Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z

Queen of Racing
Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z
Martha Fosdick
Good Night Zenny and baby bump, Happy Birthday to Doris Day, Good Job Moose, RIP Wimpy Bar and Congrats Mind Your Biscuits. If I’ve forgotten anyone who needs a shout out I apologize. Coz did indeed workout. He went 4 furlongs in 51.80 handily, I don’t know if that’s good or bad but in any case, good job and keep up the good work.
Martha Fosdick
After reading my post I realized I had indeed missed writing Happy Birthday Whirlaway,
Thanks for the story of Foinavon Rueing is indeed lovely and Congrats to Maya and her egg.
Wishing the legends Hurricane Fly and Hardy Eustace a very Happy Birthday.The’Fly’ is 13 today and Eustace is 20.They are celebrating with carrot cake.Hugs to them both.The ‘Fly’ holds the world record for grade one wins.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the post about the legends’ shared birthday.
Happy Birthday to Hurricane Fly and Hardy Eustace! So nice to have special cake on your birthday, isn’t it, handsome boys?
Hugs and Love
April 5 Cherokee Devotional
Power of some kind affects everything we do. But this power is not political or electronic so that one little glitch can wipe it out in seconds. The real power is what the Cherokee calls adadolisdi-which is prayer. Quicker than lightning, if it is handled the right way it can do anything. Born of spirit, this power is dynamite. It does not rely on outside currents of energy to keep it going, but thrives on self-generated faith that is properly fed and well-kept. We have no idea how dynamic this inner power is until we begin to rely totally on things and people outside ourselves. It is then that we feel the lack of joy needed to connect us to powerful adadolisdi, the language of love and worship. We can overcome the impossible with fire and mettle. We can grow in stamina with every breath-when we learn to use the power that is within us.
We may quarrel with men about things on earth, but we never quarrel about the Great Spirit.
Chief Joseph
beautyfull Zenny :-) if you allow , dear Peggy do like horses , when they didnt use chemicals reducing pain and when they are lame , horses dont want to move , or when they are need to move they move very slowly , horses tune mooving of legs for not to make tension in injured leg , if horses feel that they are needing , they stay and have rest very long time , i remember middle heavy broken ankle in my right hind leg 15 years ago , i was lucky that hoof was with no horse shoe , fighting of two horses in very cold weather in winter , there was no enough free space for walking of horse there , we walked near hind legs of other horses , recovery long , monthes , half of year , year and half , in now time my hind rides :-) was like here , trainer on usual speed walked quick horse , i stayed on short stirrups some minutes , my nokia recorded video with horse ears :-) , nokia was placed in pocket that was tied with my clothes at up only , for horizon view of videocam , hello to Gunnevera :-) , i saw video of race , heavy for horses very quick race , his mooving looked to be carefull like mooving of Zi :-) in his debut race , this is well for health of horses , and muddy soft course is well for health of legs of horses , happy birthday april2 , 1938 Whirlaway :-) , i like Citation :-) too
Sweet Zenny and little bump more storms on the way. Stay in the barn and be safe. I know your team at Lanes End will take good care of you. Hope this rash of spring storms will be over soon. We had hail last Thursday in addition to high winds.
Hope all are safe today.
Blue is causing problems at Glaslyn.She and Mrs G were last seen flying off.The male Aran has not returned yet.Sadly no signs of Dai at the Dyfi
beautyfull Zenny :-) you look well , i like to see you in all your photos and videos , Coz :-) 4f in 51:80 is very different with you usual 4f in 50:40 , 4f in 51:00 , Coz :-) from my view quiet way is to take month layoff and to check health of bones and joints in legs and common health , im not sure , Zenny :-) fans can to correct me , simply i remember your yearling video in wet snow and remember what was with El Areeb and Unique Bella on dry hard course :-( :-(
Coz :-) and Zi :-) walk on air with groom , eat apples pears care of your health , beautyfull Zenny :-) do all quietly and not quickly , walk on air when weather is good , eat apples pears care of your health , say to Vixana :-) too , beautyfull Zenny :-) Zi Coz dC Winx and mates stay comfy and cozy in your stalls , eat apples pears care of your health , lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy.
“My dog thinks he’s a human”
Ha ha ha….
Love & Hugs, Ingrid.
Dear Ingrid.Quincy is such a cutie.Thank you for sharing this adorable video.Hugs
Ingrid Arnone
Oh, you welcome, dear Sheena.
I think you Judy is around.
Big hug Ingrid.
Judy berube
Dear Ingrid:
How adorable is this little guy. Thank you so much for sharing the video. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ingrid,
Quincy is TOO Cute!
Thanks for sharing with us.
Hugs and Love
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Ingrid,
I think Quincy should have his own show on TV and be a talk-show host. He’s so cute! Hope you and Q have a beautiful day. with love, Elizabeth
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy, dear Marshall and dear Elizabeth.
You welcome, so glad you like him, he is so cute indeed.
Love you, big hugs Ingrid.
Queen Z looks beautiful! Any news about Zi racing in the near future? Is it likely that Coz will be retired this year? Bless Queen Z and her great family and her Lanes End friends that take such good care of her.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear QH Gal,
Love your web name ~ quarter horses are amazing! I don’t know the racing plans for Ziconic and Coz either, but assume they are both in training. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Dear Judy:Hope all is well with you.Glesni was cwtching up to Monty on the new perch in the evening sunshine.I think Poldark will be shown on PBS in September.CNSM is back Friday and Herman the German is going to assess Hovis so he just may be able to visit the paddock!Goodnight God bless youLM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Glesni and Monty are a devoted couple. Glad to hear CNSM is back and hope Herman has good news for Hovis. Looking forward to Poldark. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap,Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Ann NC
Hoping Hovis can visit his paddock. Baby steps……get well sweet guy.
Ray Lopez
Happy Birthday Zenyatta , Looking good, glad to have taken many pictures with you at Hollywood Park( Barn 55).
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ray,
Lucky you! To have pictures with Z at Barn 55 — Wow, what treasures!
judy berube
Dear Ray:
Ditto what Marshall said. Treasures, indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Alsabrook
Hope you are OK Miss Z. The storms were pretty wicked in your area this afternoon.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Prayers for all the innocents lost in Syria and their families. Poor little children. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Yes, many prayers for these poor souls. So sad that there is such brutality and evil running amok in our world.
Hugs and Love
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Judy,
So glad you posted for prayers for the dispossessed people. It has been and is like this in so many places in the world. with love, Elizabeth
Martha Fosdick
I wish I knew how to do videos. I have a little white dog that could be Quincy’s twin. While she doesn’t do the same things he does, her claim to fame is doing animal imitations. She does a reasonable version of a clucking hen, a honking goose and a quacking duck. Last night it appeared she was working on squeaking like a mouse. Hm.
Good Night Zenny, Baby Bump, Coz and Ziconic may you all Zster’s and Team Z sleep beautifully.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Martha,
What a clever little dog you have. She does impressions — now that’s really something!!
She could perform with Jimmy Fallon! :-)
Hugs and Love
Martha Fosdick
I wish I knew how to do videos. I have a little white dog that could be Quincy’s twin. While she doesn’t d the same things he does, her claim to fame is doing animal imitations. She does a reasonable version of clucking hen, a honking goose and a quaking duck. Last night it appeared she was working on squeaking like a mouse. Hm.
Good Night Zenyatta, Baby Bump, Ziconic, All Zsters, Team Z and anyone anywhere who has anything to do with horses. May you sleep beautifully.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
If you have an iphone, you can make a video and then upload it to Dropshots (or other photo and video website) for free and then post it here. Would love to see your little talented “mouse”. Is she a poodle or poodle mix like Quincy? Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Martha,
Your little ‘girl’ sounds so cute and witty! Would love to hear and see her bird and rat imitations. There might be a new TV career in the making too. What a wonderful and entertaining doggie she must be! Hope you and Q have a great day today.
with love, Elizabeth
Coz :-) im joyfull to see you on course , turf in Zi :-) race in video looked like desert grass growing on usual dirt course :-) , Coz :-) your workout is gift to Zi :-) and mom Zenny :-) birthday :-) , way of Jess’s Dream :-) Animal Kingdom :-) and mom Zenny :-) is well , Coz :-) enjoy your usual everyday routine in racing stable , quietly and not quickly recover your legs and health , choose sloppy course and convenient for you weather conditions for your quick breeze no matter workout or carefull race , say to , 4yo foal of mom Zenny :-) , Zi :-) too
Coz :-) i forgot , way of Curalina :-) and Rachel’s Valentina :-) is good too , changing of weather on earth was , lucky hooves to all :-)
April 6 Cherokee Devotional
There are times when it pays to take a second look-to really pay attention to those things that cross our paths. We may have already missed a wonderful experience by hasty judgment. When quick judgments are made from a limited point of view, the good qualities of anything are hidden. It is essential to look beyond first impressions if we are ever to find a rare jewel. Even Galun lati is helpless to send us blessings if we are dull of spirit and incapacitated by our own smart minds. In our “expert” attitudes, we sometimes allow the very things that would make us peaceful and happy pass by without lifting a hand. Wisdom is being able to see quality in the rough-and then being gentle and patient enough to shape it to perfection.
How can we trust you? When Jesus Christ came on earth, you killed him and nailed him to a cross.
Tecumseh 1810
For those of you who like me are enchanted by her name, Yorkipoo Princess is running Saturday.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks for this info on Yorkiepoo Princess. Godspeed beautiful girl; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Wishing Sea the Stars a Happy 11th birthday.The only horse to win a Guineas,a Epsom Derby and Arc in one season.One of the greatestX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Happy Birthday #11, Sea the Stars!
Hope you have a wonderful day, Champ!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Happy Birthday STS. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Happy Birthday Champ!
Huge congratulations to Lizzie Kelly for winning her 2nd grade one the Betfair Bowl on Tea for Two beating my favourite boy Cue Card.Frankel was admiring the stamp his stamp today.
Buveur D’Air does the Cheltenham Aintree double in fine style.They have been recalling Red Rum’s historic 3rd Grand National a beautiful wreath on his grave.So many wonderful memories of Aintree’s greatest.Silviniaco Conti has been retired safe and sound.Winner of several grade one’s I wish him a long and happy life.
Frankel and his stamp.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
This photo is just great! Beautiful Frankel looking at his stamp — it looks as though he approves! Too cute.
Thanks for the post.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
I think the Champ likes his stamp very much. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Linda in NJ
What a great photo of Frankel. Too cute. He really does look like he approves.
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing this. He looks great and his stamp is wonderful. Shows him at his finest.
Happy Thursday! Can’t wait for this weekend. The Derby trail is so murky so far. Hope all of you are well and happy. I am better everyday. I still can’t drive though. Seeing Zenny so happy and content fills me with joy. I was thrilled to see Zic run on the grass and though he didn’t win this time I do think he’s finally got it.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
So happy to hear that you are improving everyday and feeling better! Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and send prayers for healing.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Vicki:
Good to have a post from you and happy to hear you’re doing better. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Hi Vicki. Glad you are feeling better. Zi did look like he was enjoying himself.
So glad to hear you are doing better. Be patient when you start to drive again. Took me a few slow trips around the neighborhood to get back in the swing when I could not drive for 6 weeks after surgery. Hope this weekend does clear up the Derby a bit. Every horse I decide to like either comes up injured or throws a real clunker in a race. Am afraid to even whisper a name since the imps of injury are listening.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy all the racing.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Vicki,
Wonderful that you are on the mend. Keeping you in my prayers. with love, Elizabeth
Marilyn Braudrick
Still trying to find out abut Vixana. Has she foaled? yet? When is she due.? Zenny is alone in her paddock. Please anyone with any info ????? Thank you whoever helps me to learn why she isn’t with Zenny anymore.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marilyn,
I don’t think any of us knows about Vixana as yet. I hope she is well and that maybe she has foaled successfully which would account for why she is no longer Z’s paddock-mate.
Fingers crossed that this is indeed the case.
Hugs and Love
Martha Fosdick
Hi Judy> Floof is a rescue dog and as far as anyone knows, she is a Maltese mix although as mentioned, she looks very very much like Quincy. I’ve been trying all morning to at least upload her picture, but I keep getting a message that the address I’m using isn’t correct. Could you please let me know what is the correct address. Also, a reminder that Gormley and Royal Mo are running this Saturday.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marilyn,
Love your doggie’s name — Floof is too cute!
Hope you can figure out how to get the video posted.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Martha:
Oh, Maltese is my sister’s favorite breed. I have read that there is Poodle in their early breeding crosses. What a cute name.
As far as uploading a photo, first you have to import the photo from your i phone to your computer. Then open a window for Dropshots and register an account for free. Then you can upload your photo to Dropshots and you should be able to post it with your comment on the Blog. Wish I was closer so I could come over and help you. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Martha, you may be able to do the whole process right from your phone, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to do that. Love and Hugs, JB
Cheltenham gold cup winner Imperial Commander has died aged16 .Trained by Moosie’s dad Nigel TD he won the year Kauto had a horrific fall and Denman had recovered from his heart problems to be 2nd.Rest in peace brave boy.Conflicting reports about the short guy’s sister she had a crashing fall in the Foxhunters and was kicked.Reports were she had broken her arm but news half an hour ago says she hopes to ride Wonderful Charm on Saturday.
Blue has spent much of the day”keeping Monty and Glesni company”at the Dyfi!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
RIP Imperial Commander. Wow, Shorty’s sister is a real trooper; I know a thing or two about getting kicked. Very painful to say the least. Hope Blue behaves herself. Love and Hugs, JB