Today is Zenyatta’s twelfth birthday, Ziconic’s third, and our tenth day of foal watch. We threw a party in front of the foaling barn with Z cupcakes, cards from fans and special treats for equine guests. Thank you to everyone at Lane’s End who helped with the festivities and showed up to celebrate! Check the blog tomorrow for a birthday recap.
Team Z
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Happy Birthday again Zenyatta!! I love you, we all love you! (12 yrs old, where did the time go)
God bless you and baby to keep you safe.
love with kisses and your sons
loving zprincess and dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
still pacing and praying
That is such a wonderful picture! Happy Birthday to Zenyatta and Ziconic.
Happy Birthday Zenny!
sue and tony
Sweet Zenny…My how you are loved! This picture says it all…so many hearts and hands touch you and are better for it. Do you think this will be the night? Zi would like another foal born on your birthdays. Hugs around your gorgeous neck and kisses on that sweet nose.
Annette Chavez
Happy Birthday Queen Zenyatta!!!!
Diana Hanson
Happy birthday to the Queen of Queens!
Susan Silver
Happy birthday Queen Zenyatta the greatest mare and mom to be ever! And bless this birth to come. Praying for a healthy baby Z.
Love it – Happy Birthday to the Queen and her Prince!!
Dear Zenyatta.You certainly look as if ya’ll had a fabulous day.Still a few hours left.!!!Goodnight and God bless rest well my lovely.Hugs SheenaXOXO
Susan Silver
Happy birthday beautiful gal!! Save your strength Queen Z you have work ahead of u. Praying for a quick and painless delivery. The watch continues.
Happy Birthday to you both! Thanks to all who continue to share her (and her foals) with us!
Judy Pilkay
Happy 12th birthday gorgeous baby girl!!
Judy Pilkay
Happy 12th birthday you gorgeous baby girl.
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Thanks for sharing Zenny’s Birthday Celebration, Team Z!. Did she get any of her favorites like pears or peppermints? Hope so. For all she gave of herself she deserves to always be spoiled no matter her age. I am still sharing her with others after all this time.
Jane Cabrinha
Marilu Villanueva
What a wonderful birthday picture and celebration.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss for sharing this with us.
Just like us other women, I’m sure Zenny is saying to herself, “When is this kid coming out?” Have an uneventful birth, Ms. Zenyatta. You and your baby are precious.
Happy Birthday to our beautiful Queen, Zenyatta!!! Happy Birthday to the young red prince, Ziconic!! Hope both of them will enjoy special treats and fun on this special day. Thank you to Team Z for sharing them with all of us. Thanks!
Marshall (NC Broad)
What a wonderful photo — the Queen and her Court. Lovely!
The Happiest of birthday wishes for you, Z, and for Ziconic. We love you!
Thanks for the birthday photo, Team Z, Lane’s End and Kyle!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, Team Z and Lane’s End Staff:
Thanks for this lovely photo of everyone with the Queen on her 12th Birthday. Happy, Happy Birthday Z and Ziconic. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Z
Dear, Kathy,
I am so sorry to hear about Holly. I know what it feels like to lose a beloved pet. You & your family are all in my thoughts & prayers. love, Donna, Amy & Cappy (my dogs)
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Happy Baby Dreams Z. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Happy Birthday Queen! You are REGAL!!!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Z’s 3 year old nephew, Long Island Sound (War Front out of Z’s half sister, Treasure Trail) broke his Maiden today. He’s trained by Aidan O’Brien. Love and Hugs, JB
Kris (Lombard, IL)
Thanks for sharing. Interesting to see so many horses in a race, not like the US. Hope he goes on to be one to watch.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kris:
Yes, the fields in Europe are often quite large. We have to keep track of him. Love and Hugs, JB
His career will probably be limited over there if he sticks to the poly track. The prestige races are all on the turf.
There are often large fields for maidens because the horses all have a decent shot at winning. As the lay of the land becomes more apparent, less horses tend to race in Europe like here. It was a chore for example to find much competition for Frankel.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
You are very knowledgeable on racing in Europe, as is Sheena. Rely on you to teach us. No surprise it was a chore to find horses to go against “Bobby”. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Ballydoyle might have sent him out on poly because it’s early days in the Irish flat season, and he needs the experience. They could switch him later to the turf. The ground is heavy going now at the Curraugh, and they want to give all of their horses a chance to win and build on success. Heffernan, Long Island’s jockey, said that the penny seemed to drop during the race and the horse instantly understood what to do, and took off. This is a family trait of the Northern Dancer line. It was a very good win. Waiting for some news of Zenyatta’s brother. He’s with O’Brien too, as you know.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Like that reasoning. Good to build confidence in the young ones. Long Island seems to have inherited that ND family trait.
Yes, hoping for news of Z’s brother, De Coronado, too. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Enjoyed the video. Long Island appears to have inherited the Roberto ears like Z and the rest of his distaff family. Jockey says that he’s a baby and will improve. Very nice win.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, you can see the family resemblance; beautiful boy. Impressive win and closing like Z. Love and Hugs, JB
Catherine Uher
Happy birthday my beloved Zenyatta and also to her second Prince Ziconic on his very special 3rd birthday!!! Maybe baby number 4 too???!!! We are all pacing the floor anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest little Z!!! So exciting!!! How wonderful that Ann and Jerry have been there with her for over a week now awaiting the new little one and getting to celebrate her birthday!!! It’s still hard for me to believe she’s 12!!! I love you Zenyatta and am praying for a safe delivery for you and a very healthy little one that hopefully we’ll get to meet very soon!!! ??????????????????
Ellen Z
Happy happy birthday sweet Zenyatta! Cannot wait to see your new baby!
Much love,
Ellen and Zenny (my rescue cat who was named in your honor)
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Im glad Z and her team had a good b-day party?. I posted on the previous blog before i saw the new post. April’s fool huh. Haha. Goodnight every1. HugZ
From Lynne in Surrey, BC, Canada
A very happy, happy birthday to Zenyatta and Ziconic!!!
Still anxiously awaiting Baby # 4
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Team Z, you Rock !
Thank you for all your up dates, I cannot wait for the baby to arrive….
Happy Birthday adorable Zenyatta !!!
Love you all.
Hugs Ingrid.