Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Zenyatta has been enjoying visits from family in 2017. She’s happy and healthy, and her pregnancy is progressing well. Scroll down for photos.
Team Z
Marty R / Colorado
Beautiful Mama -in-Waiting and her lovely Ann. I am so thinking pink, but most of all healthy and strong.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
So good to see a post from you. Hope all is well. Love and Hugs, JB
Mary Jane
A visit with the Queen and her mom. What could be better? Zenyatta you are so beautiful and you seem to light up when you see Ann. Thank you to the Moss family and to Lane’s End for sharing this incredible being with all of her fans. As time rolls on, we realize the incredible accomplishments you had during your racing career. To be that consistent, at that level, for that long, is truly remarkable. Stay safe Zenny. You and “your” humans are a treasure.
Two grand ladies of racing! Ann oozes love for her girl; it shows in her face. Zenny also seems to be especially tuned into Ann. I know she loves attention and her treats, but she seems to be power focused on Ann. Beautiful! What wonderful pictures and I’m so happy for Zenyatta that she gets all the care and love she she deserves and that is shared with us. Love you Zenyatta. Keep yourself and your little one safe; looking forward to your CD. Oh, I’m hoping for a little girl, but you’ll show us your joyful charge in your time! xoxoxo
These are such wonderful photos of the Queen of Racing and her lovely human, Ann. These pictures certainly capture the love bond between them and I feel such a heart lift to be able to witness those emotions. Thank you once again to all of Team Z for continuing this site for us and sharing in the life of Zenyatta and her family. Beautiful.
Sad news about Giant Oak who has been euthanised due to complications from a neurological disorder.The son of Giant’s Causeway was just 11years od and stood at Millennium farms where he will be buried.Vets had been monitoring him since mid February but he deteriorated rapidly this week and died on march 1st.RIP
Fantastic to old Deano’s Beeno enjoying life at Greatwood today.Some awesome work there with disadvantaged children.He is now 25yrs old and could be a stubborn dude when racing but very gentle now. He has lived there since 2004.
Thomas Crapper was back to winning ways at his favourite course Newbury today winning the Greatwood Gold cup by 20 lengths.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, Giant Oak.
So sad that this neurological disorder has taken you away.
Run free in celestial fields, dear boy.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
RIP Giant Oak. Love and Hugs, JB
Just loving these fantastic pictures. Thanks for sharing the family visit with us. Zenyatta will always be the queen of my heart.
Zenny you’re still in my heart and always will. So good to see you in such a happy condition. Ann looks so happy- hope she is.
Does anyone know if any of today’s races are on TV. We can’t get the horse racing channel and must depend on either ESPN or NBC sports! Thanks.
Mark Smith
Check the websites of individual tracks. Some have live stream from their tracks, including Gulfstream for the Fountain of Youth (Race 13) at 6:00 Eastern,
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
It’s too late for Gulfstream’s races today, but in future, they have free live streaming at their site (Gulfstream.com) just like Cal Racing. Good luck on Monday. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this information about Gulfstream.com. Now if I can only remember it when the time comes!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Hope your recovering nicely! Love and Hugs to You, Bailey and Smudge. JB and LM
Ditto! Have a bad case of CRS! Can’t Remember ____!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
LOL! ?
Hugs and Love
Hovis has arrived home minus feathers and hair on his dodgy leg.He has lost weight but Karen is feeling very positive(wait til he examines his feathers!!!)She will get the photos of the scans next week and they are for the faint-heartedPU Big Guy or I say medium sized!
Hopefully some photos of the damage to his feathers tomorrow.Karen has left him to chill out .He is pretty grumpy he must mourning the loss.
Bluegrass Girl
Hovis Update by Karen Thompson on Facebook 4 March, 2017
He’s back home.
He has lost weight and has the worlds worst haircut on his damaged leg as they had to remove absolutely every inch of feather and hair to be able to do the MRI. But it’s worth it to know what we’re dealing with.
The bone scan pictures are rather alarming and apparently the MRI aren’t pretty either (I should get them next week).
But he’s home. He’s weight bearing on it and he hasn’t lost that big dopey look so let’s take the positives!
Hello to whoever the ladies were picking up their horse at the same time and who recognised the big man. I was a bit distracted so apologies if I was a bit vague xx
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for this post, BGG.
Positive thoughts for healing and a smooth recovery for our Hovis.
Glad he is back home, too.
Hugs and Love
Why repeat my comments?Hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Poor Hovie. Hope his leg problem can be resolved with rest and time. Power Up beautiful boy (even minus your feathers). Love and Hugs, JB
beautyfull Zenny :-) you look well , your belly on photos where you stay near fence and where you walk look well too , beautyfull Zenny :-) you look quiet on that photos , slowly drink clean not cold water eat carrots pears hay care of your health , im always joyfull to see you
spare tall warm good kind Giant Oak :-( :-( , i think he liked carrots apples pears too , dear Zenny :-) fans , good video and photos febru25 , 2017 on page of Cirrus des Aigles :-) , cold winter was :-( , he congratulate Miracle des Aigles :-) , Coz :-) and Zi :-) you are good stallions , at first see your health then think about time results , Zi :-) five furlongs in 1:01,20 , first four furlongs in 48,96 is like race , Zi :-) your legs are thin , Zi :-) have good long rest , convenient time for natural recovery of joints and legs is fiveteen days , Zi :-) if all is well with health and legs come on course near march15 , Coz :-) cool weather and wind are good clean air for you and Zi :-) , dry hard course some worry
Bluegrass Girl
The latest offspring of the super horse Frankel arrives VIDEO
Ed Chamberlin visits Banstead Manor to get the latest on the Frankel Foal
We got to see this on ITV this afternoon.A joy to watch and a smooth delivery. Hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG and Sheena:
BGG, Thank you for sharing. Adorable boy. Wonder if that Star on his forehead is a hint of things to come. Love and Hugs, JB
Coz :-) im joyfull to see you on course like Zi :-) and where breezed mom Zenny :-) , Coz :-) four furlongs in 49:40 well time , like Chromy :-) in his light night summer workout on los alam course in 2016 , youtube video , Coz :-) quiet time is lil hill lil valley from this comfortable time , Coz :-) im remembering Shared Belief :-) :-( , lil sad that he was not stallion :-( , im remembering him after equine hospital , Coz :-) come in training glidely , sleep in deep soft straw , drink enough amount of clean not cold water when you are not hot , may be for some chance eat lil lower amount of oats some days after quick breeze , Coz :-) your fetlock joints are thin , have good long rest , convenient time for natural recovery of joints and legs is fiveteen days , Coz :-) if all is well with health and legs come on course near march15
Beholder confirmed in foal to Uncle Mo and Flintshire’s first mare Singswiththebirds confirmed in foal too.
Aintree are commemorating the 40th anniversary of Red Rum’s historic 3rd win.His famous colours were seen winning at Doncaster today on the last horse Ginger McCain bought a mare called Last but not Least.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Two more beautiful foals to look forward to seeing. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Coz :-) and Zi :-) you are good stallions from line of mom Zenny :-) , genes can to sleep and to wait good weather conditions around , genes didnt Run Away and Hide , name of good kind horse , from you :-) :-) , Coz :-) and Zi :-) only for to watch not for quick coming on course , google ” youtube Yorkiepoo Princess 2017 Busher stakes ” , febru25 , 2017 , jockeys dont push horses , fillyes mares breeze in herd friendly to each other in foggy weather , one pony horse see how fillyes mares break , second pony horse meet fillyes mares near finish , dry hard course some worry
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear andrej:
Love that name, Yorkiepoo Princess. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Claire Novak The Blood-Horse March 4, 2017
Beholder @spendthriftfarm confirmed in foal to @coolmoreamerica’s Uncle Mo.
Great video via @lifestyle_tb: https://www.facebook.com/ThoroughbredLifestyle/videos/1259776897435311/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED …
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this. Lovely girl; what a gorgeous foal that will be. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Yahhhhhhh……….My Boy just won the Fountain of Youth. Gunnevera just love ya. Been waiting to see that great kick again. Heard you were showing out a little before the race. That’s OK, you were fantastic. Congrats to all Connections Javier and all. Congrats to PaPa Dialed In. I bet Nick Zito might have a smile on his face too. KNow how much he liked papa.
Gunnevera “Jag Alkar dig”
Over The Moon
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Z Fans:
Peggy, congrats to you and your boy, Gunn. What an impressive win; came from off the pace just like Z.
Congrats too to Unique Bella and Mikey. Another special girl. Congrats to J Boys echo in the Gotham; Al Areeb ran third. Hope all of the horses everywhere came back safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great news, Peggy!
Congratulations to Gunnevera and all connections!
Well done indeed.
Hugs and Love
Judy and Andrej,
Perhaps we need to form a Yorkiepoo fan club.
Congrats to Gunnevra. Wonder if IWC was injured? He stopped and fell behind so quickly???
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Count me in on membership to The Yorkiepoo Princess Club.
I was worried about IWC too. This article from BloodHorse indicates that he appeared to be well this morning (last ten paragraphs of the article are devoted to IWC with comments from Graham Motion). Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Peggy, WOW, so happy for you and your boy, Gunny!
He looked great.
Sounds like all others came home and in fine order. Irish War Cry just was not into it. Not his day, I guess.
Max!!!!! Danish D sure gave it his all. He was really pouring on the coals at the end. That boy needed more distance. He is made for it, just know it, but not much of that out there for him? He is a handsome boy for sure.
Thanks Team Z for the new photos. Always can lift our spirits with the lovely Ann and Zenny.
Love to all.
Danish is lucky to be in Florida. It’s 24 at Woodbine. Very happy to see that he’s still in training.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann and Max:
Yes, DD closed from last to be 6th. Not much daylight separating all of them at the finish. Nice run. Here’s the replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Thanks Team Z for the family photos of Z, Ann and some staff as they spoil The Queen with her favorite healthy treats. Seeing Ann really puts her in a great mood and it shows. Been keeping up on another special mare Beholder and enjoyed their educational video. These two are often compared for good reason. Happy for both of them as expectant mothers.
Rita Pierce in Georgia
Love the pictures of my beautiful Zen. Hope the baby will be here soon. Ann and Jerry usually show up close to time for foaling so maybe she is due soon. They take such good care of our girl. I hope when I make my trip To Kentucky I will be able to see her but don’t know if they let you see her but I can wish. Love you Zen.
Bluegrass Girl
RACE REPLAY plus Winner’s Circle & post-race interview with Mike Smith
Santa Ysabel Stakes (Gr. III) – March 4, 2017
Santa Anita Park Published on Mar 4, 2017
Santa Ysabel Stakes (Gr. III), won by Unique Bella. March 4, 2017.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to Unique Bella, Mike Smith, Jerry Hollendorfer and all her connections on the Santa Ysabel Stakes win. Good job.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Congrats to UB. Beautiful girl!!! Cool, calm and collected. Fun to watch.
Dear Judy.Yes,good news about the foals.Poor Hovis losing his feathers and weight too.Bei-Bei has been weaned it seems only yesterday he was born.Just like any animal he finds it all a bit strange but they quickly get used to being alone.Tian-Tian and Mei-Xiang are calling to each other.Another cub this year maybe?Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Frank Hercules Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Once again, thank you Lanes End for these wonderful pics of Zenyatta. I am so looking
forward to the delivery of her new foal. I do not have a filly/colt preference as long as they
are healthy.
Thanks to JB for the info re: gulfstream.com
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lynne:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
I always think of you and still wish I could see you
Rest and stay happy
Love you with kisses Z and all your sons.
Z princess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Pat Beck
My Queen looks trimmer than she usually does at this stage of her “confinement.” Wonder if it’s been a purposeful effort to keep her weight down….
Love you ALWAYS, Queen Zenyatta, and all your babies here and in our hearts.
Beth Hicks
Does anyone know when Zenyatta’s is going to have her foal or where about?
March 5 Cherokee Devotional
It is sad when our children have not been able to rely on us to build their self-esteem. The Cherokees call it qa lv quo di. Even those of us that have come a long way have memories that need a loving touch. Parents teach only what they know to teach. But we are not set forever in one direction. We reach an age when must teach ourselves. We learn to forgive and to understand that when we get to the fork in the road we will know the right way. Why go the wrong way because someone before us did? If our self-esteem has been damaged, feeding it more pity and more ill-treatment is not healing it. Criticism is passed to us the same way blue eyes and dark hair are inherited. But criticism can be changed and replaced with love. This is a decision that changes our lives-and those who follow as well.
Civilized people depend too much on man-made printed pages. I turn to the Great Spirit’s book which is the whole of his creation.
Tatanga Mani
Trevor Hemmings has bolstered his chances of winning a 4th Grand National by purchasing Scottish National winner Vicente.He will stay with Paul Nicholls at Ditcheat.Trevor owned the ill-fated Many Clouds who won the race in 2015.
Great news for chase lovers.Denman and Big Bucks will be parading at Cheltenham on the first day of the Festival along with Balthazar King who is now with Izzi Beckett and the Giant Bolster who is with Lucy Bridgewater.It fills my heart with joy to see these old boys who gave us so much pleasure during their racing careers.Oh,Kauto if only…
Bluegrass Girl
Unique Bella updates
Brad Free @BradFree1 Sunday, March 05, 2017
Unique Bella = 97 Beyer G3 Santa Ysabel win Sat Santa Anita;
runner-up Abel Tasman = 94 super comeback.
The two best 3yo fillies in country?
Christina Blacker Sunday, 5 March, 2017
Jerry Hollendorfer tells me Unique Bella looks
“as close to perfect as can be” this morning.
Bluegrass Girl
Clear Sky Farm amazing breeding-
Clearsky Segment: 3/4/17
Christine Blacker on TVG Network