Happy Friday!
Are you excited about the Kentucky Derby? We are, and we want to wish the best of luck to all of the horses and their connections!
Zenyatta and Baby Z have been in the Kentucky news recently. Be sure to check out both of these video segments:
Born To Run—WDRB 41 Louisville and Zenyatta’s First Foal A Handful—wave3.com
We will be returning next week with the second installment of our Lane’s End interview series, this time with assistant broodmare manager Donna Vowles. In the meantime, here’s a short video that was taken in early April by Ann Moss. She really captured Z’s excitement about peppermint treats!
Enjoy your weekend!
-Team Z
Worth reading the entire Blog–link is below.
On Bodemeister, ‘thought I had the race won’
By MIKE SMITH From: New York Post
Last Updated: 9:15 AM, May 6, 2012
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It would have been the robbery of the year if I could have pulled it off.
Bodemeister ran incredibly well. I’m so proud of him. That first half-mile in :45 just got me the last little bit. Trinniberg, who was pressing me most of the way, stopped at the three-eighths pole and made it look like I opened up more. If he hadn’t been in there, the race might have had a different outcome, but that’s horse racing.
I wouldn’t change my ride in any way. I caught such a flyer leaving the gate. In two jumps, I was two lengths in front, that quick. I thought if anything came extremely easy, I was going to take advantage of it. It wasn’t the time to experiment to see if I could ease him back a bit.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/horse_racing/bummer_on_bode_MJlMpovaqVSNy37vNfWk5K#ixzz1uCYBYQKN
Mike Smith, the Hall of Fame jockey who rode 50-1 shot Giacomo to victory in the 2005 Kentucky Derby, was aboard Bodemeister, one of the favorites in yesterday’s Run for the Roses. Bodemeister led throughout the race but was passed by I’ll Have Another in the final furlong en route to a second-place finish. As told to Ed Fountaine.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Mikey–don’t second-guess yourself. Unless you had eyes in the back of your head, you couldn’t see I’ll have Another coming. Bodemeister ran a great race. Maybe the Preakness, being shorter, would be more suited?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Per Keta’s post below, Dr. Hansen’s thinking the same thing, as you.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Z Family. The children watched the Derby. They still clapped for Hansen. We discussed his race and they still love him. Keta broke it down for us. I read her email to them. I just couldn’t believe how they watched and really understood what was going on. Love to all, Shari and the Racing Homeroom 215 : )
Terry Crow GP
Well, the kids have the proper leader in you. Don’t give up on Hansen. If he runs in the Preakness, I expect a much better finish.
Shari, you can tell the class. Hansen is going to the Preakness!! Good article below
Hansen moving on to the Preakness
Shorter track and a smaller field awaits
LOUISVILLE — The next step for Team Hansen is a trip to Pimlico for the Preakness Stakes on May 19. After that though is anyone’s guess.
After lending his own flare to Derby Week, Dr. Kendall Hansen watched his gray/roan colt finish ninth in the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. At a mile and a quarter, the Run for the Roses is a wake up call for many. With dreams of a Triple Crown dashed, plotting Hansen’s future beyond the Preakness will be the next major undertaking for the Northern Kentucky physician and trainer Mike Maker.
“I have to accept the fact that maybe he is a mile and one-eighth horse,” Dr. Hansen said after the Derby. “We’ll find out. He’s going to Baltimore and we will test this group again.
Terry Crow GP
Keta-Thanks for posting this. I fully expect Hansen to move up, as far as his placing goes, in the Preakness.
I am just not sure what happened to Hansen,
Was he overwhelmed??
He won the BC Juvenile, maybe frustrated because
Others were faster and in front of him and he did not
Like to settle. At one point the announcer said
He was quite a handful almost out of control during
The race. Poor Boy !!!! He is such a handsome white
Stallion, love when he rolls in the sand.
Very special for Dr Hansen to send your class those
Gifts, Shari. He is so typically a physician who really
Loves his horse and appreciates those who love
Him, too.
I think maturity has a lot to do with it for Hansen; when he was two all were
clueless and crazy; he just was a little more focused; now some of the three
year olds have grown beyond their years emotionally and beat him.
He is too very cute; rolling in the sand; he will grow up and then who knows;
hope they run him a few more years.
Hi class 215,
Hansen is really just a kid too. He is a great race horse. I love him. As he grows up and learns to relax prior to the race look out. He will have all the energy he needs to blow the doors off all of the other horses. Hansen will be like a White Flash. I am talking about Flash the superhero. You might have to explain to the kids about the Flash. I look for great improvement as Hansen matures. He will be a horse to watch I hope for a few years to come. We can follow him this year all the way to the Breeders Cup races in November. Go H !!! The White Flash
Terry Crow GP
Sue-This is a great post. I think Ms. Voltz should read it to the class. I sincerely hope than Hansen is allowed to compete as an older horse. He is somewhat like Native Diver, my old favorite from the 60’s. The Diver didn’t learn how to properly rate until he was six years old. He was black in color, about as far from Hansen as possible. The Flash? Wasn’t he the Superhero who was literally a blur when he ran?
Yes Mr. GP being fast was the Flashes super power.
Ditto Sue.
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Hansen looked like he emerged from the washing machine on Derby day. He will be much better for the Preakness, and I think he will win one for your class and you.
Heat when they horses are not used to it can really sap their energy; especially when they get “hot” as TB do (emotionally); guess that is what happened to
JAG / L♥VE Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’LL HAVE ANOTHER shares Zenyatta’s birthday – April 1st!!! :-)
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Another “fool” that knows how to run!
Terry Crow GP
Here is today’s horse joke. Being an admirer of Zenyatta, a guy decides he wants his horse to dance, so he enrolls him in dance class. Dutifully, he takes his horse to class each week, but he sees no improvement. Finally, he takes the instructor aside and says “I’m spending a fortune here. Why isn’t my horse showing any improvement?” “I’m sorry,” the instructor replies, “But there’s nothing I can do. Your horse has two left feet.” ,
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So I guess the dance instructor didn’t know the “Zenyatta method”? The guy should have gotten his money back :-)
Trina Nagele
High hoof, Terry!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Love that joke, Terry!!
very very very funny !!!!
Terry Crow GP
Today’s redneck jokes–You might be a redneck if you have to knock the spider webs down to use the bathroom. You might be a redneck if you go swimming in the drainage ditch behind your home. You might be a redneck if none of the presents under your Christmas tree is paid for. You might be a redneck if you kissed your own husband at midnight at the New Year’s Eve party. You might be a redneck if your Christmas ornaments are made out of spent shot gun shells. You might be a redneck if, on Thanksgiving Day, you have to decide which pet to eat. You might be a redneck if you have ever paid for a six-pack of beer with pennies.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry Crow:
As usual, great jokes today. Thanks. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Thank you, dear lady.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry, I think I did kiss my husband on New Years several years ago!! haha
Too long ago!! ha What a redneck I was.
Terry Crow GP
I don’t know. With your sense of humor, I would say that your husband is a lucky man and that he knows it.
carol in utah
Husband?….oh yes….that man who lives here….now I remember ….encroaching senility …I will he that as an excuse
Terry Crow GP
Better him than a dead skunk.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Or a pet, clearly…
Great jokes; love the Thanksgiving pets and six pack with pennies
Just great as usual.
Thanks for keeping us laughing
These jokes made my day, TC
Thanks so much; for bringing laughter to the forefront.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Thankyou my dear favorite people, the Moss’s. Thank you Lane’s End too!!
I keep going back to watch these videos, they are just THE BEST!! There is just so much to love about them from 12z running and squealing to seeing my love Zenyatta eating a peppermint and keeping up with her colt!! He is a lively little stinker!!
I really am so grateful to receive these up dates. So happy to see Ann there again!!
I will be clicking on these videos for quite a while, every time I need a laugh or just to smile. Auntie Sally
judy berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Z Family:
Thank you for all the wonderful posts and links over Derby weekend. Enjoyed reading all of them. Hugs, JB
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Hi Z family!
Pretty eventful day. Someone VERY intelligent called the school and threatened us with a bomb. We were evacuated for an hour and a half, and sat on the bleachers. Three police untis, SWAT with dogs and the school principle swept the school, but the bomb was non-existant. AP Psychology had to mis-administer, and will re-test on the 24th of this month. God, Ledford’s finest have reared their heads.
My finals are this Friday and Monday of next week. Here we go. More pacing, joy.
Oh my. I am happy things turned out OK for you. Good luck with your finals.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I just made a donation, Jeanie. It’s not a whole lot, but I figure every little bit helps. God bless you and Marlene for all that you do with these wonderful animals.
Thank you Debbie. Bless you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I’ll be signing on to make a Paypal donation.
Marilu V
Thank you Team Z for the wonderful video and links!
How totally adorable to see Zenny and Baby running around. They look so happy together. Just love it! Made my day! Marilu
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Jeanie–unbearable to think of them facing that! I sent my donation yesterday to Marlene. Please keep us updated. Anyone who can, please step up to help! Sunday is very close!
@Terry Crow, GP–
I have to admit to being a little concerned over a procedural matter. I really feel that as the “owner” of the ORIGINAL dead skunk, I should have been allowed a vote. However, as I am not President of the Texas chapter, that was not allowed. Can we remedy this injustice?
Terry Crow GP
You MAY have a point. Why don’t you discuss this matter with signofthetimes?
Thank you Barbara. You are so dear. Take care and let’s all do what we can to help these poor dear souls. I just breaks my heart to think of what those broodmares endured at the hands of man who created them.
Thank you for the videos. I have watched them countless times. Also, for you Cigar lovers, he is in his paddock right now. (5:35 pm Central Time)
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Terry Crow – I saw something on the mail route today that made me think of you. I deliver to one area that is very heavily populated by rednecks, so every day is an adventure. Today I saw a man riding his wheelchair down the sidewalk, and apparently it must have had a trailer hitch on it because he was pulling a good sized trailer behind him (like the kind you would use to haul firewood) and there was a drunk redneck riding in the trailer! Both of them were just as happy as they could be and clearly having a ball. If I see them again I’ll try to induct them into the KY chapter of the Redneck Club.
Great KY story; I worked in Columbus, Ohio briefly
And we had all the West Virginia Hill Billy’s
Come to the hospital I worked at. It was quite an experience.
Debbie G/Kentucky
They’re very entertaining aren’t they?!
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Terry Crow GP
Debbie-This is classic redneck. Next time you see these guys ask them if they want to join . However, if they become members, you are responsible for them.
Debbie G/Kentucky
On second thought, maybe I won’t invite them Terry! LOL
Darlene Daniels
Very funny! Reminded of George Jones driving his lawn mower to town when Tammy hid his car keys.
P.S. You asked if I had ever gone to the Ky Derby. No, I havent. but have always wanted to. Problem is, I have champagne taste on a beer budget. I want to be in the grandstand all dressed up with a nice hat, but all I can afford is the infield. I’m still waiting and hoping, some day.
Terry Crow GP
Ask Jethro to finance your trip based on the profits from the tomatoes.
Linda M
Wow – it is just like old time when we had the Daily Diary!! Cathcing up and reading everyone’s comments and updates was great!
First off – Zenny, you are looking fabulous and I am glad to see you are back in full exercise mode. Motherhood becomes you and you could not be more glowing!!
As for Baby Z, what a little character. He is going to have some ears! And such a special little spirit, cannot wait to see his next set of anticks.
Weeknd racing, in particular the Derby, did not dissapoingt! WAs so dissappointed that Mikie did not clinch it – hopefully he will be on the same mount for the remainder of the Tripple Crown.
A couple other thoughts to communicate:
A BIG, BIG congrates to your John for his wonderful win this weekend with Morning Line, who looked so strong!
And HAPY, HAPPY Birthday to you owner Jerry. Cheers and a High Hoof for a great day.
Sending Hugs Zenny, Team Z, and all the dedicated Z Fans who participate here.
PS – Would LOVE to know how Tasty is doing and her Foal…..
Linda M
Sure wish someone woul dinvent a Blog Spellcheck :)
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Happy Birthday Jerry Moss. :):)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I think TOMORROW is Jerry Moss’s birthday! I have his poem all ready to go!
Linda M
it is indeed his day on May 8th :)
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Isn’t Jerry Mosses birthday tomorrow, the 8th? Well, anyway, an early birthday wish for you Jerry! May 12Z bring you more joy than one can know, and another winner like his mother THE QUEEN! Have a spectacular day tomorrow with loved ones and I wish you all Z best of Z best always!!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Keta I will show the children the article. I don’t know about all the pictures. His staff is sexy. This teacher looks like a hick compared to Dr. Hansen’s staff. Did you see the mini Hansens? That is what he sent the children. They loved them. I also want to wish Mr. Moss and very Happy Birthday. May God Bless with many more.
Good night : )
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
SHARI, I have just finished reading a delightful book that I think the children might enjoy knowing about, “The Eighty Dollar Champion” by Elizabeth Letts. The horse is not a thoroughbred but he looks somewhat like Hansen and it’s a very heartwarming story with a little bit of history thrown in. The book itself may be a bit much for the children but if they google “SNOWMAN HORSE” they’ll get lots to enjoy. I wish I’d had such a good teacher who went outside the curriculum box and made each day a fun learning experience.
I would also recommend the book as a good read to all Dumplings – a Zenny Book Club read.
TERRY GP, Great jokes, thank you. Do you think it’s going to take another 3 years for Hansen to learn how to rate or is distance the problem?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Brenda I will look for the book and buy it myself thanks. What did you mean about Hansen learning how to rate? I still am learning thanks. I will wait for your answer. This site helps me to relax. My dad is still in the hospital. I am to get him tomorrow. He has been so mean. I am it and sometimes I need to run away. Do you think they would let me stay at Lane’s End for some Horse Therapy? Love you all, Shari
PS Zenyatta I need some motherly love : )
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Rate is when he can relax behind the frontrunners and by horses next to him during the race. It’s important because he doesn’t use all his energy constantly trying to get to the front when the horse in front may be setting suicidal fractions. Essentially, he learns to relax when on and off the lead.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shari:
I really can say I know what you’re going through. It is very difficult being the one and only care giver. Try to hold on. Sometimes as the older folks go through their stages of changes, they can become ornery (sometimes with the onset of dementia and chemical and biological changes due to aging). It will take all the patience you can muster at times. I know you are doing the very best you can and that is all that matters. Make sure to take some time for yourself routinely. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, JB
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you Judy I needed that. Since my mother is not my mother anymore your words really helped. Thank you to my other mother Judy : )
Hansen did rate in one race nicely, don’t think
that is his desire or tendency. May take some
Maturity for consistency to rate for him.
I think Of Blingo, the Artie Schiller, JS is training.
What a feat to get get these strong headed colts
To rate.
It takes a very very patient Trainer with gentleness
To push and know the limit to back off to teach this skill.
Terry Crow GP
if you are referring to Native Diver, no one knows just why he was all of a sudden able to rate. Check him out on you tube. I hope Hansen does not wait as long as he did. I never thought that he would get a distance.
Here is the Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road video by Loudon Wainwright;
Here is Loudon Wainwright’s performance of Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road in Germany.
Terry Crow GP
Talk about clueless. The German audience looked as if they knew the skunk personally.
Here is information about Loudon Wainwright III and his career; family etc…
From Chapel Hill, NC and author/singer Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road
Terry Crow GP
Very interesting. It is noted that he named his son Rufus.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And he was married to late folk singer Kate McGarrigle, the mother of Rufus and Martha, who are both also singers. Although I did note that Martha has at times had quite a bone to pick with her dad, over his absences when she was a child; she let him know how she felt, in spades, but did also sing with him as an adult. Certainly not an unusual family issue, but always nice to see attempts to resolve.
Terry Crow GP
You are right, Vicki. The travel issue for an entertainer always makes things tough on the family.
AJ from CA
For all Shackleford fans:
Dear AJ,
I am so very excited Shackleford has won again; I just love this horse and his true
grit to bear down and win. I just wish he had been shortened up last year and won more. I was really worried he had lost his fighting spirit; so glad he still has it. What a
feat to beat Amazombie; but who know Shackelford may have been last year’s champion sprinter if he were shortended a lot sooner.
Thanks for the great link.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ and Sign:
AJ, Thank you for the great link of Shack.
Sign, I agree. Have a feeling he would have done very well if they kept him in sprints last year. Glad he hasn’t lost his wonderful spirit and determination. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy B,
Thanks so very much for posting the stonestreet farms facebook page and that
lovely photo of Calvin and Rachel. Talkingheads think it might be photo of the year.
She looks so very happy to see him and he her. So very very very touching.
Hugs to you and Lola Mae, that cutie pie
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
You’re so welcome and thank you for bringing the photo to our attention. It’s just beautiful.
Love and Hugs, JB and Lola Mae
nancy in nj
great racing this weekend, great videos, great jokes and great to see all posting on here! just can”t seem to get the feel for the forums so have felt a bit left out. my fault, i know. anyway, i have a couple questions: 1.) who is the president of the redneck club in my area? am i a member? 2.) is this where i say that any song about a dead skunk is ok by me? 3.) i want to wish jerry moss a happy birthday but seem to have misplaced his email addy. i guess he misplaced mine, also, because we do share the may 8 birthday, and i haven’t heard from him yet! sooo – my question is: does anyone have his email addy? no? well, ok, then, mr. moss, i will just wish you a happy birthday here on this blog and hope that you have many more years of blessings! as always, team z, thank you for keeping us connected!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Nancy in NJ:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
nancy in nj
judy – thank you! it is good to “see” you.
Terry Crow GP
Nancy-Forgive me for overlooking your questions about the redneck club. NO, there is no chapter president in NJ and, since you have expressed a desire to join the club, you are it. I will answer more extensively later in the blog. Welcome aboard!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@JEANIE–you are SO right on all counts. I would not be able to tear myself away.
@ JERRY MOSS and NANCY IN NJ–Happy Birthday tomorrow!! Hope it is wonderful for you both!
@DEBBIE G./KY–can’t get that picture out of my mind–lol!
@BRENDA S.–Snowman is on my Amazon wish list.
@AJ from CA–thanks for the great link on Shackleford. We knew all along he wanted a different race.
@SIGNOFTHEITMES–may I please have a vote in the redneck song contest, as it was “my” dead skunk (RIP) that started all this silliness?
@Dearest Z.–none of us would be here without YOU and YOUR team at LE and in CA–good night, sweetheart. Love you always. Looking forward to seeing evberyone here tomorrow.
nancy in nj
barbara wood – thank you so much! can’t quite believe i have lived this long!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
And how long would that be, Nancy?
PS I’ll have a poem for you in the morning.
Happy Birthdy tomorrow, Jerry Moss. I am sure you will have a wonderful one.
On another note…I LOVE that Zenny now has over 106,000 facebook friends.
She rocks!
One final interesting/puzzling piece of news
Bob Baffert had Mike Smith working Paynter today
Have no idea what that means if anything.
Thought it was worth noting.
Good night!
Terry Crow GP
Paynter has been mentioned as a possible entrant in the Preakness if Bode does not go.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Cookie Monster? Steve Haskin on Team O’Neill (and Lava Man)
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Union Rags a disaster says Matz.
Terry Crow GP
We shall see what Matz decides to do. Whichever turns out to be UR’s next race, I would expect that he will give a VERY good account of himself.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Murder at Churchill.