Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z
Wow Quevega’s boy weighed just over 156lbs!Well she had carried him for a year.God bless them bothX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wow, is right. Big boy. Love and Hugs, JB
I could not help myself. I just love this filly! Frankel’s first G1 winner, SOUL STIRRING:
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Abigail,
Once again you have given us a wonderful post! Soul Stirring is magnificent and does indeed stir the soul. All the very best wishes to her and may she stay safe and healthy.
Thank you so much for the brilliant work you do with The Vault. And thank you for the lovely video/montage of Sunday Silence, a big favorite of mine — how exquisite he was.
Hugs and Love
Thank you so much Marshall & I’m happy you appreciated the Sunday Silence video. I almost didn’t include it but then I thought again & popped it in. As for Soul Stirring — she’s my favourite of the 2014 Frankels that we’ve actually seen. And they are so excited about her in Japan. If she gets the Triple, she’ll be as honoured as the great Gentildonna and I do think that her chances look good. Her trainer clearly is a master of the art and Terry Yoshida will reinforce that the filly must always come first in case there’s a hiccup along the way. And I’m absolutely thrilled for Stacelita. A great, great mare.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Another wonderful article. Thank you.
Soul Stirring is an absolute gorgeous, special girl. Japanese racing is definitely building and broadening their gene pool started by the great Sunday Silence. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you so much Judy. So pleased you enjoyed it! Yes, the Japanese thoroughbred and the influence of the Yoshidas is something I wish there was more written about. There’s a real — and important — story there! Love & hugs, Abigail
Dear Abigail.A wonderful article about our beloved Frankel’s legacy.I hope Soul Stirring will go on to bigger and better things.Seeing Frankel’s Queen if Anne win at Ascot makes fee sad in a kind of way.His races and the time he spent amongst us are just a memory now.Hugs Sheena
Sheena — I know. I can’t look at Frankel’s races without tearing up. I will never not miss seeing him on the turf. I really feel that Soul Stirring is the best of the 2014 Frankels we’ve seen, although others were very, very good and are likely to be major contenders as 3 year-olds this year. Thank you so much for the support. I really appreciate it! Abigail
Abigail, this was wonderful! Thanks for dedicating so much of your time and talent to enhancing our knowledge of the great horses. I hope Soul Stirring continues her winning ways. Thank you!
Hi Celeste. So pleased you enjoyed it. I really feel this is one great filly and I’m hoping she gets the Triple this year. Not sure who else can run with her except possibly the other Frankel, Mi Suerte. But it will sure make racing in Japan something special this year!!!
beverly ballard
Thanks for the great pictures. I always check in to see my Zen. You are all so privileged to be around greatness anytime you please. But she is also very lucky to be around such wonderful caring humans. And she absolutely deserves it because we all love her so much!
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
I’m not on FB. Is there anywhere else someone like me can view the pics of Hovis’s leg?? It’s very frustrating to me and probably others!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cheryl:
Found this photo of our Hovis; poor baby. Hope he recovers well and soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks bunches for the link. Poor Hovis. One of the commenters suggested they might trim the other 3 ankles to match and explain to Hovis that it was a new fashion trend; however, I think it would have to be clearly a new “MACHO” fashion trend! :-)
Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers for healing to our favorite son, Hovis.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
I saw that. I think your right; Hovis would prefer a Macho Trend for sure. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cheryl:
If you click on one of the head shot photos of Hovis, it will take you to a set of eight (including some of his missing feathers); by clicking the arrow on the right, you can view all of them. Sending him healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.So glad you were able to post pics of Hovis.I tried but couldn’t.His poor feathers they were his pride and joy.Love and hugs Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
You’re so welcome. Thank you for giving us updates on him. Poor baby; sending healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the post of Hovis. He looks handsome as ever. I especially like the comment with the picture of the Hawaii dancers.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
You’re so welcome. Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Hi Judy:
Thanks so much for the pics!! Poor Hovis :-( How can a macho guy stand it?!? I guess it’s a good thing the foot is hidden inside a stall, huh?
On the serious side…it does show the delicate side of our loves, doesn’t it?
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cheryl;
You’re so welcome. Yes, our beloved horses are fragile indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Cheryl:
First one didn’t work. Trying again. Love and Hugs, JB
Good photos. Hovis has delicate looking hooves for a Clydesdale. That trim of his feathers is very well done too.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I was thinking the same thing. Charlie could learn a thing or two from that trim.
Wishing Hovis a complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB
What happened to him? He looks pretty good standing in that stall.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Sheena explained in a post below about Hovis’ injury. If you click on the head shot, you will come to a slideshow that has at least three photos of his injured leg and the trim that had to be done to his feathers. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Arindel Farm @ArindelFarm Mar 5 VIDEO
A new Spring has sprung with 18 girls and 4 boys. With more to come,
do the boys have a chance of catching up to the girls?
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Does seem like a year for fillies (maybe a good omen for our Z). Love all of them. Especially love the play between AP’s son and Dialed In’s daughter. What a sight to see them running free. God Bless them all.
Thank you for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Ken Ramsey has sure had his share of fillies this year. The colts are beginning to come but don’t think they will catch up to the girls.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for this lovely post. How beautiful to see mamas and babies running carefree through the pasture — joyfully and gracefully.
Thank you for our smiles!
Hugs and Love
What a great video! Thanks for sharing.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Hope you’re keeping comfy Z. Goodnight and Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Linda in NJ
Dear Zenny
Thinking of you today. This is wonderful news that you got to enjoy a visit with Ann. The photos of the both of you are great. You look wonderful. That you for sharing.
Now I know CoZ’s birthday is tomorrow. Wishing CoZ a very Happy Birthday!!!! I think CoZ is now 5 years old. How is he doing? Any chance we will see him race this year? It is hard to believe 5 years has come and gone already. Things have changed for many of us, but the one thing that remains the same is our love for you, Zenny, and the love we have for CoZ and Ziconic.
Happy Birthday CoZ with so much love,
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Linda:
Yes, I know, seems hard to believe that COZ will be 5 years old tomorrow. Still remember that beautiful little whinny as he ran around the paddock with Z in pursuit. God Bless our Z and her babies. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s a video of Z and little COZ in their paddock. Happy Fifth Birthday beautiful Prince. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s little COZ ready for his closeup. Love and Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
Hi Judy
Thanks so much for posting the videos. A blast from the past. It is hard to believe it’s been 5 years already. Time does fly!!! Zenny will be 13 or 14 years old April 1st. Now that’s hard to believe! It seems like yesterday I saw her at Del Mar back in 2010.
I am so thankful that Team Z has kept this website current all these years.
All the best to you Judy and thanks again.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Linda:
You are so welcome. Yes, I love watching the videos too. Z turns 13 on April 1st and ZI will be 4 on that date too.
How wonderful that you got to see Zenyatta up close and personal. What a lovely memory for you.
We are truly blessed to have this Blog to come to and share our love of Z, her babies and our friendship with each other. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Where does the time go? Best Wishes for a lovely day, with some treats of course!
Hugs and Love
Linda in NJ
Dear Team Z:
As per my message above, I meant “Thank you for sharing”
All the best to all of you.
Dear Max.Hovis has an oedema and damage to the cartilage on his left hind leg,He will need at least8 weeks box rest.Nobody knows what happened.He was in Horsepital last week having scans and X-rays.
He looks good despite his problems. Maybe it’s not so bad in that he gets to sleep inside and his meals will be catered and ample to speed the healing process. He’s complained about both before this. No doubt he’ll get a lot of care packages from his fans. And no stressage. Wishing him a good recovery.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, hopefully the stall rest will do the trick. Hope so. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:I think a lot of gifts arrive for Hovis at Bransby.He often talks about his mum getting swedes off the “whoops”counter at the supermarket!He can see those sell by dates!Charlotte looked beautiful today getting her CBE from Her Majesty Our Bryn Terfel was knighted.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaXLovely memories of Coz.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Oh, Hovis is so well loved. Hope all of the gifts and treats lift his spirits.
Congrats to Charlotte and BT. Love and Hugs, JB
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
One of your boys has a birthday today, March 8th, but I forgot which one
at the moment.
I was hoping that he would be born on my precious girl’s (dog – Isis) birthday,
March 9, but that was not to be. My precious girl, Isis, would be 19 years old
tomorrow but she died on November 3, 2014 at the ripe old age of 16 years
and 8 months.
Oh well!
We can’t always get what we want.
So Happy Birthday to one of your boys!
Love to you, Zenyatta! I am eager to see the new baby.
Lise from Maine
Update on Hovis.Karen is working in Scotland but our boy is getting all the attention and acting the diva.He prefers pop to classical on the radio and been see doing some”dad dancing”His request to join CNSM on box rest was sadly denied,CNSM got a gift from a horse he rode in the army.Some pretty balloons.Herman the German will be calling with his needles this week and he is being given Tildren which is often prescribed for elderly ladies!That will go down well with our boy.Power up Hovis.
Lise from Maine
Hi Zenyatta,
I just read on this blog AFTER I wrote my message that it is Cosmic One who has a birthday today, March 8th.
Happy Birthday, Cosmic One!
By the way, where are your boys and what are they doing these days? We don’t hear about them for some reason.
Lots of love, Zenyatta!
Hope it is a girl.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
A very Happy Birthday to the first born Prince Cozmic One who turns 5 today.Hope you get lots of treats on your special day.Love and hugs SheenaX
Happy Birthday, Cozmic One! My…how the time flies!
March 8 Cherokee Devotional
Nature has her indecisive moments. A ma ga nu go gv, the season when new life springs up, may come early with its wildflowers and blossoming trees. She is known for her adolescent behavior, all smiles and flowers in her hair, only to be in tears in a few minutes. We think, this is it, we will never change our opinion. No, we will not be moved, we will cling to this one idea and time cannot erode any part of it. There can be no parting with this idea, nothing and no one can make us think differently. Spring may hint that she is here-so we can relax. But she is never adamant that she will not change. It is only the human being that claims such powers. But the power that keeps us moving and changing and becoming better is not our power but Galun lati.
We will never let our hold to this land go for we say to you that our father who sits in heaven gave it to us.
Aitooweyah, The Stud, and Knock Down
Dear Kathy.It feels quite springlike here today lots of rain still about though.Mother Nature knows best but she never shows mercy.Lots of wildfires in some states with you.I googled tildren and it is used for folks(mainly women) with osteoporosis.It says administer with caution for horses I hope Herman knows what he’s doing!Trust Hovey to a be diva and Karen is begging someone to knit a toupee for his leg.It was good of CNSM’s ex-army horse to send him balloons even though he had to go without hay and carrots to pay for them.I think it’s a good idea that Hovey and Daniel should recover together and rekindle their bromance.That looked an old photo of Hovey in the field.
Lots of comments about Quevega and her new colt a lot said he had arrived in time for Cheltenham mum of course won 6 races in a row there.She didn’t foal last year but has a filly by Beat Hollow.I have watching and waiting for April the giraffe to give birth lots of live videos on the Daily Mail.I made 2 new friends from Portugal today one is a friend of my fox hunting pal Rupert.Your clocks go forward this weekend ours on the 26th which is also Mothering Sunday.When I dream of my mother just before waking I still think she is l with me and then the realisation sets in and I am sad.
Pamcake day with the ratties?Ours was last week.That’s such good news about President Fibbs you couldn’t lose him now.Our budget today Michael Heseltine led a Tory rebellion in the House of Lords yesterday and was promptly sacked.He stabbed Mrs Thatcher in the back.What has he got against women? someone said if the Brexit bill doesn’t go through we will riots in the streets like we have never seen before.
I had often thought what on earth poachers would do when Rhinos became extinct well they have started by killing one in the zoo.I love reading the comments one said they should be dumped in an acid bath!It seems the CIA are spying on us through the telly.They’d be bored stiff with me except when racing or Poldark is on!Hope you have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXOXOXO.Hard to believe 5ys have passed since Coz’s arrival and me joining the blog The sanctuary with Alaa is opening on sunday.What a brave man.
Dear Sheena,
I’m late today. I hope you have a wonderful Hump Day. Visualizing a knit toupee for Hovey’s leg. Funny stuff! Hovey and Daniel rekindling their bromance is a good idea. Quevega’s colt is gorgeous. Giraffe news is exciting! Not looking forward to losing an hour’s sleep on Sunday. It will be nice to have daylight at the end of the day, however. I know what you mean about being sad when you realize your mother isn’t there…I’m sure the ratties would love pancakes. Yes, wonderful news about that lump. Sounds like your politics are about as screwed up as our’s! So sad to read of that poor rhino. I’m sure it would blow our minds to know who is watching us! Hard to believe it has been 5 years since Coz arrived! Best wishes for Alaa’s sanctuary! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXOXOXOXO
President Trump has been gelded!The horse that is.According to South African trainer Justin Snaith Trump was very vocal and refusing to take his profession seriously so he had a short,sharp shock.
Douvan looks superb as he prepares for his big day next week.Limini is not in the Champion Hurdle but Vroum-Vroum Mag may run.
Gary Stevens returns at SA on Thursday 3 months after his hip replacement.
Lynn Martin
Good Morning,
I was watching some hurdle races from England this morning in the office. As usual, a question came to mind. So, I thought I would ask this group. I am sure someone among you will know the answer!!!
During a hurdle race, most jockeys stand in the irons. But quite often some of them will bounce around on the back of the horse. Does not look comfortable for either the horse or the jockey. Why do they do this?
It’s all to do with the speed of a racehorse these days.Up until the end of the 19th century our jockeys were more like dressage riders back straight,head up.I well remember jump jockeys riding much longer than they do now.It seems speed is the essence now.Hope that helps.
Lynn Martin
Yes, helps. But does not explain why they have the same position as the other jockeys at the start. Usually toward the end of the race, and usually on horses that are in the rear, they bounce up and down, no attempt to post. Like, perhaps, they gave up on the race and it is easier to bounce along. It has to bother the horse not to mention the jockey’s bumm!! And, only in hurdle races! I thought maybe it was a signal to the horse, to pick it up a bit!!
Maybe they realise the horse has no hope of winning.I must take a closer look next time and let you know.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Peggy and Z Fans:
Trainers John Shirreffs, Mark Casse and Jockeys Javier Castellano and Victor Espinoza are among 11 nominees to the HOF this year. Like Mark Casse very much, but rooting for JS and would love to see Javier selected too. All deserving, but I do have my favorites.
Goldikova is one of three horses nominated. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.One of my favourites Goldikova.She so loved racing in the US.Thrilled for all the nominees.Thanks for sharing Love and hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Rooting for her. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy , OMG, this is wonderful. Rooting for John too And, you know of course Javier….Like Mark so much too. Oh wow this is wonderful. Oh gosh and what amazing horses.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Cozmic One. Oh Dear Boy. Hope you have the most wonderful Birthday. Sure wish I could see you in person. Ann, please give him many kisses from us. I am home this morning on a day off. OK its about 9 in California so if your not awake good yet. Get up sleepy head, Well you can sleep in on your birthday. Maybe john will let you.
Coz, I have a question does John ever let you have Guinnes like mom. Just asking. Well it might be nice every now and then. We want tell the secrets here.
Coz, I sure wish you would come back to Florida one day. Listen, Jess is there, Za Approval. , The Big Beast and some beautiful Filly’s. (Marketing Mix) so many. Oh and Pioneer of the Nile is just having a son going down To Fl. OK, Coz i will dream. Hey if you could just come for some rest and relaxation. Sure would love to see you again. OK, yeah I know I could come to California too.
Coz remember my birthday card to you? Same applies forever. Coz there is this video that I love to watch of a song that I love. The song is (Here I am Lord) at the end of that video, the very end is A large praying hand carved into a mountain and a little praying hand down beneath that one. Coz your in my prayers forever. Hope you live to be as old as Great Grand Pa my beloved forever Quiet American. Bet he’s looking down on you with delight. You remind me so much of him. So its been a tearful morning.
Love Ya So Much. Peggy
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
What a beautiful post. Made me cry too.
Got all teary watching the videos of COZ as a little foal in the paddock with Z. Happy Birthday First Prince! Love ya. Hugs, JB
Beautiful videos that take us back to those days when we had such hopes for the little guy. I still have hopes for him. But the wonderful thing is that even if he and/or Zi can’t run any faster than me, they will be loved and cared for all of their lives.
By the way, Ziconic worked today. Perhaps he is getting ready to race again.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
You have me laughing out loud and I couldn’t agree with you more. All Z’s babies will be cared for and loved.
Good to hear ZI worked today; maybe soon. Hope the same for our Cozzie. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Gormley & Royal Mo next races
Jay Privman DRF Wednesday, 8 March, 2017
RLT, Gormley runs in San Felipe on Saturday at @santaanitapark,
Royal Mo slated to to go @OaklawnRacing for Rebel on March 18 #derbywatch
Safe trip to Gormley Saturday. I still think he is built a lot like Ziconic. Perhaps a bit taller but still has that big engine in the rear!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Yes, Gormley is solidly built like ZI. This is a beautiful photo of him that accentuates all those muscles; gorgeous boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
Yes, wishing Gormley and Royal Mo safe travels. I’ll be watching for sure.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info. Godspeed to both of them; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Bronwen Healy @FamousPony46 8 March, 2017 PHOTOS
Really pleased for champ ANIMAL KINGDOM who sired his first winner today
with EARTH ANGEL (Miss Finland) . He has some terrific young horses.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Congrats Animal Kingdom. Hope you’re happy and well. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.I posted an update on Hovis further up the page.What he will think of taking Tildren I cannot even imagine CNSM asked if he could have some!I know a lot is talked about social media these days but an elderly pony went missing in Cudham recently and they set up an FB page to find her and 2 ladies recognised her dumped on a road near Swanley 14 miles from her home and she is back in her stable.Such good news.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Oh, the indignities poor Hovis must endure. Hope he’s doing better. Great news about the little pony. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Lovely photos of Moosie on FB with a MAN riding.He has a new admirer.Sophie is keeping an eye!
Linda in NJ
It’s official CoZ. Today is your birthday!! Hope John gave you a lot of peppermintstuff.
Happy Birthday!