Happy Friday!
Are you excited about the Kentucky Derby? We are, and we want to wish the best of luck to all of the horses and their connections!
Zenyatta and Baby Z have been in the Kentucky news recently. Be sure to check out both of these video segments:
Born To Run—WDRB 41 Louisville and Zenyatta’s First Foal A Handful—wave3.com
We will be returning next week with the second installment of our Lane’s End interview series, this time with assistant broodmare manager Donna Vowles. In the meantime, here’s a short video that was taken in early April by Ann Moss. She really captured Z’s excitement about peppermint treats!
Enjoy your weekend!
-Team Z
You and baby look good Zenyatta. It’s good to see you having fun running around together.
He’s so cute!
Eveline / Maryland.
I’m hopeless behind on comments etc. Just wanted to put my trifecta in for the derby. Union Rags, Hansen, Done Talking. YEAH ROSIE!!!
Kathy R. Canberra Oz.
What a truly great start to a weekend – thank you so much to Lanes End and Mrs Moss for those wonderful videos – we are really blessed to have you people in our lives. I’m writing this in autumn sunshine here in Canberra, waiting for the racing to start here for the weekend, but just wanted to say a prayer for a safe race here and over there for all the horses and connections. Thanks again!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So nice to read your post from the land of the great Black Caviar!
Terry Crow GP
Great to have a visitor from down under.
Awwwwww……. you’re baby is super cute!!!! And you liked the camera!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Z Family Thank you for all the kind words. First, I talked with our Dear Dawn tonight and she is doing fine. She has been busy. Second I gave Homework this weekend. Every class I had today was told to watch the Derby to cheer for Hansen. What is cute is that a few thought Mistletoe was in the derby and Zenyatta. You have to love 10 year olds. The mini Hansens are made out of the rubber material like a stress ball. They are white with a gray tail and mane. On one side is Hansen’s name and the other side the date of the Derby. I mean how cool is that? i just couldn’t believe that Dr. Hansen thought of us. What a Super nice guy !! I also showed the new coverage of Baby Z and he was a big hit. The children just loved his squeals and mama Z chasing him. Well it is time for bed. I am wiped out. Good night and God Bless. Love, Shari
PS I love you Dawn C : )
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shari V.:
Thanks for letting us know Dawn C. is well. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow GP
Too bad Hansen didn’t run better in the Derby. If he goes in the Preakness, I would expect a much better result. Kudos to Doctor Hansen for thinking of the kids.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Shari, The things you do for your class and the response you received from Mr. Hansen was awesome!! I was sorry to see Hansen fade out, but I thought he did terrific considering how overworked he got himself prior to the race. Hansen hung in there when others I love too, did not run there race.
Say “Hi” to Dawn and tell her I’d like her to drop in here.
Terry Crow GP
Alene-You were right about Bodemeister and I was almost totally wrong.
Me, too. I bit the dust with my opinion of Bodeister, too.
One thing though Mike got him out of the pack,
Which I am sure really helped.
Terry Crow GP
Smith rode the horse as well as anybody could have.
Oh, how I wish it was me feeding Zenny those peppermints!
I just love the sound of Ann’s voice when she greets her.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Ditto Sue. And Z knows her voice..
Especially Horses / Southern California
I’ve been watching the two video’s on Baby Z over and over. As so many have already said “just can’t get enough of Baby Z and his “Look at Me” squeal”. The Wave3 story was in two parts, the first part being on Rachel and her foal. I hadn’t seen Part 1 so I searched for it and below is the link. I’m curious to hear what others think about it.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, it was nice seeing Part 1 of that “story”. Hard to tell much, they seem so different in these videos. Rachel & 12-RA seem pretty quiet, she is attentive to him, but not “all over him” the way we saw Z with 12-Z. We don’t see them running at all, although I thought I heard a faint squeal at one point, and he does seem curious. I assume all foals run around, and we just haven’t seen that yet. But it seems like a bit different atmosphere, more serious maybe, at Stonestreet. Whereas Lane’s End looks like more fun, and maybe lighter in mood.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I agree about Part 2 — love hearing him squeal. He’s just sparky and rambunctious all over the place. Zenny will get her exercise. She does anyway, but it looks like he will ensure more.
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
I agree with you Vicki B., just a wonderful video with sounds of 12Z. He runs so fast already! When I looked at the video a second time, there is at one point it seems that he got so close to the fence running straight on, then turning. Just so that lively stinker doesn’t slip into the fence. His legs are so fragile yet. Isn’t Zenyatta just a super Mom!! Just an Auntie worried about nothing I suppose. hugs
P.S. Something is wrong with my computer; it ends 2 comments beyond yours, won’t go on any farther, but I know there has to be more, since after the Derby!!!!!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Vicki B….my thoughts exactly. I wonder if they tried to get some “better” shots on film and weren’t able to do so and what we saw was the best of the shoot. The difference is so striking, it’s like Baby Curlin is being boarded at a city stable somewhere and Baby Z is in Paradise. And before anyone says anything, yes I know Stonestreet is a wonderful place…just talking about how the outdoor film shot came across on film. I also agree with you on what appears to be a very different type of bond between the mothers and their foals.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, I was reluctant to comment much on what seems like different bonds between the moms and their foals, as I don’t really like comparison-hype, and the “judgements” involved, that can be premature or uninformed. But that said, it did make me wonder if R.A. is less bonded to him, because of the unfortunate treatment from her own mom, so her own resulting experience of “what’s normal” was different, and she may know no better, naturally. I remember reading something that her caregivers were concerned, with how she would be with him, before he was born. And she had some pain early on, they were in hospital briefly, so it may all have had some effects on the bond. Again, that said, I’m sure Stonestreet has done whatever they could have, to mitigate any problems that they might have seen signs of, working for the best possible outcome for both Rachel & 12-RA, who deserve that. All we can do is wish them the best of luck with that.
Especially Horses So Cal
Vicki B, I just have to smile. I’m so with you on many levels. Sometimes I start writing something and then I don’t post because I’m being cautious. So many things can be misunderstood when you can’t see the person’s face and or hear the tone of their voice when a comment is made. Regarding those two videos, I know that if Zeny’s piece had been presented like RA’s piece I would have felt a bit bummed out and at the same time I would have been defensive and blamed it on the producers.
Terry Crow GP
Especially horses-A very wise comment and a good post. It is difficult to measure reaction when you can’t see the face of the person involved. However, the people on this site are genuine and you can be pretty sure you are receiving the gist of what they actually think.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Thanks so much for posting the link to Rachel and her colt. Really enjoyed it.
HaHaHa :)
Too cute :)
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the little squealers video – every time just makes me laugh. He knows he’s special and so does his mama! Thanks to all who made these available. It was also good to see so many familiar names posting – I still like this format best – feels more like the diary. Happy Derby Day to all and safe rides!
Paula Higgins
Oh I loved that video of Zenny and Baby Z coming over to get mints from Ann! Ann is the best “Mom” a horse could have. Zenny should send her a Mother’s Day card. Loved the other too pieces on Baby Z. He is an absolute character.
Jan S. / Houston, TX
Thanks Lane’s End and Ann Moss for the videos on the two Sweetiepies. Can’t wait for #2 video piece. Her boy is going to be one to be reckoned with. Wishing all our Z family a nice weekend.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Karen Gogue–thanks for the link to the great story on Mikey. Loved the part about the agents not believing his name!
@Shari Voltz–thanks for relieving our minds about Dawn.
Zenny–you are such a good mom, so vigilant and caring. Love to watch you two together. Nighty-night, sweeties. Love you always.
Karen in Indiana
Love the videos – 2015 can’t get here fast enough! What a character – he’ll keep mom in shape.
Zenyatta and her colt are so calm and comfortable in this world that the people that love them have provided. I can not think of a more beautiful place than Lanes End farm with its immaculate green pastures and black rolling fencing and balmy sunny breezy afternoons. They are so happy that it makes us happy. Just knowing that is good for the soul. Bravo to all that care for Zenyatta. You do a great job and it inspires more people to come into this sport the right way – with heart.
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Ok, I’m late to the party. I was rooting for On fire Baby, Believe you Can and Grace Hall. I am soooo happy for Rosie and Believe you can! What a stretch duel that was! Castellano’s fall was scary but, thank goodness nothing else happened in that race! Rosie, must be so proud!! She’s up there with Julie Krone or, may surpass her success?! Julie was always my Heroin and the Shoe my Hero!
I hope the weather cooperates tomorrow! Early picks, are still the same, just a different order. Bode, Hansen, Take Charge Indy. That can all change during the post parade. When, I’ll make my final choices. CC is out!!! He’s had to many issues and mysteries surrounding him. Such as, missed schooling and barely jogging. To me, that says, he’s not well. I hope for his sake that if something isn’t right, they scratch him! Put the horse, first! See you all tomorrow sometime and best of luck to everyone!
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks Lane’s End for the new post and the videos! They are great!
Have a wonderful Derby weekend, Zenny!
YAY, Rosie Napravnik! Congratulations to Believe You Can and Rosie — job well done!
Congratulations to Larry Jones and Brereton Jones, too!
Goodnight Everyone!
Vickie A Dana Point Ca
A wonderful Friday – Hope Saturday is just as special – Z an Baby Z you are absolutely adorable!
Jerry and Anne = thank you again for the access to Zenyatta – wish I had been able to visit at Hollywood Park – but I was working…now laid off.. ah well- should have taken some vacation..
Happy Derby Day!
Up at dawn & can’t wait!
Hugs, Keta
Happy Derby Day!!!!!
I am up early too. Just so darn nervous and excited.
Even sent the kids out to a horse show. I said, no TV, no me….I am watching the DERBY!!!
Here’s to safe trips home for all today, in all races.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Derby Day!!
Many thanks to Ann for the (too short) video. How cute to see little Prince trotting along by his Mom going to greet HER Mom. Do you think he knows about peppermints yet? Probably doesn’t matter – it looked like Mom scarfed them all down in a flash. What a dream THAT would be – giving Z peppermints!!!
Best wishes and safe trip to all of the horses. I heard last night that Brenda’s horse, Union Rags, was now the favorite. Sure will be fun to see who rises to the top (or maybe that should be “front”).
Brenda S – that Evan Williams that you’re talking about – is that some kind of tea??? :-)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Good Morning Sandy, Happy Derby Day to you. The Evan Williams Honey Reserve is a most delicious blend of bourbon and honey, almost a liqueur consistency. I discovered it in my favorite liquor store in Lexington about three years ago when I was looking for a Derby commemorative bottle of Early Times Mint Julep. I don’t open the Early Times bottles, they’re souvenirs. I used to make my own mint juleps but I like the Evan Williams and ginger ale better and I do drink it in one of my Derby glasses. I’ll even wear my Churchill Downs t-shirt today. Have you picked a horse yet???
Enjoy the day everyone and safe trips for all the horses and jockeys.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Dawn C, I’m so happy to read that Shari talked to you last night and that all is well with you, that you are just very busy. I can relate, I seem to spend all my time these days driving Vic between school, barns and home and when I’m not driving I’m completing applications for bursary and grant money so that we can afford to go to college in September. So, no travels for us this summer. I can hardly believe that almost a year has gone by since we spent our morning together at Lane’s End.
I intend to go to Santa Anita for the BC, are you planning the go? It would be so nice to meet up again and get to know some more dumplings. Happy Derby Day.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I hope to meet you and Dawn at the BC!
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Good Morning Z,
Love the videos. Remember when you were first let loose how you sang and whinied? I guess you passed on your vocal chords too.
Wishing ALL a safe trip in the Derby and a REALLY FAST TRIP to Union Rags & Creative Cause!
Let us all pause to remember the great Ferdinand on this Derby Day, and if it is in your nature, light a candle for him.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I will light a candle. Love him so.
Let’s go Gemoligest I know you can do it boy!
Gloria Jeanne- OCCali
Very cool!!!!! He’s getting so big, and it seems he is just like mom!!!!!! Very very cool!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!
Hugs to all.
Good Luck to Hansen, Union Rags and all horses in today’s Kentucky Derby Day!!!!!!
Miss you Zenyatta and Baby Z!!!!!!
Gloria Jeanne
Darlene Daniels
Good Morning Everyone!
This is one of my favorite days of the year. Is it just me or does it seem like this is one of the most exciting field of horses in a long while. I like them all. I think any one them could win. Which ever horse does win will certainly have earned it. Safe rides for all!
Oh, The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky Home…….
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
I have to agree – fantastic field!
Terry Crow GP
Stephen Foster only made money on two songs he wrote during his lifetime, My Old Kentucky Home being one of them.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
DRF this morning – interesting.
Zenny, your John is featured in photo!
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
A note about above post for DRF. Be sure to click onto the slideshows! Scroll down and you’ll see other slideshows to click on. Most wins by trainers and jockeys of the Derby, AND DRF covers from the Kentucky Derby – I’m lovin’ it!!
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Bloodhorse Steve Haskin.
Karen Gogue / Oh B♥by Oh!
Wouldn’t that be neat?