Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and Z Fan Family,
We lost a dear friend this week, who we’ve known for 40 years. The church was completely packed yesterday for his memorial service. We were amazed at the hundreds of lives he influenced and helped. He was soft-spoken, gentle, funny, had a heart for God and was always kind and loving. I wish you all could have heard the amazing account of his life. I don’t believe anyone left yesterday feeling uninspired. It wasn’t sad in any way. He had a ‘complete’ life. Hope you all have a great day and ‘make the most of it’. with love, Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth.I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s death but so glad you were all able to celebrate his life which is as it should be.Yes,we must make the most of the days that are ‘lent’to us.God bless you and have a blessed Sabbath.Love Sheena
Ann NC
Sorry about your dear friend.
Love and hugs.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Elizabeth:
So sorry for the loss of your friend. Sounds like he lived life by goodness and great example. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Elizabeth,
Sorry about the loss of your dear friend. Apparently, his was a life well-lived.
May he rest in peace.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Losing a dear friend is so hard, but the outpouring of love and affirmation
of a his good life had to be healing.
Sorry for your loss.
Sending loving thoughts & a hug, BGG
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Sheena and Ann and Judy and Marshall and BgG,
Thank you all so very much for your thoughts and words and kindness. As time goes along, I think we begin each day to see more clearly every blessing we’ve been given. Our friends and family mean more; every day means more. I have loved being on Zenny’s website over the past several years. Early each morning, I can’t wait to read all of the news from everyone. This is like my second family. God bless you all and thank you again for being there everyday to share in Zenny’s exciting life and in each others lives. God’s many blessings I pray, as always, for you all. with love, Elizabeth
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny,
Hope today is a great one for you and your ‘boys’ and your new one soon to arrive. Pacing in New Mexico, with love, Elizabeth
Lava man rules the roost.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the link about Lava Man. The video of him strolling around in the barn and helping himself to grain is wonderful. So glad that he is content and busy doing something he likes. Long may the Lava Man rule!
Hugs and Love
Dee Lange
Watching and waiting, pray you have a easy delivery. You are loved by so many, you are a blessed horse that brings people together.
Fran W.
Can anyone tell me if she has an estimated due date for her foaling? I think she is the greatest living racehorse and such a gentle beauty!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Fran:
I agree totally with your assessment of our beloved Queen.
There have been dates posted here for Z’s foaling anywhere from late March through May. Judging from the last full photo of Z on this Blog, which I believe was taken in January, looks like she is more likely to be due sooner than later. We’ll just have to keep on pacing.
Safe, healthy foaling for Mama and Baby. Love and Hugs, JB
Some lovely photo’s of Treve’s colt by Dubawi now a month old.You will have to scroll down.
Ann NC
Beautiful! Another special little lady.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love Lava Man and Treve’s adorable boy. Thanks for sharing. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
That is one beautiful foal! Congrats to Treve and Dubawi.
Thanks for sharing, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Istabraq’s first festival win in the Royal and Sun alliance.He went to win 3 Champion hurdles in a row.Now nearly 25years old he enjoys his ‘golden years’at JP’s stud Martinstown.He was robbed of a 4th win by the foot and mouth epidemic.Love you Isty.
Bluegrass Girl
Chris @cmoreton99 Sunday, 12 March, 2017 PHOTO
SECRETARIAT, pictured with groom Ed Sweat, Trainer Lucien Laurin, jockey Ron Turcotte
& owner Penny Tweedy.
Great photo. That horse is legend.
Thanks. Great photo of the best of my lifetime. Will never know who was the very best. Secretariat or Man O War.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this. Big Red; Greatness! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Elizabeth,
I’m so sorry for your loss. But it sounds like your friend led the kind of life we all aspire to. His was a great testimony and he is now in the presence of the Lord!
Hugs, Kathy
American cocker Spaniel Miami wins best in show at Crufts.Frankie the miniature poodle got reserve.Some comments about a German Shepherd’s legs this year again and Crufts are deleting the negative posts.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
These days there always seem to be negative comments about everything. Negative posts and harsh criticisms are just plain ugly — if you cannot say something nice, say nothing. Congrats to the American Cocker Spaniel on winning BIS.
Hugs and Love
Well said. So glad that almost all the posts here on the Blog are positive. If they are not, they are silenced very soon in a civil way.
I was only reporting what was said on FB.My comments were certainly not negative.
I was not talking about your post. Just mentioned the fact that on other pages I have seen some very mean and nasty comments and glad that doesn’t happen here on Zenny’s blog.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
My post was not a criticism of you. It was simply an observation on today’s trend toward negative remarks. I should have written “if one cannot say something nice. . . ” instead of using the pronoun “you”. Sorry that you thought it was aimed at you — it most certainly was not. I am glad that Crufts was deleting the negative remarks.
Apologies for my poor sentence construction. :-(
Hugs and Love
Lynn Martin
Hi Sheena,
That is a beautiful cocker! I happen to prefer the looks of the English cocker, prettier heads, less coat. To those saying the dog would not do well in the field because of the coat are wrong. the dog would do fine, the groomer is the one who would have a tough job!! As far as the German shepherds, they were bred to look like that. Many have over-exagerated the look, but they are supposed to have that low slung rear end because of the work they do. You may think they have weak front pasterns, but no, bred that way so they can work low to the ground, quickly and in very tight spaces. (Just a quick blurb, in case anyone cares!!)
Miami was a good show dog and his handler had won before with the standard poodle Ricky a few years ago.A lot said they are wonderful in the field.I have always loved the Springer.Our neighbour had a gorgeous one called Ben.As for me though I am a crazy cat lady!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Lynn,
I care, and you stated it well! Both the American Cocker and the German Shepherd are very handsome representatives of their breeds. Like you, I tend to like the English Cocker — more natural look. However, I am a “dog-nut”!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Beautiful American Cocker Spaniel; loved the Poodle too. Congrats to them. Love and Hugs, JB
Elsie Martus
Someone over there please give the queen a kiss for me ! I LOVE her sooooo much !!!
Dear Judy:The Dyfi have been busy picking a new nest site,putting up a new camera and they removed the boingy perch.A much sturdier one in it’s place.Lots of arguments on Crufts as to the choice of winner Proper little show dog though and the poodle.30(05)has left her wintering grounds this weekend and is on her way back to Rutland.Goodnight God bless you,LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
That’s great. Should be able to get some really nice photos and videos this year. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Chistine and Z Fans in the path of the snow storm:
Looks like this one may be a doozy Tuesday into Wednesday. Good news; it’s March; should warm up to melt away after a few days. Stay safe all. Hoping we don’t lose power. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Stay safe and warm everyone.
March 13 Cherokee Devotional
There are special places in our lives that live on forever. Just entering there in memory makes them live again. We feel the heat and the cold, catch the fragrance so familiar, the aroma of certain foods, or even hear a bit of a song. There are too many reasons to count, too many feelings, for us ever to lose touch with some part of us that was then-and is now. People are part of our memories, too-living within our thoughts and influencing our thinking like the wind that we feel but cannot see. We are made up of many things, many experiences that we do not want to lose, but we also have the power to keep yesterday in its place and make the most of today. Yesterday was the foundation, but today is the house, and we’re living there and keeping things in their proper order.
As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I became civilized.
Dear Judy,
Dreading this storm. Hope power stays on for all of us in its path. Will be thinking of you. Also, how is Archie doing? He is in my prayers, love, Christine.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Christine:
Me too. Keep hoping that we don’t lose power. Stay safe.
Haven’t been to the farm yet and Angela was away last week. Before she left she told me he was doing better. Hope he continues to improve. Will have to wait until the storm is over before I visit the farm this week; probably by Friday. It’s Hudson’s birthday on Friday, St. Patrick’s and Charlie’s birthday on Sunday the 19th. She will be ten years old and Charlie will be eleven. It will be five years in September that they came from the track to the farm in RI. Love and Hugs, JB
Coz :-) lil late happy birthday :-) , i tryed to submit videos of big chestnut horse he :-) and of white horse he :-) eating apples :-) on your birthday :-) , Zi :-) dry hard course some worry , weather , Coz :-) and Zi :-) keep fiveteen days or more rest in time from one quick breeze to other for quiet natural recovery of your thin joints and legs ,, ,, ,, ,,
Coz :-) and Zi :-) walk on air with groom eat apples pears care of your health , beautyfull Zenny :-) do all quietly and not quickly walk on air when weather is comfortable for horses eat apples pears care of your health say to Vixana too :-) beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz dC Winx and mates stay comfy and cozy in your stalls eat apples pears care of your health kiss your soft noses lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
Dear Kathy.Memories are so important to me especially as I grow older.Thinking of my little sister today on what would have been her 74th birthday and what might have been had she lived.
Do you remember me posting a photo of that couple who were both dying of cancer and were leaving a relatively young family behind.The children started a Fund me page so they could be able to stay in their home and they have been mercilessly trolled.This is the sort of cruel world we inhabit these days.Sad.
39(05) began her journey Saturday morning and had travelled 135 miles by 7pm.She seems to be taking a different route this year.We will hear more in a couple of days.As I told Judy the Dyfi have busy replacing the boingy perch as well.I love being on FB and reading all the comments.Miami was a proper little show dog and deserved to win but I loved the poodle.Mary Ray and her dancing dogs are always fantastic but they never show her on telly anymore.
As we prepare for the greatest show on earth the weather is set fair until Friday.The ChampionHurdle is VERY open this year.Colin Tizzard is delighted with Cue Card and Native River.
Article 50 may be triggered as early as tomorrow and Ms Sturgeon wants another referendum for Scottish independance.They have my permission to go now we will still be known as Great Britain.If that is their wish then so be it…No time for chats this week I’m afraid.The ratties have nearly 65000 followers now and they had a great abventure over the weekend.Hope you are coping with the time change I am dreading our clocksgoing forward given the time I go to bed.No signs of George Michael’s funeral yet the gravesite has been thoroughly cleaned so it may be held this week.Remember to turtle too hot for socks with you.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXOXO
Bluegrass Girl
Galileo covers quintet of top-class mares in 36-hour period
By Ollie O’Donoghue Racing Post MAR 11 2017
With covering season now in full flow the blue-chip stallions at Coolmore have been busy receiving their respective books of mares.
Breed-shaping sire Galileo covered a remarkable quintet of mares across a 36-hour period this week, among them
Kind, the dam of Frankel and Noble Mission;
You’resothrilling, the dam of Gleneagles and Marvellous;
La Traviata, who produced last year’s dual Oaks heroine Seventh Heaven;
Chintz, the dam of Classic scorer The Gurkha; and
dual Nunthorpe Stakes scorer Mecca’s Angel.
Hope all goes well for Kind this year.Super Stallion.Hugs
Sad to hear Danehill Dancer had to be euthanised over the weekend at Coolmore,due to the infirmities of old age He was 24 and the son of sire of sires Danehill.His brilliant daughter Legatissimo was confirmed in foal today to Galileo and so it goes on….RIP
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
RIP beautiful Danehill Dancer. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Dear Judy:Stay safe in the storm.Very quiet and mild over here for the festival.Charlie’s got the same birthday as our beloved Kauto.Debbie is raising £200 for Hovis. I have donated.Hope you don’t lose your power.Keep snug and warm.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, Stay Safe during this big Storm. Safety to all in the Northeast
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Peggy:
Thank you dear friends. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Baffert: Mastery surgery “went very well”
Jay Privman , Santa Anita , 2017-03-13 – DRF Live
Trainer Bob Baffert reports that surgery on Mastery performed this afternoon at Santa Anita “went very well” and that the 3-year-old colt is back in his stall at Baffert’s barn at Santa Anita.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this update on Mastery. God Bless this beautiful boy and help him through a complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
What a winter!! Here in the Oregon Outback, we’ve had quite a winter. I’ve got fingers crossed that the good weather we’ve had for a few days continues and Spring continues to move forward. Here’s hoping the storm coming your way doesn’t do too much damage. Now I’ve got another reason to cross my fingers and pace. Also RIP Danehill Dancer. May the Queen, her boys and all connected with them stay warm and safe and sleep beautifully.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Martha:
Hoping we’ve seen the last of snow storms too. Love and Hugs, JB
March 14 Cherokee Devotional
Few things can dominate nature when she is about to make a change. Relentless and determined, she has a plan and it may take a few runs before the door is slammed on winter-but it is coming quickly. A subtle greening has begun in sheltered places. The wild rose canes laid flat by cold winter winds are no longer gray. Purple striped dayflowers and tiny four-petal blue-eyes bloom profusely with a minimum of sunlight and warm air. The wild strawberry known to Cherokees as a ni, has put out new leaves, and we see the eternal miracle that never grows old-the new baby calf. When frost put down the flowers and stopped the birds from singing last fall, spring seemed far away. Now she is knocking on the door, and if we answer her with seeds she will hide again. But not for long. We just need a little time to prepare. If we are to see it all, we must begin now.
We were content to let things remain as the Great Spirit has made them.
Chief Joseph
Hope you are safe and warm and have power. Take care during this bad weather. You are in the thoughts and prayers of all of us here on the Blog.
Thanks for the update on Mastery. Hope he recovers completely.
Blessings and prayers for all in the path of this storm.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee,
Thank you for your sweet words. Actually, the path of the storm shifted and directly hit north of us. Only problem now is it’s been raining heavily all day and expected to be freezing temps tonight. Hoping we continue to luck out and not lose power. Some folks up north got one to two feet of snow; a record for March I think. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Christine:
Not much accumulation after all. Now we just have to contend with the ice. Love and Hugs, JB
A great start to the festival with a star of the future young Jack Kennedy winning on the Gordon Elliott trained Labaik who behaved himself today(he usually does a moosie)Lovely to see the old champions parade and good weather.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to Labaik, Jack Kennedy, Gordon Elliott and all connections on this great win! Well done.
Thanks, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
A 6th Arkle for trainer Nicky Henderson as awesome Altior wins.It didn’t go all his way until Charbel fell but Altior handled the famous Cheltenham hill well.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love that this youngster is named for my beloved President. Congrats to him. Prayers that all the horses stayed safe after falling. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB,LM,PC,HT, Cap,Herc,Frank,Bentley and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for the link. Outstanding race by Altior — congrats to all connections!
Hope Charbel was okay after the fall.
Hugs and Love