Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z

Queen of Racing
Today is Zenyatta’s 13th birthday, and she celebrated with her pals from Lane’s End Farm. There were cookies, cupcakes, and cards from fans around the world. Happy birthday to Queen Z and our boy Ziconic too!
-Team Z
3rd egg at the Dyfi.6.21 am Congratulations Glesni and Monty.
Morning Z-sters. Just a reminder. If any more of you would like the Cherokee Devotionals just e-mail me at ksheere@hotmail.com and I will send them to you privately.
Hugs, Kathy
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Kathy,
Will email you when we return in about 3 weeks. Have missed reading them everyday. God’s blessings, with love, Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth,
I’ve missed you! I will send the Devos when you get back.
Hugs, Kathy
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and fan family,
Will miss you all. We leave in a few days and will be gone 3 weeks or so. Have been getting our RV ready, so missed the last few days of posts. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of April and early May. Looking so forward, Zenny, to coming back to see and read the news of your new foal’s arrival! God’s many blessings to everyone.
with love, Elizabeth
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Elizabeth,
Hope you will have a wonderful RV trip! We will miss you, but we all will be much closer to a new little Z when you return — won’t that be exciting! God bless and safe travels!
Hugs and Love
I have no idea whether this link will work.Photo of Hovis and the ginger dude.
Dear Sheena,
Yep, it works!
Hugs, Kathy
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Hi Sheena~It worked great!! Thanks so much :-)
Thank you so much. Such a joy to see him.
A fabulous win for Eminent Frankel’s boy in the Craven stakes at Newmarket on only his 2nd run.Out of a Kingmambo mare You’ll be Mine he is owned by Sir Peter Vela and trained by Martyn Meade.As you may now the track ends on a hill and Jim Crowley had great difficulty pulling him up.Maybe a Derby horse?
Anne from Paramount
Hi Zenny and everyone else! I just saw a brief clip/promo on CBS This Morning about an upcoming segment on 60 minutes (you know about THAT show, right, Zenny ? ) this Sunday. About jumpers in Virginia, I believe. Charlie Rose interviews the jockeys (or at least one of them, from the clip) and they showed the horses jumping over hedges in a beautiful setting.
Heads up, or rather, Riders Up, everyone!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Anne,
I think the race you are noting is the Maryland Hunt Cup which is a Timber race (American Steeplechase). I saw a snatch of that segment on CBS This Morning, too.
It certainly is a beautiful setting. Thanks for the heads-up! Will be watching for it.
Hugs and Love
P.S. Charlie Rose is a North Carolina boy!
Marshall (NC Broad)
BTW, I just googled this race. The 121st running of the Maryland Hunt Cup will be April 29th, and it is a 4 mile race. Four miles is impressive to me!
It is the third race of their “Triple Crown”.
Cheers and safe racing/jumping!
Marshall (NC Broad)
More FYI on these steeplechases:
The Grand National will occur April 22nd, and the first race of their triple crown was last weekend, the My Lady’s Manor. Both of these races are 3 miles long. It’s a long-standing tradition apparently.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks, Marshall.
Looks like a fun time. Beautiful jumpers. Talk about stamina. Troopers.
Hope you have a nice weekend, too.
Anyone know why they breed Zenyatta to foal so late? Wouldn’t her foals have more of a competitive advantage if they bred her to foal in February? May seems awfully late. I thought with her taking a year off they would breed her to foal earlier in the year.
Remembering our beautiful Z PrinZess today.A Easter lily forever.Sleep tight cariad fach you filled our hearts with joy for a short while.RIP Curly mane Hugs and love.
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP dear little Easter Lily, angel girl.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Oh, she was a sweet precious baby girl. That look.
RIP gorgeous girl.
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
RIP Precious Z Princess–may you feel all the love directed toward you, this day and always. You touched so very many hearts in your brief time here and you will NEVER be forgotten. Hope you CAN somehow feel the love sent your way from so many here, on the winds of heaven. Run free with the greats, dear girl—we know YOU would have been one of the all-time greats, had you been able to stay with us. I’ll bet you now win some of the races up there !!
RIP beautiful little Easter angel. I will always love you.
Ann NC
This is interesting about Irish War Cry. He is a sweet biter. Precious boy! Likes to chill, too!
judy berube
Dear Ann and Shirlee:
Thank you for this informative article on Irish. So true; this Sport can break your heart. Hope the racing Gods are with all of them.
Mr. Rolls sounds a lot like you Shirlee,…”don’t go there”…. He who cannot be named!
Well, looks like Irish is channeling The Fly, Dynaformer and COZ. Good company. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Ann!! I never would have seen this. Glad to know he’s not mean ? He’s sure on my short list

Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
Thanks bunches for this great article. Love knowing that Irish is a sweet biter — “little love nips” are his style, huh? He sure is a handsome chestnut boy! Glad he has such a good friend in chief assistant trainer Mr. Rolls, too.
Best of luck and good health to IWC!
Hugs and Love
Marilyn braudrick
Correct me if I am wrong but if Zenny was bred in mid May shouldn’t she be due now?
11 months!!??
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Must not have taken the first time. The mid-May due date is from a very reliable source in California.
It looks like her first cover didn’t take.We all seem to think she is due in mid may now.Only time will tell.Did you see Clarach Monty and Glesni’s first born is in Aberfoyle and has a boyfriend.Who knows Monty and Glesni could well become grandparents this year!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Wow, could be 4 generations of Glesni and Monty’s family this year. Congrats to Eminent and his connections and to Daddy, Frankel. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams all. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Dear Judy:Sadly another terrorist in Paris tonight.A Police officer killed.A Presidential debate was taking part They killed the terrorist.They also foiled an attack in Marseille
Such good news about Clarach it would be wonderful if Monty and Glesni became grandparents.Hope for more news soon.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Willow Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Donna Z
Happy Birthday, Z Princess. I think of you often & miss you still. I was enchanted by you-it was like you put a magic spell on me when I saw your first pictures on this blog.
You will always be special to me.
Any word in Zenyatta? When is she due? Praying for healthy delivery for both!
We think she is due in mid may.
Linda in NJ
Yes, praying for both Zenny and her foal.
I hope it’s a little girl.
Me too!!
Anne from Paramount
Marshall, thanks for the info on the Maryland Hunt Club. Appreciate it! And yes, although I did not have it committed to memory, I do remember some occasional chatter on CBS This Morning about Charlie Rose and NC.
Sleep tight, Zenyatta. (You should be dreaming sweet dreams by now!) Had lunch with a friend today and of course your name came up! :-) :-) :-)
Linda in NJ
Hi Anne
I hope all is well with you!!
I am enjoying the spring weather. So happy the winter weather is over. Looking forward to the KY Derby!! Go Gormley–Go Classic Empire–Go Irish War Cry. Well there you have my 3 favorites. Practical Joke too.
Take care.
Wishing our dear Kathy a very Happy Birthday.May your day be as special as you.Enjoy.Love and hugs always XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Kathy shares her birthday with this wonderful lady.We are blessed to have her as our Queen.Long may she continue to reign over us.Happy Birthday Ma’am.
Dear Sheena,
Awww…thank you so much! XOXO
And happy birthday to Her Majesty!
Hugs, Kathy
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday, Kathy! Best wishes for a great year.
.•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•. .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
**……**… ….♥ •.¸.•´♥….**……**…
Dear Sandy,
Thank you so much! I had a great birthday.
Hugs Kathy XOXOXOX
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Kathy,
Wishing you a most Happy Birthday! And, that this will be a wonderful ‘new’ year for you filled with joy and love. Thank you for your inspiration and wisdom. Love reading all of your posts. Pray God’s many blessings for you.
with love, Elizabeth
Thank you, Elizabeth! XOXOXOX
judy berube
My Dear Kathy:
Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays. Have a great day. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you, Judy! XOXOXOXOXOX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Happy Birthday to the Queen. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for the heads-up on Kathy’s birthday!
? ?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KATHY!! ?? ? Have a lovely day and by all means, have some cake — whatever you like! ?
Hugs and Love
Thank you, also, for the reminder of Queen Elizabeth’s 91st birthday.
A most wonderful Happy Birthday to Her Majesty!! May she continue to be blessed with good health for many more years. Best Wishes always.
I admire her very much indeed.
Thank you, Marshall! XOXOXOXOXO
Just heard the sad news the brilliant sire Cape Cross has died from complications of old age at the age of 23.He sired the mighty Sea the Stars and Ouija Board.Now running free with all the champions.Sleep tight cariadRIP
I had forgotten he sired another Derby/Arc winner Golden Horn.He had retired from stud duties last year.He always ruled the roost at Kildagan according to staff.
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP, Cape Cross
You should have had a few more healthy years, dear boy.
Now in the company of angels.
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
That is so sad. RIP, Cape Cross.
Godspeed to Danish Dynaformer tomorrow at Keeneland! Also, Charming Kitten.
judy berube
Godspeed DD; safe and sound all. Love and Hugs, JB
A tribute to the mighty Cape Cross.
judy berube
RIP Cape Cross; run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and Z Fan Family,
We leave early tomorrow for our trip to Denver for my medical appointments. Then we’re going on in our camper up to Wyoming and Utah, if the weather isn’t too cold. Will miss you all and pray you have a wonderful rest of April and early May. Hope to be back in about 3 weeks (or sooner if the weather’s too cold up north). Will miss you all. Pray God’s blessings to everyone! with much love, Elizabeth
judy berube
Dear Elizabeth:
Good results with your medical appointments. Safe and enjoyable journey. We’ll miss you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Elizabeth,
Safe traveling and good luck with your medical appointments.
God bless.
Hugs and Love
Dear Elizabeth.We shall miss you here on the blog.Good luck with your medical appointments and get to enjoy the rest of your trip.God bless and hugs Sheena.
Linda in NJ
Dear Elizabeth:
Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful vacation.
All the best.
Donna Z
Dear Elizabeth,
Good luck with your medical appointments & have a great vacation after they’re over. I will miss you.
Donna, Amy & Cappy
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Safe travels, Elizabeth, and best wishes for good results from your medical appointments. Looking forward to your return!
spare tall warm good kind Cape Cross there is his photo in green grass in rainy weather in my galery , Coz :-) Zi :-) Royal Mo :-) and Gormley :-) have good long rest , quietly and not quickly recover your health and legs , may be hazel bushes are near to eat leaves :-) , walk on air with groom , eat apples pears :-) care of your health , beautyfull Zenny :-) do all quietly and not quickly , walk on air in good weather , eat apples pears , care of your health , say to Vixana :-) too , beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz Royal Mo Gormley de Coronado Winx and mates stay comfy and cozy in your stalls , walk on air , eat apples pears , care of your health , kiss your soft noses , lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
Annie Power is in foal to Camelot!She is entered in several races at Punchestown .Mullins will decide nearer the day whether she goes for the mares hurdle.Good luck in your new career Annie,
A sad day for Richard Rowe as Canadian Diamond suffered a fatal injury at Fontwell today.Graham Bradley who bought the horse for his owner Jim Nicholls is particularly devastated.Much sympathy to all connections.
Mary Margaret Thompson
RIP Canadian Diamond. Run free Run high
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed Annie; safe and sound. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
RIP Canadian Diamond.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to Annie Power!
RIP Canadian Diamond. Very sad.
Condolences to all connections.
Hugs and Love
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny
Happy Friday!! You only have a few more weeks. I can’t wait to meet your foal!!
Have a nice evening and a beautiful weekend.
Love you.
Linda in NJ
Dear Judy.Such good news about Annie’s foal.Love is certainly in the air for Clarach they have been mating regularly and Clarach is digging a egg cup.Aberfoyle is N/W of Glasgow in Perthshire but the council district of Stirling,She has a fantastic view from her nest,Her partner is sadly unringed though.Winter is due to return here next week!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Willow Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Left you a goodnight post above. Good for Clarach. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Bluegrass Girl
RoR Palace House Promotional Video
Retraining of Racehorses Published on Apr 13, 2017
More info at
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for posting this beautiful video! Enjoyed it and the small article with photos, too.
Great work by RoR!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear BGG:
What an absolutely beautiful video; poetry in motion. What magnificent beings they are. Thank you for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB