Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.
Happy holidays from Zenyatta, Zellda, and the Boyz.
Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs. A Zenyatta Christmas at Lane’s End Farm. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta’s stall, decorated for the holiday. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.
Dear Z fans,
So very sad to hear about Sheena, a great horse person, animal lover, kind and caring person. She always had time for everyone, took the lead on the blog at times and taught us about British racing, breeding, the Royal Family, Ospreys, life in the UK, and UK politics. She was always gracious in her comments and so very articulate. So glad you were able to find out Kathy. She was sick for quite a few weeks and many were very worried about her. Lovely tribute to her Judy. She will be so very missed. At only 70 years old just shows how vulnerable we are and how special life is. RIP dear Sheena and may you see all of your animal and human friends over the rainbow.
We are all so saddened by the loss of Sheena. I will post today’s Cherokee Devotional in the hope that it may comfort us:
In life we experience brokenness, woundedness, and weakness. But take heart, life also offers healing. By living fully in the Spirit, we become stronger, more resilient, and more open to the healing that the Spirit continually offers.
As this year comes to an end and another year begins, remember to be as gentle with yourself and others as you would with the most fragile flower. Be honest but with kindness. Determine what causes pain and seek healing. Erase dark thoughts and stand free and whole again. That is the gift the Spirit offers each new day, each new year. Claim it with anticipation, hope and joy that you may live life int all abundance.
The Indian believes that the sun is a gift from God, our Father above, to enlighten the world and as the sun appears over the horizon they offer up a prayer in acceptance of our Father’s gift
-Washakie, Shoshone
We all are still feeling the loss of Sheena. I took great pleasure in telling people about the Blog and that a friend who posted was Sheena from Wales.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I don’t know where you live, but here in Indy it is cold and gray and makes winter very hard to get through. And getting older makes it worse. Hang in there girl. The new babies will be arriving soon and before we know it, it will be time to pick a Derby favorite.
Dear Shirleeinindy, How nice of you to respond to me personally. I do so enjoy reading all the comments, though I don’t have much to contribute. I have learned so much on this blog and have read many horse books, but my love of the horse is only in the realm of dreaming of what might have been. I have also learned how fragile most of them are so of course I worry all the time. God protect all of them especially Zellda, Zenyatta Chrome and all the rest. Also to Judy, so sorry for all the troubles your friends and horses are having. Do keep us informed. Love your posts. Nancy
Reading all your posts and I know Sheena is smiling and happy to be so loved. God Bless all of you. I treasure our friendship and shared love of Z and all horses and animals. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Neighbors, Marshall and Ann
Wanted to wish you a wonderful Happy New Year
Don’t get in here to post as much as I use too, but think of all of you often
Love Ya, Dear Friends
Well just like the rest of you I am in shock over the passing of our dear Sheena. I hardly ever post but I check in every day to see how everyone is doing and to keep up with Hovis and the Ospreys. I have learned so much about racing and the horses across the pond from Sheena. I will feel a bit lost here from now on. Not the way we wanted to end this year. But I for one have to imagine her being greeted across the rainbow bridge by all of her beloved horses and fur babies and having the time of her life. She’s an angel now and I trust that she will be on the shoulder of our Zenny and Zellda protecting them. RIP our dear sweet soul. We will miss you tremendously and this place will never be the same without you.
Zenyatta is so very beautiful .Shes just amazing ! I love her !.Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Thank you for all the memories beautiful girl
Happy Birthday to Zenny, Zellda and The Boys. Good health and happiness to all the horses as they celebrate their birthday today.
Does anyone know when Zenyatta’s baby is due? Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy foal for our Queen.
Omaha Beach arrived safely in Florida for his next and last race.
Finally the sun is shining in Indy today. But of course, that horrible wind is blowing and rain is in the forecast for the next 2 days. Help! I need a home in Florida, Arizona or Texas!
Happy New Year to all of the great friends on the blog.
Because it was announced in the middle of August that Z was in foal to Candy Ride, I’m guessing her due date is late March – early April. Only a guess. Thinking she may have been about three months along at time of announcement. Love and Hugs, JB
I haven’t posted much here in a long time, but I do check in periodically on what’s new and have stayed in touch with many especially my dearest friend and “sista” from Wales. I am devastated by the news of her passing. We had corresponded before Christmas about both of us feeling low, I myself wound up in hosp with virus and am home now on oxygen til I get thru it. God in Heaven has taken an angel, one of our special animal advocated for all creatures great and small. I shall forever miss her my sweet Welsh sister and our PM exchanges. Our love spanned across the ocean. Love you dear sis.
Thanks Judy the Beauty, have missed you too;! Hope to get better, I lost you on email so I havent been able to message you. Hope you are well. love and hugs
We love you! Have missed hearing from you, and I sure hope you will be feeling much better very soon. Please take care of yourself and know that there are healing thoughts and prayers being sent to you. As Judy wrote, treasured friends are indeed precious.
Sheena was such a light in our lives, such sad news to hear of her passing.
How she loved the horses and all God’s creatures.
Condolences to the family and her Z family.
Lovely to see Mario with Zellda and our beautiful Zenyatta is looking wonderful.
Happy New Year all! We’ll see if this “works,” but I’m sure that Sheena would want us to continue to support Hovis in all of his trials (real or imaginary). Lily got a new pony for Christmas (if you’re on his FB page, the video is just precious), but Hovey was initially fooled about the pony’s . . . ummmm . . . . gender.
Bless you for this! I am positive that Sheena would approve and love this support of Hovis. Thank you for continuing to bring the Hovis gift of laughter, my friend. This is much needed, and our beloved Hovis has come through yet again with the smiles and giggles.
Sorry that Hovey is disappointed in his Christmas wishes. Maybe there will be a lovely blond mare in his future, someday. . . The dream continues. :-)
I think our Angel Sheena is happy that you’ve continued posting Hovis here. I’ll bet she’s delighted. He is hysterically funny as usual. Love and Hugs, JB
Sydnee West
Dear Z fans,
So very sad to hear about Sheena, a great horse person, animal lover, kind and caring person. She always had time for everyone, took the lead on the blog at times and taught us about British racing, breeding, the Royal Family, Ospreys, life in the UK, and UK politics. She was always gracious in her comments and so very articulate. So glad you were able to find out Kathy. She was sick for quite a few weeks and many were very worried about her. Lovely tribute to her Judy. She will be so very missed. At only 70 years old just shows how vulnerable we are and how special life is. RIP dear Sheena and may you see all of your animal and human friends over the rainbow.
Dear Zsters,
We are all so saddened by the loss of Sheena. I will post today’s Cherokee Devotional in the hope that it may comfort us:
In life we experience brokenness, woundedness, and weakness. But take heart, life also offers healing. By living fully in the Spirit, we become stronger, more resilient, and more open to the healing that the Spirit continually offers.
As this year comes to an end and another year begins, remember to be as gentle with yourself and others as you would with the most fragile flower. Be honest but with kindness. Determine what causes pain and seek healing. Erase dark thoughts and stand free and whole again. That is the gift the Spirit offers each new day, each new year. Claim it with anticipation, hope and joy that you may live life int all abundance.
The Indian believes that the sun is a gift from God, our Father above, to enlighten the world and as the sun appears over the horizon they offer up a prayer in acceptance of our Father’s gift
-Washakie, Shoshone
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Kathy. A dry appropriate and comforting post.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Arrrgh! I meant very appropriate of course.
We all are still feeling the loss of Sheena. I took great pleasure in telling people about the Blog and that a friend who posted was Sheena from Wales.
Hope you are feeling better soon. I don’t know where you live, but here in Indy it is cold and gray and makes winter very hard to get through. And getting older makes it worse. Hang in there girl. The new babies will be arriving soon and before we know it, it will be time to pick a Derby favorite.
Nancy Stamp
Dear Shirleeinindy, How nice of you to respond to me personally. I do so enjoy reading all the comments, though I don’t have much to contribute. I have learned so much on this blog and have read many horse books, but my love of the horse is only in the realm of dreaming of what might have been. I have also learned how fragile most of them are so of course I worry all the time. God protect all of them especially Zellda, Zenyatta Chrome and all the rest. Also to Judy, so sorry for all the troubles your friends and horses are having. Do keep us informed. Love your posts. Nancy
judy berube
Dear Nancy:
Thank you for your sweet comments. God Bless you. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
I had not been on until a few days ago and read Sheena’s last post. I came on today and in total shock reading where she had passed.
It is going to be very strange to come on and not see her posts. She was our link to many things.
While i do not assume anyone’s belief, I will end this in Welsh, Duw a fenditho di which is God Bless You.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Reading all your posts and I know Sheena is smiling and happy to be so loved. God Bless all of you. I treasure our friendship and shared love of Z and all horses and animals. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, DC, Team Z and My Z Family:
Lola and I wish all of you a Blessed New Year. Love and Hugs, JB and LM
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy & Lola Mae,
A most Blessed and HAPPY NEW YEAR, treasured friend! All the best, always.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy and Lola, and everyone on the blog,
Happy New Year, my dears.
Hugs, Kathy XOXO
P.S. I will NEVER see XO’s and NOT think of Sheena. She always ended her communications with hugs and kisses…
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Neighbors, Marshall and Ann
Wanted to wish you a wonderful Happy New Year
Don’t get in here to post as much as I use too, but think of all of you often
Love Ya, Dear Friends
Ann NC
Dear Neighbors,
Peace, Love and Joy for 2020.
Luv ya,
Peggy, keep us posted if you get to the Florida sales!!! Always love reading your reports.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
To All My Friends here on the Blog.
Wish You all a Wonderful Happy New Year
Love You All, Dear Friends
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Zenyatta and Family and all of Team Z.
Wish you all a Wonderful Happy New Year
Love You All
Happy New Year to all, and may Sheena RIP with Katie, Red Rum, Kauto Star and all …
Marshall (NC Broad)
To our beloved Zenyatta, all her family (both equine & human), and to all the wonderful friends here on the Z Blog,
Blessings of good health, love and peace, my friends.
Hugs and Love
Donna Alsabrook
Well just like the rest of you I am in shock over the passing of our dear Sheena. I hardly ever post but I check in every day to see how everyone is doing and to keep up with Hovis and the Ospreys. I have learned so much about racing and the horses across the pond from Sheena. I will feel a bit lost here from now on. Not the way we wanted to end this year. But I for one have to imagine her being greeted across the rainbow bridge by all of her beloved horses and fur babies and having the time of her life. She’s an angel now and I trust that she will be on the shoulder of our Zenny and Zellda protecting them. RIP our dear sweet soul. We will miss you tremendously and this place will never be the same without you.
Zenyatta is so very beautiful .Shes just amazing ! I love her !.Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Thank you for all the memories beautiful girl
Ann NC
Happy New Year to all.
Happy Birthday to all of the beautiful horses. Especially Zenny and her family!
Zellda….study hard and cheers!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Zenny, Zellda and The Boys. Good health and happiness to all the horses as they celebrate their birthday today.
Does anyone know when Zenyatta’s baby is due? Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy foal for our Queen.
Omaha Beach arrived safely in Florida for his next and last race.
Finally the sun is shining in Indy today. But of course, that horrible wind is blowing and rain is in the forecast for the next 2 days. Help! I need a home in Florida, Arizona or Texas!
Happy New Year to all of the great friends on the blog.
Judy Berube
Dear Shirlee:
Because it was announced in the middle of August that Z was in foal to Candy Ride, I’m guessing her due date is late March – early April. Only a guess. Thinking she may have been about three months along at time of announcement. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z’sters, Team Z, Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Happy New Year from Mom and me. Love and Hugs, Lola Mae
Sue Fredrick
I haven’t posted much here in a long time, but I do check in periodically on what’s new and have stayed in touch with many especially my dearest friend and “sista” from Wales. I am devastated by the news of her passing. We had corresponded before Christmas about both of us feeling low, I myself wound up in hosp with virus and am home now on oxygen til I get thru it. God in Heaven has taken an angel, one of our special animal advocated for all creatures great and small. I shall forever miss her my sweet Welsh sister and our PM exchanges. Our love spanned across the ocean. Love you dear sis.
Judy Berube
Dear Sue:
Hope you feel better soon. Treasured friends are so precious; best to keep in touch and let them know you love them. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick
Thanks Judy the Beauty, have missed you too;! Hope to get better, I lost you on email so I havent been able to message you. Hope you are well. love and hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue,
We love you! Have missed hearing from you, and I sure hope you will be feeling much better very soon. Please take care of yourself and know that there are healing thoughts and prayers being sent to you. As Judy wrote, treasured friends are indeed precious.
Hugs and Love
Sue Fredrick
Thanks Marshall didn’t think too man remembered me.. Am hopefully on the mend and thanks for the prayers. love and hugs.
Barbara Brayton
So very sorry to hear of Sheena’s passing. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a wonderful day. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
To all my Z friends,
Just a caring reminder: Get your flu shot, and if of a certain age, please DO get the
pneumonia vaccine, too! Don’t take chances, my friends.
Hugs and Love
deb sutherland
Sheena was such a light in our lives, such sad news to hear of her passing.
How she loved the horses and all God’s creatures.
Condolences to the family and her Z family.
Lovely to see Mario with Zellda and our beautiful Zenyatta is looking wonderful.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy New Year all! We’ll see if this “works,” but I’m sure that Sheena would want us to continue to support Hovis in all of his trials (real or imaginary). Lily got a new pony for Christmas (if you’re on his FB page, the video is just precious), but Hovey was initially fooled about the pony’s . . . ummmm . . . . gender.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Bless you for this! I am positive that Sheena would approve and love this support of Hovis. Thank you for continuing to bring the Hovis gift of laughter, my friend. This is much needed, and our beloved Hovis has come through yet again with the smiles and giggles.
Sorry that Hovey is disappointed in his Christmas wishes. Maybe there will be a lovely blond mare in his future, someday. . . The dream continues. :-)
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks Sandy.
Modern dance, so funny.
Mini Mom is the cutest!
Love to all.
Thanks so much Sandy. Sheena would be so happy to know someone was continuing to keep us updated on Hovis.
Barbara Brayton
Got my flu shot, Marshall. Getting ready for my second pneumonia shot.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yay! Good for you, Barbara — well done.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs and Love
Good for you Barbara! I volunteer at a local hospital so must get my flu shot early.
Don’t any of you all here on the blog forget to have the new Shingles shots!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
I think our Angel Sheena is happy that you’ve continued posting Hovis here. I’ll bet she’s delighted. He is hysterically funny as usual. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Happy Dreams. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article with photo from Bloodhorse on American Pharoah and other great stallions. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Peggy brought this boy to my attention. Grandson of Tapit is off to a great start toward the Derby. Feisty one!
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Feisty indeed! That is some photo of IH — he is completely off the ground.
Hope he learns to calm down a bit before the race.
Thanks for posting!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Oh my. Watch over him racing gods.
Imagine him in the walk over KY Derby parade. Wowza! Love his bloodlines.
Thanks for sharing, JB.
Judy Berube
Dear Ann and Marshall:
St. Francis keep him and all the Sweeties safe. Love and Hugs, JB
Paula Higgins
Happy New Year Zenyatta!