Happy Wednesday!
Last week was a special one for the web team. We packed our cameras and muck boots and headed to Lane’s End to catch up with Zenyatta and her boys.
We roamed around the paddock with Zenny and 13Z (with pockets full of peppermints), spent a day with Coz to observe his new routine, and took a lot of photos. In the coming weeks we’ll put up photo galleries and add new prints to the Zenyatta Shop. Also in the works is a video interview with Assistant Yearling Manager Cooper Sawyer—he’ll explain how Coz is being prepped for the next stage in his career.
Since it’s that time of year where we begin to make plans for the Breeders’ Cup, we’d like to announce that there will not be an official Zenyatta Celebration at the Breeders’ Cup this year. Instead, we’ll hold a special event online that everyone can take part in, from the races or from home. Details will be announced at a later date.
-The Web Team and Team Z
All photos by Kyle Acebo

Julie Malida
I want to express my sincere thanks to Team Z for organizing and holding the prior two Zenyatta Celebrations at Breeders Cup each year. Their generosity of spirit was contagious and raised awareness and much needed funds in such a fun and soul-expanding way for us, all of Zenyatta’s “rabid” fans.
It will never be forgotten. I wanted to make certain Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John, and Mikey recognize the appreciation we all have for how giving of their time they were. They drew us into the family. Hugs to all.
Julie M,
Arlington Heights, IL
sue and tony
Beautifully said.
Maryp NY
I agree wholeheartedly.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy B,
I second that. Can’t wait to see our gorgeous Ebby again, hope she does well, she’s up against some good competition. Also on Sunday :
Mr. Besilu
Monmoth Park
1/ 1/16
Race 5
Hope Mr. B has figured it out and does well, he’s such a beauty too. hugs
pam homeier
Just wondering, if Ebby should win this race would she have a chance to run in a Breeders Cup race?
Terry Crow
She has never ran on the turf so it would appear that the only race available to her would be the Ladies Classic. She is probably nominated for that race, but would have to peruse the eligible list to be sure.
pam homeier
Thanks, Terry. Just saw she had a tough day. Hope she comes out of it ok.
Terry Crow
She did, indeed. She had not raced in some time so this effort can be thrown out. Look not farther than Royal Delta the last time she ran. Even the best of them throw in a clunker from time to time.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy B,
I second that. Can’t wait to see our gorgeous Ebby again, hope she does well, she’s up against some good competition. Also on Sunday :
Mr. Besilu
Monmoth Park
1/ 1/16
Race 5
Hope Mr. B has figured it out and does well, he’s such a beauty too. hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Yes, this should be a very competitive group. Rooting for Mr. B on Sunday.
Run Like A Girl Ebby. Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
GO EBBY…go fast…but go safely…
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning all–for those wishing to get an uplifting start to the day, check out today’s Horse and Man blog–the story of a beautiful blind horse named Valiant and what he has accomplished:
Go Ebby, go!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
Thank you so much for this article and video on Valient. What a story. Loved the video of the little boy and the horse too. Love and Hugs, JB
I’m a bit awe-struck by this video and the story of Valiant. Thanks for sharing.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Barbara,
I love this video and story! Thanks for posting this link about Valiant and his Jeanette. They are an amazing team! Hugs
Dear Barbara This is a truly inspirational story of love and trust between human and horse.Animals can teach us so much Am in tears.hugs Sheena
Dear Janet Thank you for your kind message for our laura on what must have been an unbearably sad day for you. Sassy must be having a guided tour today across the rainbow bridge by all the Z ‘sters pets. She is happy. hugs Sheena
Terry Crow
Sheena-I have been watching THE open and I must say that is the way golf should be played, as much with your head as anything. Grip and rip doesn’t work on those old beautiful British courses.
I’m just getting caught up on all the comments. Remember back in Dec. of 2010 when we thought we would lose touch with Zenny? Boy, have we been blessed to have this site and all the updates. I’ll be eagerly watching Coz’s development into a fine racer and 13Z…well, he’s well on his way, too. Viva the Queen and her boys!
carol in arkansas
I am unable to find the fb page for Hovis…electronically challenged old me…if anyone finds it please let me know…I searched “hovis” and “hovis horse”…but nothing…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Here’s the link to Hovis’ Diary. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Judy. I needed that.
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (In Awe)
Here’s the link to his fb.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Carol. The link is within the diary. Check out the underlining of the fb reference in Hovis’ diary. Click on that and it will take you to FB and you have to sign up for it. I’m waiting for the video.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great good news for Hovis fans. Just read on his FB page that they’ve had 88 requests to join his “fan group” just today, and his Mum says they are OVER 1000 – she will do the video!!!
Hovis brought a much needed smile to my face today.
Kalar Walters
Thank you so very much for the photos!! I enjoy them so much and the videos, too. The colts look fabulous! As does Zenyatta. 13z is gettin’ so big! Coz has a beautiful head! I look forward to anything and everything you share with us. Makes my day. ♥
Rookie Sensation Race 6 Allowance Optional Claiming $80,000
Philosophic Race 8 Maiden Claiming $40,000
I saw that Mr. JS has 2 horses tonight at Del Mar.
I saw Rookie Sensation in his last race. I think he looked good.
I don’t know anything about Philosophic.
Some of these are kinda late for us east coasters.
I have to try to stay up.
Happy Capping Sue
Coz I Can 2015
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
All you dog lovers out there, read and watch the video of one of the most heartwarming stories I’ve ever read. If you click on the related story link you will see the original video. One case where a human gave back so much devotion to his dog. So sorry to hear he has passed. http://www.northlandsnewscenter.com/news/local/Schoep-the-Dog-Passes-Away-216071511.html
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sue–thanks for the link. I just got the news. SO much sadness these days. Hugs.
Terry Crow
Agree. Where are the happy stories, although this was bittersweet in nature.
carol in arkansas
so sad…yet he was so loved…happy for his life…sad he had to leave it…conflicted
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So sad to hear that Schoep has passed away. He and his dad certainly captured the hearts of so many people last year. It sounds like the donations brought him some valuable extra time. Another beloved pet crossing the rainbow bridge.
Janet Newman
I remember this picture and the story. It touched my heart then and I know his owner is grieving his beloved Schoep. They too will have a happy reunion one day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
RIP Schoep. Hugs, JB
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (In Awe)
Ok, I think that we have decided on a wedding date, finally! We’re leaning towards Sept 27th which is a Friday. That way, Cindy will only miss one day of work. Now the planning starts. Woot Woot!!!
Donna H
Thank you once again!! What absolutely gorgeous pictures!!!
Dear Heidi so happy to hear you’ve chosen a date for your wedding .May it be a day filled with happiness for you hugs Sheena
Dear Terry So glad you are enjoying the golf and seeing Muirfied at it’s best. weather like that is unusual in Scotland. should be an exciting finish on sunday I’ve been watching the cricket don’t believe it’s popular in the US!!!!!hugs Sheena
Terry Crow
You are correct in regard to all of your statements.
Sheena. Chris Froome is doing really well in the Tour de France. Looks like another British win on the horizon for Tour 100. I love the Tour despite the disappointing scandals. My favorite rider now is Eddy Merckx.
Terry Crow
Eddy is not still competing is he?
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Eblouissant, good luck! In addition, please win because I am going to bet $ 100.00 on you…
Hugs and xoxoxoxoxo!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
She can do it! Love and Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Good Luck, Ingrid. You are a bold bettor. Hope Ebby comes through for you and comes out of the race in good form, as well. Marty R
carol in arkansas
Thanks to everyone helping me connect to Hovis on fb….I truly appreciate I
A member from the forum side is trying to sign up for capping…she says site will not let her enter her birthday….didn’t we just skip that?
Dear Max Have been on Laura’s twitter account and she’s recuperating at Oaksey House in Lambourn the BEF is funding her stay Lord Oaksey started the injured jockeys fund I think they have 12 homes over the UK now. She will have the best care with them have seen the home on tv it’s state of the art and has helped many of our jockeys. Seems it was a bit early for Kauto’s party The heat is getting to him as well a fridge raid tonight maybe??hugs Sheena
Sheena. Very happy to hear that Laura is in good hands. With her away, Kauto and Steve are getting ready for her welcome home party. They have to test the goodies in advance to make certain everything is all right. Kauto needs AC. I think that Storm Cat had air conditioning. BTW did you notice that Kauto said that he does his own typing on his iPad?
Coz looks so much like his mom and and Vertigineux! Z13 is so big! and of course the Queen and her boys all look beautiful!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Janet, I am so sorry that I am a day late in acknowledging the transition of your dear Sassy. In honor of you and Sassy, here is a poem that I wrote as an ode from pet owners to their pets who have passed to the Rainbow Bridge. Hugz to you at this saddest of times.
To Pets Now Gone
To those who have sadly departed
And left us behind, broken-hearted,
We send our undying love.
You, of whom we’re so fond,
For us now patiently wait
At the bridge beyond.
We draw renewed strength
From the deep belief
That our sorrow
Will find relief
On some tomorrow
When at length
Through divine fate
We will with you in love
We’ll have that thrill
In heaven above,
And our now heavy hearts WILL
Again be light.
Heartfelt condolences to you, Janet.
Trina. This moving poem applies to all those whom we have lost, pets and humans alike. Thank you for allowing us to read it.
Terry Crow
Max-Your word ring true. I have experienced more losses that I can stand.
Terry Crow
That should be than rather than that.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, dear Trina, for these comforting words. Hugs.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Another wonderful, touching poem Trina. You always manage to say what is unspoken in our hearts. <3
Janet Newman
Thank-you and I agree with Max’s comments.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Thank you. Just beautiful. Hugs, JB
Thank you Trina. It helps. I just got my Amanda Jane’s ashes back on Tuesday. I have to say, the place did a really good job. Bittersweet for sure.
Janet Newman
, I hope Sassy meets up with your kitty Amanda Jane.
The closest she came to cats were a couple who ran around in
our neighborhood and not friendly.
Hugs to you.
Thank you, Janet. Amanda didn’t know what a dog was, but she never met an enemy. She’s in a better place now, and it was time.
Terry Crow
casey-God bless and help you during this difficult time.
Thank you, Terry.
Dear Max Is’nt Kauto a clever boy? Have watched a bit of the tour de france myself is great that another brit looks like winning .Did you see Sandy’s message that Hovis’ FB friends have reached 1,000 so here comes poo tube!!!hugs Sheena
Dear Judy Goodnight Sleep tight sweet dreams Love to Lola Mae and Charlie.When is Ebby running? Wishing her well hugs Sheena
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Ebby is racing in the Shuvee Handicap (Grade 3) tomorrow at Saratoga, Race 9. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and PC
Terry Crow
Judy-I must have missed the report. How is Lola Mae doing?
carol in arkansas
Good evening Zenny…
did you see the Shulerville..?spelling…the little gal supposedly weighs about 750lbs..
Lady’s Secret was considered small at 900… but she and the other “dead heater” both RAN LIKE GIRLS…yeah…
we had so much fun on the forum side playing ” whose the stallion”… we finally ID’d all three of the “mystery” horses..that Kurt is going to make it a on going thing…so with “who is it?”….and “today in racing history”….and the capping league starting…I will never have a free minute…but I am learning a whole lot..so this is a good thing..
Please take care of your gorgeous self …and kiss the boys for me…really looking forward to learning the school plans in Coz’ future…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
Just watched the replay of the Schuylerville. What a finish.
Rosie was on Brazen Persuasion. What a cute little filly Bahnah is. She was determined and just kept trying with those little short strides; she never gave up. Both girls have a lot of heart. Hugs, JB
Karen in Indiana
That is one beautiful family. It’s too early to know how these two boys are going to turn out, but they both look full of potential.
It’s great to see how Coz is looking now that he’s growing out of that awkward stage. He looks like more of a distance runner, 13Z looks like a miler. But can you tell by conformation at their ages?
What is the difference in their temperaments?
Pati-College Girl(maybe)
Hang on to these good questions for the “Ask the Experts” column once it gets up an running again! If you ask them all at once, they might all be answered. *Might.*
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the replay of the Schuylerville. Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
What a race and that little filly Bahnah did not give up.
I love the small but mighty.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for the link Judy. Nice to be able to see the race that everyone is talking about. The slo-mo replay is terrific.
Janet Newman
@ Barbarw Wood
Thanks for the story on Valiant. What an awesome horse and owner.
Janet Newman
Sorry Barbara, not Barbarw
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thinking of you Zenyatta!!! love,
Auntie Sally B