Happy Friday!
Are you excited about the Kentucky Derby? We are, and we want to wish the best of luck to all of the horses and their connections!
Zenyatta and Baby Z have been in the Kentucky news recently. Be sure to check out both of these video segments:
Born To Run—WDRB 41 Louisville and Zenyatta’s First Foal A Handful—wave3.com
We will be returning next week with the second installment of our Lane’s End interview series, this time with assistant broodmare manager Donna Vowles. In the meantime, here’s a short video that was taken in early April by Ann Moss. She really captured Z’s excitement about peppermint treats!
Enjoy your weekend!
-Team Z
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Video of Baffert and Mike after the Derby – great sportsmanship!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Karen, I like that. It looked like Mike was feeling bad, but Bob and the others made it clear how they felt he did a fine job.
This is such a great interview; I love when Mike says don’t take me off the mount,
Terry Crow GP
This is the way it should be. In what had to be one of the big disappointments of his life, Baffert found time to congratulate Smith on a great ride, even though he did not win. And it was a great ride.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Kentucky Derby quotes – trainers, jockeys.
Let’s give the correct State the credit should the
Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road, become the
Redneck Club’s song.
This song was written and performed by Loudon
Wainwright, who is from Chapel Hill, NC. He was a really
Great singer and guitarist, I was a fan of his and
Remember the song. He often performed in NY
And California, spent some time on San Francisco
And became popular in the 60’s.
So this song rightfully belongs to the North Carolina
Chapter for being the location where this talented
Singer/Guitarist is from.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That just makes it more fortunate, that Marshall in NC already voted for it!
Great going Marshall !!!!!! and NC Chapter members for having such
a talented singer come from Chapel Hill a wonderful small college town in NC.
NC is such a beautiful state; I lived for a couple of years in Gastonia outside of Charlotte, wonderful mild seasons and beautiful terrain and mountains.
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks for the shoutout, signofthetimes and Vicki B.!! I have lived in Chapel Hill since I finished college at UNC-Chapel Hill — Go Tarheels!! Our state IS quite beautiful from ocean to mountains! Chapel Hill lays claim to James Taylor, also, and of course, Andy Griffith is a UNC alum from Mount Airy,NC.
I will stop name-dropping! Please DO vote for Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road!
Terry Crow GP
It would not be seemly for me to lobby in favor of The Dead Skunk Song, but I concur with the kudos being given to North Carolina. Marshall has come a long way from identifying herself as merely a girl’s name on the old diary.
Dear Zenny Fans,
I so really love Mario Gutierrez. HRTV had an Inside
Information on him about a month ago with his agent.
Such a young man with such talent. His comment
When he first rode I’ll Have Another was a laugh to
His agent and he said they will never put me on that
So very glad he got this wondeful opportunity
To ride this very talented mature 3 year old.
Great Ride by Mike Smith and Bodemiester !!!!!
Darlene Daniels
I agree with you. I was very touched at how emotional he was yesterday after the Win. Truly, a good heart story.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Thanks so much for sharing that note about I’ll Have Another’s jockey. Good for him. You are so right; great ride by Mikey on Bode. Hugs, JB
Thank you sooooo much for the video of Baby Z. I am still smiling from watching it. He is adorable and funny and Zenyatta is regal as ever. So nice to see them.
I have a suggestion for his name Best Shot.
Darlene Daniels
Happy Happy Birthday Dear Sally!
Trina, you are incredible. You either have a photgenic memory or you have the most astute note taking skills of anyone I know.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Darlene. Sally was kind enough to provide me with some info via e-mail, and aside from that, It’s all note-taking of the copy-from-the-Diary-and-paste-it-into- Word-and-save variety. My memory is a sieve, and more so the older I get.
Here is a link to Noble Mission’s second win at Newmarket yesterday. Frankel’s full brother may be on his way to the Derby.
It is interesting to hear the commentator refer to NM as another son of Kind, his dam, rather than a son of Galileo, his sire. Perhaps the Z effect is spreading and mares are getting more credit for the achievements of their offspring?
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof to Noble Mission, Kind, and Galileo too!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for the link on Noble Mission. So happy for him. Hugs, JB
Judy B. Nice to hear from you. Hope you are well.
It looks like Noble Mission has inherited a good turn of foot. Sir Henry Cecil thinks that he may have more early stamina than Frankel, although Frankel is to run over a mile this year. Apparently Frankel gets applause just for his workouts.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
What a Dynamic Duo they are. Hugs, JB
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Hi Z family!
I was very sad when Rags didn’t win. I wanted so badly for him to do well for his wonderful owners and trainer.
I VOTE JOCKEY CHANGE ON UNION RAGS! Ever since Mr. Lepareoux got on him, he’s had nothing but trouble, from Florida, to the Derby. I take into account that it is a 20 horse field, but the Florida Derby was not and he still got Rags in trouble. Now, JL is a good rider in his own right, but he and Rags just don’t mash. It is time for a change of riders.
It makes my case on why we need less horses in the Kentucky Derby. I understand tradition, but this is a mad house. LOL The best horse almost never wins. Even Mr. Matz said he was VERY displeased with the ride. As of right now, Rags is NOT going to the Preakness; he isn’t on the list.
Someone made a comment on Facebook that if the Derby was a three horse field, JL would find a way to get Rags blocked by the other two. <—-That's terrible!
That being said, Congratulations to the winner. I am happy for his connections though. Everyone deserves a chance to win, and they did. Masterful ride from such a young jockey. I hope the pair achieves even more success in the future. Flower Alley (his sire), I think, is at the farm that the late, great Dynaformer was at; Three Chimney's? Correct me if I am wrong, which of course you guys will. ;-) They deserve this win after the weeks they have had. I don't see a Triple Crown winner out of him, but maybe that is just because of the pessismistic state of mind that I am in right now. I hope he proves me wrong.
No news yet from Cazenovia College. I am going bald, and have paced a considerable groove into my floor.
I have pictures from me and Big Mamma jumping on Friday! I will try to find a way to make it my avatar picture in the forum.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hoping and praying that acceptance letter arrives for you soon, Pati, and looking forward to seeing those photos of you and Big Mamma in the Forum.
UR also had trouble with Javier Castalano as well swinging wide not getting boxed in.
He has alots of quirks when he runs and he needs a very experience jockey to get
him through these quirks; a very strong one like Mike Smith, that won’t happen
now with Bodemeister doing so well. Bodemeister gives Mike Smith a great horse
to ride for a couple of years and maybe win the BCC again.
Terry Crow GP
Pati-Very astute analysis of the race. It reminds me of Looking At Luck’s trip when he got shut off. Baffert replaced Gomez and won the Preakness. Matz’s quote after the Derby kinda tells it all. Sorry Rags isn’t going to the Preakness. I am sure he was nominated and maybe the connections will change their minds.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Very quiet day today after all the excitement yesterday.
Max – I’m enjoying those very nice Canadian connections for I’ll Have Another – owner originally from Windsor, Ontario and jockey previously riding in Vancouver. I also love all the connections to Claiborne in his pedigree, Arch, Danzig, Mr. Prospector. Vic is fond of reminding me that more Derby winners have come out the Claiborne breeding shed than any other.
Dear Dawn, I must have missed some posts along the way so to read about a tumor is horrifying. If you feel up to it and inclined to do so, I would love to hear from you. In the meantime, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that much love is sent to you and Mom. brenda_springer2000@yahoo.com
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Take Charge Indy. Your in my prayers for a great recovery. Love ya. Peggy
Glad Calvin watched over you. Yes, prayers for a great recovery.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday to Sally B! Hope you had a great day yesterday with Sue F (and didn’t get into any kind of trouble :-) Probably having the hubbies in the party keeps things under control.
Trina – I’ve run out of adjectives, but “epic” certainly applies again, and it was cool how you were able to weave the Derby results into the poem. High Hoof!!
It was so much fun watching the Derby this year knowing a whole lot more about what goes on than I ever have before – THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! So glad that mostly everyone made it safely to the finish line and hope Take Charge Indy recovers. YEA to Dullahan for a great race and my whopping $5 prize money!
YEA also to Morning Line yesterday. Fun to see John and Dottie at the end of the race even briefly. Calracing.com evidently does not understand that replaying the race 6 times is not more important than seeing “our people.”
Welcome back to some of our missing – Dawn C and Abigail. Nice to have you here with us again. Many good thoughts headed your way Dawn.
Terry Crow GP
Sandy-You being a betting novice reminds me of a story I have posted before. I was in the race and sports book at Sam’s Town in Las Vegas and was playing the harness races from the Meadowlands. I was doing pretty good and then a race came up with a horse in it named The Budster. Buddy is the name of my dog so I placed a small bet on him at 40-1 odds. He did win and I was laughing as I went up to collect. There were some guys in there and one of them asked me how I came to “like” that horse. When I told them it was my dog’s name you should have seen the look on his face. I can’t remember his exact quote but it was something like “We’ve been here handicapping all day and losing. And he wins because the horse is the same name as his dog.” I have never forgotten that day. Good for your win. Your $5.00 is more than I collected on that race.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
You’re not thinking that I bet on him because he was “cute” or something are you? No sireeee!. I saw him win that Blue Grass Stakes race in true Zenny-like “come from behind fashion” and said – that’s my horse! I love the Buddy story — those guys must have been super peeved with you – ha, ha.
Terry Crow GP
No, I am not saying that you didn’t have a reason for your bet. He actually should have been lower odds than he was, but that’s another story. They were peeved, but not so much at me as at their poor luck. However, I was laughing when I left right after that race.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry Crow, enjoyed your story. I only can imagine what they were thinking! haha Reminds me of the time years ago my husband had to go to a golf outing(business acquaintenaces and all). Husband was not an advid golfer like the others there. On the 3rd hole I believe He got a hole in one!! As he puts it, I think they were a little pissed because some of them had golfed for years and never got a hole in one!! ha ha ha
Terry Crow GP
I can only imagine.I’ve never had one and I have been playing for about 55 years.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
El Vino finished 2nd at Sunray Park today.
I’m happ;y with this news. He has such a big adjustment to make …new owners., etc.
I wish only the best for this guy who served our Zenny so well as a sparring partner for workouts.
Whew !!!!! Good news. I am obviously not happy about the outcome for this
horse but that is the horseracing business.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
I hope El Vino is well loved and cared for by his new connections. Sometimes the Industry can be heartbreaking. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
So very well said. I wish he would have been
Retired and retrained for a second career. No
Money in that though for those who buy them.
And he is already down to $20,000 from $40,000.
I am not happy, but can’t always be happy.
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
The second he becomes available for a second career, I am all over-it like a stout person on cake. Love me some El Vino.
Debbie G/Kentucky
@Sally B – Happy Birthday!
@Trina Nagele – Another magnificent poem from our very own poet laureate.
@Dawn Conrad – It’s so good to see you posting again. We’ve all missed you!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Elated
Just have to voice my disappointment for the derby results. I’m happy for the winner and his connections, but while everyone is decrying Union Rags poor start, Take Charge Indy has a bone chip in his leg which will take him out of the Preakness and Belmont. Kudos to Calvin for taking him back when he realized something was wrong.
Prayers for you my “Indy” kid, heal fast so you can be back for the BC.
Terry, I want to place my vote for the “Skunk” song to be our national redneck anthem. There couldn’t possibly be a better choice…..come on people get your votes in right away!
Judy B, I ‘ve been meaning to tell you how happy I am to see you back among us Zsters, even though I know you still have a heavy heart. Our dear Bernie’s boy didn’t do too well either, I was also hoping he would be up there in the placings. Well never fear he will do better in the next two races, especially the Belmont with the longer distance….AND A JOCKEY THAT KNOWS HIM BETTER. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I hope Alpha came back sound and has a change of rider for his next race. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
One more vote for the skunk.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Terry C. I hope you saw my vote cast way up above somewhere!!
Terry Crow GP
Yes. Wisconsin has come down heavily on the side of the skunk.
I’ll Have Another scheduled to arrive at Pimlico on Monday afternoon
By Chris Korman The Baltimore Sun
5:07 p.m. CDT, May 6, 2012 LOUISVILLE, Ky.—
As preparations begin on Old Hilltop for the 137th running of the Preakness Stakes, the star of the field already has a confirmed arrival date.
Kentucky Derby winner I’ll Have Another will show up Monday, much earlier than originally expected — and before most horses in recent years have begun their acclimation to Pimlico.
The colt should reach Baltimore via plane by 5 p.m. I’ll Have Another is one of eight Derby horses listed on the ever-evolving Preakness possibles list as of Sunday afternoon.
Eveline / Maryland.
That is so cool! Can’t wait to see him and especially Lava Man.
Terry Crow GP
Interesting. The usual verbal jousting. When Baffert says he is not saying nothing about anything, he is telling the truth.
Pati- Queen Z and Prince Fan
Trainer is very smart doing this. He wants his horse to be as accustomed to the surface as possible. They are very serious about this Triple Crown thing.
Michael Matz on the Union Rags Ride
Michael Matz, who also trains at Fair Hill, had not decided whether he’d bring Union Rags to Pimlico. The second choice on the morning line once again had a bad trip and failed to challenge, finishing seventh thanks to a late rally past fading speed.
“My first inclination would be no,” he said, but the decision won’t be final until later this week.
When asked what happened to his horse, Matz, clearly distressed, was blunt.
“A lot. Your guess is as good as mine,” he said. “[Jockey]Julien [Leparoux] just said he got slammed out of the gate. Didn’t break fast. He had trouble everywhere around.
“I don’t mind getting beat, if you get to run.”
It would be surprising if Leparoux, who also had trouble giving Union Rags a chance in the Florida Derby, kept the mount.
Keta Note: This is an excerpt from
I’ll Have Another scheduled to arrive at Pimlico on Monday afternoon
By Chris Korman The Baltimore Sun
I thought they might want to change jockey’s; they really need a veteran like Mike Smith
to ride this horse, He as so many quirks that come up; and getting boxed in twice
is not a good thing.
Terry Crow GP
If Bodemeister doesn’t run and UR does, he could not make a better choice than Smith. Otherwise, give Rosie a shot.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Reading that article, it’s interesting to wonder “what happened?” with Union Rags, or what Leparoux did incorrectly, if anything, or is UR not up to the job. I’ve heard Julien’s good, yet his two trips with UR have not been, so I’m sure half or more of UR’s fans are wondering. I was rooting for him just for his owner alone.
I think he is really quirky to ride; he went wide all the time with Javier Castalano,
just have not found a jockey that can read and adjust to whatever he does on the track when racing and not when he exercises. Very interesting that he did well in the first race with Julian and the last two he did this, broke bad got squeezed,
and Julian did not do that. I don’t know enough about riding TB, but I am sure
he is signaling these things and their must be a way to guide him correctly.
Maybe Rosie Naprovnik; someone who has lots and lots and lots of horse intuition and she has a bunch !!!!!
It is kind of like when you have a horse that know he can get away with not
jumping the fence with some people and he will do that if he can get away
with it. There are techniques to stopping this; leg on very hard, tight reins
the way the horse in shying out. So whatever he is doing no one so far
can keep him in the game and correct. Maybe he has erratic interest ????
Needless to say I really really like Rosie N, she is a great talent like
Julie Krone.
Terry Crow GP
Rosie would be an excellent choice to ride Rags if he goes in the Preakness. If he does go, I would be shocked if JL is still on him. Maybe Matz will reconsider when he has had time to think it over.
If they could get him, which unfortunately I don’t think they will because he’s committed to Bodemeister, Mike Smith might be a very good fit for Union Rags.
Union Rags seems to run a lot like Zenyatta, in that he has a big, ground eating stride but he has to get up to cruising speed and then roll on. He does not appear to have much ‘tactical’ speed or turn of foot so he can’t make it through those quick open and shut holes and when he ends up getting the door slammed on him, he loses momentum and then has to ‘gear back up’.
So there are really only two ways to ride him, take him to the outside where he can get up to cruising speed and keep rolling BUT he ends up running a race and a half against the rest of the field (what we saw in the BC Juvenile) or you go into the pack and hope to find the ‘holes’ when you need them. Unfortunately the latter option leaves you vulnerable to racing luck and as we’ve seen Union Rags has been on the sour end of that luck twice now.
I think JL is a fine jockey but it really does take a master tactician to ride either of those styles of race. Either you need a perfect clock in your head to know when to pull the trigger on that ‘longer ride’ or you need the experience to ‘read’ where the holes are going to open up before the other jockeys even know they’re going to split. Mike Smith showed this skill with his rides of Zenyatta and her come from behind style. I think Union Rags would benefit from a similar riding style and experience, if he can get it.
Terry Crow GP
Very good analysis. However, I would think that the wide run would have been better for him in such a big field. There was also some speed in the 9 post position that had never been past 7 furlongs and figured to back up, causing some traffic problems on the inside..
It is definitely possible that it would have but on the other side of the coin, it got him beat in the BC Juvenile. Given the pace Bodemeister set them down too, I don’t know that running a ‘race and a half’ would have been an option with the class in the Derby this year.
So its a Catch-22.
Zenyen. Thank you for this very interesting analysis. UR at 17 hands like Zenyatta does appear to need space to get up to speed. With 20 horses on a turned track like Churchill, this is not easy. We will have to wait and see what his team decides will be the next move for him.
Terry Crow GP
zenyen-Your comments have the ring of one who knows of which she speaks. You are probably right. There were a lot of good horses in the Derby this year, but there were also some that didn’t belong, as is the case every year. It’s just too bad that UR got the short end of the racing luck. With the the type of race that he had run at Churchill before, I did not expect this. It is the type of track that lends itself to a “horse for course” description. However, the horses that you would think would do well because of what they did before, UR, Hansen, Gemologist and Creative Cause, all did poorly, at least in regard to final placing. Go figure.
Agree, very good analysis. In fact I was thinking of BCC 2010. Zenny broke bad; dirt in face and just could not get it together, Mike waited it out and let her figure it out and then found the holes he needed that she could move through.
Not sure UR is as smart as Zenny about moving through the holes, Mike said sometimes she would find them first and he would direct her. However, in the BCC 2010 she wanted to go to the rail and he would not let her and directed her to mid pack. That is where thing went wrong with JL, he let him go to the rail twice and get boxed in, may be JL not good and split second decisions and agressive riding, which I think you have to do with those who get behind. Even Johnny V was able to overcome a lot of adversity to get to 3rd. Not sure JL has those skills.
Agree, very good analysis. In fact I was thinking of BCC 2010. Zenny broke bad; dirt in face and just could not get it together, Mike waited it out and let her figure it out and then found the holes he needed that she could move through.
Not sure UR is as smart as Zenny about moving through the holes, Mike said sometimes she would find them first and he would direct her. However, in the BCC 2010 she wanted to go to the rail and he would not let her and directed her to mid pack. That is where thing went wrong with JL, he let him go to the rail twice and get boxed in, may be JL not good and split second decisions and aggressive riding, which I think you have to do with those who get behind. Even Johnny V was able to overcome a lot of adversity to get to 3rd. Not sure JL has those skills.
Ray Paulick DRF tweeted
Suspected murder victim found in @ChurchillDowns stable area
identified as groom for Cecil Borel
Here is the link to the Louisville Courier-Journal article
Oh, my god !!!!! Calvin’s Brother.
Here is a link to Kentucky Derby video
It gives a great overview of the field
Jen Roytz Three Chimneys Marketing Director & OTTB writer for Paulick Report tweeted on Sunday May 6
In need of an #OTTBShowcase horse to feature this week.
Anyone have a good story to share?
Keta Note: Thought someone here might want to share a story
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Sally B, Before the day ends I must wish you a very Happy Birthday. Best wishes for many more.
Marty R / Colorado
I’ve had to be lurking only the past few days as my computer has not been a friend to me. I was afraid that dang ol’ skunk had got up from the middle of the road and landed in my computer. At least that was one of the “pet” names I had for it while it was causing me trouble. But, all seems to be well now.
Thanks so much to everybody for all your links to everything related to the races. I don’t know if we’ll have a triple crown winner this year, it would be nice, though.
Terry Crow GP, the GREAT state of Colorado, casts it’s vote for the “Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road” to be the anthem of the Red Neck Club of this glorious group of Thoroughbred horse lovers.
Everyone have a good week ahead.
Terry Crow GP
Colorado has been heard from.
I have been busy. I see you have added your GP as our grand leader to your handle.
Terry Crow GP
Too all club presidents and members. If you missed it last week Terry was placed in the rank of honor as our RCGP. That is Redneck Club Grand Pobba.
Terry Crow GP
Sue-It had been suggested that I change my handle to more befit my lofty status. After the “respect” you showed in one of your previous posts, I decided to add the GP. I have you and Sandy to thank for this change.
You are the GP nothing more to say.
Except what about you’re official Pooba hat. Should it be a skunk?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Ooooh! A skunk hat! That would be super! (N.B. I wanted Terry Joe Crow, GP)
Have decided to follow the esteemed advice of Whoeveritwas (“if you can’t fight ’em, join ’em”) and cast Ohio’s vote for the skunk song. Brenda used the right word – tacky – but upon further analysis, that seems to befit the situation.
Terry Crow GP
A skunk hat would be a classic. Do they make such things? and if they do, would PETA douse me with blood? Sandy-I have been wondering about you. Haven’t heard from Judy Berube yet but with your vote it is near unanimous. Tacky? Perhaps. Funny? Definitely. And that is what the club is all about. I can’t believe that some dumplings have resisted joining. You know who you are.
I think you can find anything on EBay or Amazon. We will make it a priority to find you an appropriate hat for your position.
That is great Sue; love the title; it is so very well deserving.
Eveline / Maryland.
Maryland does the same!
Terry Crow GP
Eveline-If you officially join the club you would be the president of the Maryland chapter.
Eveline / Maryland.
President of anything sounds like a lot of responsibility LOL.
Terry Crow GP
You would only be called upon to make the tough decisions, like whether to adopt the Dead Skunk Song as our anthem. Otherwise, there’s nothing to it.
Eveline / Maryland.
OK, I accept! Love the skunk song, adore the hat!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty and Grand Pooba Terry Crow:
I too vote yes for “The Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road” song as the anthem for the Redneck Club. Hugs,JB
Terry Crow GP
All of New England thanks you for your vote.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Do hope Take Charge Indy comes storming back after surgery (but not too soon).
So sad about Calvin’s brother’s barn. Those of you “in the know” please keep us updated. I did see the sweet pic of Calvine and RA.
Good night, all. Have a great week. Hugs.
So glad computer woes weren’t blamed on a dead skunk!
Terry Crow GP
Marty should have looked left and then right.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
LOL! Agree!
That was such a touching picture.
You could see the connection & love they have.
Happy Monday!
Marshall (NC broad)
@Sally B.,
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and many more wonderful years!
@Trina Nagele,
Once again you have hit the TOP! Fantastic poem for Sally B. — you continue to surpass yourself! Thanks!!
@Dawn Conrad,
Thank goodness you are back! Hope things improve for you. You have been missed.
Keeping you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers! All the Best Wishes, Always!
Marshall (NC broad)
Left a response to your North Carolina/Loudon Wainwright post (and Vicki B.’s response)
above. YAY, Dead Skunk!
Have a good week!
Love your response Marshall; I just really love Loudon Wainwright; I guess I am showing my age; but I remember when the song came out and everyone loved it.
So glad you have become a wonderful member of the Zenny family and I really
do love NC; you are right lots and talent and what is wrong with bragging.
Go for it. !!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B.:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Congrats to I’ll Have Another and his connections on his Derby win. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Hope Take Charge Indy recovers well and can resume racing in time. Hugs, JB
@ Keta
I read about that homicide, too. My condolences to the family, I think the gentleman has a surviving son. Think, he may have discovered doping and was killed to keep him quiet?? < : [
Anyhow this year's derby winner sure was a surprise. Congrats to I'll have Another & all his connections.
I noticed that the media has been really advertising the Derby & I'm sure will all the other Crown races. That's good for the sport, and hopefully put more attention on the horses, too.
Again, these updates on our Zee & her Wee one are priceless. Thanks to all the people who care.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny B.:
Good to hear from you. Sad for the man who was killed and his family. Hugs, JB
Man killed was in his mid-40’s
His 19 year old son also worked at the track
Glad you are back
Trisha from VA
Glad to see Bode & Mike do so well , shame they did not win it. However, congrats to “I’ll have another” and team.
I swear Hansen should have been named Handsome, he is so beautiful!
Hope you all enjoyed your Derby party and the running.
Just glad all were safe and sound at the end of the race.
Love hugs and kisses
Terry Crow,
Miss Keta had to hunker down this weekend to watch THE race.
She is a down home red neck from way back
Should be wrangled into the KY group–not as President–late entry.
Tis summer, Gettin’ ready to hang the fly strip paper from the kitchen ceilin’
Another oh yeah for the Dead Skunk song
KY Born & Bred
Terry Crow GP
Keta-You are now officially a member of the Kentucky chapter. Debbie G is your chapter president and you are a charter member. You have shown the proper spirit. Welcome aboard!
That is a big Thank Ye, Terry!
Debbie, you have another redneck for the great Commonwealth of Kentucky
Good way to start the week!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Welcome to the KY redneck club, Keta! Would you like to be vice president?
I would be honored.
Born about 80 miles south of Lexington.
We still called it “blue grass” country
Hugs, Keta
Dear Keta,
Should have known with all of your great racing
Updates you were from KY. Really thought you
We’re from CA. I guess CA and KY came together
This weekend with I’ll Have Another, racing in CA
Bred in KY. Just like Zenny.
Welcome to the Red Neck Club
thank you for the welcome
Currently in AZ, wish I were in CA.
Terry Crow GP
If you had picked Arizona as your “home” chapter, you could have been president. The current members, Diana S, Rosemary McCauley and Denise in AZ, all declined the honor. Rosemary-It has been a while since you posted. We miss you.