Today is Cozmic One’s fourth birthday and the whole team is sending birthday wishes. John says, “We’ll have some cake and celebrate, but don’t expect to get the day off! I’ll get Michelle to give you a special equissage.”
Happy birthday Coz!!
Love John, Dottie, Jerry, Ann and all of Team Z
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Zenyatta, I thought I would check in. I miss so much on your blog, I can not catch up.
I hear there has been sad news on the blog and so I say a prayer for those.
And a pray for you Zenyatta and your sons each and every day!
Love you with kisses and your sons
loving Z princess and dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams all and Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just had to share this video I found of a little girl and her beloved kitty, Thula. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
My very slow internet connection made this a bit choppy, but the message was very clear. Yet another example of the power of the bond between humans and their pets.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Yes, indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
So beautiful story.
Thank you, for the video.
Hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
You’re so welcome. Sending healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Judy, This is so sweet. Thula looks a lot like my little boy Jordan. I think I told you Jordan is part Mainecoon. He seems to have a very sweet disposition so far.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Judy Jordan’s mom is Black Persion, Dad is Maincoon. He is such a sport. He’s got short legs, but such a looker. Wondered if the short legs is something inherent to the Mainecoon breed.. Have not seen the dad but think he has to be. He has all the characteristics
Judy, just found out my Wiretorun goes Friday at 1.30 at Aqueduct.. So worried about her. Hope she does good in the race. GodSpeed
Night Prowler worked today at Palm Meadows. Love them both so much. Prayers for all’s safety.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Thula is a cutie and so is your Jordan.
Godspeed Wiretorun; safe and sound. Night Prowler could be going soon too. Love and Hugs, JB
Celebrating our beloved Kauto Star becoming the overall people’s champion in a RRP poll beating such names as Sprinter Sacre and the ‘Fly’.He lives on.Well done boyHugs SheenaX
March 14 Cherokee Devotional
Sometimes a person or a place-at one time our port in stormy times-in our life changes unexpectedly. We took refuge there, but now we must find another place of refuge. To find a new place of refuge, the right place must be in focus before we start. How can we get there if we don’t know where we are going? Not knowing is a fact of life at times. But there is an angel to guide us if we watch and listen. The trouble is that most of us think we know everything, and we rely on our own acumen, hoping it will get us through. But many things are hidden from us, and our own understanding is tiny. We must rely on something-and a spiritual something is the only thing we can trust. In the silence of our own spirits, we can seek the answers. If the questions are right, the answers will come.
The Lakota could despise no creature…filled with the essence of the Great Mystery.
-Chief Luther Standing Bear, Lakota
Dear Sheena,
I get my permanent crown this morning, so I’m in a rush. The FB furbabies I’ve visited are doing well. Hopefully you’re having a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.Yes,I read your post on Zoe and knew about the dreaded dentist appt.Hope all goes well.Ali is posting such a lot of photos of Mullins horses training at Cheltenham and the ‘Fly’ watching the sunrise at his new home this morning.I heard a Mizzen Mast foal weighed 165lbs am not sure of the dam but hope she’s having a good rest!Remember to turtle or blame the shady chickens!Hope the rest of the day goes well for you.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar,I am very concerned about Fubu and Kimberly.SheenaXOXO
I was there at York with my grandfather the day Roberto beat my favorite The Brigadier, I was devastated, that was his only loss.
I love American Pharoah’ s pedigree as he has The Brigadier in his pedigree, he was not very prolific at stud unlike Roberto.
Dear Donna.We were just as upset about the Brigadier’s loss as fans of Zenyatta were at her Breeders Cup classic in 2010.I was devastated when he lost that day.I think the Ascot race took too much out of him.He,like Frankel wasn’t a mile and 1/2 horse but the Brigadier ended his career on a high,Hugs Sheena
I keep calling Roberto, Z’s grandfather. He is her great grandfather. Kris S, Roberto’s son, is Z’s grandfather. The Roberto line has produced some remarkable winners. Kris S has 5 Breeders Cup winners to his credit. Then there is Big D.
It must have been totally thrilling to be there for Roberto’s win. I think that he also won the Epsom Derby from the front. However, in the Gold Cup, they said that he was out of the stalls like a bat from hell. Vincent O’Brien went for a US jockey on the advice of Roberto’s American owner. There was no way that Roberto was going to lose that race on that day. He was lengthening his lead. And he won against an older horse in The Brigadier. No wonder the Brits were upset, an American horse and jockey, and an Irish trainer took down a truly heroic race horse. If you ever see still any photos of Roberto, he’s got the same dapples as Z. The blaze, ears and tail look the same too. Same regal head. What a family.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Indeed! Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
I just found this photo of Roberto. Wow, you’re so right. The blaze, the dapples, the ears (even the engine); all Z. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hi Zsters :)
todays devo:
spring forward in faith
I recently moved to an area that has seasons and it’s a whole new experience for me. I’ve been mesmerized by the changing leaves, watching them as they shift from green to fiery reds and oranges, and just recently the trees that spent the whole winter with bare branches have sprouted small, white flowers. It’s truly beautiful to watch winter melt into spring. I go outside and feel the sun bring new warmth. It’s familiar but new all at once.
Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
We have a God who is doing new things. We can look at the seasons and see it. Winter changes into spring, spring to summer, and summer to fall. Just like the Earth in its seasons, we too are constantly moving, shaping, growing, and changing. How beautiful and complex is our design that we don’t stay stagnant, but we actually develop and mature?
Sometimes in order to come into a new season and to grow in our faith, we have to let go of the old one. Verse 18 in Isaiah 43 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” One of the many lessons life teaches us is to let go. We can’t hang on to past hurts, past struggles, and past relationships. And, sometimes this means we have to give ourselves time to grieve in order to move forward. We may have to let ourselves feel the loss, be sad for a little while, and talk to someone who cares. After we’ve grieved, we can pick ourselves up and start looking ahead once again.
As spring starts to surface and the trees begin to bloom, we can see God’s reminder to align our hearts to the new thing He’s doing. Let go of old things and find out what He has prepared for you in this season. Expect that there are good things to come. God has beautiful plans for your life, and He’s always working on your behalf. As flowers adorn the trees once again and fresh grass rises up from the ground, may new strength and vigor emerge in your spirit as well.
hugZ/prayerZ to all, vamp
Dear Sue.Love your devotionals and spring has sprung in the UK.It’such a beautiful time of year.Everything changes in life and we all have to learn to let go.Forward by all means.Hugs Sheena
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So Beautiful Sue.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vamp Sue:
Hope you are feeling better. Love and Hugs, JB
Moosie has found his true vocation.Soph is teaching our boy to dance!Stressage is on the menu and he’s got the moves.Lovely video up on his FB.Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Would love to see that video. Go Moosie! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Way to go, Moosie! May you shine on the Dance Floor.
Hello Sheena,
I thought I had jinxed him by being there, I used to write to the Hislops about him and they kindly sent me photos of him.
The race then was called the Benson and Hedges not the Juddmonte.
It seems like yesterday in my memory.
Donna X
I am so looking forward to a new baby for Zenyatta. I hope it is a filly and her next baby is by Noble Mission.
Dear Donna.Yes,a mating with Noble Mission would be wonderful and I am looking forward to Zenyatta’s new foal.The Brigadier was a huge favourite of mine too but Roberto was the best horse on that day.The British and Europeans are proud of all their champions.We were not upset that Roberto won just that the Brigadier lost.It’s totally different and it’s in the past now.Looking forward to the festival this week am not sure if you love the jumps but I certainly do.Hugs Sheena
Deb E.
Happy Pi Day! 3.14
Pace,pace,pace,pace…Day 14
Dear Judy.Poor Lola is fighting infection now but she is strong.Prayers for her.The ‘Fly’ has met the other living legends and all went well.He is settling down.Ali posts a lot of pics on his FB.I asked if they had a spare stall for me!.Summer has written a wonderful post today I’ll forward it to you tomorrow having problems with emails today.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Frank Hercules Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Sending prayers for sweet Lola, and I am hoping she gets better soon.
Power up Lola! We are pulling for you.
Any news about Samson? Power up, big boy!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Will keep Lola in my prayers. Power up sweet girl. Good for The Fly. Looking forward to Summer’s post. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Zenyatta, Full Moon on the 23ld………Pace, Pace, Pace.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy, Donna and Z Fans:
Pace, pace, pace. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Hope you’re comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams all and Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Goodnight. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
March 15 Cherokee Devotional
We cannot find peace of mind from some outer source. What we see and hear and feel may help at times, but these things are temporary. The lasting help comes from an inner source. This source is the Life of life. When we have problems, whatever we turn to, whether it be philosophy or psychology or something else, sooner or later we learn we must draw on our own inner resources to solve life’s dilemmas. It is the self and the self alone that must handle living. Some fear that if they allow themselves to go deeper, they will lose their freedom. But some of the most threatening and feared circumstances bring the truest answers. Prosperity, good health, companionship all lie before us, and we must develop our faith to step out and claim them.
Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice.
-Black Elk, Oglala Sioux
Dear Kathy.A wonderful devotional.Glad you survived the dentist.The festival has begun with the Cheltenham roar Altior beat Min in the first.A winner for Nicky Henderson and Nico de Boinville now Douvan the huge Mullins horse is in the Arkle.He’s a real beauty,Lovely sunny weather in Wales but rather cloudy at Cheltenham but dry.Vautour will go for the Ryanair now not the gold cup.Some punters are annoyed it wasn’t announced sooner but I don’t bet so doesn’t worry me.Ryanair is only 2miles 5 furlongs more suited to Vautour whereas the Gold cup is 3miles 2 and 1/2 .Don Cossack is the favourite now.Lovely photo of the Fly and Hardy Eustace wasn’t it?I heard Jacqueline O’Brien died last night widow of the mighty Vincent so much sympathy to Ballydoyle.
It was wonderful to see Denman parading can’t help but think of Kauto.Sizing Europe looked fabulous too.Mr Fibbs is ready for mega Tuesday with his doughnuts.Douvan has won easily a couple of falls hope horses are safe and sound.Horses are up thank goodness.Ripley had a scan about a week ago and a good result cancer is under control so he’s purring.I won’t be here tomorrow am going up to the festival.I don’t know why but it’s just the atmosphere Nothing like it in the world..Hope we see Douvan in the champion chase next year.Have a wonderful day.Love and hugs to you,kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Have fun tomorrow at the festival! Hope the weather stays nice and that the courses are safely navigated by all horses and riders.
Look forward to hearing about your day.
Hugs and Love
The ‘Fly’ and Hardy Eustace “chatting” about old times.Hugs Sheena.
Ann NC
Fast friends. That filly sure is good looking.
Thanks, Sheena.
Dear Ann.Hardy Eustace is a gelding!!!All boys together.Hugs Sheena
Ann NC
I meant the photo on the FB page below Fly and new buddy.
The new filly foal.
Anyway, love those geldings….chill boys. Give me a pasture full of geldings anyday. Those mares can be very nosy!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Ann:
Wonderful photo of the Fly and HE. Ann, the filly is a little Doll. She sure is nestled deep in that hay. Too cute.
Geldings are easier; we can vouch for that knowing two Divas as we do. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great photo, Sheena!
They look like they are old friends already. Thanks for posting the link.
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
Enjoy all the fabulous racing and enjoy all the sightings of the thoroughbreds that we love so much! Wish I could go to the Festival, too! We’ll miss you here, but we will be thinking of you and hoping you have a marvelous time. Fibbs appears to be ready for today with his doughnuts. Zoe sure looked pretty in her St. Paddy’s day dress in the garden. Such a photogenic little girl! Have a good day and we’ll see you Thursday. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Cheltenham has just gone wild for the AMAZING Annie Power who had an all the way win in the Champion Hurdle.First mare to win since Flakey Dove in 1994.She SO deserved this win after last year.Rich Ricci was in tears and so was I.Thrilled for her and Team Mullins.Great ride by shorty too.Hugs Sheena
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hearty Congratulations to Annie Power and all her connections!
Well done, beautiful girl — a 22 year drought for mares has been broken.
Ann NC
Incredible! Congrats to the lovely, Annie Power. Girl Power.
Cheers indeed.
I hope the Moose got to see Annie strut her stuff in the Champion Hurdle.Now for Vroum-Vroum Mag!Sheena
A sad postscript to the mares hurdle which Vroum-Vroum Mag won easily.The Govaness fell at the last and died instantly.I am ashamed that Channel 4 made no mention of her sad demise.Also heard on FB Pont Alexandre has died.RIP sweethearts and run free now.Sheena
There were three deaths today at this so called festival. Maybe it’s time to put in some more safety features to protect the lives of the horses, or just call jump racing altogether. It’s awful to see these beauties die like this.
Dear Max.It is just as sad to see horses die on the flat too even sadder in fact for there should be no danger .Everyone is very upset about the fatalities but an end to jumps???Think of the abused and unwanted horses that travel to slaughter houses all around the world each day.Those are the ones I feel for
A relativist argument won’t work in this case. Three deaths in one day says that something is seriously wrong. There needs to be an investigation. These horses need protection.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Rest In Peace Brave, Beautiful Beings. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hi zsters :)
todays devo of encouragement:
Be Who God Created You to Be
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14 NCV
Researcher Marcus Buckingham did a study with thousands of women to find out what made them thrive. To his surprise, he discovered the number one influence on a woman’s well-being is how much time she spends in her “sweet spot.” In other words, how closely she stays connected to who God truly made her to be.
In my work as a counselor, life coach, author, and speaker, I’ve found the same to be true. Being disconnected from who you really are leads to depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, and a host of other troubles. Sometimes it can even be fatal.
And contrary to popular belief, women who understand and are secure in their true identities are less selfish, not more. Being free from insecurity allows us to serve and offer the world what only we can. We are closest to and most like Jesus when we are fully being who He created us to be.
You can embrace who you are and become all God created you to be. You’re a warrior and overcomer. You have more strength than it may seem like right now. And you serve a God bigger than you can see.
It’s time to stop being so tired.
It’s time to discover our true identities.
It’s time for us to really believe we’re already amazing.
This devotional is an excerpt from the new You’re Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide by Holley Gerth.
hugz/prayerz, vamp
Dear Sue.Your devotionals are so beautiful truly inspiring,Hugs Sheena,
Linda in NJ
Hi Zenny:
I am just checking in to see how you are doing! Still no news!!! Well I am sure you won’t make your fans wait much longer. I’ll just keep checking back each day. Maybe you’ll have another birthday baby!!!
Dear Judy.A great win for Annie Power today and broke the course record even Shorty was crying!There were such scenes of celebration.Of course everyone is sad 3 beautiful horses lost their lives but it is a dangerous sport even on the flat,If only we all followed Summer’s example what a happier world it would be.Yet more sad stories on Viktor’s page.I haven’t heard anymore about Samson but he seems to be on the mend.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Congrats to Annie! Well done. RIP three innocent beauties. Prayers to St. Francis to protect Lola, Samson and all the others. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Hopefully this link works Lovely photo of the Moose.Hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you for this great photo of Moosie. He reminds me so much of my Charlie. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Goodnight, sweet dreams lovely Z
love you with kisses and to your sons
loving Z princess and my Sir
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Hope all is well at the rescue and that you are doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Deb E.
Pace, pace, pace, pace…Day 15
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and CD:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams all and Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Not too long to wait now Z. God Bless you and the new baby to be. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.