Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.
Happy holidays from Zenyatta, Zellda, and the Boyz.
Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs. A Zenyatta Christmas at Lane’s End Farm. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta’s stall, decorated for the holiday. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.
Oh my, I think Zellda and Mario are members of the Mutual Admiration Society! And always a JOY to see Zenyatta! Thank you, Team Z! What a lovely post!!! Merry Christmas everybody!
My Dear Zenyatta,
Thank you for posting these dear photos. I have long thought Our Dear Princess was Your Heir; however, these photos and posts of her training are proving me wrong!!!! Many Blessings at Christmas & in 2020 to You, Our Boys, and Our Zellda!!!! When I am having a bad day, I think of the times I spent in Your Company and smile!!!!
Mary in Boone
Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to one and all! May Zenyatta have a safe delivery of her filly that I’ve already started calling Zandy. May Zellda begin her racing career and run safely and win often. May Coz and Ziconic continue to do well in their new jobs. Looking forward to following them all.
I don’t know if it was Zellda, or John that was cracking Mario up so much, or perhaps the big red bow he was wearing on his chest — but whatever it was, it’s fun to see them enjoying themselves. Zenny is doing very well, too. Merry Christmas to all, and hopes for a Happy New Year to come.
Thank you so much for this lovely Christmas gift! Extra thanks to John Shirreffs and Alys Emson for these wonderful photos, too. Love seeing Mario and Zellda so happy together!
I see Zellda is definitely her mama’s girl when it comes to beverage of choice — she too is a Guinness Girl! :-)
Zenyatta is looking gorgeous as usual. Glad to see our girl has quite a nice assortment of treats and presents, as befits a queen. Just love seeing her happy!
Again, thanks for the marvelous gift of love and smiles. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!
Thanks so much for the post from Zellda and Zenyatta. I also saw a nice post from Ziconic at Templeton Farms, he is looking great. Coz is clearly so relaxed and happy at De Sousa Stables, love seeing updates on him and his life there. Happy to see Zenyatta and all her foals are receiving such great care. I am very excited to see Zellda blossom under John Shirreff’s training and care, so happy to see Mario is working with her. She will thrive with such a great Team to work with. Praying for a safe and uneventful delivery for Zenyatta’s filly Sired by Candy Ride. Zenyatta deserves nothing but the best in life and is such a great Mother to her foals. What a great little filly that will be. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes to all who care for Z and her wonderful foals. Z is the gift that keeps on giving!
I love seeing photos and hearing updates about her.
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, Zellda and the boyz…. and to team Z!! wishing you all the happiest of holidays and hopes for a healthy happy New Year too!! thanks for thinking of us during this time…. we enjoyed seeing the new pictures – warm thoughts to all – with love always…. a friend in california
A big, warm “Thank You” to John and Mario for these terrific photos of the beautiful Zellda — looks like she’s got Mom’s penchant for Guinness!!
And good to see Alys is back — her photos always perfectly capture Zenny’s sense of humor! So heartwarming to see that she is being spoiled with treats for the holidays… (Did we expect anything less?)
Wishing everyone a very Happy Hanukkah and/or a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to the one and only Zenyatta. Most beautiful girl in the world. I know you had a wonderful day with all the love you receive from all over the country. Love you so much now and always Zen!!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to the beautiful Queen Z and all her friends. Thank you for taking such good care of our girl and thank you for the photos and video too. We love you Z!
What a wonderful Christmas treat to find these pictures of our Zenny and her darling daughter Zellda! Too funny to see her going after the Guinness just like her Mom. I hope John knows how grateful we are for the pictures and for the knowledge that she is under the wonderful care of Mario! Thanks so much to Alys too for the great pictures of Zenny.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone here, Team Z, the folks at Lanes End, and of course to Zenyatta and her family. It’s great to see so many posts from old friends My keyboard is not letting me add any holiday emojis for some reason.
Happy Holidays to all!
Thank you, John, for the photos of Mario & Zellda. I am very happy that he is her groom.
Thank you, Alys for Mama Z’s photos, too. She is looking absolutely wonderful under the great care of Lane’s End staff.
I am looking forward to Zellda’s first race & I hope that it will be carried on TV here. I emailed Mike Smith and told him that I hope he will be her jockey. I’m sure that Zenyatta would want Mike to ride Zellda as well.
May everyone have a happy holiday season and a great year of 2020.
Soon to celebrate his 12th birthday Faugheen the machine has taken to chasing like a duck to water by taking on Samcro.Congratulations.
Even in a field of 5 it’s never about one horse Clan des Obeaux was forgotten this year Cyrname was the favourite but Clan won a consecutive King George with ease today an 11th King George for Paul Nicholls.Congratulations to Clan,Paul and the teamX
Just when I thought nothing worse could happen on the farm, I find I was wrong. Turns out someone used a bucket to transport water to two horses that had no symptoms of Strangles. Problem is they neglected to disinfect the bucket, which had been used for a horse that does have Strangles; so new cases now popping up. Quarantine will probably run into February.
That though, is only half of what has happened. About two weeks ago, a TB named Goose (another great grandson of Big Red), somehow got himself hung up on a gate by his harness. In his struggle to get free, three of his legs became entangled in the gate while being lead back into the barn. Angela, in a very brave effort to untangle him and keep him from injuring himself, was injured herself. She has a compound fracture of her right leg and will be out of action for quite a while. I won’t go into all the horrific details, but the good news is, thanks to Angela’s bravery, Goose came away without a scratch. One of the farm staff has a fractured pelvis, but is doing well and of course, Angela is determined to be back on her feet as soon as possible. Your prayers will be so very appreciated.
How so very unpredictable this life can be. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.What can I say?So sad to hear about Strangles popping up again but how frightening for Angela and Goose too.Praying for some better luck for Angela in the new year she certainly deserves it.Hope her leg heals quickly.Prayers for all.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
I am so sorry to hear this. So now the infection has restarted due to a careless action, an unthinking failure to disinfect the water bucket. Alas, I sincerely hope those new victims will recover soon with no after effects. Prayers for Angela, Goose and all the residents at the farm. Prayers continued for Charlie, too.
May 2020 bring good health and good fortune to Angela and the horses.
Thanks for your sweet comments and prayers. Angela is a very lucky girl; could have been so much worse. Really shook me up when I found out about it. Praying the new year will be a good and safe one for her and the horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy; Prayers for all the horses. So much can happen on the farm. Hope Angela and the staff member will heal quickly; my prayers for them as well.
Love n hugs,
Sally B
This is sad news indeed. I feel very bad for Barlovento Stud and its owners and staff. I repeat the hope for capture of those evil men who committed these hideous murders. They deserve no mercy IMHO.
Congratulations to Faugheen, jockey Patrick Mullins, trainer Willie Mullins and all connections on this amazing win! Well done, champ!
I see Zellda, like her Mom, loves beer! Zenyatta used to get a bowl of Guinness after a race as a reward and also help her relax and get a good night’s rest. Too funny!
Kim Bower
Merry Christmas to you all and wishing you a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture. I love them all.
Oh my, I think Zellda and Mario are members of the Mutual Admiration Society! And always a JOY to see Zenyatta! Thank you, Team Z! What a lovely post!!! Merry Christmas everybody!
Cynthia Holt
The best piece of Christmas cheer I have received so far! Beautiful photos, straight from the heart to the heart. God bless you, every one!
Deborah Mleczko
SO cool Ann took Mario and his wife to see their Queen. Her filly’s a beauty. Love Zenyatta! Give her a carrot for me.
Debbie Mleczko
Jane W
Merry Christmas beautiful Zenyatta! And to all your offspring and your family & connections! You look fantastic! ♥️????♥️?
Mary McLeod
My Dear Zenyatta,
Thank you for posting these dear photos. I have long thought Our Dear Princess was Your Heir; however, these photos and posts of her training are proving me wrong!!!! Many Blessings at Christmas & in 2020 to You, Our Boys, and Our Zellda!!!! When I am having a bad day, I think of the times I spent in Your Company and smile!!!!
Mary in Boone
Sheena Davies
Such a lovely surprise to find these photos.Zellda grows more beautiful and like mum has a bond with Mario.Love and hugs to all the teamX
Dear Judy.Christmas already here so enjoy your day.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Martha Fosdick
Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to one and all! May Zenyatta have a safe delivery of her filly that I’ve already started calling Zandy. May Zellda begin her racing career and run safely and win often. May Coz and Ziconic continue to do well in their new jobs. Looking forward to following them all.
Vicki (near the old Hollywood Park)
I don’t know if it was Zellda, or John that was cracking Mario up so much, or perhaps the big red bow he was wearing on his chest — but whatever it was, it’s fun to see them enjoying themselves. Zenny is doing very well, too. Merry Christmas to all, and hopes for a Happy New Year to come.
Shema Satya
Wonderful photos thank you! warms my heart and makes me smile!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann, Team Z, and Lane’s End,
Thank you so much for this lovely Christmas gift! Extra thanks to John Shirreffs and Alys Emson for these wonderful photos, too. Love seeing Mario and Zellda so happy together!
I see Zellda is definitely her mama’s girl when it comes to beverage of choice — she too is a Guinness Girl! :-)
Zenyatta is looking gorgeous as usual. Glad to see our girl has quite a nice assortment of treats and presents, as befits a queen. Just love seeing her happy!
Again, thanks for the marvelous gift of love and smiles. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!
Hugs and Love
Lori Stein
Merry Christmas. I love these photos of Zellda and Zenyatta! Like mother, like daughter ?
Deana Dameron
Thanks so much for the post from Zellda and Zenyatta. I also saw a nice post from Ziconic at Templeton Farms, he is looking great. Coz is clearly so relaxed and happy at De Sousa Stables, love seeing updates on him and his life there. Happy to see Zenyatta and all her foals are receiving such great care. I am very excited to see Zellda blossom under John Shirreff’s training and care, so happy to see Mario is working with her. She will thrive with such a great Team to work with. Praying for a safe and uneventful delivery for Zenyatta’s filly Sired by Candy Ride. Zenyatta deserves nothing but the best in life and is such a great Mother to her foals. What a great little filly that will be. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes to all who care for Z and her wonderful foals. Z is the gift that keeps on giving!
I love seeing photos and hearing updates about her.
monica in long beach
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, Zellda and the boyz…. and to team Z!! wishing you all the happiest of holidays and hopes for a healthy happy New Year too!! thanks for thinking of us during this time…. we enjoyed seeing the new pictures – warm thoughts to all – with love always…. a friend in california
Mary Margaret Thompson
Merry Christmas to all. Love all the pics.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
A big, warm “Thank You” to John and Mario for these terrific photos of the beautiful Zellda — looks like she’s got Mom’s penchant for Guinness!!
And good to see Alys is back — her photos always perfectly capture Zenny’s sense of humor! So heartwarming to see that she is being spoiled with treats for the holidays… (Did we expect anything less?)
Wishing everyone a very Happy Hanukkah and/or a very Merry Christmas!
Rita Pierce
Merry Christmas to the one and only Zenyatta. Most beautiful girl in the world. I know you had a wonderful day with all the love you receive from all over the country. Love you so much now and always Zen!!
Janet M
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to the beautiful Queen Z and all her friends. Thank you for taking such good care of our girl and thank you for the photos and video too. We love you Z!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a wonderful Christmas treat to find these pictures of our Zenny and her darling daughter Zellda! Too funny to see her going after the Guinness just like her Mom. I hope John knows how grateful we are for the pictures and for the knowledge that she is under the wonderful care of Mario! Thanks so much to Alys too for the great pictures of Zenny.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone here, Team Z, the folks at Lanes End, and of course to Zenyatta and her family. It’s great to see so many posts from old friends My keyboard is not letting me add any holiday emojis for some reason.
Donna Z
Happy Holidays to all!
Thank you, John, for the photos of Mario & Zellda. I am very happy that he is her groom.
Thank you, Alys for Mama Z’s photos, too. She is looking absolutely wonderful under the great care of Lane’s End staff.
I am looking forward to Zellda’s first race & I hope that it will be carried on TV here. I emailed Mike Smith and told him that I hope he will be her jockey. I’m sure that Zenyatta would want Mike to ride Zellda as well.
May everyone have a happy holiday season and a great year of 2020.
Ingrid Arnone
I love it I love it, what a great photos!
Happy Holidays!!!
To Zenyatta, Zellda, and all of you!
Love you, Ingrid.
Kelly Ann (Reedaddo Farm Berkey Ohio)
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta and her babies!! Love the pictures~TY!
Sheena Davies
Soon to celebrate his 12th birthday Faugheen the machine has taken to chasing like a duck to water by taking on Samcro.Congratulations.
Even in a field of 5 it’s never about one horse Clan des Obeaux was forgotten this year Cyrname was the favourite but Clan won a consecutive King George with ease today an 11th King George for Paul Nicholls.Congratulations to Clan,Paul and the teamX
lynne langill
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful Christmas photos & Video of Zenyatta and her beautiful daughter, Zellda.
Happy Holidays and New Year to everyone at Lanes End!!!!
Merry Christmas Zenyatta!Just as beautiful as ever!
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Just when I thought nothing worse could happen on the farm, I find I was wrong. Turns out someone used a bucket to transport water to two horses that had no symptoms of Strangles. Problem is they neglected to disinfect the bucket, which had been used for a horse that does have Strangles; so new cases now popping up. Quarantine will probably run into February.
That though, is only half of what has happened. About two weeks ago, a TB named Goose (another great grandson of Big Red), somehow got himself hung up on a gate by his harness. In his struggle to get free, three of his legs became entangled in the gate while being lead back into the barn. Angela, in a very brave effort to untangle him and keep him from injuring himself, was injured herself. She has a compound fracture of her right leg and will be out of action for quite a while. I won’t go into all the horrific details, but the good news is, thanks to Angela’s bravery, Goose came away without a scratch. One of the farm staff has a fractured pelvis, but is doing well and of course, Angela is determined to be back on her feet as soon as possible. Your prayers will be so very appreciated.
How so very unpredictable this life can be. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.What can I say?So sad to hear about Strangles popping up again but how frightening for Angela and Goose too.Praying for some better luck for Angela in the new year she certainly deserves it.Hope her leg heals quickly.Prayers for all.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Amen to that. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Am so very sorry, Judy B.
If anyone really deserves to catch a break, it is dear Angela.
Praying tonight for you and the barn family.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I am so sorry to hear this. So now the infection has restarted due to a careless action, an unthinking failure to disinfect the water bucket. Alas, I sincerely hope those new victims will recover soon with no after effects. Prayers for Angela, Goose and all the residents at the farm. Prayers continued for Charlie, too.
May 2020 bring good health and good fortune to Angela and the horses.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Ann and Marshall:
Thanks for your sweet comments and prayers. Angela is a very lucky girl; could have been so much worse. Really shook me up when I found out about it. Praying the new year will be a good and safe one for her and the horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish
Dear Judy; Prayers for all the horses. So much can happen on the farm. Hope Angela and the staff member will heal quickly; my prayers for them as well.
Love n hugs,
Sally B
Judy Berube
My Dear Sally:
Thank you so much for your sweet words and prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Such sad news 8 vile men not only mercilessly butchered helpless horses they have destroyed hopes and dreams.It took 11 hours….
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
This is sad news indeed. I feel very bad for Barlovento Stud and its owners and staff. I repeat the hope for capture of those evil men who committed these hideous murders. They deserve no mercy IMHO.
Congratulations to Faugheen, jockey Patrick Mullins, trainer Willie Mullins and all connections on this amazing win! Well done, champ!
Hugs and Love
I see Zellda, like her Mom, loves beer! Zenyatta used to get a bowl of Guinness after a race as a reward and also help her relax and get a good night’s rest. Too funny!
Sally B. (cherish
beth; Guiness is supposed to have great hops etc. too!! All the better for them. ha ha