Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.
Happy holidays from Zenyatta, Zellda, and the Boyz.
Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs. A Zenyatta Christmas at Lane’s End Farm. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta’s stall, decorated for the holiday. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.
One of my horse rescue heroes sent this video today. It’s favorites from Barbara Livingston from this past year. Nobody does it better. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Goodnight to Sheena and all our dear friends that we no longer see. We love you and miss you very much, but we are so grateful to have known you on Z’s Blog.
Dear Sheena,
It’s not the same blog here without you. We all miss you terribly. I hope you are enjoying seeing all the horses you wrote about who have passed to the other side as well as the other Z bloggers who have left us too soon. We will always remember you.
I just wanted to let you know that when I emailed Mike Smith to send him Christmas wishes that I also told him that I hope he will be riding Zellda when she races. I believe that we all agree that we want Zellda to have a good experience in her first race even if she doesn’t win and Mike will do that for her.
I know I’m late wishing everyone that I hope everyone has a great 2020 of good health and happiness.
I think we all agree that Mike would be the one for Zellda. She worked Saturday or yesterday at Santa Anita. Think we are getting close to that first start.
I have to agree that Mike would be the logical one for Zellda. Between Zenyatta and M’dOro, they have both done great things for him. He would take good care of her.
Well, I have just been thinking. We have all been saddened by our loss of Sheena. She put a lot into this board. I think it is right to grieve for her but I don’t think she would have wanted us to lose our focus. The thing is that if she were still here, there have been a lot of things happening that she would have enjoyed commenting on.
We have exciting news about Eclipse awards, especially(for me), a little respect shown finally to Maximum Security.
Justify has a lovely daughter, with many more hopefully to come.
We saw a stretch run in the Sham Stakes than even Sunday Silence would have appreciated.
Zellda will run just when John thinks she is ready.
We begin a new year with joyful hope mixed with a bit of trepidation anticipating a very special daughter of Candy Ride and Zenyatta. Lots of prayers going forward.
I hope we get to see OB race as a four year old too. I don’t think we’ve seen just how talented this beautiful boy is. I love IH too. Love and Hugs, JB
This is the farm in Lybia that De Coronado, Z’s brother, was sold to in 2018. Sheena used to be our source of info on him while he was at Ballydoyle in Ireland. Peggy and I have been trying to find out if he is still there. We have made some inquiries and will let you know if we find anything. Worried about him and all the horses and people there. Love and Hugs, JB
I truly pray he wasn’t there but am sick about those who are. Innocents suffering from the evil of man. Who would have responsibly imported a horse into Libya in 2018?
Cry myself to sleep at night.
Who would ever export a horse anywhere to that region, including the country now invading Libya. Oh wait……
Praying for all the innocents.
Dear Judy; I should come to the blog more often.
Just the thought of some thing happening to Z’s brother .. I don’t want to imagine.
Thank you Judy.
Love n hugs, Sally B
It’s just too much to bear. I was worried about DC, as we all were, when I learned he had been sold to Al Shaab; now it’s worse than ever over there. St. Francis protect them; beautiful innocents. Love and Hugs, JB
How horrible! I hope and pray De Coronado was not there, but send prayers for the safe return of those innocent horses who were stolen. I am very much afraid that the outcome will be bad however. So-called human beings always find a way to sink lower — it gets ever more difficult to be an optimist these days.
This was posted on Z’s Forum dated March 2018. Beautiful Boy. He has a star like COZ. After I saw this post, I asked Sheena to see if she could confirm that he had in fact been sold to Al Shaab and she said that she thought he had been.
Dear Judy B & Peggy,
Thank you for trying to get info on DeCoronado. It is so sad what is happening to so many horses in different parts of the world.
I am also very concerned about the horses in Australia with the wildfires there. So many people have lost everything & the wildlife is being killed by the fires, too. I hope that Winx is ok.
Prayers for all people & creatures who live in areas of danger. Also prayers of thanks that I live in a safe place that is not being affected by evil people or natural disasters.
I think this was a full on assault and there was simply nothing anyone could do to stop it. Different type of situation than Peru.
From what I have read, these horses have been in serious danger since at least last Spring. This is not the first incidence of violence against these horses either. They were apparently appealing for help to get them out but were hampered by the large number of animals involved.
Prayers for the people and horses might at this point be the most powerful thing we can do.
Our beautiful Chromie arrived in Japan yesterday. Art Sherman was with him. Bet it was tough on him to say goodbye. Beautiful photo and video with the article.
Thanks for posting this. CC looks gorgeous as always. I am glad that Alan will be there to get him settled in. Good that Chrome has a familiar face accompanying him. Happy that he is well, but sad that he isn’t here. May he be healthy, happy and loved while in Japan.
All the best to CC, now and always.
I noticed another article on this site reporting that X Y Jett died this morning of an apparent heart attack. He was only 8 years old and had accomplished quite a lot despite having knee surgeries earlier in his career. He was a top sprinter who won the Dubai Golden Shaheen 2019 (he ran narrow seconds in the Golden Shaheen in 2016 & 2018) and also won the Mr. Prospector Stakes twice and the Sunshine Millions Stakes twice (among other wins, too). Very nice words from his trainer in a touching farewell to this beautiful grey gelding who was a champion sprinter and obviously loved. RIP X Y Jett, brave boy.
Wow,JB, that looks like a nice group. A Seattle Slew mare bred to Smarty. Exciting.
Love the name, Steely Danza. Bound to have the smooth moves.
Thanks for sharing. Hope they remain safe and sound!
I heard back from one of my inquiries on De Coronado. They had no recent info on him, but they gave me the email for Dr. Eshaab, who runs Al Shaab Stud. I sent an email to him earlier today. Hope to hear something soon. Love and Hugs, JB
I hope this is minor as Mr. Mandella says. I wonder if perhaps this is something that another trainer would have not picked up on? I know Mandella takes excellent care of his horses and always does what is best for his horse no matter what.
Poor Omaha, hope he heals quickly and can show all that marvelous talent in the Pegasus.
Surgery successful for Prince Lucky. Owner credits Uncle Johhy’s quick action in pulling him up early with lessening the severity of the injury. Sending healing prayers for complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Sending healing thoughts and prayers to both Omaha Beach and Prince Lucky.
Power up brave boys! Kudos to John Velazquez for the quick thinking that prevented a much more serious injury.
There are great December 2019 pictures of Ziconic on De Sousa Stables’s Facebook page. He has a body clip so he looks like a different color now. Happy and healthy for sure.
Got a reply back from Dr. Eshaab. He said that De Coronado is located in Zawiya, a city about 30 miles from the Al Shaab Stud. He said it is safe there. Told him will keep him, his people, DC and all the horses in our prayers.
Let’s continue to pray that DC stays safe and that the stolen horse are found safe and returned. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
One of my horse rescue heroes sent this video today. It’s favorites from Barbara Livingston from this past year. Nobody does it better. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
PS: keep a lookout for a sweet surprise toward the end of the video.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful night. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight; sweet dreams.. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Goodnight Sheena from Wales:
Blog’s not the same without you. Missing all our Z’sters: Kari B, Keta and Karen G.

Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Goodnight to Sheena and all our dear friends that we no longer see. We love you and miss you very much, but we are so grateful to have known you on Z’s Blog.
Hugs and Love
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy:
I agree, I miss her so much, and all the others friends….We no longer see indeed!
Love and hugs Ingrid.
Donna Z
Dear Sheena,
It’s not the same blog here without you. We all miss you terribly. I hope you are enjoying seeing all the horses you wrote about who have passed to the other side as well as the other Z bloggers who have left us too soon. We will always remember you.
Donna & Cappy
Donna Z
Dear fellow Z bloggers,
I just wanted to let you know that when I emailed Mike Smith to send him Christmas wishes that I also told him that I hope he will be riding Zellda when she races. I believe that we all agree that we want Zellda to have a good experience in her first race even if she doesn’t win and Mike will do that for her.
I know I’m late wishing everyone that I hope everyone has a great 2020 of good health and happiness.
I think we all agree that Mike would be the one for Zellda. She worked Saturday or yesterday at Santa Anita. Think we are getting close to that first start.
Kathleen Marsh
Shirley and Donna
I have to agree that Mike would be the logical one for Zellda. Between Zenyatta and M’dOro, they have both done great things for him. He would take good care of her.
Judy Berube
Dear Donna, Shirlee, Kathy and Z Fans:
Agree with all of you. Hoping Mikey rides ZEL too. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love you. Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
Well, I have just been thinking. We have all been saddened by our loss of Sheena. She put a lot into this board. I think it is right to grieve for her but I don’t think she would have wanted us to lose our focus. The thing is that if she were still here, there have been a lot of things happening that she would have enjoyed commenting on.
We have exciting news about Eclipse awards, especially(for me), a little respect shown finally to Maximum Security.
Justify has a lovely daughter, with many more hopefully to come.
We saw a stretch run in the Sham Stakes than even Sunday Silence would have appreciated.
Zellda will run just when John thinks she is ready.
We begin a new year with joyful hope mixed with a bit of trepidation anticipating a very special daughter of Candy Ride and Zenyatta. Lots of prayers going forward.
We have much to look forward to.
Think a great name for Justify’s filly would be Justafilly!
Looking forward to seeing Omaha make his last start and still hoping they will change their minds and let him race as a 4 year old.
Lots of new 3 year olds to be watching. That Independence Hall sure is one to watch.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Too cute!
I hope we get to see OB race as a four year old too. I don’t think we’ve seen just how talented this beautiful boy is. I love IH too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
I love it! Justafilly, what a great name — just brilliant, I’d say. ?
Good luck to Omaha Beach in his race! Safe and sound always.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Don’t know if you’ve seen this article:
This is the farm in Lybia that De Coronado, Z’s brother, was sold to in 2018. Sheena used to be our source of info on him while he was at Ballydoyle in Ireland. Peggy and I have been trying to find out if he is still there. We have made some inquiries and will let you know if we find anything. Worried about him and all the horses and people there. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
Hi Judy
I truly pray he wasn’t there but am sick about those who are. Innocents suffering from the evil of man. Who would have responsibly imported a horse into Libya in 2018?
Ann NC
Cry myself to sleep at night.
Who would ever export a horse anywhere to that region, including the country now invading Libya. Oh wait……
Praying for all the innocents.
Sally B. (cherish
Dear Judy; I should come to the blog more often.
Just the thought of some thing happening to Z’s brother .. I don’t want to imagine.
Thank you Judy.
Love n hugs, Sally B
Judy Berube
Dear Sally:
Praying he and all of the horses stay safe. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Ann:
It’s just too much to bear. I was worried about DC, as we all were, when I learned he had been sold to Al Shaab; now it’s worse than ever over there. St. Francis protect them; beautiful innocents. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
How horrible! I hope and pray De Coronado was not there, but send prayers for the safe return of those innocent horses who were stolen. I am very much afraid that the outcome will be bad however. So-called human beings always find a way to sink lower — it gets ever more difficult to be an optimist these days.
St. Francis, please deliver them from evil.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This was posted on Z’s Forum dated March 2018. Beautiful Boy. He has a star like COZ. After I saw this post, I asked Sheena to see if she could confirm that he had in fact been sold to Al Shaab and she said that she thought he had been.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
I join everybody in praying for the protection of all the precious horses in the Middle East!
Love and hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Z
Dear Judy B & Peggy,
Thank you for trying to get info on DeCoronado. It is so sad what is happening to so many horses in different parts of the world.
I am also very concerned about the horses in Australia with the wildfires there. So many people have lost everything & the wildlife is being killed by the fires, too. I hope that Winx is ok.
Prayers for all people & creatures who live in areas of danger. Also prayers of thanks that I live in a safe place that is not being affected by evil people or natural disasters.
Judy Berube
Dear Donna Z:
??? Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Can’ t understand why these people were able to spend hours there without being noticed.
I pray for the horses and the people of Libya.
Kathleen Marsh
I think this was a full on assault and there was simply nothing anyone could do to stop it. Different type of situation than Peru.
From what I have read, these horses have been in serious danger since at least last Spring. This is not the first incidence of violence against these horses either. They were apparently appealing for help to get them out but were hampered by the large number of animals involved.
Prayers for the people and horses might at this point be the most powerful thing we can do.
Sally B. (cherish
Prayers for De Coronado and all horses. Z’s brother is gorgeous but none the less, I love Z’s family and I love all horses.
Sally B
Sally B. (cherish
God night Zenyatta, love you and all your foals
Auntie Sally B
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Our beautiful Chromie arrived in Japan yesterday. Art Sherman was with him. Bet it was tough on him to say goodbye. Beautiful photo and video with the article.
Stay safe and happy Champ. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Correction: Allen Sherman accompanied Chromie to Japan. He is Art Sherman’s son. Sorry, my mistake. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this. CC looks gorgeous as always. I am glad that Alan will be there to get him settled in. Good that Chrome has a familiar face accompanying him. Happy that he is well, but sad that he isn’t here. May he be healthy, happy and loved while in Japan.
All the best to CC, now and always.
I noticed another article on this site reporting that X Y Jett died this morning of an apparent heart attack. He was only 8 years old and had accomplished quite a lot despite having knee surgeries earlier in his career. He was a top sprinter who won the Dubai Golden Shaheen 2019 (he ran narrow seconds in the Golden Shaheen in 2016 & 2018) and also won the Mr. Prospector Stakes twice and the Sunshine Millions Stakes twice (among other wins, too). Very nice words from his trainer in a touching farewell to this beautiful grey gelding who was a champion sprinter and obviously loved. RIP X Y Jett, brave boy.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I saw that article with the stunning photo of XY Jett. He was one of my favorites. Another sad loss; only eight years old.
Run free in God’s Heaven gorgeous boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
Dear Marshall and Judy
I read this morning about XY Jet. He was one of my favorites too.
Judy Berube
Dear Kathy:
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a pleasant evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
It’s that time again. Here’s an article on three Derby hopefuls:
Dreams Untold (Smarty Jones out of Shootforthestars (Seattle Slew)
Steely Danza (Danza out of Unbridled Quest (Unbridled’s Song)
Tizamagician (TizNow out of Magic Union (Dixie Union)
Stay safe and Godspeed Beauties. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Wow,JB, that looks like a nice group. A Seattle Slew mare bred to Smarty. Exciting.
Love the name, Steely Danza. Bound to have the smooth moves.
Thanks for sharing. Hope they remain safe and sound!
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting! My heart goes pitty patter every time I see Chromie. Gosh what a GORGEOUS boy!
Kathy XO
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Mine too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
I heard back from one of my inquiries on De Coronado. They had no recent info on him, but they gave me the email for Dr. Eshaab, who runs Al Shaab Stud. I sent an email to him earlier today. Hope to hear something soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
My heart aches for the Dr. Hope he can find safe passage to a safe country.
Praying for any and hopefully good news.
Love and hugs.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
I know. I hope he can find safe passage too. Will post if I get a reply. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
This beautiful boy unlucky again. Appears to be a minor issue. Get well soon gorgeous Omaha Beach. Love and Hugs, JB
I hope this is minor as Mr. Mandella says. I wonder if perhaps this is something that another trainer would have not picked up on? I know Mandella takes excellent care of his horses and always does what is best for his horse no matter what.
Poor Omaha, hope he heals quickly and can show all that marvelous talent in the Pegasus.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I hope it’s minor too. Yes, Mr. Mandella is a horses’ welfare first trainer. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Surgery successful for Prince Lucky. Owner credits Uncle Johhy’s quick action in pulling him up early with lessening the severity of the injury. Sending healing prayers for complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Sending healing thoughts and prayers to both Omaha Beach and Prince Lucky.
Power up brave boys! Kudos to John Velazquez for the quick thinking that prevented a much more serious injury.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
There are great December 2019 pictures of Ziconic on De Sousa Stables’s Facebook page. He has a body clip so he looks like a different color now. Happy and healthy for sure.
judy berube
Dear Carolina:
Thanks for this info. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Got a reply back from Dr. Eshaab. He said that De Coronado is located in Zawiya, a city about 30 miles from the Al Shaab Stud. He said it is safe there. Told him will keep him, his people, DC and all the horses in our prayers.
Let’s continue to pray that DC stays safe and that the stolen horse are found safe and returned. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Oops: That “horses” are found safe and returned. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I am glad you heard from Dr. Eshaab. Thanks for the update.
Will continue to keep DeCoronado, Dr. Eshaab and all the horses in prayers for safety.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Judy, thank you for the update.
Judy Berube
Dear Barbara:
Love and Hugs, JB