Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Dear Judy: I am so happy to hear Charlie is doing dressage.He will benefit from the discipline needed and maybe his blanket bandit days will be over.I am looking forward to seeing Ann with the new mama and filly.Some of our NHS hospitals suffered a cyber attack tonight as well as 74 other countries.Midday’sFrankel filly won nicely but sadly I doubt we will see Solow on the racecourse again.He is very slow recovering from his injury and Freddie is not happy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena X
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Yes, I think Charlie will like his new work. Hope we see photos of Ann, Z and Beautiful Baby Girl soon. Congrats to Frankel’s filly and healing prayers for Solow. Love and Hugs, JB
Bobbie Kolehouse
Linda Shull
So thankful for the great pictures. Love Zenyatta and all her babies.
Linda in NJ
Oh my gosh, this baby girl is just beautiful. You can really tell that Mama Zenny and her baby have really bonded. Now lets hope she doesn’t grow up too fast.
She is beautiful. Thank you so much Alys for taking these beautiful photos for us. I love all the photos, but the 9th photo from the top is a photographer’s dream. Catching the right angle at just the right moment. I love Z17’s little smiley face. Great shot.
Love you Zenny, and welcome Z17. I wish you a great life ahead.
Linda in NJ
Marsha Baumgartner
I agree. That nose touch photo is a prize winner! She’s smiling.
My husband and I went to the Kentucky Derby and on Sunday drove by Lanes End and ,of course, I was thinking of Zenyatta. And on Monday came this beautiful little girl!! These photos are beyond magnificent
I think this little filly can help us all definitely me to finally heal from the losses of princess Z and baby Z!
So adorable! Thanks for the photos. How much did baby Z weigh?
Susan O
They both look great! Beautiful pictures – thanks so much for sharing Zenyatta and her gorgeous baby with her fans.
This filly is just stunning! Congrats Zenyatta and team Z!
Delia Lee Scallion
I had hoped she would wait for my Birthday on May 13 but I will take this beautiful girl no matter what date in May she was born. Hope everything has gone well and Queen Z is doing great. SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY.
Marian Morris-Ervin
Beautiful, so happy she is here safe and sound.
Ingrid Arnone
Oh wow….she is so beautiful !!!
Our Z Princess 2.
Love you Zenyatta….Big hug.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Just beautiful. Zenyatta she’s just a little Doll.
Stay close to Mama baby girl, I agree don’t grow up too fast. Stay a baby as long as possible. Love Ya
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy, So excited for Charlie. Looking so forward to seeing a video.
Good luck to Charlie. Hope he does well. Keep us in the loop.
judy berube
Dear Peggy and Shirlee:
Thank you. Will let you know how he does. Love and Hugs, JB
Tina Pedersen Woodland Ca
The Queen and her filly are simply gorgeous! Motherhood looks good on Zenyatta! Congrats to all!!
debbie boyd
thank you for the pictures!! I still have a bumper sticker that says zenyatta for president,,
She’s gorgeous! Love the perfect circle on her forehead. And she looks like such a momma’s girl. So cute!
Sharyn Priester
She is beautiful, such precious pictures!! Thank you Team Z!!
Connie Stephens
Thank you so much for sharing these photo’s with us. Mama and baby look wonderful!
Ohhh my goodness – HOW adorable – thank you so much for sharing the pictures – I still have the dream of seeing Zenyatta – All best thoughts and wishes on stars for them both
Beautiful baby Zenyatta! She is fortunate to a you as her Mom. Stay safe and healthy. ♡♡♡
Leslie R.
She’s beautiful!! So precious and adorable. Zenyatta looks so happy. It makes me smile. I can’t wait to see more pix! Thanks Team Z!!!
Hugs to all,
Donna Z
Momma Z, your new little girl is absolutely beautiful! I do not have the words to describe how happy I am for you both.
I cannot wait for your best friend, Ann to get there to meet your precious filly, Mamma Z. You two are going to have the best Mother’s Day ever.
Thank you Alys & Lanes End for these great photos & all the extra things you do to keep us up to date on Zenyatta’s life.
Zenyatta, I will continue to keep you & Z17 in my prayers for continued good health & safety. May God bless you both as well as the Mosses, all of Team Z & Lanes End.
Amanda Gilliland
Thank you for sharing these magnificent photos of Lady Zenyatta and her beautiful
Z17. Happy Mother’s Day My Beautiful Lady Zenyatta!
julie jagow
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. I love zenyatta .
she is an amazing gift to the world . sweet mommy xxoo enjoy your day !!!
Delores Baker
Beautiful pictures. Thank you so much Team Z.
Beautiful Zenyatta and baby girl. I am so happy that Zenyatta got her girl. She is so beautiful with her girl. The baby has ears like her mommy. I pray that nothing happens to this baby and mommy. Zenyatta deserves all the happiness. Love her and all her babies. Great mommy Zenyatta.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta,
I keep coming back to gaze upon these wonderful photos! Your little girl is just so adorably beautiful, and you, sweet Z, are simply more gorgeous than ever. With all the upheavals in our lives now, you and your family provide such comfort and serenity. Honestly, these photos could easily be paintings!
Goodnight and sweet dreams to you and your precious baby 17Z . We love you more than you could possibly imagine!
Big Hugs and Lots of Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Ditto everything you said. Love and Hugs, JB
Brigid Matthews
I can just feel myself smiling ear to ear! Thanx for sharing Zenyatta and her babies with us.
Linda Parker-Fedak
What a gorgeous baby. And such long legs!!! She is really precious and mommy looks so loving and happy. Thank you for posting all of the pictures. I am so touched by the beauty and spunk of this little princess! Zenyatta really produced quite a foal…
:-) Zenny and filly :-) you look well :-) :-) horses like when all around is quiet and well :-) :-) , lil foggy weather and green grass :-) :-) well , Zenny :-) for some chance more attentively see when weather quickly change from warm comfortable to cold , slowly carefully milk is good thing
Little Z’doro is beautiful just like momma. Thank god both are healthy and happy…a true blessing. This little lady carries the hopes and dreams of every Zenyatta fan. Could she share the superstar talent of her parents and endless class of her big sisters Songbird and Rachel? I can’t wait to find out