Today is Zenyatta’s twelfth birthday, Ziconic’s third, and our tenth day of foal watch. We threw a party in front of the foaling barn with Z cupcakes, cards from fans and special treats for equine guests. Thank you to everyone at Lane’s End who helped with the festivities and showed up to celebrate! Check the blog tomorrow for a birthday recap.
Team Z
Paula Higgins
Love this photo! Happy Birthday Zenny.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta,
Sweet Dreams to you, Cozmic One , Ziconic and all your human family, too. Sending prayers and good wishes for an easy delivery and safe, healthy Z and 16Z. We will try to be patient while waiting for the debut. Love you, beautiful girl!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Hoping to wake up to baby news Z. Love you. Happy Dreams all and Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Catherine Uher
Hello everyone! I’ve had a dream that our beloved Zenyatta will have baby number 4 on the 4th! That would be 4/4/16…4×4=16 too, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all my weird numbers and this dream are true and that sometime on the 4th we will all finally have a new little Prince or Princess that we can all be aunts and uncles to!!! Anyway, just wanted to share and see if anyone else had this dream too?! I’m literally checking Twitter and here every hour!!! ??????
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Catherine:
That’s cool. Maybe! Love and Hugs, JB
Celeste/ Massachusetts
I have not had that dream but it seems pretty cool to me!
I hope it’s today!!!
Haven’t heard anything in a few days…..
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Beautiful Chestnut son of Kitten’s Joy, Oscar Nominated, pulls off an upset in the Spiral Stakes today. Congrats to him, Jockey Robby Albarado and Trainer Mike Maker. Here’s the replay.
Airoforce didn’t fire. Hoping he’s OK. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
PS: Today was ON’s first race on All Weather track. Previously he has raced only on the turf.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Correction: It was Brian Hernandez aboard Oscar Nominated, not Robby A. Sorry about that. Love and Hugs, JB
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
Happy Birthday to you and your son, Ziconic!
I am eager to know about the new baby.
Love to you and your sons.
Lise from Maine