Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.
Happy holidays from Zenyatta, Zellda, and the Boyz.
Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs.Zellda with Mario. Photo courtesy of John Shirreffs. A Zenyatta Christmas at Lane’s End Farm. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta’s stall, decorated for the holiday. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.Zenyatta. Photo courtesy of Alys Emson.
I watched another filly born from Justify on his FB page. The mare had help during the process. After the birth the filly was given a bottle of clear liquid via her rectum. I had never seen this before. Beautiful filly though. Lindal
Happy Friday everyone. Lots of bad weather of all sorts around the US so hope everyone is safe, warm, and dry. Hovey is looking for a new “wing person” – qualifications are provided ? Of course his battles with the mothership also continue.
Some nice 3 year old racing going on this weekend. I am anxious to see Independence Hall and if he behaves in the paddock. Also, want to see Ajaaweed since he is a Curlin. Have no idea how to pronounce his name but guess if he does well, we will learn. Just praying for a safe trip for all of them.
Blessings to all of you who still mourn your lost pets. My cat Muffin lived to be 20 and I still miss her. My sweet Mitzi is 15 but still in good health. Hope she makes it to 20. She has been with me through so many difficult times and we are now senior citizens together.
Our Peggy let me know Independence Hall finished second to Sole Volante today. SV has Storm Cat, Big Red, Affirmed and Sunday Silence in his Pedigree. IH will be back strong another day. Here’s the replay.
Thanks, JB. Great race.
SV’s dam sire is Kingmambo who stood at LE and is buried there. So congrats to all.
Growing up that’s all I heard, Kingmambo this and King that.
It’s gettin’ real now!!! Ind Hall needs to save some of that show for the race. He is getting there and this race was a good lesson for him.
Luv ya.
Thanks for the replay. Did IH misbehave in the paddock again? Congrats to Sole Volante especially since he is owned by the same owners as is Muchie (Mucho Macho Man). The 3 year old picture is a mystery this time of year. Tiz The Law looks good right now but who knows come May.
Shirlee, thanks go to our sweet JB for the replay.
Oh my, yes, IH was taken out to walking ring for saddle. Kicking out a storm.
Sole V had some left in his tank and hope he stays healthy.
judy berube
Dear Ann and Shirlee:
Yes, Kingmambo was a special boy. He was by Mr. Prospector out of a Nureyev mare. Although born in KY, he raced in France and once at Ascot. He came to stand stud at Lane’s End in 1994 and was pensioned in 2010. He passed away at 25 in 2016.
Sounds like IH has to save his energy for the race. Terrible Twos (Threes) tantrums!
Sole Volante was impressive in his win I thought. Pray they all stay healthy and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
The Big Beast had a winner today. His little girl broke her maiden at Gulfstream. Her name is Up In Smoke.
Congrats to one of our all time favorites.
Great seeing him doing well.
Trying to recover from weather related electronic problems here so this is a day late. With my apologies, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to our Marshall and also Brenda from Ft. Erie, Canada!!???????. Hope you had good times yesterday and sending very best wishes for the year ahead,
Our Peggy told me about another filly to watch. She has a connection to our beloved Zenny too. Her name is Venetian Harbor. She’s by Munnings out of a Street Cry mare, Sounds of the City.
Here’s an article from Bloodhorse and the replay of her stunning win on Saturday at Santa Anita. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for posting these links. Big Congratulations to Venetian Harbor and all her connections — definitely an impressive win! Hope everyone stays healthy and sound now and always.
Thanks for post on Venetian Harbor. She is a very good looking girl. Good health and racing luck to her.
If anyone is interested: On Spendthrift’s facebook you can order a cookie and a valentine for your favorite. Think Omaha and Queen B are getting quite a few. $10 for cookie and card and they will send you a picture of your horse with the cookie and card. I sent one to Vino Rosso. You all know how I am about the Curlins.
I watched the entire Westminster Show again this year — last year I missed most of it since they had changed networks putting it off my radar. For years it has occurred on or near my birthday so I consider it a birthday gift. I did fall asleep before the Herding Group winner was announced Monday night (the very lovely Shetland Sheepdog).
That was quite a final seven line-up. Any one of them would have been fantastic, but the Standard Poodle was definitely a stand-out. I think Daniel, the Golden Retriever, was the finest of all Goldens that I have ever seen competing in all these years — his color was stunning, a russet gold, not washed out. They were all brilliant! Is Lola still strutting around today? ?
Hallmark channel is doing their American Rescue Dog Show again this year. I think it is next Sunday and Monday nights.
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for reminding us about the rescue dog show. I’ll have to write myself a note to set the record button on my cable box to record it.
I enjoy watching the Rescues much better than the dogs bred just to show. I do not like some of the things people do to some breeds of dogs like tail docking & cutting ears to meet the outdated breed standards in order to win. Also, some of the breeds are bred to have certain confirmation traits that predispose those breeds to medical issues. Breed standards like these need to be changed!
Give me a dog of mixed breeds any day! My Duke was setter & rotweiller(we think) and he was absolutely gorgeous to look at and was very healthy until he got pretty old!
I’m not criticizing people who have purebreds, I’m just saying that some of the things people do to dogs to show them need to be changed. Thank you to all people who adopt & care for rescue dogs!
I’ll get off my soapbox now so I can read the article about Mike. Thank you for posting about it, Shirley.
judith berube
Dear Donna Z:
I agree totally with all you said, especially the Poodle show cuts. Love and Hugs, JB
That poodle is STUNNING all right. I was rooting for the Golden Retriever. Daniel is SO HANDSOME. Loved Bono the Havanese as well. Really, all the dogs competing for Best in Show certainly deserved to be there!
The standard Poodles are great. There is a white one with black spots who walks in my neighborhood. Congrats to the dog and team who won. Are you going to get Lola a little blue ribbon to put on her collar.
Great post on Mike Smith Unofficial Jockey facebook about how much extra time and attention he has been giving working with Hard Not To Love helping her to overcome having just one eye. They are racing this weekend. She is trained by Zenyatta’s John who seems to have a way with the fillies and mares.
Wasn’t familiar with the Toller breed, so I looked them up. They are beautiful dogs. For any other Z’ster’s interested in learning about them, here’s a AKC article on them. Love and Hugs, JB
Yes, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a lovely dog! I think someone on one of the dog shows commented that it had the longest breed name, too. They make a lot of splashing to attract ducks — interesting tactic.
I would be excited to see a Finnish Spitz win. Friends of mine adopted a puppy from the local shelter. Teddy (teddy bear) was a beautiful dog with a distinctive look. No one knew what mix he was. One day I saw a book at a pet supply store ( one of those All About . . . books), “All About Your Finnish Spitz”. I couldn’t believe that the photo on the cover looked exactly like Teddy! I bought it and gave it to them as a present. They couldn’t believe it either. This was years ago, but each time I see a Finnish Spitz competing, I remember Teddy — he was a sweetheart. The Finnish Spitz is in the Non-Sporting Group, and I would be excited if one got the Group win!
This is from TDN. It is a report on California Chrome’s recent illness since he left the states.
“Two-time US Horse of the Year California Chrome (Lucky Pulpit) is recovering well from a bout with enteritis since his arrival at Arrow Stud Jan. 29, the JS Company–who manages the stallion business at Arrow Stud–reported across social media early Thursday (Japanese time). He was not part of the Arrow Stud stallion parade in recent days, prompting concern, but he will be paraded in March.
The tweet read: “Dear all of fans, CC has a minor enteritis after arriving at Arrow Stud and recovering now. Fortunately, he eats very well and his condition becomes better day by day. We are looking forward to a chance to show him next month. Thank you very much for your support. J S Co.”
Enteritis is a dangerous form of colic so really glad it was minor and hopefully won’t recur. Colic is serious.
Sending him and his connections get well wishes for a speedy recovery and a successful breeding season.
My sister and brother in law had two tollers. The first one, Decoy, was really special. The second one was funny because he was not the alpha, the little Boykin spaniel, Zoe was the alpha. He did not dare mess with her toys. My brother in law has another toller named Rio.
Many years ago I had a Boykin Spaniel named Choco. It was the late 70’s. He was one tough little dog and could retrieve all day, keeping up with the big Labradors and Chesapeakes easily. Never had a Toller. Your post took me down memory lane. Thanks!!
Love those Boykin Spaniels, too!
Also, really love the Field Spaniel. Heck, I am an incurable dog lover!
That’s a condition to be proud of, I think.?
Hugs and Love
Yes, proud to be an incurable dog lover. And incurable cat lover too. And incurable horse lover. All of them!
All of our furry friends are so special. I have had mutts, Boxers, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Pointers, English Setters, and Rhodesians over the years. Horses too, Quarter Horses, Walking horses, Appaloosas, and Paints.
Oh my gosh. Another walk down memory lane. Many more thanks to you!
I watch Westminster every year, since back in the 60’s. That is how long I have been showing dogs! My sister and I had always dreamed of going back to “The Garden” together. When she was diagnosed with cancer in 97, we decided be had best go! So we did. She took her Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (Orville) and I took my vizsla (Bo). Neither of us won, but sure made some memories. My mom and I “watched it together” every year, she at her home, me at mine. We called and compared notes after each group, made predictions. She passed away this July. So needless to say, this was a particularly emotional year for me. Taffe McFadden, who owns and shows the Havanese, is a friend of mine, not close, but a friend. She lost her son this year. I sure wanted her to win! The girl that showed the Boston is a good friend, she shows Pepper for me sometimes. Anyway, a very emotional 2 evenings! And, wasn’t the vizsla spectacular! Took a group 4!
By the way, Pepper had 7 babies in November, 6 girls and one boy. All are in their new homes and doing well! After losing my mom in July, Rock (boyfriend) had a heart attack and triple bypass 2 weeks later. Not a good summer for me. The puppies are a bright spot for 2019! Rock is doing fine, recovering well.
Nice article on Hard Not To Love with video of her win in December. She goes again on Saturday in the Santa Monica Stakes. Godspeed to her and Mikey; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Best of Luck and safe racing to Hard Not To Love and Mike on Saturday! Glad to know Hard Not To Love is by Hard Spun — I always liked Hard Spun; he always gave it his all.
Sending get well thoughts and prayers to California Chrome. Power Up beautiful boy!
Linda Longfield
I watched another filly born from Justify on his FB page. The mare had help during the process. After the birth the filly was given a bottle of clear liquid via her rectum. I had never seen this before. Beautiful filly though. Lindal
judy berube
Dear Linda:
Wow, another filly. The girls rule this year so far. Love and Hugs, JB
The Lieutenant was absolutely gorgeous. RIP Handsome. So very sad he is gone.
Good evening to all.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. Lots of bad weather of all sorts around the US so hope everyone is safe, warm, and dry. Hovey is looking for a new “wing person” – qualifications are provided ? Of course his battles with the mothership also continue.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks a million, Sandy!
I agree with Judy — hilarious! Another smile/giggle filled diary entry from the master, Hovis!
Have a great weekend!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks Sandy.
A new saddle, oh boy.
Marshall, hope you and pups survived that storm. It is a miracle no one was seriously injured. What a week.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, we are doing just fine. No damage, thankfully. Hope you came through okay, too. Boy, that was some wind yesterday!
Take care
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
This is one of Hovie’s best. Hilarious!!! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Thanks for our Friday fun with Hovis.
Some nice 3 year old racing going on this weekend. I am anxious to see Independence Hall and if he behaves in the paddock. Also, want to see Ajaaweed since he is a Curlin. Have no idea how to pronounce his name but guess if he does well, we will learn. Just praying for a safe trip for all of them.
Blessings to all of you who still mourn your lost pets. My cat Muffin lived to be 20 and I still miss her. My sweet Mitzi is 15 but still in good health. Hope she makes it to 20. She has been with me through so many difficult times and we are now senior citizens together.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Continued good health to your Mitzi. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Our Peggy let me know Independence Hall finished second to Sole Volante today. SV has Storm Cat, Big Red, Affirmed and Sunday Silence in his Pedigree. IH will be back strong another day. Here’s the replay.
Ann NC
Thanks, JB. Great race.
SV’s dam sire is Kingmambo who stood at LE and is buried there. So congrats to all.
Growing up that’s all I heard, Kingmambo this and King that.
It’s gettin’ real now!!! Ind Hall needs to save some of that show for the race. He is getting there and this race was a good lesson for him.
Luv ya.
Thanks for the replay. Did IH misbehave in the paddock again? Congrats to Sole Volante especially since he is owned by the same owners as is Muchie (Mucho Macho Man). The 3 year old picture is a mystery this time of year. Tiz The Law looks good right now but who knows come May.
Ann NC
Shirlee, thanks go to our sweet JB for the replay.
Oh my, yes, IH was taken out to walking ring for saddle. Kicking out a storm.
Sole V had some left in his tank and hope he stays healthy.
judy berube
Dear Ann and Shirlee:
Yes, Kingmambo was a special boy. He was by Mr. Prospector out of a Nureyev mare. Although born in KY, he raced in France and once at Ascot. He came to stand stud at Lane’s End in 1994 and was pensioned in 2010. He passed away at 25 in 2016.
Sounds like IH has to save his energy for the race. Terrible Twos (Threes) tantrums!
Sole Volante was impressive in his win I thought. Pray they all stay healthy and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
The Big Beast had a winner today. His little girl broke her maiden at Gulfstream. Her name is Up In Smoke.
Congrats to one of our all time favorites.
Great seeing him doing well.
Keep up your good work Zell. Luv ya!
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Thanks for this great news on Beastie’s girl, Up In Smoke. Congrats to both of them.
Good girl ZEL. Love and Hugs, JB
Congrats to the Big Beast’s little girl. Hope he has many more winners.
Zellda worked again today. 4 F in 50:00 Handily.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yay! Congrats to Up in Smoke! The Big Beast is proud of his little girl, I’m sure. Well done. Thanks for the news, Neighbor!
Thanks for the Zellda workout news, Shirlee!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight Happy Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Trying to recover from weather related electronic problems here so this is a day late. With my apologies, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to our Marshall and also Brenda from Ft. Erie, Canada!!???????. Hope you had good times yesterday and sending very best wishes for the year ahead,

Ann NC
Happy Birthday Marshall and Brenda.
Cake!!! Have fun.
Thanks Sandy for the Bday notice.
Hope things are getting back to normal. We had the same from horrible wind/rain.
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Ditto from me what our Ann said. Glad you’re both back up and running. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for always remembering birthdays.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marshall and Brenda. Hope you both had a wonderful day yesterday. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy, Ann, Judy and Shirlee,
Thank you for the birthday greetings. Yes, I definitely had some cake! ?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belatedly) to Brenda in Ft. Erie, too! Hope you had a fun day. ?
Shirlee, thank you for the laugh! I cracked up over your inquiry. Fortunately for me, Fenn opted for the kiss instead of the “deposit”! ?
Hugs and Love to all of my wonderful friends!
Happy Birthday to Marshall and Brenda.
Marshall, did Fenn give you a big birthday kiss or did he leave you a deposit on the floor?
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB
Lise from Maine
When is Zenyatta’s new filly due?
Thank you!
Just watched Zenyatta’s 2009 stakes race on TVG.
Lise from Maine
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Enjoy your afternoon and Happy Dreams tonight. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Our Peggy told me about another filly to watch. She has a connection to our beloved Zenny too. Her name is Venetian Harbor. She’s by Munnings out of a Street Cry mare, Sounds of the City.
Here’s an article from Bloodhorse and the replay of her stunning win on Saturday at Santa Anita. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting these links. Big Congratulations to Venetian Harbor and all her connections — definitely an impressive win! Hope everyone stays healthy and sound now and always.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for post on Venetian Harbor. She is a very good looking girl. Good health and racing luck to her.
If anyone is interested: On Spendthrift’s facebook you can order a cookie and a valentine for your favorite. Think Omaha and Queen B are getting quite a few. $10 for cookie and card and they will send you a picture of your horse with the cookie and card. I sent one to Vino Rosso. You all know how I am about the Curlins.
judith berube
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so welcome. She is beautiful.
What a great idea from Spendthrift’s Farm. Love Vino and all Curlins too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Yes, great fun from Spendthrift!! Can hardly wait for my pictures of Queen B AND Goldencents!!

judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Would love to see them.

Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Z
Happy Belated Birthday to Marshall & Brenda. Marshall, hugs to you, Bailey and your early birthday present-Fenn!
Thank you to everyone who replied to my post about Amy last week. It really helps to have people who understand in times like this.
Mucho Macho Man is the #1 General Sire in North America! Yaay, Macho!
Have a good week, everyone!
judith berube
Dear Donna Z:
Thanks for this news on MMM. Congrats to him. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Donna Z,
Thank you for the birthday greetings! Hugs back to you and Cappy, too.
Great news about Mucho Macho Man — #1, WOW! Congrats, MMM!
Hugs and Love
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A beautiful black standard Poodle won Best In Show at Westminster. Lola is strutting around, Poodle Power!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I watched the entire Westminster Show again this year — last year I missed most of it since they had changed networks putting it off my radar. For years it has occurred on or near my birthday so I consider it a birthday gift. I did fall asleep before the Herding Group winner was announced Monday night (the very lovely Shetland Sheepdog).
That was quite a final seven line-up. Any one of them would have been fantastic, but the Standard Poodle was definitely a stand-out. I think Daniel, the Golden Retriever, was the finest of all Goldens that I have ever seen competing in all these years — his color was stunning, a russet gold, not washed out. They were all brilliant! Is Lola still strutting around today? ?
Hallmark channel is doing their American Rescue Dog Show again this year. I think it is next Sunday and Monday nights.
Thanks for the post!
Hugs and Love
Donna Z
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for reminding us about the rescue dog show. I’ll have to write myself a note to set the record button on my cable box to record it.
I enjoy watching the Rescues much better than the dogs bred just to show. I do not like some of the things people do to some breeds of dogs like tail docking & cutting ears to meet the outdated breed standards in order to win. Also, some of the breeds are bred to have certain confirmation traits that predispose those breeds to medical issues. Breed standards like these need to be changed!
Give me a dog of mixed breeds any day! My Duke was setter & rotweiller(we think) and he was absolutely gorgeous to look at and was very healthy until he got pretty old!
I’m not criticizing people who have purebreds, I’m just saying that some of the things people do to dogs to show them need to be changed. Thank you to all people who adopt & care for rescue dogs!
I’ll get off my soapbox now so I can read the article about Mike. Thank you for posting about it, Shirley.
judith berube
Dear Donna Z:
I agree totally with all you said, especially the Poodle show cuts. Love and Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, every one of the finalist were deserving. I am always partial to the Poodle, especially the Toys.
Love all dogs though and it’s wonderful that they hold an American Rescue Dog Show. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
That poodle is STUNNING all right. I was rooting for the Golden Retriever. Daniel is SO HANDSOME. Loved Bono the Havanese as well. Really, all the dogs competing for Best in Show certainly deserved to be there!
Hugs, Kathy
The standard Poodles are great. There is a white one with black spots who walks in my neighborhood. Congrats to the dog and team who won. Are you going to get Lola a little blue ribbon to put on her collar.
Great post on Mike Smith Unofficial Jockey facebook about how much extra time and attention he has been giving working with Hard Not To Love helping her to overcome having just one eye. They are racing this weekend. She is trained by Zenyatta’s John who seems to have a way with the fillies and mares.
judith berube
Dear Shirlee:
Too cute. I think my little Diva is spoiled enough.
Mikey is The Best. Just love him. Godspeed to him and Hard Not To Love.
Indeed, John and Mikey have a special bond with the girls. Love and Hugs, JB
Did you know that Hard Not to love is partially owned by Dottie and her son? Lindal
judith berube
Dear Lindal:
OMG, no didn’t know that. Another reason to root for this beautiful girl.
Thanks for letting us know. Here’s a wonderful photo of her. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this photo of Hard Not to Love. She is a real beauty!
Best of Luck and good health to her.
Glad Lindal let us know that Dottie and son (David?) are part owners. Hope she does well!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Me too. Love and Hugs to you, Bailey and Fenn
Dear Linda and Judy,
What a BEAUTIFUL GIRL! Thanks for posting, Linda!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Still waiting for a Toller to win Best in Show. Great dogs.
judith berube
Dear Barbara B.:
Wasn’t familiar with the Toller breed, so I looked them up. They are beautiful dogs. For any other Z’ster’s interested in learning about them, here’s a AKC article on them. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara,
Yes, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a lovely dog! I think someone on one of the dog shows commented that it had the longest breed name, too. They make a lot of splashing to attract ducks — interesting tactic.
I would be excited to see a Finnish Spitz win. Friends of mine adopted a puppy from the local shelter. Teddy (teddy bear) was a beautiful dog with a distinctive look. No one knew what mix he was. One day I saw a book at a pet supply store ( one of those All About . . . books), “All About Your Finnish Spitz”. I couldn’t believe that the photo on the cover looked exactly like Teddy! I bought it and gave it to them as a present. They couldn’t believe it either. This was years ago, but each time I see a Finnish Spitz competing, I remember Teddy — he was a sweetheart. The Finnish Spitz is in the Non-Sporting Group, and I would be excited if one got the Group win!
Hugs and Love
Dear Barbara,
I think I basically fell in love with pretty much ALL the dogs at Westminster. Dogs in general, purebreds and mutts, absolutely enrich our lives.
Hugs, Kathy
judith berube
Dear Kathy:
Ditto from me. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Z Fans:
This is from TDN. It is a report on California Chrome’s recent illness since he left the states.
“Two-time US Horse of the Year California Chrome (Lucky Pulpit) is recovering well from a bout with enteritis since his arrival at Arrow Stud Jan. 29, the JS Company–who manages the stallion business at Arrow Stud–reported across social media early Thursday (Japanese time). He was not part of the Arrow Stud stallion parade in recent days, prompting concern, but he will be paraded in March.
The tweet read: “Dear all of fans, CC has a minor enteritis after arriving at Arrow Stud and recovering now. Fortunately, he eats very well and his condition becomes better day by day. We are looking forward to a chance to show him next month. Thank you very much for your support. J S Co.”
Enteritis is a dangerous form of colic so really glad it was minor and hopefully won’t recur. Colic is serious.
Sending him and his connections get well wishes for a speedy recovery and a successful breeding season.
judith berube
Dear Carolina:
One of our Z’sters emailed this info today. Praying hard that CC recovers soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
My sister and brother in law had two tollers. The first one, Decoy, was really special. The second one was funny because he was not the alpha, the little Boykin spaniel, Zoe was the alpha. He did not dare mess with her toys. My brother in law has another toller named Rio.
Dear Barbara:
Many years ago I had a Boykin Spaniel named Choco. It was the late 70’s. He was one tough little dog and could retrieve all day, keeping up with the big Labradors and Chesapeakes easily. Never had a Toller. Your post took me down memory lane. Thanks!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carolina and Barbara,
Love those Boykin Spaniels, too!
Also, really love the Field Spaniel. Heck, I am an incurable dog lover!
That’s a condition to be proud of, I think.?
Hugs and Love
Yes, proud to be an incurable dog lover. And incurable cat lover too. And incurable horse lover. All of them!
All of our furry friends are so special. I have had mutts, Boxers, German Shepherds, Dachshunds, Pointers, English Setters, and Rhodesians over the years. Horses too, Quarter Horses, Walking horses, Appaloosas, and Paints.
Oh my gosh. Another walk down memory lane. Many more thanks to you!
Puppy kisses and kitty purrs.
Lynn Martin
I watch Westminster every year, since back in the 60’s. That is how long I have been showing dogs! My sister and I had always dreamed of going back to “The Garden” together. When she was diagnosed with cancer in 97, we decided be had best go! So we did. She took her Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (Orville) and I took my vizsla (Bo). Neither of us won, but sure made some memories. My mom and I “watched it together” every year, she at her home, me at mine. We called and compared notes after each group, made predictions. She passed away this July. So needless to say, this was a particularly emotional year for me. Taffe McFadden, who owns and shows the Havanese, is a friend of mine, not close, but a friend. She lost her son this year. I sure wanted her to win! The girl that showed the Boston is a good friend, she shows Pepper for me sometimes. Anyway, a very emotional 2 evenings! And, wasn’t the vizsla spectacular! Took a group 4!
By the way, Pepper had 7 babies in November, 6 girls and one boy. All are in their new homes and doing well! After losing my mom in July, Rock (boyfriend) had a heart attack and triple bypass 2 weeks later. Not a good summer for me. The puppies are a bright spot for 2019! Rock is doing fine, recovering well.
judith berube
Dear Lynn:
So sorry for the loss of your sister and your mom. Glad Rock is recovering well.
Congrats to Pepper and happy that all the pups have found loving homes. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Lynn,
Very sorry about your mother and that 2019 was such a rough year for you.
Glad Pepper had healthy puppies and that they are all in good homes now.
Hope 2020 will be kind to you and those dear to you.
Hugs and Love
Dear Lynn:
Condolences for your loss. Prayers that the wonderful memories will comfort you.
Peace be with you.
judith berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article on Hard Not To Love with video of her win in December. She goes again on Saturday in the Santa Monica Stakes. Godspeed to her and Mikey; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
judith berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s another article on beautiful Chromie.
Get well soon Champ; sending healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for these posts, Judy.
Best of Luck and safe racing to Hard Not To Love and Mike on Saturday! Glad to know Hard Not To Love is by Hard Spun — I always liked Hard Spun; he always gave it his all.
Sending get well thoughts and prayers to California Chrome. Power Up beautiful boy!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy:
Thanks for more Chrome information. Loved the video of him munching away. So happy he is feeling better.
Will be watching for Hard Not to Love and Mike on Saturday at Santa Anita. Be safe to her and all her connections.
Good evening to all.