Happy Friday!
Are you excited about the Kentucky Derby? We are, and we want to wish the best of luck to all of the horses and their connections!
Zenyatta and Baby Z have been in the Kentucky news recently. Be sure to check out both of these video segments:
Born To Run—WDRB 41 Louisville and Zenyatta’s First Foal A Handful—wave3.com
We will be returning next week with the second installment of our Lane’s End interview series, this time with assistant broodmare manager Donna Vowles. In the meantime, here’s a short video that was taken in early April by Ann Moss. She really captured Z’s excitement about peppermint treats!
Enjoy your weekend!
-Team Z
carol in utah
Congrats Zenny and all of Team Z…I would love a gray filly…but just truly wish you and yours great good health….
Happy Birthday to Nancy and Mr Moss
Congrats to our own ShariVoltz….teacher extrordinaire on zTeachers Day….
It is Nurses Week…so be kind to an old nurse…or young one…there are several nurses who post here frequently
do not know what to make of “milkshake” article….will wait for more info …but I believe that the horses in the derby were so closely watched and tested that such a thing would not be possible …but that’s just an opinion
Baby Zs squealing seems to show a joy for life….and running …love it!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Carol thank you. I agree about nurses. I am so thankful for the ones who took care of my dad. Our school nurse is the BEST. God Bless NURSES !!!!!
Terry Crow GP
Nurses rule!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thank you Carol on behalf of my “still employed” former colleagues. Very nice of you to think of us.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
I agree, happy nurses week, what would we do without you dedicated souls. My daughter is a CNA and my mom was a registered nurse. You are truly special people. Hugs to all of you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol in Utah:
You are so right. My thanks and respect goes out to all Nurses. So many of them did all they could for Russ in the ER and, of course, thanks to the CNA who came twice a week to our home. Hugs, JB
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
This may have been posted before….
VIDEO – Horse industry looks to the next generation of Zenyatta, Rachel Alexandra
TOO CUTE!!!! I love you,Zenny and Baby Z XOXOXO
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thank you for posting this video of Baby Z and Baby RA and their Moms. Have seen it before, but it never gets old. They are gorgeous. Little Z looks like he’s having the time of his life running free. Love all his vocalizing too. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for this link, JAG. This is from a different Louisville TV station than the one that was posted earlier and manages to get both foals in the same video (which hangs up only minimally). Another great look at the future!
Terry Crow GP
Good point, Sandy. I think I first started feeling old when sons and grandsons of horses that I had seen race live started to appear.
sue and tony
JAG, a huge thank you for this video link. We never tire of seeing these magnificient creatures. Little Z is something else and his mom looks fabulous as usual.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Mr. Moss. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shari Voltz:
Happy Teacher’s Day to a wonderful teacher.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Hugs, JB
sue and tony
We second that!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Judy. Love you sweet lady : ) You helped today.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
More beautiful poems. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Love and hugZ back to you, dear Judy!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Some really nice still photos showing the Derby Run from the break to the finish line. Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Thank you for sharing these pictures. The races happen so fast it’s hard to keep track of the individual horses, especially in a field this big. That must be some high tech camera that was used to get such clear still pictures. They definitely help to understand how the race developed. I liked this link. Marty R.
Marshall (NC broad)
Great pix!! Thanks a bunch for posting these!
Take care!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB and Lola Mae
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty R.:
You’re so welcome. It’s true; these stills really give you a better look at how the race unfolded. Glad you like the photos. Hugs, JB
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenny’s gratefulness candles are diminishing :-(
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Jerry Moss: May 12Z bring you more joy than one can know, and another winner like his mother THE QUEEN! Dream bigger Jerry, dream bigger – that colt just may be what dreams are made of …. Even if those dreams turn out to be not so big, you will always have the magic that is Zenyatta! …. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you for always considering her fans in her life to this day – you and Ann are loved as much as your girl!
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Adorable Trina
You will always be the bright spot in everyones day!! ♥ L♥ve ♥
Zayat Stables tweeted
Bode looks great today,
should know moreby sat .
pretty happytoday ..
he is very fit horse ,very tough
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy Day to all of you!
My birthday wishes are further up by the great poet Trina!
Special thoughts are always for Zenyatta and 12z (RascalZ !!) He is a handful. It has been confirmed that she is in foal. Am I a day and a dollar short again? haha
I absolutely loved Zenyatta in her racing form, but she is so beautiful as a MOM too!! Wow!! Just to see her run with 12z is a blessing! hugs
Dear Barbara,
The Texas vote for the Dead Skunk song has been cast by the President of the Texas
Chapter of the Redneck Club. Our Grand Puba, TC, so graciously requested that
each states President vote for the state on the topic of the Dead Skunk song.
I see this request as his pulling together the Club on this topic and polling us in an organized manner. Our Grand Puba, TC, has taken time and effort to
develop this club and us in our jokester/humorous sides; all Zenyatta fans; spreading humor and good will to all of us with all of his wonderful jokes and entertaining us
during our stressful; busy hectic days.
Your contributions to this site are very great and all of your involvement in horse
rescue is well recongnized and appreciated. I feel so very fortunate to have
you as a charter member of the Texas Redneck Club.
Thanks you so much
Terry Crow GP
Very well put, sign.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
The Honorable TC Grand Pooba,
It’s good to see you don’t suffer from a lack of hubris, ha, ha.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Good one, Sue!
Terry Crow GP
Are you mocking me?
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
Absolutely…………not. I wouldn’t risk the chance of being demoted from my honorable position of joint President of the Wisconsin Chapter.
Terry Crow GP
You were a little slow with your “not.”
Kimberly Potter/Missing my Zenyatta
Be still my heart! Zenyatta and Baby Z will always bring me to tears! All I can say is Wow….just WOW!
Ingrid Arnone
After my little moment of good luck in the Derby. The big bad one came after. My mother fell down and hit her back, and gluteus. Now she has a back compression fracture, and because her age, they can’t perform surgery. Now my life has changed, I don’t know what is going be in her future, my only hope are my prayers. God will provide the right thing.
To you my adorable Zenyatta, you and baby Z12, look so beautiful. I love the video. thanks to your owner and Lane’s End. Hope your new baby to be is gorgeous like you and baby Z12. My love for you is endless. Big kiss Ingrid.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry about your mother, Ingrid. I’ll keep you and your mom in my prayers.
sue and tony
Ingrid, your mom is in our prayers…you, too. Hopefully she will be able to heal and enjoy her life again.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Ingrid I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You are in my Prayers.
Terry Crow GP
Ingrid-Words fail me at a time like this. God bless you and your mother.
carol in utah
Ingrid….hope mom feels better soon…hang in there…
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Ingrid, So sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully, her outcome will be good. Lots of prayers coming your way.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
What a terrible accident, you poor mom. I’ll put you and her in my prayers, hopefullly it will all work out for you. Hugs
Thoughts and prayers to you and your mom, Ingrid.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh, Ingrid, I am so sorry! For sure I’ll keep you and your dear mom in my prayers. Draw on the Power of Z for strength to sustain you.
HugZ and love in Dumplinghood, Trina
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Ingrid:
So sorry to hear about your Mom. Life is so unpredictable and can totally change in a heartbeat. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your Mom and your family. Love and Hugs, JB
Eveline / Maryland.
Thinking of your mother Ingrid. Hopefully in a couple of weeks everything will be a bit more comfortable for her. Both of you take care.
Kimberly Potter/Missing my Zenyatta
Praying for your Mom and you Ingrid. So sorry to hear this… HUGZz Kimberly
Ingrid Arnone
I thank you all for your prayers and support, I love you so, hugs Ingrid.
AJ from CA
Sending a prayer for your mom – hope she gets better soon.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
God bless you and your mom with prayers for you.
so precious!!!! coulnt love it more:):) Love you zeny and baby so much!! FROM YOUR BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday, Nancy and Jerry Moss!
Trina, you never cease to amaze me. Not one, but THREE poems in one day! It is so obvious that your poems come from your big, wonderful heart. You’re a treasure that all of us Z’sters are blessed to have.
Happy Teacher’s Day, Shari!
Congratulations to Zenyatta on her pregnancy! Just in time for Mother’s Day. <3
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Debbie : )
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I thank you too, Debbie!
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
How fitting!!! That the Official announcement was made on Jerry’s B-day!!! And, Nancy’s B-day too! Trina, I don’t know how you do it but, keep them coming young lady!!! :)
Happy Birthday to Jerry Moss and Nancy!!! Shari V… I’m honored to know you and appreciate everything you do for the children in your home room! Happy Teachers Day to such a wonderful Woman!
Someone posted above that they heard, Hansen was injured?? Sorry, don’t remember who posted it but, where did you read or hear that? The only one that I know was injured was Take Charge Indy. Besides a few others having cuts on their legs.
Oh, JAG… Thank you for that link!!! I just love to hear him squeal! At one point, they almost collided and you can tell that Zenny is having a blast! I love to watch her play with her tail hoisted, head up high and just plain, having fun! Now, patience for the next interview! LOL
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zenyatta’s Big Daddy!
Terry Crow GP
Good to see you posting, Cynthia.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Thanks, Terry. These are very busy times in my corner of the world. Please keep the
smiles coming!
Love your song Cynthia H.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Love your comment, sign.
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Facebook has some very emotional people. On any place that announces Z’s pregnancy, there are people swearing and jumping all over the people trying to explain that it is completely natural for Z and that it won’t hurt her. I mean F-bombs, S words, and all other terrible words are being thrown around all because Z is pregnant, and doing something completely natural. We need to find some way for Lanes End to explain why this is natural. Not explain their reasons, just why it is safe for Z. They don’t have to explain their intentions to anyone, no matter how cranky and spoiled they come off as (people on FB).
It is getting out of hand, and some people have gone as far as saying that the Mosses will sell the babies or that they will go to slaughter, or that the Mosses are greedy and only want the money, and that the Mosses are liars! I yelled at one woman for that.
I am very upset, but I KNOW that Z is safe and sound doing what she does. I hope I never have to help people (as a bloodstock agent) like some of the drama queens on Facebook.
I went to my flat class and me and my horse Red did some lead changes. We are almost there, just a bit more work.
Terry Crow GP
Unbelievable. No wonder I am not on face book.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
Me too. Hugs, JB
sue and tony
These people are the minority…by far. Most of the posts are supportive and excited for Zenny’s new pregnancy.
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
I know. I am glad for that!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Pati, I am on FB, but don’t actually read a lot there anymore, as I enjoy it here so much more. One time on a long FB thread, some “troll” came on and started trouble, claiming there was something disgusting about the fact that Zenny and her mom, Vertigineux, both had Bernardini as a mate, implying that somehow because of that Z was mating with her father. People patiently tried to explain that Ebby and Zenny both have the same mother, not father, so Zenny is not somehow related to Bernardini, but the person just kept responding with things like, “I don’t care what you say, it’s gross!” as if this was a human family with bizarre familial relationships. The issue seemed to get bigger and bigger, the more people tried to get through to this weird person, who refused to listen to sanity, until finally I was laughing hysterically, it was so crazy. I had been sick for two weeks, and not much to laugh at, and felt like all that craziness was so unbelievable, it gave me a break, that was the best laugh I had in a long time. I mentioned how funny it was, and it seemed to break the ice, other people picked up on it, and soon, in fact, the “troll” was banned from the site. I just think it’s important not to take that whirlwind of comments too seriously. There is an incredible amount of garbage posted on sites like FB, as meaningful as people burping at the end of a meal. It’s a freewheeling forum, with almost no censorship, so “beware”.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Pati, I should also say I don’t like that trash either, and would be upset as you were, by the nasty talk. But I also discount it — like sue & tony said, it’s such a minority, and they seem uninterested in learning anything new about that which they know little or nothing.
Terry Crow GP
Vicki-Good story. However, I must say that anything that brings a smile to your face and causes you to laugh is worthwhile in my book. Of course, I mean to say that even though it was garbage, it served a useful purpose.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
True, indeed, Terry. I didn’t want to censor the “idiot”, but just show how it was funny, to everyone else trying so hard to get thru to her.
Terry Crow GP
@Karen Gogue-I am a little rushed for time this evening. I will, once again, post my story about Bill Shoemaker that you requested tomorrow, dear lady.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Thank you Terry – O’ Redneck Crapper Club Grand Pooba!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@JAG–thank you for the great link on RA and Z’s foals. We just can’t get enough, and they will grow up so quickly!
@Ingrid A.–I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Hugs to you and prayers for her. Please keep us updated.
@ Keta
Very interesting, and the guy was killed four stalls away from I’ll have Another. Very interesting. Hmm.
carol in utah
What I read said behind a barn….4 barns away
Marshall (NC broad)
I think 12 Zenyatta is going to be jealous of 13 Zenyatta.
12Z will be too busy playing with the other yearlings on another part of the farm.
He won’t even know 13Z exists.
Anne from Paramount, CA
Hi all!!! I have only gone through about half of these posts–hope to finish tomorrow. Love reading everyone’s thoughts. Of course I want to re-view the videos :-) Wun-der-ful!!! It has been a very busy time here. We spent Derby day at the off track site in San Clemente. Had stopped in on a whim on our way home from Del Mar last summer. This time we were there at 8am–yes–had to be for a seat. This place–OC Tavern-has good food and the feel good feelings permeated all day long. Met new people, enjoyed the horse chatter-and yes- some great hats. Monitors on tracks everywhere (kinda like Vegas w/o the slots), but when it came to one minute to post, the lights dimmed and everyone CHEERED. Right before the race ended everyone was screaming, GO BODE, GO BODE. Then the dust settled. Whew! I know some of you did not like the race, and I agree there was some disappointment (Gemologist for me, but all along I liked Bode). Even though I knew who really won, I admit to thinking for a while that Bodemeister had won. Probably because he had done so well and was so close. I had to rearrange my brain for the cookie horse. :-) Congrats to all involved!! The Preakness awaits.
Before more time goes by and I forget: Trina, once again ,your poems–wow, wow, wow.
Shari–made me smile reading about Hansen. :-) Dawn: nice to hear from you again; you have gone through so much!
To Dumplings (and rednecks–ha ha) everywhere: Z greetings and Prince squeals to you all! So long for awhile…..:-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks so much, Anne! Hope to see you again soon at the track!
Terry Crow GP
Always good to hear from Anne. I have been wondering what that place is like. Appears you had a great time.
Marshall (NC broad)
What the heck did I do? I don’t know what my computer just did, but it seems to be okay now — I hope!
Now back to the important stuff:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jerry Moss, Nancy in NJ, and to 12Z(2 months)!!! Many, many more wonderful years, too! Best Wishes to all!
I am running out of adjectives for your excellent talent! Great poems, as always!
I sent in a donation to Valley View Equine Rescue using PayPal. Hope the goal is met soon so we can save these priceless creatures. Prayers and best wishes!
Susan Carothers (in TN),
Please drop a line so we know you are okay! Hugs to you, Chester, Choctaw, et al!
All the Best!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you kindly, Marshall! And I second your hopes for Susan in TN.
Love this race of Morning Line’s; Joe Talamo had to jog along side him as he was getting fractious before and in the gate; Love JS comment about how;
we all need to learn how to get along with TB as they all have special needs; and he won the race. Shows connection by jockey and trainer. Did not realize he was so “hot”, Joe said he saw him in the mornings act up.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign and Z Fans:
Loved the article on Morning Line, JT and John S. Sound like a good one. Glad JS is his trainer. He will get all the patience he needs. Hugs, JB
♥ JAG aka Auntie Judy ♥ Southern, CA
Derby TV viewership rises
“The superstar mare’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, announced on Facebook and Twitter that an ultrasound showed Zenyatta in foal after being bred to Tapit. Tapit is the sire of 2011 juvenile champion Hansen, who finished ninth in Saturday’s Kentucky Derby, just as his father did in 2004.”
“Zenyatta, the 2010 Horse of the Year, won 19 of 20 career races before retiring in November 2010. She gave birth to a colt sired by Bernardini in March after an earlier miscarriage with the 2006 Preakness winner. That colt has not been named yet.”
Darlene Daniels
Thank you JAG for sharing. I think you and I and all of us here on Z’s blog know that viewership is up because of our beloved Zenyatta. She alone has done more for TB horseracing than anyone or anything since Secretariot. We all know that. Thank you Zenyatta, we all love you so much!!!
I might be slow. Did you notice the 2 new photos under watch baby Z grow? Taken May 2nd. What a cutie.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I missed them too – thanks for the “heads up!” One might think that new pictures would be . . well . . announced somehow :-)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning all!
@MARSHALL (NC broad)– Our SUSAN in TN had a paddock mishap while putting a fly mask on Chopper. She and he will both be ok, but her hand was injured, and that made it hard to type. Everyone, please send prayers her way if you are so led. Susan, we miss you!!!! People are asking for you.
Loved the video of Morning Line’s race. Echoing SIGN’S comments about it being so important to understand the horse. They are all different. I’m surely no expert, but common sense tell us that heading off trouble is much preferable to fixing it later. Glad he took the time to walk him. Gotta love Joe T.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Barbara for this update. I had been wondering about Susan and hope all will be Ok.
Regarding Joe Talamo (who I greatly admire) I was wondering if “horse whisperers” ever work with our beloved thoroughbreds? And are there truly any living day horse whisperers? Laura? Sign? Any of you experienced, knowledgable horse people?
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
There are quite a few trainers who employ “natural horsemanship” techniques that leverage the horse’s natural behavior and inclinations to train him in a non-traumatic way. Well-known trainers include Pat Parelli, Clinton Anderson, John Lyons, Buck Brannaman, Sylvia Scott, Stacy Westfall, Julie Goodnight, Chris Cox, and many others. If you google “natural horsemanship” you’ll come up with a lot of hits. Also check out Linda Tellington-Jones’s TTouch method. This method doesn’t so much get the horse (or other animal) to do specific things as to improve behavior, physical health, and mental attitude.
For riders, there is “centered riding” that teaches natural, horse-friendly riding techniques.
You can go to YouTube to see some of these trainers at work, and/or to their own websites. Check out Stacy Westfall–she does reining bareback and bridleless.
There is a movie called “Buck” about Buck Brannaman, that is well worth renting or even purchasing. He was the inspiration for “The Horse Whisperer” according to author Nicholas Evans.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Laura, I liked “Buck” very much on cable, bought it, and it just arrived in the mail today. I want some of my friends to see it. He had to survive such childhood abuse himself, and I like the way that was shown and talked about in the film, including those who helped save him from it. And how that has affected his life as a person, and a horseman.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
It is amazing what a gentle man he is, isn’t it, considering his childhood. His foster parents had a lot to do with that, I think. Great people. His brother seems to have survived too.
Eveline / Maryland.
Darlene, I think Monty Roberts is best known for his work with racing thoroughbreds. His methods and his invention the gate blanket is used by gate crews world wide. It gives the horse security wearing the blanket entering the gate and not touching the metal with his sensitive flanks. Inside the gate the blanket is unstrapped in front and a person standing behind the gate has a hold of the back, so when the gate opens, the horse leaves the blanket behind in the gate. He has worked with Champions and Breeders Cup winners on their gate issues.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Susan, thinking about you & sending lots prayers coming your way. Feel better soon.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks so much for the update on Susan in TN!! So sorry that she hurt herself, but glad that both she and Chopper are okay. Healing thoughts and prayers to you Susan; we sure do miss you!
Take care! Hugs!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Barbara, thanks for the news of Susan!