers at Emerald Downs. Yesterday Tres Borrachos was at 8/5 odds. At eight years, he’s the “senior” at the race! I noticed that he’s passed the one million dollars lifetime earnings. Go big Tres!
Terry Crow
Tres Borrachos has slipped a lot. Be careful if you are planning to bet on him.
sharon in seattle
thanks! I rarely bet – I’m just excited to see one of my all time favs! He has some good local competition, but I’ll be cheering for him. He IS 8 years old : )
Allie in Texas
Just a reminder that Steve Haskin recently posted a story, “The Story of Mort and Omaha” on Bloodhorse.com that gives us a portal into the distant past. Omaha is a distant relative of Zenyatta. Great read. Steve gets Omaha and champions the 3rd Triple Crown winner.
carol in arkansas
This is a fabulous article….wish we could find him…
Janet Newman
HRTV First Call had a report of JS interview following Ebby’s race.
She broke some teeth in the gate and got some cuts on her back legs when she acted up.
The plans are for some more gate work with her. That may help, I don’t know, but most races I watch where the horse acts up, they never race well.
Alpha does not like being in the gate for a long time waiting, if I recall and will get upset.
Get well E, still love you.
Terry Crow
You are correct. If I have the time and I have a bet on such a horse. I cancel it immediately.
Pati-College Girl(maybe)
Oh my God, she broke teeth? (Sorry, but I’m shocked.)
No wonder she had zero kick; I wouldn’t either!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Thanks for the info, Janet.
AJ from CA
Kind of curious why they didn’t pull her from the race given the broken teeth and cuts?
pam homeier
Evidently Saratoga doesn’t think like Churchill Downs.
Ann NC
Poor baby. Get well, Ebby. Darn it. Mario will take extra special care of her.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, no–poor baby. Power up, Ebby. It’s a miracle she raced at all. Can you imagine broken teeth with a bit in your mouth? Ouch. I hope this doesn’t do her further psychological damage.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Just saw this on some of the social media sites. I guess the good news is that John seems optimistic and hopes to run her again at Saratoga. Hope she will be able to get past whatever got her going in the gate. Love and get well wishes to our Ebby!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
I hope she can adjust. Maybe they’ll try a gate blanket I have seen used on some horses. This blanket prevents the horse’s sides touching the gate and it stays in the gate when the gate opens. Would be sad if this painful experience makes her more gate shy. Feel better beautiful girl. Hugs, JB
Rosemary McCauley
Thank you for the information on Ebby’s gate injuries. I heard there had been a problem with her teeth, but didn’t know she broke them in the gate. I was glued to the TV for the race and just my luck -I have Dish Cable – just as they were about to load the horses in the gate, Dish lost connection. I had to sign on to Calracing.com and I was able to see the race there – but missed the problem at the gate. No wonder she didn’t run – why wasn’t she scratched at the gate? Wasn’t there any blood visible, either on her mouth on her legs? Poor Ebby – but she is in good hands and if she didn’t belong in that race, John wouldn’t have entered her in it.. She’ll be back. Fingers crossed.
Janet Newman
In this article, there is a great picture of Ebby.
She knows how to pose like her big Sis.
Janet. Thanks for posting this. Ebby is very beautiful. She’s come into her own as she matures. She is impressive looking with those wonderful dapples.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Bella Eblouissante — she looks magnificent. An unfortunate start after a long layoff. Looking forward to her next start.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Janet – I’ll just echo the “great picture” comments. Glad I scrolled down to find it. Thinking of you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janet:
OMG, she is just stunning looking. Thank you.
She’s so big, you can understand how confining the gate must feel to her. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sandy Huge congrats to Phil Mickelson for winning the Open .Exciting finish. Lovely to see Amy and the girls giving him what we Welsh call a “cwtch”.Now for Chris Froome in the Tour de France!! hugs Sheena
Terry Crow
P.M. is one of the best guys in American golf and that has nothing to do with his prowess as a player.
Ann NC
Very exciting. Could you hear us cheering, Sheena? Loved the ” cwtch”.
TC,agree, Phil is tops!
What a match, poor Lee. :(
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Sheena!!!!! Needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled :-) He really played like a champ today, and as TC says, he IS a champ in so many ways. He was one of my dad’s most favorite golfers (dad was also a lefty), so I’ve followed him for a long time. Shed a lot of happy tears for him and Bones and the family and all of his “connections.” Lee Westwood seemed to take things in stride – hope he can break out and win a big one sometime soon.
Terry Crow
I used to see Phil on the links in San Diego when I was able to play that game.He was always cordial and outgoing.
Bluegrass Girl
Joining in the congrats to Phil.
It was a demanding course over an ever-changing wind & conditions.
Fun to watch as a spectator.
Well done Phil Mickelson!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BG:
Me too. Hugs, JB
Jan D. / Texas
I wish they would let Mike Smith ride Ebby. Woud love to see that. Does anyone know why they don’t?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
How they make the decisions (both the trainers and the jockeys, I guess) has been a mystery to me Jan. Don’t know if the jockey’s get “booked up” ahead of time and just aren’t available when you might want one or some don’t usually ride on less experienced horses or they don’t want to travel to some tracks or what. Maybe some of our friends here will shed some light on this.
Bluegrass Girl
Yesterday (Sat.) Mike was riding and winning on Royal Delta at Delaware
Park in the $750,000 Delaware Handicap.
One of several horses he had to turn down was Princess of Sylmar.
She also won her race.
Also, his home base is SoCal although he has been doing a lot of flying
around the country.
Mike is back at Del Mar today.
Bluegrass Girl, I think with Mike it is where Royal Delta and The Dude go, he is going with them. I have read that some riders might have contracts or some type of agreements with certain trainer. The dreaded Johnny V rides almost all of Pletchers good horses.
I’m interested to see who has the mount on my Muchie Boy in the Whitney.
Dear Terry Quite agree with you old fashioned to say I know but a thoroughly nice man hugs Sheena
Pati-College Girl(maybe)
@QueenOfSuites: IT’S OFFICIAL! Anybody want a Liddy horse? http://t.co/R4rgmn3yi0
She’s finally ready for her new home! Liddy is up for adoption. Her other potential families didn’t pan out, but that doesn’t mean there is no hope!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
She is beautiful. Will pray she finds a loving home.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Liddy is so adorable. Hoping she find a loving, caring forever home. Hugs, JB
Thank-you so much for these beautiful pictures; there are no words to really express how much it means to have Zenyatta in our lives; she is more then a great race horse and mom. Zenyatta has brought so much joy to everyone; she is one of a kind. If Zenyatta can pass on just a fraction of her personality and ability (it looks like she is doing it) do we and the world have some great times ahead! Thank-you so much for allowing her to be part of our lives, and continuing as she is living at Lane’s End, producing offspring, which allows so many people to follow individuals from the very beginning. Thank-you all concerned for taking such good care of her.
I love the video of the two horses racing each other in their paddocks. I wish the people who say horses are forced to run, could see it; they were racing each other for the pure joy of it.
One last thing, this is the most uplifting site I have ever seen. It is full of people caring and loving others, along with other animals, besides horses. You all do Zenyatta proud. Thanks to you all!
I’m sorry for being so long; I don’t post much, but I guess I make-up for it when I do. Hugs to you all!!!!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
And you are missed when you are not here.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Roberta:
Good to see a post from you. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Good to see you posting again, Roberta! Hugz.
I don’t know where that t came from?
Pati-College Girl(maybe)
The Internet is carazay sometimes.
Bluegrass Girl
BACKSIDE 55 NEWS: Posted Sunday July 21 2013
Reported on HRTV. EBLOUISSANTE suffered a broken tooth and hind leg lacerations in her gate incident yesterday. OW!
John Shirreffs reports that she is walking soundly today, and that she will have three days off. It is hoped that she will run again before the end of the meeting.
Princess of Sylmar wins CCA Oaks
By Mike MacAdam The Wire Saturday, July 20, 2013
A Daily Gazette sports blog News from the world of thoroughbred horse racing
Eblouissante, a half-sister to Zenyatta, reared in the gate, and jockey Rosie Napravnik hopped off to let her settle down and reload. Eblouissante bumped Moon Philly in the early going and had no kick late, finishing last of six. Napravnik picked up the ride after jockey Junior Alvarado suffered a shoulder injury earlier in the card.
Bluegrass Girl
Barbara Livingston (DRF Livingston) gate photo
Eblouissante had a very rough go of it today.
Here’s hoping for much better things for her in the future. #ZenyattaSis
Janet Newman
Bluegrass Girl,
Glad is just a broken tooth, heard on HRTV this morning it was “teeth” and to me that is a big difference between teeth and tooth, although not comfortable either way.
Bluegrass Girl
MaryP NY posted a NYRA article from Saratoga. In it, John Shirreffs says
:“She got banged up, but it’s all pretty superficial,” Shirreffs said. “She broke two teeth and grabbed herself in a couple spots on her legs, but nothing really serious.
So, teeth it should be. Could be HRTV had early findings.
Bluegrass Girl
My bad-it was Backside 55 quoting HRTV.
Either way-it is now 2 broken teeth.
Bluegrass Girl
Authenticity – 2013 Shuvee Handicap (G3)
NYRA Published on Jul 20, 2013
Odds-on favorite Authenticity earned her second graded stakes win, rolling to a comfortable one-length victory in Saturday’s Grade 3, $200,000 84 Lumber Shuvee Handicap at Saratoga Race Course.
Observation: If you take a look at Ebby running in the beginning of the race, it seems to me that she is picking up her hind legs higher than usual. Not an easy fluid motion.
Also, there has been some discussion on social media about the fact that she was
not examined by a vet after the gate incident and whether or not a vet should have
scratched her.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Have to share an amazing story with my Zenny friends. If some of you have seen pictures on national TV in the past day or so of an Ohio college that was hit by a small tornado early Saturday morning, it was right here – less than 5 miles from me – and is where I spent the last 15 years of my teaching career. An entire wall of the building that housed the gym was blown out, and there was much additional damage (broken windows etc) from the flying debris and many trees down. The place looks like a war zone. Here’s the amazing part – the night before, that same gym was filled with kids from a summer camp enjoying an overnight on campus!! Despite the devastating loss for the college (and they had JUST received word of being granted NCAA Division II status), the president hit the nail on the head when she said that they were blessed!
Bluegrass Girl
An amazing story of almosts. Glad everyone is safe.
That was too close to you for comfort–freaky storm.
It is a blessing that no people injured plus the NCAA Division II.
Terry Crow
What is the name of the college?.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ursuline College in Pepper Pike, OH.
Terry Crow
Thank you. I am sure you were very concerned about your old friends.
Bluegrass Girl
Royal Delta Cruises in Delaware Handicap
By Claire Novak, The Blood-Horse Updated: Sunday, July 21, 2013 3:04 PM
Racing without Lasix in search of a return to dominant form, Besilu Stable’s champion racemare Royal Delta cruised to victory by 10 3/4 lengths in the $750,000 Delaware Handicap (gr. I) July 20 at Delaware Park (VIDEO).
The 5-year-old daughter of Empire Maker was never tested on the front end and had already put seven lengths between herself and four rivals after leading through easy fractions—a quarter in :24.19, a half in :47.50, and three-quarters in 1:11.43. She drew off well within her own power under Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith while turning for home alone through a mile in 1:36.29, and was geared down under the line to distance runner-up She’s All In by 10 3/4 lengths.
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/79546/royal-delta-cruises-in-delaware-handicap#ixzz2Zi4ob75g
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BG:
Thanks for this update on Ebby. Thank God she didn’t flip over and that her injuries are minimal. Hope this experience doesn’t make her more gate shy. JS is the best and he will do all the right things for her. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Oops: Sorry Maryp, was answering your post. Sorry BG. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Good point, Judy. Not only horses, but jockeys have been seriously injured and even killed in such incidents. The one that comes to mind because I was there was Alvaro Pineda at Hollywood Park.
pam homeier
Just curious. Had Ebby had problems in the gate before?
pam homeier
Just got my answer in Maryp NY post. Nobody had said anything about gate problems before so was surprised people were suggesting she might not be a race horse. Hope she gets another chance! Thanks Maryp for your post.
Terry Crow
As I understand it, this was out of the blue. No problems were noted in her previous races. Doubt that it will happen in this case, but if a horse continues to be a bad actor in the gate it could be ruled off the track.
pam homeier
Very interesting, Terry. I did not know this could happen. I remember when Zenyatta ran the BC at Churchill and (darn! can’t remember his name) but he acted up in the Starting gate and was eventually scratched. Dr. Bramledge commented at the end that he was a bit of a juvenile delinquent in the starting gate. So who your trainer is might be part of the equation? Just curious.
Maryp NY
Here’s what was on the NYRA -Saratoga News site:
Trainer John Shirreffs reported Sunday morning that Eblouissante emerged from Saturday’s Grade 3, $200,000 Shuvee Handicap with minor injuries after acting up in the starting gate.
“She got banged up, but it’s all pretty superficial,” Shirreffs said. “She broke two teeth and grabbed herself in a couple spots on her legs, but nothing really serious.
“I feel really lucky that she didn’t seriously injure herself. I think that’s a credit to the assistant starter, who kept her from flipping over and getting underneath the gate. It was a bad situation but not a tragedy.”
Owned by Maverick Racing, the 4-year-old Eblouissante, a half-sister to Horse of the Year Zenyatta, was making her stakes debut in the Shuvee, her first start in 189 days following an optional claiming victory on January 17 at Santa Anita.
Ridden by Rosie Napravnik, subbing for jockey Junior Alvarado who was banged up earlier on Saturday’s card, Eblouissante bumped with Moon Philly after leaving the gate and ran at the back of the pack, finishing last of six.
“For her, it was [over at the start]. She lost all her focus and everything,” Shirreffs said. “Obviously, it’s disappointing, but it’s one of those things that happens with horses. You can’t always predict the outcome or what they’re going to do. You just accept it and try to improve.”
Shirreffs said Eblouissante had not shown any signs of gate trouble in either of her first two starts.
“Never, but she’s a big horse and the gate is somewhat tight, so she could be a little claustrophobic,” he said. “Who knows what sets a horse off at that moment? Whatever it was, it really set her off.
“We’ll give her a few days to heal up a little bit. Obviously, we’re going to have to take her to the gate and school her, spend a lot of time in the gate and get over whatever it was that set her off. Then we’ll just come back and start over again.”
Shirreffs hopes to get another start for Eblouissante at Saratoga, where the trainer is spending his first full summer this year.
“We’ll look to bring her back probably in a little lower-profile race,” he said. “It’s hard to say until we get her back on the track.”
Bluegrass Girl
Sandy, interesting. Mike Smith will be in Saratoga. Wonder if there will be any
discussions about Ebby? Just a thought.
Mike Smith Entries
July 21 – Del Mar
Wishcraft Wgt-118 Race 2 Maiden Special Weight
Holy Candy Wgt-124 Race 3 Allowance Optional Claiming $40,000
Compari Wgt-123 Race 5 California Dreamin’ H.
Chapman’s Peak Wgt-120 Race 7 Claiming $40,000
Kyriaki Wgt-115 Race 8 San Clemente H.
July 24 – Saratoga
Profetiza Wgt-118 Race 2 Broom Dance S.
Tapicat Wgt-122 Race 9 Lake George S.
July 20 – Delaware Park
Royal Delta finished 1st by 10 3/4 lengths Race 9 View
Looked like Ebby had put on some weight. A good thing, but perhaps that made the gate area seem smaller to her. Glad to hear that she was not seriously injured. Thank you for the update.
Bluegrass Girl
Paynter (4-Year-Old Colt) Workout Rank 1/74
Date: July 21, 2013
Track: DEL MAR
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 59:40 Handily
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: All Weather Track
Rank: 1/74
Justin and I were tweeting back and forth that Zayat Stables had bullets from both Paynter and Justin Philip, and both are entered next weekend in Graded Stakes races. In Justin’s words “Coast to Coast graded stakes wins, baby!” Going to see Paynter run again on Saturday :)
Thanks for the info BGG.
Terry Crow
That is an excellent work on the Del Mar surface.
Brenda S. Fort Erie, Canada
Vic and I are home safely from Saratoga where we spent yesterday waiting eagerly to see Ebby in the Shuvee. Vic had made a sign saying “Go Ebby Go” which brought a smiling acknowledgement from John just before the horror of seeing Ebby rearing up in the gate. She seemed very calm when we watched Mario lead her onto the track from the paddock and Vic and I think that she was spooked a bit by one of the other horses. I can only say that it was terrifying to watch Ebby struggle and that I was just about in tears.
The good news today that Ebby’s injuries are not serious is a huge relief.
Saratoga is much bigger than our little track here at Fort Erie and running between the saddling enclosure and the post is hard on mature legs and feet so I shall be sitting with my feet up this evening. but well worth it for the pleasure of seeing Ebby.
Brenda. Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your trip to Saratoga. Appreciate hearing your comments about Ebby. Hope your feet recover soon.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda:
So great that you and Vic got to see Ebby and John. I thought she looked calm in the paddock area too in viewing the video. But, you had a much closer look. Maybe she just wasn’t into racing yesterday.
So glad the scary situation wasn’t worse. I would have been crying with you. Love and Hugs, JB