Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z

Queen of Racing
Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hope everyone has a great week!
Has anyone been watching “The Feud” on FX Sundays at 10PM? Really well done! Susan Sarandon is definitely channeling Bette Davis — spot-on performance. She actually seems to BE Ms. Davis! Jessica Lang does quite well as Joan Crawford, also. A fascinating series to be sure.
Goodnight Zenyatta, Z family and friends! Sweet dreams and restful slumber to all. ❤️
Hugs and Love
April 3 Cherokee Devotional
Why must we judge ourselves by what someone else is saying? They only think. Is it possible to fit our lives into the narrow confines of theirs?Let us search our souls. we have spiritual connections uniquely our own-deeper in many ways than those of people who want us to be like they are. But there is no way we can be like another person. We can only be better people in our own way. We know right from wrong, regardless of how the world-at-large has tried to condition us. Nothing can keep us from hearing our own voices of common sense-nothing, that is, but the noise and clamor of outside voice. And yes, maybe some are inside. But they have no good purpose; they mean to destroy. We need not dally with trouble. We can refuse to be a part of anything that was not a gift of Galun lati-the Great Spirit.
To fight is to forget ourselves as Indians in the world.
Sweet Zenny, Be safe today. More storms are forecast. Kentucky seems to be in the area for a slight risk of severe storms, but get in the barn away from the rain and lightning.
Found your cookies at Tractor Supply!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Congrats on your successful search for Mrs. Pasture’s Cookies! Yay! ?
Glad you found them at Tractor Supply.
Hugs and Love
I am going to send some to Lea. But I am going to send a note saying that Zenyatta hopes he will share a few with Blame.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great idea! I know Lea will enjoy them, and I am sure Zenyatta will share some with Blame — she is such a sweetheart!
Hugs and Love
Barbara Wood
Hi Zenny!
People all over the world were thinking of you and Ziconic on your birthday. You are looking very motherly these days, as you should be. Sending oodles of love and prayers for a safe delivery. Hugs to all.
P.S. I think of you every time I pick up my “Zenyatta” keychain.
Wishing the lovely singer/actess Doris Day a very Happy 93rd Birthday.One of my favourite singers and a brilliant light comedienne plus a great advocate for abused 4 leggers.Enjoy your special dayX
It seems Doris is 95 today!A copy of her birth certificate has been found and it states she was born in 1922 but as Doris has always said age is just a number.Even more cause to celebrate!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the reminder. Doris Day is a great favorite of mine, too. Exceedingly talented and a very nice person as well.
Happy Birthday to Doris Day! Best wishes for good health and happiness.
Hugs and Love
Jane Powell who was of the same time as Doris Day turned 88 last week. Singer and actress. She did not make very many movies but had her hay day with the musicals.
judy berube
Dear Sheena, Marshall and Shirlee:
Always loved Doris Day and her movies; like her too for her work helping animals. Happy Birthday Ms Day and Ms Powell! Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, I adore Doris Day. Loved her movies and Thank her so much for all she has done for our animals
Thank you too for asking. My foot is some better, but still healing.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Shirlee, Happy Birthday to Jane Powell too. Thanks for telling us.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena, Thanks so much for reminding us of Doris Day’s Birthday. I love finding her old movies on TMC. Love the Old movies.
Classic Empire is back to 100%.He breezed 5 furlongs in 59.60 today.According to Mark Casse a spectacular piece of work in preparation for Oaklawn on april 15th His prep race forr the Kentucky derby.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this great news on CE. Stay healthy beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zenny + Ziconic.
It sure looks like you got some lovely birthday treats.
Love you, Big Girl.
She looks fantastic. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Z!!
Barbara Brayton
How cute can you get? Happy Birthday Ms Z and Ziconic too. She does not look a day over 12!
??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Queen of racing!!!! We all love you very much and hope many more parties to come!! ???
Dear Judy.Moose took part in his first RoR competition over the weekend and came 5th overall.He hit some poles down in the jumping but Sophie is thrilled with him and he got a rosette.Great pic of Monty with a mullet in each talon yesterday.Dinner for madam!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Wow, that’s wonderful for his first time. So happy for our Moosie. Congrats to him and Sophie. Good for Monty; great provider for his honey. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Ann NC
Congrats Moosie. Good job!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
A Little Belated, Please forgive me my boy.
Happy Birthday Mr LongTail, The One and Only
April 2, l938
Love You Forever.
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
Thanks for this reminder on Whirlaway’s birthday. Happy Birthday Champ!
Hope you’re doing better. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Hope your foot is improving. Thanks for remembering the great Whirlaway.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Long Tail!!
Hugs and Love
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy and Marshall, Love he and Citation so much.
Bluegrass Girl
Rise of Calumet Farm, Whirlaway and Eddie Arcaro – Part 1
Vintage North American Horse Racing Uploaded on Feb 24, 2008
The dominant era of Calumet Farm and the emergence of Eddie Arcaro and Whirlaway is explored.
Note: To see video, click on link “Watch this video on YouTube”
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for the timely post! Nice to remember those legends especially when birthdays roll around. Happy Birthday, Whirlaway. (April 2, 1938, see Peggy’s post above).
Hugs and Love
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Blue Grass Girl, You absolutely made my day. Just love Whirlaway and Citation. Thank you so much. This brought tears. Just wish so that they were still alive. I do wish they hadn’t have said that Citation wasn’t as flashy as the red horses. I thought he was such a beauty and what heart and desire to win he had.
You know I didn’t know that Eddie Arcaro threatened to kill a jockey. Wow.
BGG, such a find. This was just a wonderful video. Sure wish they were still alive. Would love to give Citation and Whirlaway a great big hug.
Thanks for the video. Have never see Whirlaway in color. Did not know he was a chestnut. In full color he must have been quite a sight.
Citation’s is the first Derby I just remember a little about. Grandparents were really in to it. I started my famous wrong Derby picks then. Of course, I chose Coaltown over Citation!
Did not watch the one about the death of my beloved Alydar. It would have made me cry and get angry. I know it is a sin to wish someone to be in burning in Hades. But I sure do!
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Take a look at another beautiful daughter of Street Cry. She is a gorgeous Chestnut and her name is Rueing. The video of her winning her Maiden is at the bottom of the article; it’s in French. Wow, did she take off at the finish; hand ride too. Maybe we’ll see her at the BC some day. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Oops: Z Fans, here’s the article and photo of Rueing. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the link. Rueing certainly is a beautiful girl — another absolutely stunning member of the Chestnut Club. Congratulations to her and all connections!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks JB.
She sure is a beauty and that was an exciting race.
The #2 girl also looks pretty fierce. Wow. Congrats!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, Thank You so much for this race. She is such a beauty. Enjoyed the race so much.
Donna Z
April 3rd Happy Birthday to my beloved QH, Wimpy Bar Pride. She was born when her mother’s owners went to an April Fools Day party in 1982. She went to heaven in 2004.
Even though you are no longer here on earth with me, I wish you a very Happy Birthday in heaven. I still miss you, Pride.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Donna Z.,
Happy Birthday to your dear Wimpy Bar Pride. She will be waiting for you there at the Rainbow Bridge. Thanks for sharing her memory with us.
Hugs and Love
debbie sutherland
Belated Happy Birthday to Zenny and Ziconic!
Love you and Coz and Z Princess who won all our hearts, and little boy.
Look forward to a healthy foal and a happy mom soon. I watched a video of you and Coz as a foal last night romping in the paddock and he was soooo adorable. You are the best Z, may this be a wonderful year for you and yours.
March 4 Cherokee Devotional
Our choices have brought us to this place. Other people affected us to some degree, but never so much as what we chose to do and how we choose to react. We are at the point the Cherokees call the hour of tsu du go ta nv, the place where we decide who is to sit at the forefront of our lives to guide the way. The hardest part is to stop thinking dilemma and start thinking and talking solutions. There is no room in problem solving for self-pity, not even revenge. Past events may have been wrong, but now we have to see it as change, not always our doing, but we have to handle it anyway. It is here that we decide to be happy, to be examples so that younger ones will want to follow. It is a worthy thing to be a good example. We may never know who will be watching.
Convince the world by your character that Indians are not as they have been shown.
John Ross
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny
It looks like you had a great birthday. I sent you a card too, but it looks like it didn’t get to you in time. I’m sorry. It said: There are a million reasons to celebrate you. Your birthday makes it a million and one!!
Love you Zenny. I hope you are happy!
It seems Mike, Victor and Gary Stevens will all have mounts in Saturday’s Santa Anita Derby. Gary is on Royal Mo. He worked him yesterday. I hope this will be a good match and Royal Mo shows them all his heels and tail.
Bluegrass Girl
Alicia Wincze Hughes The Blood-Horse Tuesday, 4 April, 2017
BG Draw: 1: Its Your Nickel 20-1; 2 McCraken 7-5, 3. J Boys Echo 4-1; 4. Tapwrit 5-2;
5. Wild Shot 15-1; 6. Irap 20-1; 7. Practical Joke 7-2
Mind Your Biscuits is voted NY Horse of the Year. Bravo Biscuits.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thanks Max Way to Go Bisquits…………………………………………….
Marshall (NC Broad)
Three cheers for Mind Your Biscuits!!!
Congratulations to him and all connections.
Thanks for the news, Max.
Hugs and Cheers
I love this horse. He’s quirky big time. Has Deputy Minister on both sides of his pedigree. Also you have to admire a horse whose sire is called Posse.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes indeed!! :-)
Cheers again!
There’s more. If you read to the bottom of the list, you come to the NY Broodmare of the year. She’s Jazzmane. She’s Biscuits’ momma and she’s a chestnut too.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks Max!
I totally missed seeing the part about Jazzmane, Biscuits’ mama.
Congratulations to Jazzmane and connections on being named NY Broodmare of the Year! Let’s hear it for the chestnuts!!
Hugs and Cheers
Bluegrass Girl
Smith’s second string far from second class
By Steve Andersen DRF 04/03/2017
ARCADIA, Calif. – For about an hour last Saturday, Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith was a racing fan.
On a rare Saturday without a mount, Smith spent lunchtime hanging out at trainer Bob Baffert’s stable at Santa Anita to see Dubai World Cup winner Arrogate arrive at the barn from a quarantine facility.
From article
This Saturday, Smith does not get a day off. He has key mounts in the two Grade 1 races at Santa Anita – on Reach the World in the $1 million Santa Anita Derby and Abel Tasman in the $400,000 Santa Anita Oaks.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
I hope all is well with you. Those storms were really powerful.
Fingers crossed that you are okay!
Hugs and Love
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Marshall, Hey we didn’t get it too bad here. Thank Goodness. Just rain and thunder. Did you all get any real bad there?
My foot is a little better too. I guess it is just going to take time with it.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Glad the bad stuff missed you. We had rain and some wind, but nothing really bad here.
Good that your foot is improving, albeit slowly — it will get there.
Hope we don’t get severe weather tonight. Stay safe!
Hugs and Love
Marilyn Braudrick
Team Z, Thank you all for all that you share with us. We all are so grateful for all that you do!
Also thank you Sheena for being so on top of all horses and Ospreys. It’s great!! We all appreciate you.
Finally, Happy belated birthday Zenyatta and Ziconic.
I missed only 3 days and in that time we had the big double birthday and amazing races and amazing Osprey activity in Wales.WoW!
Any news on Vixana????
Dear Marilyn.Thank you so much.I do my best!Hugs
Marilyn Braudrick
Any word on Vixana? Has she foaled yet?She is not in Zenny’s paddock.
50yrs ago a horse called Foinavon brought the famous fable of the hare and the tortoise to life in one of the most bizarre Grand Nationals28 horses were left approaching the 23rd fence when the aptly named Popham Down veered dramatically and the horses plus jockeys flew everywhere.Foinavon was trailing and by the time he reached the fence there was a gap and he never looked back.17 horses remounted but Foinavon won at 100-1
20yrs ago there was an IRA bomb scare and everyone together with the horses were evacuated.The race was held on the mondaywith Lord Gyllene winning He died last year aged 28yrs.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks so much for this very interesting bit of history — bizarre indeed! What an incredible scene that must have been.
RIP Lord Gyllene. He lived a fairly long life, and I trust it was a very happy one.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy:Maya at Rutland laid her first egg today.33(11)loves to incubate his eggs.Windy on the Dyfi today.No signs of Blue she gave up quickly this season.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaXPoldark is back in June YAY!!!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Coz had a workout today. Be safe beautiful boy. Love Ya.
First, I am hoping for a M D’oro filly, cause dear Zenny’s boys aren’t doing anything on the track. Dressage? cross country for the red dude, they have her type of prance so ahead of the dressage already. M’Doro has great fillies…if she has a colt I am going to cry :'(
Now, I think after this foal, and what happened to her last years foal, how bout giving her a break off? She’s getting awful heavy again. Have one of the stable guys saddle her up and take a daily trot, canter around the farm, her attitude is one of wanting to see anything, everyone, what’s going on, and it would be good for her. When Slew got so huge (from something else obviously LOL) they put a saddle on him and rode him daily and it helped that great stallion immensely.
Also, for all you mare lovers out there, I found an incredible mare, named Arctic Princess, she only ran in Ohio, and I never thought I’d say this, she is the Ruffian of Ohio. Was. Google her, look up her story on a page called The Vault, I believe its about Beulah Park before they tore it down. My first mare, Metallica (Metfield-Slew) did a come from behind and won there. How amazing to know the history of this. Arctic Princess was legally a grey, but truly looked all black, even at age 6. The amount of races she ran in a year makes today’s horses look like sissies. She ran all distances, dirt, turf, rain, dry, hot, cold, carrying an extra ten pounds, and she still could not be stopped. The ironic thing about her is that she had a big white round spot on her back right flank. Sadly, she, too, like Ruffian, broke down in a head to head competition. It’s quite interesting to read about what the super strong horses had to do years ago. If you want to read up on yet even another one, I think is on The Vault, look up the all black mare name Imp. Ruffian must have come from her….