Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z

Queen of Racing
Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z
thank you for the birthday photos of Zenyatta.
Prayers for safe delivery. Anxious to see all is well and new foal photo.
When is delivery date?
Hugs to all
We think around mid-may.
judy berube
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Hope you’re all comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Dear Judy:Lovely weather promised for the Grand National and warm not good for the chasers.One was exhausted after winning today but all horses were fine.I think Katie is going to ride on Saturday.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Bluegrass Girl
Steve Andersen @DRFAndersen Thursday, 6 April, 2017
Santa Anita has amended first post time on Saturday from noon to 12:10 p.m., Pacific.
Post time for Santa Anita Derby is 4:12 p.m.
April 7 Cherokee Devotional
It seems only yesterday when the first cold wind blew in and laid flat the wild rose and turned the canes gray. Leaves turned and dropped. Snows fell and drifted. Winter threatened to last forever. But it didn’t. Spring runs in and out like a child opening and slamming a door just to irritate us. The birds are flirting and meadows abound with baby calves in their first days. It is a time of change-not only in nature but in us. We enjoy that breaking point between late winter and early spring. In our mind’s eye we know where the wild phox will spread its fragrance and the oxeye daisies will crowd the narrow path. It is with the same eye that we see ourselves blooming with health and prospering beyond our dreams. Only those who walk under a cloud miss the joy of this time, the open meadows and greening hills.
Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and antelope play…Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day.
I forgot it was Friday!Hovis is awaiting the arrival of CNSM and Herman the German so he is asking for good vibes to be sent his way.He’s been a good boy this week and had Dolly and 2 little dudes to keep him company.Safe trips for all horses and jockeys in the Grand National tomorrow.
Oops the link
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for our weekly Hovis visit. Oh, I so hope he gets a good report and can be in his small paddock at least for awhile each day. It is great that the famous Hovis Humor is still in fine fettle!
Power Up, Hovis, and get well soon.
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
Thanks! Lots of funny comments in today’s update! Hovis is being such a good boy. Fingers crossed he gets to go into the small paddock! TGIF and safe trips for all the horses and jockeys. Enjoy the Grand National, Sheena!
A double for Colin Tizzard and Robbie Power who win the Melling Chase with Fox Norton.Pinshu won earlier.Alan and Ann Potts own both horses.A beautiful day at Aintree and here in Wales maybe a bit warm for GN??Katie Walsh hopes to ride in the big race tomorrow.
Another for Colin Tizzard as Ultragold wins the the Topham. Young Harry Cobden aboard Brocade racing owns.All horses safe and sound but screens up for Liam Treadwell.Wishing up well.
Should have said “him”!!
As usual, I am so thankful to you for post Hovis each Friday. Adds to the sunshine of this day.
Just saw the TV schedule for tomorrow. We are going to get to see the Blue Grass and the Wood. I will be especially watching to see He Who Cannot Be Named race in the Wood. Hope he does well. Afraid to say his name as it seems to jinx any horse I favor!
Safe trip to all of them. Good racing luck to Gary and Royal Mo.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Yes, I saw that NBCSN is carrying all three Derby Preps (Wood, Blue Grass and SA Derby) starting at 5:30 EST.
You’re cracking me up; Godspeed to He Who Cannot Be Named and all the horses, safe and sound. Tough to choose between Gormley and Royal Mo; Godspeed to both of them. Like Mikey’s mount too, Reach The World by Tapit out of Reach The Stars (Galileo); beautiful Gray. Love and Hugs, JB
There will be some jumping up and down at my house if certain horses win today. Would love to see Gary in the winner’s circle. I have to be careful how much I celebrate. The last time I really got into it (Muchie’s BC win) I scared my poor cats half to death.
You and Lola Mae have a good day. Enjoy the races.
Judy Berube rhode island
Dear Shirlee:
Don’t hurt yourself jumping on that knee. Wow, what a great run by He Who’s Name Cannot Be Mentioned. Congrats to him and you. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth N M…..thanks for the info on Coz and Zi. Was hoping to see Zi run at Santa Anita sometime soon.
Must be getting close to Queen Z’s foaling date. Any information on expected date? Hoping and praying for an easy foaling for Queen Z and a healthy foal!
judy berube
Dear quarterhossgal:
Word is that Z’s due the middle of May. Apparently the first cover last year wasn’t successful and she was bred again. Love and Hugs, JB
De Coronado entered at Leopardstown tomorrow in the 5.05pm.2nd egg arrived at Rutland 11.11am.
Yet another terrorist attack in Europe Stockholm’s turn today.A truck drives into a group of pedestrians.3 confirmed dead.RIP the innocents of this deadly war against the freedoms we cherish.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this info on DC. Godspeed to him tomorrow. Love and Hugs, JB
Hovis had a visit from Herman and he’s allowed OUT!!!!Great news for the big guy and Karen is so relieved.
Denman will spend his retirement at Paul Barber’s farm acting as nanny to the youngsters.He is not ridden anymore now problems with wear and tear.I pray he can have a long lazy retirement.Moose and Monet’s Garden looked magnificent.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the welcome news about Hovis! So glad he can have some outside time, bless him.
Hope Denman will have a long happy life in retirement at Paul Barber’s farm. Stay well Denman, and enjoy those youngsters!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Long, happy, healthy retirement Denman. Love and Hugs, JB
debbie sutherland
Yay for Hovis to be out !!!! Enjoy your paddock and a little grass and moving about big boy.You have been so good, great news.
I read your diary today and have to say it makes my day,love you and thanks for the smiles and laughter you bring us.
Happy retirement to Denman, hope he has many happy years on the farm.
Zenny, I am keeping posted and watching you and sending love.
Appreciate the blog and photos of you so much.
Dear Judy:Great news about Hovis and CNSM is looking well too.It promises pretty warm for the Grand National tomorrow.Good luck to Winx overnight.Glad you received the card safely I always mail too early!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Frank Hercules Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Yes, Hovis will be happy to be outdoors for a while each day. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on him. Glad CNSM is doing well. Godspeed Winx and all the horses everywhere, safe and sound.
Thank you again for the lovely birthday card. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed to all the horses in the Grand National. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Laurie in Oregon
So, so happy to hear how well Z is doing :) Am anxiously waiting for documentary to
come out and am anxiously waiting for the new baby ;)
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and Z Family,
Hope everyone has a nice evening. Zenny, can’t imagine how you are more-than-ready for your new wonder to arrive! Would love to come and spend time with you on your foal watch, which seems to be another month or so. Pray sweet dreams for you and everyone in your family – equine and human. with much love, Elizabeth PS Pacing shoes on in New Mexico
Martha Fosdick
Sheena Thank you so very much for the update on Hovis. He is absolutely adorable. So glad he gets to go out. YAY! May all the horses running in the Grand National run fast and jump safely. Best Wishes and Good Luck to all. More wishes to Gormley and Mo Royal . Also I hope Denman has a very long and well deserved retirement. Finally, Good Night to all,. May you sleep beautifully.
Donna Alsabrook
Winx. Awesome. WOW. Congrats to all the connections. Was so worth staying up late!
Judy Berube rhode island
Congrats Winx; perfect again. Love and Hugs, JB
Winx the superstar does it again!Her 17th consecutive win in the Queen Elizabeth earlier today.Sadly the Sydney cup had to abandoned after an incident which caused Almoonquith to be euthanized.Huge congratulations to Winx now aiming for a 3rd Cox plate later this year
Dear Sheena,
Winx is indeed the superstar! Congratulations, Winx! Sad to read of Almoonquith’s death. RIP
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
RIP beautiful Almoonquith. Love and Hugs, JB
April 8 Cherokee Devotional
Peace of mind is better than gold and just as precious. But unlike gold, peace comes when we ask for it and let it happen-not when we go in search of it. We look for a time to be peaceful. But what may seem to be a waste of time can be just what we need-a spot of sunlight, soft breezes, the sound of locusts humming in the night. The little things calm us and bring us rest. But the best comes when we release our hold on little cares, the voices that tell us how bad things are in the world-and just let peace seep in. Nothing so becomes us as stillness and quiet serenity. Nothing so aptly furnishes the background music like sounds of nature, the mockingbird’s midnight song that expands our boundaries and enchants our hearts.
We are a part of the earth, and the earth is part of us.
Safe trips to all horses and jockeys in the Grand National today.It’s a gloriously warm day there but the facilities for the horses there are second to none Red Rum wasn’t even afforded a bucket of water in the 70’s!
Red Rum was supernatural. He didn’t need any water to win. It was all done by his own magic.
Yes,indeed he was magical and a complete one-off.I,for one,am disappointed the winner didn’t get to the enclosure.I accept it was warm today and their safety is paramount.He was a well fancied horse.I had for a while thought Moosie’s dad might get his 3rd winner with Blaklion.I can actually watch now with both my eyes open.Many Clouds was inducted into the Aintree Hall of Fame.Strangely under a cloudless sky.
It’s good that no one was hurt. 40 racers is a big card. Winning once is a huge accomplishment. Three wins like Rum is truly extraordinary.
Another double for Colin Tizzard and Robbie Power at Aintree with Finian’s Oscar and Codelco.
One for Arthur wins the Grand National for Scotland!Ridden by Derek Fox and trained by Lucinda Russell.Owned by the golf widows.All finishers dismounted to be cooled down and the best news of all 40 horses are safe and sound.Great race!Huge congratulations to all connections.
Better still the horse is from Ireland and is named for Arthur Guinness, the Irish brewer.
judy berube
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans,
Wonderful that all 40 horses came out of the Grand National safely. Congrats to Arthur. Hope they reward him with a Guinness. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to Arthur. Wow! Yesterday was National Beer Day. How fitting.
Cheers. Happy all came home safe. What a race.
His dad, Milan, was second in the the BC Turf in 2001. He’s also the sire of Jezski, foe of Hurricane Fly. J was out this season with a leg injury. Owned by McManus. Might be back next year. AP used to ride him. Nice horse.
Ann NC
Thank you, Max. He made Dad proud today. Amazing day!
Appreciate your interesting info. Any foe of The Fly is a friend of mine, ha!
Here we go…..more great racing now!!!
Interesting too that Arthur is trained by a woman and owned by two women, the Golf Widows. That doesn’t happen every day. He’s also got the Northern Dancer blaze. The Dancer is his great grand sire.
Ann NC
So happy for the Golf Widows. Oh my, yes, the ND blaze. It goes right over the end of his nostril, just like ND. Amazing. So handsome.
De Coronado was 10th in his race.
What happened?
He was last coming into the turn I heard but found nothing.I didn’t get to see the race only heard a report on FB.Coolmore are being easy on him because he is so big.Peter Scudamore who was a jumps jockey is Lucinda’s partner.He never got to win the National although his father Michael did in 59’on Oxo.I believe the horses were paraded after the last race.
Was one of the O’Brien’s riding him? This is very disappointing as he is Verti’s last goal. Hoping that he gets another chance.
judy berube
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans:
Yes, this is disappoint, but maybe he will come to form late because he’s still filling out his frame. Hope he came out of the race OK.
Sheena, please keep us posted as to when he goes again. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Oops: Meant to say “disappointing”. Sorry about that. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z Fans.
Wishing you a Happy Eastern in advance.
Love & Hugs, Ingrid
Dear Ingrid.You find such cute little videos,Such an adorable cat.A very Happy Easter to you too.Hugs
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Sheena,
Thank you, yes I try to find cute videos,
This cat is so cute.
Big hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube rhode island
Dear Ingrid:
Oh my, those eyes are saying, “I know I’m cute”! Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Lovely pics of Hovis naked in the field munching his grass.He is behaving himself!