Zenyatta celebrating her 19th birthday. Photos by Alys Emson
April 1st, today is Zenyatta’s nineteenth birthday. She celebrated with her Lane’s End friends and opened all of her birthday cards. Thank you for the kind gifts and sweet notes.
Also wishing a happy birthday to Ziconic, who is ten today.
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this great article!
I think I have acquired a soft spot for Wild on Ice, Joel Marr (trainer) and Ken Tohill his jockey — some of the little guys.
It is an exciting time for sure!! Lots of interesting prospects and stories.
Hugs and Love 😍
Remember Swiss Skydiver? She has had her first foal, a filly by Kingman. At the end of the Paulick Report article is a photo of SS and her beautiful little girl.
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the news about Swiss Skydiver!
Congrats to SS and papa Kingman on the birth of this lovely filly!
All the best to her for a life full of love and good health. 💕
Neighbor Ann — Love the cute reference, Baby Swiss❣️
Hugs and Love 🥰
Happy, happy Birthday today to one of our foundation and most faithful Dumplings, Judy Berube!! Thanks for everything that you share with us. Hope you’re having a good day, and very best wishes for a happy, healthy year ahead. Welcome to the . . .ummm . . . you know . . . “club” with me and Shirlee 😊🎉🎵🎶🍧🎂❤️❤️
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our “ROCK”, Judy❣️
I am late getting to the Z blog tonight, but I certainly
want to join in with our Z friends in wishing our Judy B.
the very Best Wishes today and always!!
Thank you JB — you make us all feel like dancing! 🥰
Hugs and Love,
Ah yes, the good old days. Russ and I loved dancing. We used to go to a wonderful place in CT with a Swing Band on Saturday nights. Wonderful times.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I had no idea about you and Russ dancing to Swing!
That sounds wonderful (and romantic, too)! There was
a made-for-TV movie years ago entitled “Queen of the StarDust Ballroom” starring Maureen Stapleton — I really
enjoyed that movie. Maureen (don’t think related to Jean)
was a very good actress. I took ballroom dancing for a year when I was about 40 and really enjoyed it; although, I don’t think I excelled. I would have continued, but it is more difficult when you are single. That first year had a single man in it, but when the sign-up for the next session came, he brought a dancing partner. That was my cue to exit.
However, it was a fun endeavor!
Hugs and Bunches of Love ❤️ 💃🏼 🕺🏼 ❤️
Hi Zenny:
I am a long time fan of yours. So sorry I missed wishing you a very Happy 19th Birthday on your special day.
I saw you win your 18th race at Del Mar. How exciting is was to see you in the paddock and watch as you passed right in front of me making your way out onto the track. That day was one of the highlights of my life that I will never ever forget.
I hear you are about to give birth to a Warfront baby. My thoughts and prayers are with you Zenny. I hope your Team-Z family will pension you after this. You have had a long career at Lanes End.
Happy Birthday again Zenny. Wishing you many more to celebrate. I hope one day soon your owners will arrange an open house for your fans to come to see you
Happy Birthday JB!!!!
I wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!! Along with the many others, I really appreciate your dedication to this blog helping to keep it going. You are a very thoughtful person, JB. I wish you many more birthdays to celebrate.
Happy Birthday Judy! A day late, but heartfelt wishes for a wonderful day and year to come! I dont always read the blog daily, but saw the other wishes and had to add mine! I always enjoy reading your posts, you have so many good and interesting things to say!
I will be reading daily now, waiting for news on Zenyatta and Zellda. Such an exciting time, waiting to see the babies then dreaming of their lives to come!
Welcome to “the club”. I have been a member for 4 years now and still going strong! Rosey will be 2 on Saturday, hard to believe how much she has accomplished in her young life. More to come! And her mama Pepper is now 7. How time flies…
Spring has finally sprung! Its actually warming up here in the California central valley. I hope everyone is enjoying good weather!
Again, Happy Birthday Judy!
Happy Belated Birthday, sweetie! You would think I would remember since your birthday is so close to mine! Hope it was lovely and that this will be a good year!
This is a very upsetting article. Kudos to Natalie Voss of PR for once again spotlighting the brutal mistreatment and harm some of our beloved horses endure at the hands of horrible people.
Pray they all will do well and thrive with good care. Also praying, if these charges prove true, this woman is banned from owning or being around horses.
Dear Judy,
Why do people do this? How awful — if you have sentient beings dependent upon you to care for them why do you have them if you don’t CARE!!!!
No only do I hope she is banned from ever owning or being around horses, but banned from owning/being around ANY animals.
Thank you, Natalie Voss for bringing attention to this.
Thanks for posting this article, JB. 💕
Hugs and Love
These are articles on Secretariat’s last known living daughter, Trusted Company and last known living son Maritime Traveler. Peggy told me about them and I wanted to share with all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for these wonderful articles!
How can it possibly be 50 years since Big Red entered aristocracy status?
What a horse and what a legacy! Hope Company and Traveler enjoy a few
more years of good health.
Hugs and Love ❤️
Dear Judy,
I left a reply to your reply last evening on the previous page.
I really like Swing and the music of the Big Bands; although, I
grew up with rock ‘n roll which I like, also.
Hope Zenny and Zell are well — should be any day, I would imagine. 🙏
Have a good week❣️
Hugs and Love
50’s music is what I grew up with and it is truly my favorite. I love Rock & Roll and the Beatles too, Lou Rawls and R & B and Count Basie. Also, a big fan of Opera and Pavarotti. So much wonderful music to listen to.
Russ was older than me and his favorite music was Big Bands from the 40’s. He loved it and he played drums in a trio on weekends in his younger days.
Dear Judy,
You just listed all of my favorite music genres, too! How cool that
your Russ played drums in a trio and loved 40’s music.
Pavarotti! What a talent, magnificent voice indeed!!
(I admit to liking authentic country music as well)
Yes, it was especially cruel to have food just outside where those poor horses were starving. Humans can be so heartless.
Hugs and Love 💕
Seem our taste in music are very much the same. Pavarotti sings so beautifully it brings me to tears. Crazy I know. But things can be so beautiful they bring tears.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Not crazy at all. Music brings tears to me simply because of the beauty — it touches something deep down inside.
Even when the language is different, the music/voice conveys the feeling. “Music is love in search of a word” — this was my senior quote in our high school yearbook. I can’t find the origin right now, but I will look for it.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
I found it. That quote is from Sidney Lanier, a southern poet in the late 19th century — also a literature professor at Johns Hopkins.
Just wanted to follow up and give proper credit.
Hope everyone here has a lovely weekend!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
You have a lot of company. My sister and I got to see him in concert couple of years before he passed. Found myself crying as I applauded along with the sold out audience; woman next to me was crying too. I’m sure many in the crowd were moved to tears of joy.
He was magnificent! I am so grateful that I got to hear him sing in person.
New inductees to Racing Hall of Fame this year include some of our favorite Super Stars. Congrats to all of them. Hope we see Chrome home some day. Arrogate, gone too soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
That is quite a line-up to be inducted! CC is one gorgeous chestnut; Arrogate was a handsome phenomenal champion (too soon he left us);
Songbird is such a beautiful talented girl. Cory Nakatani deserves this
honor and so does Fernando Toro. Congrats to all!
Hugs and Love
Nice article on Ebby’s boy, Confidence Game. Have to say, I’m rooting for Z’s nephew in the Derby. Love Forte, Mage, Two Phil’s too (and a few more; they’re like potato chips, I can’t pick just one). Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Best of racing luck to Confidence Game!!
Love your analogy to potato chips — so true.
I see that Letruska will be going to Curlin for her first mating. That
should be a very fine foal.
Thanks for posting this article.
Hugs and Love 🏇
US and International Champion Lady Aurelia’s first born, American Rascal, won his debut race by more than 10 lengths. There’s a video of his win with the article. His sire; none other than Curlin.
Both he and his Mom trained by Lesley Ward. He’ll be headed to Ascot in June following in Mom’s footsteps. Godspeed beautiful boy.
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this article!
Congrats to American Rascal (love his name!), Wesley Ward, Joel R. and
all connections on the win at Keeneland! Safe and sound always, AR.
He is a handsome son indeed. Lady Aurelia was quite a racehorse, and of
course, the magnificent Curlin — a royal pedigree unarguably!
Thanks for the news. Love his name. You know what a nut I am about the Curlins.
Going to Hill and Dale the second week of May. Hope I get to see him. Told my daughter he is a rock star and I will try not to swoon!
Shirlee, I do know how much you love Curlin. Two exciting foals to look forward to; Letruska/Curlin and Lady A/Curlin. It’s amazing, he almost always has more than one baby in the TC races.
Thanks for this news on Skinner making the Derby 20. Congrats to him, JS and proud Papa Curlin.
Read on BH that Justify will be shuttling for the Down Under breeding season. Stay safe gorgeous boy.
Dear Shirley,
Keep the smelling salts handy!
(do they still make smelling salts?) My grandmother always had
some in her purse.
Enjoy your visit to Hill and Dale. 🥰
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
An article from BH on Ebby’s boy, Confidence Game, as he continues on his way toward a Run For The Roses. Godspeed beautiful boy.
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
🙏 ❤️
judy berube
Marshall (NC Broad)
Judy & Ann,
Ditto for 🙏 ❤️
Thanks for the article, JB❣️
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re all having a lovely day. Love and Hugs, JB🐎💕🐎💕🐎💕🐎💕
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Article from BloodHorse on Derby and Oaks horses with photos and video.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this great article!
I think I have acquired a soft spot for Wild on Ice, Joel Marr (trainer) and Ken Tohill his jockey — some of the little guys.
It is an exciting time for sure!! Lots of interesting prospects and stories.
Hugs and Love 😍
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Godspeed to all of the horses and riders; safe and sound.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Remember Swiss Skydiver? She has had her first foal, a filly by Kingman. At the end of the Paulick Report article is a photo of SS and her beautiful little girl.
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Baby Swiss.
Precious. Thanks!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the news about Swiss Skydiver!
Congrats to SS and papa Kingman on the birth of this lovely filly!
All the best to her for a life full of love and good health. 💕
Neighbor Ann — Love the cute reference, Baby Swiss❣️
Hugs and Love 🥰
judy berube
Dear Ann and Marshall:
Love the Baby Swiss reference. Too cute and clever. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (northeast Ohio)
Happy, happy Birthday today to one of our foundation and most faithful Dumplings, Judy Berube!! Thanks for everything that you share with us. Hope you’re having a good day, and very best wishes for a happy, healthy year ahead. Welcome to the . . .ummm . . . you know . . . “club” with me and Shirlee 😊🎉🎵🎶🍧🎂❤️❤️
Nancy Stamp
Happy Birthday Judy. I count on you to keep this blog going. Have a good year.
Ann NC
Happy Birthday, Sweet Judy B!
Luv ya bunches.
❤️ 💋 😘
Get that Derby hat ready!
Judy Berube
Dear Ann:
Got a straw hat with red roses and red ribbon all set to go. Made it the year Justify and Mikey won the Derby.
Just have to make the Mint Juleps now. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sandy:
Couldn’t ask for better company in the “you know” club. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our “ROCK”, Judy❣️
I am late getting to the Z blog tonight, but I certainly
want to join in with our Z friends in wishing our Judy B.
the very Best Wishes today and always!!
Thank you JB — you make us all feel like dancing! 🥰
Hugs and Love,
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thank you my dear friend.
Ah yes, the good old days. Russ and I loved dancing. We used to go to a wonderful place in CT with a Swing Band on Saturday nights. Wonderful times.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I had no idea about you and Russ dancing to Swing!
That sounds wonderful (and romantic, too)! There was
a made-for-TV movie years ago entitled “Queen of the StarDust Ballroom” starring Maureen Stapleton — I really
enjoyed that movie. Maureen (don’t think related to Jean)
was a very good actress. I took ballroom dancing for a year when I was about 40 and really enjoyed it; although, I don’t think I excelled. I would have continued, but it is more difficult when you are single. That first year had a single man in it, but when the sign-up for the next session came, he brought a dancing partner. That was my cue to exit.
However, it was a fun endeavor!
Hugs and Bunches of Love ❤️ 💃🏼 🕺🏼 ❤️
Nancy Stamp
Happy Birthday Judy. I count on you to keep this blog going. Have a good year Nancy.
Judy Berube
Dear Nancy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Linda Edwards
Hi Zenny:
I am a long time fan of yours. So sorry I missed wishing you a very Happy 19th Birthday on your special day.
I saw you win your 18th race at Del Mar. How exciting is was to see you in the paddock and watch as you passed right in front of me making your way out onto the track. That day was one of the highlights of my life that I will never ever forget.
I hear you are about to give birth to a Warfront baby. My thoughts and prayers are with you Zenny. I hope your Team-Z family will pension you after this. You have had a long career at Lanes End.
Happy Birthday again Zenny. Wishing you many more to celebrate. I hope one day soon your owners will arrange an open house for your fans to come to see you
Love you Zenny.
With so much love.
Linda in NJ
Linda Edwards
Happy Birthday JB!!!!
I wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!! Along with the many others, I really appreciate your dedication to this blog helping to keep it going. You are a very thoughtful person, JB. I wish you many more birthdays to celebrate.
All the best to you.
Great big hug.
Linda Edwards
Judy Berube
My Dear Linda:
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sandy, Ann, Nancy and Linda:
Thank you so much for your sweet Birthday Wishes. Having a quiet day with Lola. Meeting friends for lunch tomorrow. Love all of you. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Lynn Martin
Happy Birthday Judy! A day late, but heartfelt wishes for a wonderful day and year to come! I dont always read the blog daily, but saw the other wishes and had to add mine! I always enjoy reading your posts, you have so many good and interesting things to say!
I will be reading daily now, waiting for news on Zenyatta and Zellda. Such an exciting time, waiting to see the babies then dreaming of their lives to come!
Welcome to “the club”. I have been a member for 4 years now and still going strong! Rosey will be 2 on Saturday, hard to believe how much she has accomplished in her young life. More to come! And her mama Pepper is now 7. How time flies…
Spring has finally sprung! Its actually warming up here in the California central valley. I hope everyone is enjoying good weather!
Again, Happy Birthday Judy!
judy berube
Dear Lynn:
Thank you so much for your sweet words and Birthday wishes. Yes, I feel so lucky to be part of “the club” with my wonderful Z’ster Friends.
Waiting on Z and ZEL news too.
Love and Hugs to You, Rosey, Pepper and your boy, JB
Dear Judy,
Happy Belated Birthday, sweetie! You would think I would remember since your birthday is so close to mine! Hope it was lovely and that this will be a good year!
judy berube
My Dear Kathy:
Thank you and sending Happy Birthday wishes to you and also for a good year.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Thank you!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a lovely evening. Love and Hugs, JB💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This is a very upsetting article. Kudos to Natalie Voss of PR for once again spotlighting the brutal mistreatment and harm some of our beloved horses endure at the hands of horrible people.
Pray they all will do well and thrive with good care. Also praying, if these charges prove true, this woman is banned from owning or being around horses.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Why do people do this? How awful — if you have sentient beings dependent upon you to care for them why do you have them if you don’t CARE!!!!
No only do I hope she is banned from ever owning or being around horses, but banned from owning/being around ANY animals.
Thank you, Natalie Voss for bringing attention to this.
Thanks for posting this article, JB. 💕
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice tribute this year to Big Red celebrating his Triple Crown 50 years ago.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
LOVE Big Red. What a horse…just amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love You. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
These are articles on Secretariat’s last known living daughter, Trusted Company and last known living son Maritime Traveler. Peggy told me about them and I wanted to share with all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for these wonderful articles!
How can it possibly be 50 years since Big Red entered aristocracy status?
What a horse and what a legacy! Hope Company and Traveler enjoy a few
more years of good health.
Hugs and Love ❤️
Dear Judy,
Enjoyed reading these so much. Talk about STELLAR PEDIGREES! Thank you, thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Kathy:
Hope Company and Traveler stay with us for a while longer too.
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a peaceful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I left a reply to your reply last evening on the previous page.
I really like Swing and the music of the Big Bands; although, I
grew up with rock ‘n roll which I like, also.
Hope Zenny and Zell are well — should be any day, I would imagine. 🙏
Have a good week❣️
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
50’s music is what I grew up with and it is truly my favorite. I love Rock & Roll and the Beatles too, Lou Rawls and R & B and Count Basie. Also, a big fan of Opera and Pavarotti. So much wonderful music to listen to.
Russ was older than me and his favorite music was Big Bands from the 40’s. He loved it and he played drums in a trio on weekends in his younger days.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
You just listed all of my favorite music genres, too! How cool that
your Russ played drums in a trio and loved 40’s music.
Pavarotti! What a talent, magnificent voice indeed!!
(I admit to liking authentic country music as well)
Yes, it was especially cruel to have food just outside where those poor horses were starving. Humans can be so heartless.
Hugs and Love 💕
shirlee c cook
Seem our taste in music are very much the same. Pavarotti sings so beautifully it brings me to tears. Crazy I know. But things can be so beautiful they bring tears.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Not crazy at all. Music brings tears to me simply because of the beauty — it touches something deep down inside.
Even when the language is different, the music/voice conveys the feeling. “Music is love in search of a word” — this was my senior quote in our high school yearbook. I can’t find the origin right now, but I will look for it.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
I found it. That quote is from Sidney Lanier, a southern poet in the late 19th century — also a literature professor at Johns Hopkins.
Just wanted to follow up and give proper credit.
Hope everyone here has a lovely weekend!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
You have a lot of company. My sister and I got to see him in concert couple of years before he passed. Found myself crying as I applauded along with the sold out audience; woman next to me was crying too. I’m sure many in the crowd were moved to tears of joy.
He was magnificent! I am so grateful that I got to hear him sing in person.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight Sweeties. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
The thing that made me most sick was the fact that the horses could see the hay, but couldn’t reach it.
That’s beyond comprehension. 😪😪😪
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
New inductees to Racing Hall of Fame this year include some of our favorite Super Stars. Congrats to all of them. Hope we see Chrome home some day. Arrogate, gone too soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That is quite a line-up to be inducted! CC is one gorgeous chestnut; Arrogate was a handsome phenomenal champion (too soon he left us);
Songbird is such a beautiful talented girl. Cory Nakatani deserves this
honor and so does Fernando Toro. Congrats to all!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Well said. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article on Ebby’s boy, Confidence Game. Have to say, I’m rooting for Z’s nephew in the Derby. Love Forte, Mage, Two Phil’s too (and a few more; they’re like potato chips, I can’t pick just one). Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Best of racing luck to Confidence Game!!
Love your analogy to potato chips — so true.
I see that Letruska will be going to Curlin for her first mating. That
should be a very fine foal.
Thanks for posting this article.
Hugs and Love 🏇
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, Letruska/Curlin foal; Royal Pedigree. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Nice video explaining why Curlin was chosen as Letruska’s first mate.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
How cool they showed the sonogram!!
Thanks, Judy❣️
Hugs and Love
Sandy (northeast Ohio)
Wow!! How did I miss this news about Letruska?? ❤️❤️😻😻😻
Sandy (northeast Ohio)
I have no idea how those cat faces got there! 😩
Judy Berube
Dear Sandy:
Too funny.
I know how you love Letruska. Truly a Royal pedigree. Love and Hugs, JB
Wayne T Crimi
Is Zilkha still in some kind of training to race?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love and Hugs, JB🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
US and International Champion Lady Aurelia’s first born, American Rascal, won his debut race by more than 10 lengths. There’s a video of his win with the article. His sire; none other than Curlin.
Both he and his Mom trained by Lesley Ward. He’ll be headed to Ascot in June following in Mom’s footsteps. Godspeed beautiful boy.
judy berube
OOPs: Correction
That’s Wesley Ward (not Lesley). Sorry about that. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this article!
Congrats to American Rascal (love his name!), Wesley Ward, Joel R. and
all connections on the win at Keeneland! Safe and sound always, AR.
He is a handsome son indeed. Lady Aurelia was quite a racehorse, and of
course, the magnificent Curlin — a royal pedigree unarguably!
Hugs and Love ❤️
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Thanks for the news. Love his name. You know what a nut I am about the Curlins.
Going to Hill and Dale the second week of May. Hope I get to see him. Told my daughter he is a rock star and I will try not to swoon!
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Shirlee, I do know how much you love Curlin. Two exciting foals to look forward to; Letruska/Curlin and Lady A/Curlin. It’s amazing, he almost always has more than one baby in the TC races.
Thanks for this news on Skinner making the Derby 20. Congrats to him, JS and proud Papa Curlin.
Read on BH that Justify will be shuttling for the Down Under breeding season. Stay safe gorgeous boy.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Hope you do get to see Curlin. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirley,
Keep the smelling salts handy!
(do they still make smelling salts?) My grandmother always had
some in her purse.
Enjoy your visit to Hill and Dale. 🥰
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love You. Big Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
John’s horse Skinner is in the Derby! And he is a Curlin. So happy for John and the team. Safe trip.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Me, too, Shirley!!
Wishing them a safe trip, also❣️
Hugs and Love