Happy Friday!
Are you excited about the Kentucky Derby? We are, and we want to wish the best of luck to all of the horses and their connections!
Zenyatta and Baby Z have been in the Kentucky news recently. Be sure to check out both of these video segments:
Born To Run—WDRB 41 Louisville and Zenyatta’s First Foal A Handful—wave3.com
We will be returning next week with the second installment of our Lane’s End interview series, this time with assistant broodmare manager Donna Vowles. In the meantime, here’s a short video that was taken in early April by Ann Moss. She really captured Z’s excitement about peppermint treats!
Enjoy your weekend!
-Team Z
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Backside Buzz – starring Lava Man. Too cute!
Candi E. Carter
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Jerry Moss
(May 8, 2012)
Dear Mr. Music Man,
The M of the A & M label,
How blessed we all be
That you with your incomparable Ann
Were able
Yearling Z’s
Potential to see
And set her on course
To meet her destiny
As horse
Of the century!
Zenyatta, whose very name
Does proclaim
In the music domain,
Heard the music too
And danced to it
For us and for you–
And, oh, how that did befit
Her exuberant spirit!
’Twas a joyous show
That did permit
Us better to know
The illustrious mare,
So aware
Of her own dominance
That she delighted to engage
In victory dances
Before each war she was to wage!
The others had to take their meager chances
And live forever in the dimness of her shadow.
Dear Mr. Moss,
You spared no training costs
Though you knew you faced
A time bound to be
Before your Princess Z
Ever would race.
And so it was: she grew and grew—
Did not race at all at two.
’Twas November of her third year
When she began her races,
And then, boy oh boy, how she did go!
Nineteen wins in a row
In her brilliant racing career,
And along the way, she
Claimed her place
As the acknowledged Queen
Of the racing scene.
Then came the time
When Z was transitioning
To be a mom,
And you, Mr. Moss, and our dear Dottie
Created this marvelous balm
Known as Zenyatta.com
Which did so much to becalm
The souls facing future despair
When the Queen
Would be seen.
When Z left behind the So Cal palms
And sunny racing tracks
And went back
To her Kentucky,
We were so very lucky
That you did so much
To keep us all with her in touch.
Mr. Moss,
We’re glad that your path did cross
With the nameless filly who at Keeneland did wear
Hip number 703,
But who in your care
Would grow up to be
The world-renowned Z.
Dear Mr. Moss,
This world has so many ways
To separate the gold from the dross.
With Herb Alpert you rose straight to the top
And never did stop.
Now we know you and your Ann
As Thoroughbred breeders and owners,
And charitable donors,
And especially as Zenyatta’s foremost fans
Who have so graciously shared
With us this wonderful mare
Beyond compare
Whom we’ll never forget!
Dear Mr. Moss,
We’re forever in your debt
And remain at a loss
To suitably thank you
For all that you did
And continue to do!
We wish you
The happiest of birthdays,
And hope life has many more
Of the same for you in store!
Happy birthday, Mr. Moss, and many, many more!
Darlene Daniels
Trina, BRAVO!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Darlene!
Bravo Trina! You have outdone yourself!
I would like to add my birthday wishes to Mr. Moss and let him and all of you know that I consider him to be an owner of the lofty caliber of the great Charles S. Howard who understood what the people felt for his horse and gave them every opportunity to express those feelings. Thank you Mr. Moss for all you have done for racing and for the fans. You are a true Prince of the Sport of Kings and your lovely Ann is a true Princess of the sport we all love.
Your humble J
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Jeanie, and thanks always for your work coordinating with Marlene Dodge of Valley View Ranch Horse Rescue to save horses!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
You out did yourself Trina.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Jan!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy Birthday Mr. Jerry Moss. I hope you and Ann enjoy your day as you are so very special.
Dumpling Trina, Thank you for expressing the feelings we all share with such a perfectly wonderful poem for Mr. Moss. This one takes the “Gold” in my book. WOW!!
Happy Birthday Nancy!! May 8th, enjoy every hour of it.
dumpling Sally
Terry Crow GP
Trina-There is nothing anyone could add to this classic poem. Happy birthday to the music man!
Marilu V
Dear Trina:
You have expressed what many of us would like to say to Mr. Moss on his special day. Thank you for the wonderful poem. Hugs, Marilu
Happy Birthday Mr. Moss. May you have many more birthdays to come!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birthday Poem for Nancy in NJ
(May 8, 2012)
Dearest Nancy,
I didn’t have time
To prepare anything fancy,
But I’m
Sending this little rhyme
To say
We Z-sters all wish you–
Our fellow Dumpling too—
The very happiest birthday
And may
All things go your way
On this, your special day!
Happy birthday, Nancy, and many, many more!
nancy in nj
oh, trina, what a lovely way to begin my day – a birthday poem from you! certainly a surprise, but so appreciated! you do have a gift, dear trina, and i always look forward to reading your work. thank you so much!
ps – age is a funny thing. officially, i am 65, but i really think i am a case of arrested development and got stuck somewhere around 45-50. regardless, i am liking the freedom that comes with advanced years.
Happy B day, Nancy.
Hope you have a wonderful day
Happy Birthday!
May your day be filled with love & special moments.
Darlene Daniels
Happy Birthday Nancy.
Stay young at heart!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Nancy! I’m so glad you liked it, and I agree with you about the freedom that comes with more years. I hope you have a lovely day!
Eveline / Maryland.
Happy Birthday Nancy.
Terry Crow GP
Very well put, Nancy. It is fun to be able to say outrageous things and have people respond with, “well, he’s just old.”
Trisha from VA
Happy Birthday to Zenyatta’s daddy! Sending many hugs, lots of love and kisses. Thank you, so much for all you have given us. What a blessing you are to share Zenyatta with us.
Trina, what a lovely poem. I am teary eyed. Thank you.
I read in the blog where someone mentioned Hansen was injured. Is that so?
Have a great day all
Love hugs and kisses
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you so much, Trisha!
Happy National Teacher Day!
A salute to all teachers today.
Thank you for all you do to educate our children.
For Shari Voltz & all our teachers!
Darlene Daniels
Happy Teachers Day, especially our very own and special Shari!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Happy Teachers Day to all our wonderful educators, espe
cially our Ms. Shari V.
O’Neill may face suspension for total carbon dioxide violation
Trainer of I’ll Have Another may have violated California standard
By Jerry Bossert / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Kentucky Derby-winning trainer Doug O’Neill could be facing up to a 180-day suspension within the next two months over failed tests by several of his horses for elevated levels of total carbon dioxide, according to the California Horse Racing Board.
O’Neill, who saddled his first Kentucky Derby winner Saturday with I’ll Have Another, is facing his third total carbon dioxide (TCO2) violation in California and fourth in a career that began in 1988.
TCO2 tests are done to detect the illegal practice commonly known as “milkshaking.”
Milkshaking refers to the illegal administration of a mixture including bicarbonate of soda, sugar and electrolytes to a horse in hopes of reducing fatigue and enhancing performance.
A violation occurs if the levels in the horses blood exceed 37 millimoles per liter.
While Maryland and New York — where the Preakness and Belmont Stakes will be run — would honor the California suspension, it likely won’t be handed out until after the Triple Crown series is completed. I’ll Have Another arrived at Pimlico Monday in preparation for the May 19 Preakness.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/kentucky-derby-winning-trainer-doug-o-neill-face-suspension-total-carbon-dioxide-violation-article-1.1074154#ixzz1uHL2KXJD
Darlene Daniels
Oh Please! I have never heard of this. PLEASE tell me it is not true. What a bubble burster if it is.
I have to say this, but being here in CA, I have heard “gossip” about this gentleman for some time in terms of this type of activity. He and a recent (not this year) HOF inductee who just recently branched out significantly from a Northern California base to other parts of the country are ones I’ve heard talk about. Hopefully we won’t see another Dancer’s Image situation here with post-KD blood testing. That would be such a knife to the heart for those of us who love the sport and its great equine athletes. j
Terry Crow GP
Agree. Ms. Voltz is indeed a treasure, not only for her students but us as well.
Terry Crow GP
The above should have been higher up. However, Jeanie is correct. There have been problems before with Doug O’Neill and Mr. “H”. However, the CHRB has a history of not getting it right, so we will wait and see. This just underscores the need for national standards.
Darlene Daniels
Keta, Thank you so much for all you share with all of us. As you all know I am a quiete a novice at all this, and as you can probably tell from my back and forth posts this morning I am pretty upset by this. It really bothers me to stand by someone and a horse and then find out what I thought was a really awesome thing was something possible tawdry.
The way I understand this, is it like a human stoking up on caffeine and sugar and running your body so hard for a period of time and then crashing. We all know that humans have irrevocable consequinces to behavior like that, I would assume horses would have irrevocable damage as well to their overall health and well being. Poor I’ll have Another” and all those horses if this is true.
This was not the news that any of us wanted to hear.
It is both sad and shocking.
It is the type of article that I am reluctant to share.
But, it was not just a rumor and printed in a major newspaper.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but thought all should know.
Do not know if this was any part of the Derby–what you read is pre-Derby.
So, hopefully, the Derby drug tests are clean.
Terry Crow GP
It is similar to the old problems with blood doping. An athlete has his own blood drawn and stored and then trains. Right before the competition is to take place, the athlete is injected with his own blood giving him a temporary high. Not exactly what MIGHT have happened here, but close. Again, we should wait for all of the facts to come out.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Oh, how awful to think these trainers do this to the TB’s. I wonder since he has done this before, he’ll be able to stop this practice. Shame on him.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Keta, for this important news. We must be vigilant for the good of the horses, especially when there are repeat offences. The horses can’t speak up for themselves.
Terry Crow GP
Gary Stevens is opposed to all medications. Kinda makes him look good.
Debbie G/Kentucky
That breaks my heart to think that someone would do that to these beautiful animals. I didn’t really know anything about Mr. O’Neill, but he seemed like such a likeable man on the Derby broadcast. No matter who wins the Derby I always cheer for them to win the Preakness and Belmont because I want to see a Triple Crown winner, but it would be awfully hard to cheer for this guy.
Terry Crow GP
Debbie-Rules change and are modified over the years. The only disqualification for post-race testing was in the case of Dancer’s Image. He was found to have bute in his system, Perfectly legal today.
Darlene Daniels
Happy Birthday Jerry Moss and many more. Thank you for all you have given us.
Happy 2 month old birthday, precious 12Z. My how you have grown and what a charmer you are!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
What does this mean for the derby results? Are they saying the horse was tampered with before the race? Then this should make Bode the winner. And why are they letting him run in the Preakness and Belmont? I don’t understand their thinking on this one.
Darlene Daniels
I am just flabbergasted, if this is true. I’m speechless and heartbroken, IF it is true.
Unless they can prove that I’ll Have Another was tampered with the Derby results would not change.
However, this reminds me of how I felt in regards to Rick Dutrow and Big Brown.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Means nothing for the Derby results. The alleged violations occurred in California, and there is no suggestion in the article or elsewhere that I’ll Have Another had any issues. As for the Preakness and Belmont, if O’Neill is not under suspension at the time they are run, then he can enter his horses. If worse came to worst for IHA’s owners, they could switch barns.
Terry Crow GP
Agree. If the post-race testing had indicated any kind of a problem, it would have come out by now. Mr. O’Neill’s problems seem to be just in California. And, that state has been none to make egregious errors in this sort of thing.
And congratulations to Zenyatta, Tapit, Team Z and Lane’s End!!
Here’s hoping for another healthy pregnancy and safe delivery in 2013!!!
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Congratulations to the Moss’s, Ms. Z, Mr. Tapit, LE..
Here we go again!!!! Z 12, you’re fixin to have a brother or sister.. YEAH….
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
How super that the announcement of Zenny being “in foal with Tapit” was made on little Prince’s two month birthday!! The “pacing clock” begins again – woo hoo!! Just trying to figure out when the delivery will be. Do we think this was probably 60 days?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jerry Moss! There is no way to embellish the sentiments in Trina’s poem so I’ll just say “ditto from me!” THANK YOU for everything.
Happy Teachers day to Shari and all of our teachers (that used to be me, sigh). Even though I dealt with college kids, the “generation gap” was overwhelming, and I just can’t imagine trying to teach younger kids in today’s world.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Probably ~40 days. After 40 days the chance of a pregnancy loss is much reduced. Little Prince Z is only 61 days old, so definitely not 60 days.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Laura. I realized (right after I hit the submit button, of course :-) that 60 days couldn’t be the case, and I think I remember that you said there was some reason to think it was March 31st. I just had 60 in my head after last time.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thanks sweet Sandy : )
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Happy Birthday Nancy in NJ!!!
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Adorable Trina your poems from the heart are always Z best of Z best – you have outdone yourself in the last week with them! I’m lovin’ it!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
You’re TOO CUTE, Sweetie! Thanks so much!
Terry Crow GP
Karen just put into words what we all are thinking.
Terry Crow GP
As one who has met Trina, I can vouch for the fact that she is adorable. However, Trina, how much would it take for me to buy back that group picture that you took on Gold Cup day?
Neva Rae Powers
Wonderful TV reports and video of Zennie and Baby Z. What a character he is! Thanks for posting.
Trisha from VA
Where is the announcement about Zenyatta being in foal. When was she bred? I remember reading she was going to be bred to Tapit in April.
Also twittered by Team Z this morning.
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenyatta in foal for second time after Tapit mating
Congrats Mommy Z and Tapit! :-) xoxo
Lordy, Lordy Auntie Judy
Are you knitting hoof booties yet?
This is such exciting times.
Too early to pace
Hugs, Keta
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Moss, Nancy in NJ. and Z12
CONGRATULATIONS Zenny, Tapit, Lane’s End and Mr. and Mrs. Moss. I guess we can all start counting again.
Shari, You’ve already got the answer to Hansen and “rate”. With the time difference between the East and West coast it seems like I’ve already gone to bed before some of you have got home from work. Happy Teacher’s Day
Trina, Another fabulous poem for a very special man. I wish that I could write one for you but I don’t have a single artistic bone in my body so maybe I can just give you a hug when we meet in November.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Brenda–hugZ are the best! Looking forward to sharing one with you!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Brenda : )
Trina Nagele in So Cal
GREAT idea, Jeanie!
Please publish the link for donations.
Too many posts to go through to find it.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Moss and Nancy in NJ! Hope you have the best ever.
We honor you, SHARI VOLTZ, today as it’s National Teachers Day. Do hope you get some rest soon as caregiver. It is so hard, especially when working full time.
As to the violations, trainers will never stop doing illegal things as long as retribution is not swift and sure. That is not fair to the one who do abide by the rules.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Barbara : )
Terry Crow GP
Ditty. Ms Voltz is a national treasure.
Terry Crow GP
That should be ditto, not ditty.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Dearest TRINA–thank you once again for your amazing poems. You are amazing!
@JEANI—great idea to donate in honor of Jerry Moss. I wish I had known when I made mine.
To any who think your “little bit” doesn’t add up, it does! I wish all of mine could be a hundred times more.
@ZENNY–congratulations on being in foal to Tapit. You are such a wonderful mom. I just cannot tear myself away from that video of you and Baby Z!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Barbara, for your kinds words, and thank you too for all you do for the horses!
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
Grade I Winner Aptitude Dies in Argentina (The 15-year-old son of A.P. Indy)
Sad sad news. He was a beautiful horse who passed far too soon.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and JAG:
Here’s a conformation photo of Aptitude. What a handsome stallion. RIP beautiful boy. Hugs, JB
Judy B. Thank you for the link. What an impressive pedigree. 15 is too young. We have lost some wonderful horses recently. I am still upset about Dynaformer. There was another horse who died from a freak accident in the starting gate at the 1000 Guineas at Newmarket on the weekend, 3 year old filly Gray Pearl. Although they look strong and tough, horses are very delicate creatures. RIP Gray Pearl and Aptitude. Always in our hearts like all of our loved ones.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this lovely picture of Aptitude. What a beauty he was. You can really see the “Indy” influence of good bone and musculature. I just hate losing these beauties like Mr D. and him, especially so young. It didn’t say what he died of in the Bloodhorse article, I wonder what happened. Hugs
Marshall (NC broad)
Judy B.,
Thank you for posting this photo of Aptitude. What a beautifully formed horse! So sad that we have lost another at such a young age.
RIP Aptitude.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Marshall and Sue Fredrick:
You’re so welcome. Aptitude is gone too soon.
Max, so true. Horses are delicate creatures and accidents and injuries, or worse, happen all too often.
RIP Gray Pearl.
Sue, here’s an article from Thoroughbred Times explaining what happened to Aptitude. So sad.
Marilu V
Hell Judy:
Thank you for the Link on Aptitude. Hugs, Marilu
Marilu V
Hello Judy again!
Sorry I missed the “O” in my previous message. I meant Hello Judy!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marilu:
Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Marilu–No worries! We ALL knew what you meant!
MaryAnn Donahue
Hello Everyone ~ Since “Z” stopped writing her blog for us, I haven’t visited this site as often. I stopped by today after receiving an email from the Bloodhorse about Zenyatta being in foal to Tapit and was surprised that there was no news about it posted on this site, except in a few of your posts. I must say, you are a well informed group of Zenyatta fans and I read items here that I see no where else. Thank you for all the news you share.
Question: Is there someplace on this site where the news about Z being in foal was posted? If not, I’m disappointed that this is no longer the place to find the most recent news about her firsthand. Thank you again to all who share here.
Well wishes to all,
Mary Ann
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
It was posted on Team Zenyatta’s Twitter feed, which can be accessed by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page, or near the top of the home page. I’m sure quite a few people on this site have signed up to follow Team Zenyatta and got the news immediately.
MaryAnn Donahue
Thank you Laura. I don’t Twitter{or is it tweet? :-) } so I didn’t think to check the Twitter feed. I’ve done it and it works. Thanks for responding so promptly.
It was in Bloodhorse as well MaryAnn
Marty R / Colorado
Mary Ann,
I first saw the announcement on Zenyatta’s Face Book page this morning. She has over 106,000 “Likes” there so I think that was a wonderful way to inform her fans first, before the media. Some people only visit her Face Book page. Zenny’s connections are always considerate of her fans. They are the best.
MaryAnn Donahue
Hi Marty ~ Thank you for the info about checking Facebook, which I’ve done. (shaking head with how ‘dense’ I can be at times) I appreciate your prompt reply.
MaryAnn, Team Z’s tweets are posted on the right side of the whole blog section (including this page). The most recent news shows up there if you don’t want to check Twitter or Facebook
MaryAnn Donahue
Hi Sandy ~ I’ve checked the tweets. Thank you for letting me know; really appreciate your taking the time to reply. ~ MaryAnn
Here is the link to Daily Racing Form story about Zenyatta & Tapit
JAG posted it earlier–there are so many that it is hard to find things.
Glad to have you back
MaryAnn Donahue
Thank you Keta. I read the DRF article.
Catherine James
Love the Little Squealer – and Charles and Matt are kind of cute too!
But why no pics or report about Mike Smith visiting last week?
There was an article on ESPN about his visit with Zenny. He thinks little Z has personalty plus just like his mom. He also said Zenny looked fabulous…which we already knew.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Mike Smith blog entry. His account of the visit is halfway down.
Terry Crow GP
Unless I missed it, Mike didn’t mention whether or not Zenyatta recognized him. It would have been interesting to know.
Catherine James
But it would be lovely to see pics or video – ditto if the Shirreffs have been to see Baby Z!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I agree with you about Charles and Matt, Catherine. That Zenny gets all the cute guys!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
To Shari Voltz on National Teachers Day
Dearest Shari,
We hope that today
You’ll feel merry–
You’ve been elected Queen
Of the fifth-grade scene
On this National Teachers Day
’Cuz your students have fun
And get to see horses run
While they knowledge and skills attain!
Here’s wishing you a happy reign!
Love in Dumplinghood,
Louise Castello
Happy Teacher’s Day from me as well! Just from reading posts about you and from you, I wish you could have been my children’s teacher and wish for more like you. Have a great day!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Louise : )
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Happy Teachers Day Sheri!! I am sure the parents of your students are so very happy their kids have you.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Sally : )
Shari Voltz from Ohio
TRINA thank you. You made me cry. Oh you are too nice. I will show the kids the poem. Thank you from the bottom of my HEART !!!! Love, Shari
Suzanne Metzinger
Just love all those little squeels when Baby Z is running……..looks super fast already
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Trina Nagele,
Your heart has got to be as big as the world!! Your tributes to EVERYONE are beyond grand. Thank you for what you do here. Marty R.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
You’re MOST welcome, Marty! I’m feel so gratified when my poems seem to be a bright spot in someone’s day. As Karen Gogue said, they come from my heart.
Terry Crow GP
That’s a pretty big place.
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
More re. Bodemeister:
Beyer: Bodemeister’s effort was like few others in Kentucky Derby history
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday to Nancy in NJ!! (I somehow missed that the first time).
Trina – you have been super prolific today – 3 more wonderful poems that not only honor the intended person but also teach us so much!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks, Sandy, for your compliment–I appreciate it!
Hey, Zenyatta! Congratulations on the news on the news that you’re confirmed in-foal to Tapit.
I hope your pregnancy with your Tapit foal goes smoothly.
I love that video of your Baby Z tearing across the paddock squealing away. He is showing speed already.
It so reminds me of that video of you released at Christmastime 2010 when you were allowed to run loose at Lane’s End for the first time.
Clearly, you love playing with him,. You were running around with your tail up and you guys almost collided! LMAO
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
I must say Happy Birthdays to Nancy and Jerry Moss, hope you both have many more.
Also happy Teachers Days to our “best on the planet” Shari Voltz. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, ” I wish they had teachers like you when I was in school.” Bless you for all that you do for these lucky kids, they’ll remember your classes forever! Hugs
So sorry to hear my Indy loss one of his great sons at such an early age. RIP Aptitude.