Dear Friends, HELLO AGAIN~
I’ve missed you and often think of the great times we shared! I hope you have been healthy and happy. I’ve truly been enjoying my life… all the various stages.
December 31,2023, my dear friend, Bill Dwyer, wrote a piece about me in the LA TIMES.
He did such a beautiful job recapping memorable moments of my life. So many extraordinary times! I want to personally take this opportunity to thank Bill for his thoughtful words and share them with you.

“Zenyatta is 20 years old. Her legend in horse racing still shines bright“
I wonder if you can remember where you were when so many of these moments happened. I sure can! We share forever memories!
As John Shirreffs said “When she was around, it was like we were living in Camelot.
She took everyone there with her.”.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta and Team Z,
Oh my goodness! What a lovely surprise we Z-fans have gotten today!!
A brilliantly written article by Mr. Dwyer AND a personal intro by our
much adored and beloved favorite girl, Z.
I am over the moon and very touched❣️
Thank you all for this amazing tribute article and for this post entry!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Hugs and Love Forever, dear Z!
Donna Heim
Thank you, Bill, for that sentimental journey for those of who love Zenyatta. It was tremendous.
Cynthia Holt
Sadly, Bill Dwyre recently passed away. This was one of his last articles—-and his best.
Cynthia Holt
So very sorry for my error. It was sportswriter Art Wilson who passed away several weeks ago, not Bill Dwyre.
I have always loved and will continue to love Zenyatta! She’s considered the greatest in my eyes!!
Sandy Frey
I’m a lifetime fan of Zenyatta and have followed her progeny as well. I especially follow Ziconic, her second colt, who was born on April 1, 2013, Zenyatta’s 9th birthday. Her racing style was a phenomenon that was thrilling and even heart stopping – I haven’t experienced that feeling since she retired from racing. Her energy was intoxicating as you watched her being led by Mario from the barn to the paddock doing her “dance”. I agree with John Shirreffs about her being around was like living in Camelot. She captured my heart and I’ll always feel happiness and joy just by being able to see her and be around her. Happy 20th Birthday, Zenyatta!
Julie Muzzall
I still L💕O💕V💕E, LOVE her! She is still even in her retirement gifting us with her inspirational SOUL!
Laura McKeller
Happy 20th Birthday Zenyatta! I hope one day to get to meet you in person. Watching you has helped keep my love of horse racing alive & well and now seeing your beautiful babies growing & thriving in their lives & careers is inspiring. Hope your birthday brings you lots of treats & special surprises.
Debbie Kalivas
Oh what a lovely good morning surprise to hear from you beautiful girl! A friend sent me the article from his newspaper, it is amazing! I send you lots and lots of kisses on your soft nose!!! Enjoy your BD celebration! I’ll be there in spirit for sure❤️love you forever❣️
What?? Security back and new post?? YAY!!!
And the article. Everything.
I wonder what her true 20th will bring in just a few weeks.
Dear Mr. Dwyer,
Awesome story on our awesome Zenyatta! Thank you.
Dearest Zenyatta,
For me, there has never been a racehorse like YOU! Happy 20th, big girl.
I get tears in my eyes when I watch her race replays. She just had such heart. Her dancing before a race as if to say hey it’s all my fans look at me. Thank you for coming and don’t worry I will do my best as always for you. She just made racing so much fun I don’t think there will ever be another Z. I wish one of her offspring would get the chance to have a good run at it but so far it has not been ment to be. Thanks for writing about Z there so many of us out here that love her.
Sally Blank
Dear Queen Z
Thank you for being YOU, the greatest female race horse of my lifetime and of all time!! Not only that I melted when you’d danced; a horse with the sweetest personality.
Thank you Mr. Dwyer for your wonderful article so well written of ZENYATTA!
Team Z, thank you for sharing Z. This article brought back so many of my memories of the horse I will always love.
Love you Z and all your foals,
Auntie Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally B.,
Yay!! You found the new post!
It’s so wonderful.
Hugs and Love 😊
Nancy Stamp
Wow. What a great surprise. Thank you Z for coming back.
Sally Blank
I am surprised I have not read anything from devoted Judy Berube. God bless Judy.
Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally B.,
I think Judy has a lot going on just now. She has a family member who is recovering from a procedure this past week, and she adopted a cute little dog from a rescue who needs to get settled in with some housetraining.
I am sure she will post as soon as she has a moment. She does know about the new blog entry though.
Thanks for the concern — it’s nice to keep in touch!
Hugs and Love 🥰
I too was missing Judy. Thanks Marshall.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Thank you, Team Z, for giving us access to this wonderful piece about our beloved Zenyatta! ♥️ I tried to put up a link to it back in January but the L.A. Times has a paywall that prevented me from sharing it. I miss Judy’s posts — hope she’s back soon!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Dee,
Hope Judy’s back soon, too. I am sure she will be. She is having a rough patch right now due to a family member’s illness so keep her in your thoughts. She is certainly the BEST!
Hugs and Love
Beth from Indiana
So good to her from the Z team again. Love, love, love the article. Bill Dwyer has captured the story so beautifully and I loved rewatching the videos of her two Breeder’s Cup races. Gives me goose bumps every time. Zenyatta captured my heart from the first time I saw her race and will forever be etched in my memory as one of the most remarkable race horses of all time. I have so enjoyed following her story and that of her progeny and am so greatful that the Z team has made such an effort to share Zenyatta with her fans.
Sally Blank
Dear Zenyatta;
With you turning 20 I think I am going to begin reading your Zs Diary!! Those are one fun part of my memories of you and I met some wonderful people.
Memories are everything!
Love you Zenyatta and all your foals,
Auntie Sally B.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM, DC, Team Z and Z fans:
Oh so happy the Blog is back.
One of the very best articles on you Z; so many wonderful memories.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
My Dears Sally, Marshall and Dee:
Thank you for thinking of me. I’ve been sidetracked for a while. Better now.
How wonderful to hear from Z!!!
Love and Hugs to all of you, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Yay!! Very glad to see you back on Z’s blog!
You have been missed❣️
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Ma @mastoyshop
Wow so good to see zen is still kicking
And you all are still cheering her on. Put a smile on my face😃❤️🙏🏻
Ma @mastoyshop
Ok hope
This isn’t a double post lol! Glad that Miss Z is still kicking and that you all are still able to comment and keep the blog on into history
Marshia Armstrong
3 is a charm right?
Best to z!
And to all who support her.
Glad to see
You all back
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB❣❣❣
Sally Blank
Goodnight Z, your Birthday is getting closer!
Love you and all your foals,
Auntie Sally B
What a great surprise . I am so glad to here that Z is doing well. A big Thank You to bill for a great article. Thank You Team Z for taking good care of our girl. Just hope the news keeps coming.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
So glad to see you’re back, Judy — the season wouldn’t be the same without you! Hope Team Z at Lane’s End will share Zenyatta’s birthday celebrations with us. Came across (belatedly) on Instagram that Visit Horse Country was offering tickets to see her on April 1st — something new that I hope they’ll offer every year. They’re an upscale tour company that takes small groups to the more exclusive farms. I would guess that there will be a big demand and that Zenny will enjoy the attention (Rachel Alexandra has been seeing fans for years). I’m going to start saving up now for 2025!
judy berube
Dear Dee:
Love and Hugs, JB
Love you Zenny- hope you get a nice birthday cake and a Guinness on your 20th- you are the greatest of all time!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, she certainly IS the greatest, Colleen!
I hope Z gets her Guinness along with delicious cake, too.
Good to see a post from you❣️
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM and DC:
Have a restful evening; comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB❤️🏇🏻❤️🏇🏻🏇🏻❤️🏇🏻❤️
This is my note I wrote to Bill Dwyer thanking him for his heartfelt LA Times tribute:
Zenyatta memories
Thank you for the beautiful tribute to Zenyatta, Queen of Racing still. Bill Dwyre has always captured her excitement, personality and importance to the sport. I had the opportunity to meet the Queen twice in 2010, first visit early in the year was intimate, maybe eight people, including Ann and some of her family. Zenyatta is so grand in “person,” it was astounding to see her. Mr. Sherriffs was so loving toward her, and his calm influence was apparent. She loved the attention, the camera, let me pet her and pose with her. Second trip later in the year was like a busload of fans there, but the Queen was regal and calm as ever. She is one of a kind and I am grateful for the care she has received and the generosity of all involved with her. thank you Bill!
Sheri Gasche
Los Angeles
I was discouraged as the website was down so long, but now I know it’s back up and the community is back. So happy!!