Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Oh,my gosh isn’t she absolutely adorable and Mama looks so proud.Thank you for sharing.Love and hugs.She reminds of the PrinZess.
What a Beautiful site! Mom and baby are gorgeous! Looking forward to more photos and video!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh my!!!! She is just the most precious little girl in the whole world. Congratulations Zenny, you are a wonderful mom as usual.
Jennifer Trefonas
Wow! she is gorgeous!
Thanks for the photos – they made my day!
Mary M
Looks like Momma Z is very in love@
Erin Fisher
Hollywood Zen. Honors the park Zenny won so many faces at and the fact that her parents are A-listers. Or, Applauze, maybe Zen D’Oro.
Jennifer Trefonas
Wow! she is gorgeous!
Jan S. / Houston
Stunning! Picture Perfect!
Thank you so much, Alys, LE and Team Z. These are just exquisite and so touching. She’s just beautiful!
Love you, Zenny and so totally over-the-moon for you! Peppermint kisses Big Girl.
Carole Jones
Look at those long legs! They should make for long strides on the track just like Mom did &, no doubt, she’ll be as tall as Mom. Absolutely precious! Can’t wait to see her grow up. You did good, Zenny! Thank you Lane’s End for the wonderful photos.
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
I’m not very up on such things, but would she be considered a “bay”?
Virginia Mach Hagler
Cheryl, If she stays this color, she will be a blood bay (reddish brown coat). Zenny’s color is called dark bay. A bay is a solid brown horse with black tail and mane. The color of the coat can be any brown from red-brown to such a dark brown it is almost black. But the tail and mane are always black. There are dark reddish brown, almost brown, liver chestnuts, but their tails and manes are not black. Chestnuts have tails and manes the same color as the coat or lighter. In the West, chestnuts are often called sorrels. Chestnuts sometimes “grey out” and gradually turn grey which lightens to almost white with increasing age. I don’t think bays ever do this. Sometimes grey horses are born black, but I don’t think they are ever bay or brownish with black tail and mane.
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Thanks Virginia. I wasn’t sure. Also, I’m glad to have the info on chestnut coloring.
Mary Jane
Wonderful photos. Happy Mother’s Day weekend to the Queen and her Princess. What a sweet little addition to Team Z.
What a pretty little girl!!! Just enough flash to catch the eye. Love her “smile”
Ann NC
Happy Happy! Joy Joy! Thanks bunches. She’s a doll.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a treat!! Thank you SO much. They are both so beautiful ??. Is our baby a chestnut? She looks so much lighter in these photos. Can’t wait for more once Team Z arrives ?
Lori Stein
She’s a bay baby ?
Bobbi Spence
Looks like a bay, to me. :o)
Marty R / Colorado
My heart is smiling. Thank you for the photos.
Karen R.
So thrilled to see how happy and beautiful Zenny looks with her precious girl. Thank you for this update.
Thank you Team Z for today’s photos. The Queen and her little girl look happy and healthy. Beautiful !!
Janie Corrigan Cahoon
Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of Zenny and her baby daughter. Zenny is as beautiful as ever and her baby adorable. I see those ears !!!
Cheryl Smith
Beautiful baby and mommy! Happy Mothers Dsy Queen Zenyatta!
Jackie from MD
Queen Z looks so happy and healthy….and very proud of her gorgeous little princess <3 What a stunningly beautiful baby!! Looking forward to seeing more pics and video. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!!!
Mary Beth Mullen
New filly is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Zenny looks so happy….cannot wait to watch her grow…Love them both…Thank you for posting …keep them coming…they make so many people happy….Love you Zenyatta!!!!
I’ve never seen a mare so happy being a mom! Good for you, Z!
Janet Newman
Oh My Stars, what a beautiful little filly and her very beautiful mama.
This has made my Friday!
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Love, love, love these two, tears of joy and so happy for Zenny that she finally gets to enjoy another baby girl. Thanks so much Team Z! Beautiful chestnut color with dark mane and tail.
Chestnuts by definition never have dark tails and manes. Their manes and tails are always a shade of chestnut. This filly is a bay like her parents and a beautiful bay too. Her coat is just a lighter bay than theirs at the moment. She could stay this way or her coat could darken. Time will tell.
Dee Lange
Congratulations to everyone involved with bringing this beauty into the world. Great pictures! Thank you for updating us, Zenny has so many hundreds of fans.
Debbi M
OH MY GOSH…..HOW SWEET. I wanna just cry.
So very happy.
Thank you so much for sharing!!! I’ve been worried….
Amy J. Samonds
Wonderful. Just WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us. We have been waiting with anticipation for this day, and now the little filly is here. What good news. They both look fantastic.
Can’t wait to see videos!
Oh man! What a way to start my Friday. These photos are too adorable for words. I’m going to spend time going back and forth looking at these throughout the day. THANK YOU to everyone there who keeps us informed of Zenyatta’s goings-on. I adore these photos. Looks like mama and baby are doing great. Not much gonna keep Big Mama Z from grazing, but she’s still keeping a close eye on her little girl. Have a wonderful weekend, Lane’s End. My name for this young lady would be Mom’z lil princess.
Oh my what a sweet and beautiful baby girl. Zenny, she really is watching you eat the grass. Ha Ha! Happy Mother’s Day – Zenny and all the Mother’s everywhere!