Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

I love that mare beyond belief and now to have another GORGEOUS filly , what a treasure she is. I am SOOO glad she had a filly this time. I hope you keep her and let Zeny raise her up for you. She is such a doting momma. Happy Mother’s Day to you and to Zeny as well!!
Great to see Thunder Snow back home safe and sound.He is obviously very happy.
Glad he is home safely. We may forget the names of many of the horses in the Derby but no one will forget Thunder Snow.
judy berube
Dear Sheena and Shirlee:
Glad TS is home safely too. Shirlee, you are so right! Love these independent thinkers. Love and Hugs, JB
Glad to see that he’s gone safely home for another reason. Consider the consequences if this horse had got a better start in the KD and was ahead of other horses, and then did what he did? Both he and other horses could have been injured or worse. On the other hand, standng still at the beginning of a race and refusing to move like Mad Moose results in no real harm except to the bettors, and that can be easily remedied with refunds.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Yes, that’s a very good point. Could have been a disaster if he decided to start bucking in the middle of the race. A twenty horse field is always fraught with the danger of bumps and steadying as it is. Glad he’s home safe and sound. I think he’s a very talented boy who just didn’t like the feel of that surface. Love and Hugs, JB
Agree with you. 20 at Churchill is a huge challenge for these horses.
Michelle Carter
I pray this baby girl grows to follow in her mothers hoof steps. Zenyatta is and will always be my favorite, I look forward to a long healthy life for this young lady.
I guess by now Team Z has arrived and how wonderful to know that they’ll be spending Mother’s Day with you and baby girl!!!!
I love you Big Girl. So delighted that this little one is in your life.
Love & peppermint kisses.
Mary Hansen
Love these photos. I have high hopes for this little filly and I will be on pins and needles for her till she gets to be a 2 year old (I am thinking of the War Front foals). She has gotten lighter since the photo they had of her right after the birth. My name picks for her would be Stat of Wonder or Anne’s Beauty (after Mrs. Moss since I read somewhere that Zenyatta was very close to her).
Annie Rau
Oh Wow! How can you not be overjoyed with happiness when you see these wonderful photos….I want a copy of every single one of them!! That little girl is so precious…I just want to hug her and mama Zenny too for giving her to us. Much love to all!
Thank you for sharing!! The Queen and and her Princess look beautiful and healthy!! Have a good weekend!!
Precieuse has won the French 1000 Guineas pipping Sea of Grace and Nadal is destroying Djokovic in Madrid He has won the first set 6-2 plus the 2nd chick is hatching at Manton Bay.
Mary Margaret Thompson
Awesome pics of Zenyatta and Z17. Thank you so much.
I am so happy that Zenny has a beautiful baby girl to love after her heartbreaking loss last year. She looks like a proud mom with her new baby. Happy Mother’s Day Zennyatta!
Myrna Gerstenkorn
I’ve followed Queen Z through all her racing career and now her retirement. So happy she had a little filly and she is beautiful. Baby Z does look like mama and hopefully she will love to run like her mother. Happy Mothers Day Queen Z
What Beautiful pictures ! She is Z Bomb. So very cute I just want to hug her. And momma Z. ? So excited.
Marlene Davis
How Exciting! Baby look just like mom, what a long neck..Her little White Spot looks like a Daisy..Happy Mothers Day Zennyatta…
Rosemary McCauley
The little darling is beautiful and Zenyatta is as usual the doting mother I notice they have yet to halter this little one
I will never stop following Zen’s life as long as I live
She’s the best mare racehorse I have ever loved so much, there are many but Zen is special,very special, it’s amazing how they steal your heart.?
God, that filly is precious!
She looks so tiny beside her mom. But Zenyatta is a big mare and that is to be expected. I pray that things go well for Zenyatta and that God will watch over the baby. Please no more tragedies like last year and with Zenyatta’s first filly.
It is amazing how much foals lighten up and show their true colors after they dry off. She looked totally black except her star in the first picture of we saw of her!
Debra from Alaska
What is the filly’s coat color? She looks chestnut to me. She’s totally adorable.
judy berube
Dear Debra:
Right now she’s a Light Bay with Black Mane and Tail. Her coat may stay light Bay or become darker like her Mama and Papa, but she is a Bay. Here’s a chart from the Jockey Club explaining the different Thoroughbred coat colors. Love and Hugs, JB
She has Mama’s ears! How dear is that! Love, love, love!
I am keeping this precious baby and her mother in my prayers.
Jo in CO
Beautiful, so sweet! Thank you, Team Z ?
Regina Flores
Z is such a good momma, Love her and baby Z
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Been listening to the news on the hacking of hospitals and inaccessibility to medical records in the UK and elsewhere. Wow, very widespread. Scary stuff. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Mama Z, hope you and the little one have a lovely, restful evening so she’ll be ready to explore her world tomorrow and you’ll have the energy to chase after her. I think she is going to be a feisty one. Happy Dreams to all of you. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Alice Gibson
Look at those shoulders and that big wide chest on that little race horse girl! Wow!
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Precious, precious, PRECIOUS pictures of Momma Z and her filly! I was here on Friday must missed them, so excited to have seen them now. Thank you Team Z
Of course my next favorite pic will be with the three: Z, baby and Ann! I just know how much she loves Z and how she loved each and every foal.
Thank you again,
Sally B
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
I got to the farm a little after Noon today and Charlie wasn’t in the ring. I looked over to his little separate paddock and he was there munching his hay. Angela said that Alex decided not to ride in the training class today, so I didn’t get to see Charlie all decked out in his English gear or to take a video to share with all of you. Luckily, I did take some stud muffins with me and was able to give them to him and visit for a while. When I do have a training video of him, I will post it here. Sorry about that. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Just so glad Charlie is doing good. Give him a hug from me next time you see him. Oh, yes give Lola a hug too.
judy berube
My Dear Peggy:
Thank you. I will. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Zenyatta, sweet Momma; You have brought so much life to all! With your new baby filly you will have a lot to care for. Baby appears as she may become a little whipper-snapper, so rest up as best as you can each night and slow this special filly of yours down if she gets too eager. Once an Auntie, always an Auntie.
Love you with kisses and to every son,
Z princess and itsy baby z with beautiful long legs and your ears,
my dear Sir
Love, Auntie Sally B
Don Lindburg
Seeing Zenyatta win race after race at Del Mar made me a thoroughbred fan big time! This was topped only by visiting her at her home in Kentucky. She sure likes peppermint candy, sniffed mine out in a nanosecond.
Ann Adam
Thank you so very much for these photos We get to see all of the beautiful filly!
It sure looks like that star has the cowlick in the center which emphasizes the roundness of the star. Hope it stays balanced like that. Zen’s ears are beautiful on her head with its broad intelligent brow and interested/curious eyes. Wonderful too to see the large chest for a big heart.
How about those 3 white bobbysox on the 4 long, well boned legs. Sore looks like she is enjoying her movement in her new world. Here’s to a healthy, safe year for our new “Stella.”
Coming to my mind are: Stella d’Orozen or Stellazen d’Oro if not Bellavia for possible names.