Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Happy Mama’s day Z! What a beauty that little filly of yours. Sending healing prayers to Royal Mo. Haven’t seen Ann much….hope she got to be there for the foaling as I know how much she loves Z.
Frank Santilli
Congratulations Z
Barbara Wood
What an attentive mom, and what a beautiful baby! Oh, we are so thankful for them and for these pictures too. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Zenny just made ours a little more special. Hugs to all.
Eileen Kerr
So happy Mother Ann is there. Did jerry come too? Zenyatta looks so content with her little girl. How about Gold starz. (For her blaze)
Horse wishes
Hmmmmmm…. Estrella Oro (Gold Star).
Thomas Zabinski
Such a cute little filly! Hope she grows up and makes her mother proud.
Tim Hopper
Wonderful to see Queen Z with her little Z dot filly. Looking great!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Can’t get Royal Mo and his connections out of my mind and heart. No amount of “logic” seems to work on erasing the IT’S NOT FAIR thoughts. John doesn’t have that many super stars – to lose Mo’s potential is just devastating. Power up RM! Hope all is going well there at New Bolton. I haven’t heard anything more than they were “on the way.” Hope we’ll see some updates soon.
Mollie Eckelberry
Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta. You are my sports heroine!!! Mollie
Prayers For Royal Mo. Hope all is going well at New Bolton.
Bluegrass Girl
Royal Mo update: scheduled for ankle-fusion surgery at New Bolton, then rehab in Ky, per Shirreffs (FREE)
Jay Privman , DRF, Pimlico Race Course , 2017-05-15
Royal Mo, who suffered a career-ending sesamoid fracture to his right front ankle on Sunday morning at Pimlico Race Course during a workout that was to be his last drill for the Preakness Stakes on Saturday, was scheduled to undergo surgery on Monday to fuse the joint, trainer John Shirreffs said.
sdhorserace @sdhorserace Monday, 15 May, 2017
Royal Mo will undergo ankle fusion surgery Monday.
The colt will stay at New Bolton for another week,
then to @WinStarFarm’s rehab facility
Dear BGG.Good to have news about Royal Mo and praying for a successful recovery.Thinking of John and his team.Hugs
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thank you for this update on Royal Mo. Praying for successful surgery and complete recovery for this beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Uncle Mo rehabbed at Winstar in 2011 when he had his stomach issues. Now his son is going there for treatment. They will have to rename that place: MoTown.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Clever and cute! Well, it did Uncle Mo a world of good; let’s hope the same for our Royal Mo. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Power Up, Royal Mo and listen to your MoTown playlist. Too funny, Max!
Sue Fredrick
Good news for Royal Mo as we all used to say in the past “Power Up Mo”. Hope all goes well and he’s got a good future as a stud.
Zenny wish we could put your darling baby in a plastic bubble till she grows up, but I guess that’s not possible. I just pray she stays safe. So good to see beautiful Ann with her favorite girl, I bet she was so excited to get there.
Can’t wait for more pics and a video, thank you for posting these. love to all sue
Bobbie Graser
My heart goes out to the Mosses and all the connections. What a week of ups and downs. The blessing of a new baby girl for Zenny and then Royal Mo’s injury. I am feeling optimistic that everyone will stay healthy and Mo’s recovery will go well. Such a shame that he couldn’t show his potential.
Thanks for the darling pictures!
Absolutely nothing makes me happier than to see our beloved Zenyatta (The Queen) with her filly. She is a true spiritual being who continues to amaze, inspire and bring peace and love to all who know her. I pray this wee filly thrives and reaches her full potential and that our Zenny remains as happy and healthy as she is today…for a very
looooooooooooong time.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
My heart and prayers go out to Royal Mo. One will never know what kind of champ he could be. Stud duties are not such a bad thing Royal Mo!
love to all, especially Ann Moss
Sally B
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Sweet Mamma Zenyatta; I will be out of town for a week and it is such bad timing as I can not wait to hear more and see more of you and your baby z!! You know I Love You no matter where I may be. Sweet dreams for you & baby earZ and prayers are always with you. I bet you were so happy to see Ann with so much love to share.
Love you with kisses and to all your sons,
Z princess, baby z and my Sir
Auntie Sally B
Dear Judy:A thoroughly miserable Monday over here.We haven’t had such a wet day in ages.Poor Glesni is soaked bit sleeping.Manton Bay lost one of their chicks last night Maya perhaps squashed the little one.Hopefully it will dry up for York this week.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Hope the rains clears for the races. Sorry to hear about the loss of the little chick; poor baby RIP. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
sue and tony
These pictures ease the pain about the news of Royal Mo’s injury. We offer prayers for him and Team Z …may Royal Mo recover and enjoy the retired life. Zenny and her princess look wonderful. God Bless them all.
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Z, hope you had a wonderful day with your little girl today. Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
BGG thank you for the update on Royal Mo. Dr.Richardson is the best. Love, hugs and God’s blessing to all. Happy dreams Zenny and baby Z
Kim Samperton
Love this little one, she’s Zd’orable!!! Blessings to all and a speedy recovery for Royal Mo.
Delrene from Carlsbad
I’m certain Zenyatta had a beautiful Mother’s Day. Such a beautiful filly to love and care for.
And referencing Royal Mo. get well soon. You are with the best vets and owners that love you and will do everything to help you recover successfully. Such a handsome boy. Power up Mo.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an update on Royal Mo from BloodHorse. Surgery successful! Thank God. Sending healing prayers for you sweet, beautiful boy and a long, happy life. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for posting this link. Glad the surgery went well for Royal Mo, and hope recovery goes smoothly. Sending good wishes and prayers for healing to this beautiful boy. Power Up, Royal Mo!
Hugs and Love
Francine Iuliucci
Beautiful baby!! Zenyatta is such a good mommy! She sure does loves motherhood! Hope all goes well with Mo. Heart breaking. Hope this little girl takes some of the pain away. John and Dottie and all the team must be heart broken. In my thoughts and prayers.
Elizabeth in NM
It is so wonderful to see these lovely photos of Zenny and her little girl! Probably, like the rest of you, I’ve looked at them several times. We (my husband and I) have been pruning trees and bushes on our place since last week, and we finally finished yesterday ~ Yay! I love working outside. We hadn’t done it for several years, so it was more ‘fun’ that usual. Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday. It’s so exciting to think what’s ahead for Zenny and her beautiful new filly! Also, looking forward to updates about Coz and Ziconic. with love, Elizabeth
Willie Mullins has announced his star mare Annie Power is to retire.Although expected this news comes with a tinge of sadness.One of the greatest NH mares in the modern era she leaves the stage with a record of 15 wins out of 17 runs.She hasn’t been seen on the racecourse for over a year and after talking with the Riccis over the weekend time was called on her stellar career.Now in foal to Camelot we all wish her well in her new role as a mum but we NH fans will sorely miss you Annie and never forget your fabulous Champion Hurdle win last year.Love SheenaX
Ann NC
Happy retirement Beautiful Girl. Long happy life full of love!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Ditto what Ann NC said.
Best wishes to Annie Power!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Happy retirement Annie P. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Baldwin
Too, too cute! Two beautiful girls! They look so very sweet together. Awesome photos, Alys and Lane’s End. Thank you! Blessings to all connections of Team Z. :)
Beth from Indiana
Awww! And right around Mother’s Day, how special. Such sweet pictures. Thanks for sharing. Hope momma and baby continue to do well.
thank you so very much for the adorable photos to let us know all looks wonderful. I was concerned when we did not get any follow up photos, after the very first one.
adorable, and praying for mom and baby girl to stay safe and have a wonderful summer. hugs and prayers to all.
please keep the photos coming,
thank you
Dear Judy:Yet another wet day in Wales.Glesni must be dreaming of Africa!Good news from Rutland another chick hatched today and all is well so far.Maya removed the dead chick earlier,Glaslyn are flooded so had to close for the day.Mullins had always hoped Annie would go chasing memories of his dad maybe with the mighty Dawn Run.Looking forward to her foals.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX