Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Amy Krauss
Special Happy Mother’s Day for Z and her beautiful little girl.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Mothers Day Dear Zenyatta and Baby Girl
Happy Mothers Day to all Z Connections and all here on the Blog.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Power Up Royal Mo. Your in my prayers. May the good lord take care of you and make you better. Get well beautiful boy. You’ll be a good PaPa
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John. Your so much in my prayers. Know it hurts so bad. I’ll call him a family member. Mo I believe and hope so hard will get better. Prayer can work and I will sure be praying hard. Love, Peggy
Bluegrass Girl
Info on Royal Mo Injury
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan tweets Sunday, 14 May, 2017
Gary Stevens said he thought Royal Mo’s work was going excellent until he heard a loud “pop” approaching the quarter pole
John Shirreffs doing an incredible job of handling Royal Mo. Gently trying to coax the colt onto the trailer, but he doesn’t want to budge .
John Shirreffs says x-ray of Royal Mo at barn showed fracture of inside sesamoid in right front.
Jay Privman @DRFPrivman Sunday, 14 May, 2017
Shirreffs said fracture was contained to sesamoid, did not involve condyle, surgery unlikely. Royal Mo headed to New Bolton to be monitored.
Bluegrass Girl
Jeremy Balan @BH_JBalan tweet Sunday, 14 May, 2017
Watching everything unfold today, it’s hard not to admire
John Shirreffs as a horseman. Showed compassion and care, and never broke.
8:04 AM – 14 May 2017
Ann NC
Breaking inside. Sending prayers to our Mr. John.
judy berube
Dear Team Z, Z Fans and Royal Mo:
Such horrible luck. Heartbreaking. Prayers for you Mo for complete healing. Love and Hugs, JB
The Mosses have sent Mo to New Bolton. Against all odds, New Bolton saved Paynter. Let’s hope for the same for Mo.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Yes, Mo’s in good hands at New Bolton. Love and Hugs, JB
I am just heartbroken over Royal Mo’s injury. Thank God it does not appear to be life threating. So sad for Gary, Ann, Jerry and John and all the team. Really thought he would be the better of the two 3 year olds. At least Gary realized that something was wrong and took care of him until medical help arrived.
Maybe they will send Gormley to the Belmont? His pedigree with AP and Secretariat on the sire line says that he can get the distance. His race record seems to be to win and then not to win. Given the KD result, a win is next on the Team G horizon. The racing gods do strange things.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Zenyatta….!!
Happy Mothers Day….!!
Love you forever and ever !!
Big kisses Ingrid.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans….!!
Happy Mothers Day….!!
Love you all…!!
Love and hugs Ingrid.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms (be it of two-footed or four-footed kids) and especially to our wonderful Queen Zenyatta! How appropriate that she is spending it with a beautiful little filly by her side! ♥♥♥
How terrible about Royal Mo. Praying for a full recovery for our boy. Kudos to Gary Stevens & trainer John S. who once again showed us what a kind, compassionate, caring person he is.
And Happy Mother’s Day, Zenny. How wonderful you have your beautiful baby with you this year to share the day with.
Mary Margaret Thompson
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers in the World. Praying for Royal Mo.
debbie sutherland
Happy Mother’s Day to Zenny, so lovely to see you with your little filly.
Also, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, our human kind and creatures great and small.
Prayers going to Uncle Mo for a safe recovery,so deeply sorry to hear about your injury.
debbie sutherland
Prayers for Royal Mo
Happy Mothers Day Zenyatta. How wonderful for you to celebrate with your beautiful new daughter.
Happy mothers day, beautiful baby you have!
Philip Lawrence
What a beautiful little girl the new filly is: has Zenyatta’s ears but otherwise looks like her daddy. Wonder what her name will be: I kind of like “Fields of Gold” after the Sting song (and her daddy’s name translates to “Medal of Gold”).
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Hi Philip I really like your idea for a name. Was thinking if the s is replaced by a capital z, then both mom and dad would be commemorated. Would that be good?
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Oops. Just realized FieldZ of Gold was suggested on Facebook on 5/12/17. Just goes to show it’s a great idea :-)
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Happy Mother’s Day Mama Z. Wishing you and your Beautiful Baby Girl a lovely day together. Happy Dreams all. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
So sad for Royal Mo, JS and Team Z. Hope he has a full recovery with no complications. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
2020 Oaks Winner right there!!!!!!Mark your calendars!
Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta!! We sure love you lots!!
Meredith Gibbs
This one is special. Can’t wait for her to grow up. Good one Zenny!
There is a new photo on Zenyatta’s face book of her, the little Princess and Ann! Sorry, I can’t get it to post here. Happy family picture.
Just seen the beautiful photo with Ann.Zenyatta must be so happy she is with her now and the new princess looks so cute!
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks for bringing this beautiful photo to our attention. So glad Ann is with them. Love and Hugs, JB
Trying this it may not work.
Maybe it’s the angle, but that is one very big, beautiful filly. She might grow as big as Zenyatta. God, please take care of this girl and her momma.
judy berube
Dear Sheena and Max:
Sheena, thanks for posting this wonderful photo of Z, BBG and Ann. Max, she is a big girl and already so poised and curious, looking right at the camera. Gorgeous filly. I join in your prayer to keep them safe always. Love and Hugs, JB
The ears are world class size too. Love her cashmere coat.
Dear Judy&Max.The new PrinZess looks as if she may be as tall as mum.This filly looks very special.Hugs
judy berube
Dear Sheena and Max:
Z does make the most beautiful babies! (Some credit to the Daddy’s of course). Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting this photo. That’s a great picture!
The baby girl is definitely a looker. Glad Ann is there now.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy:A joy to see Ann with her girl.Beautiful filly and such long legs.Hopefully Royal Mo will recover it could have been much worse.Herman is visiting Hovis on Friday and Karen is hoping she can hold on to him when he trots up it seems he came in sideways today!!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Mary M
I am so very very sorry to hear about Royal Mo’s injury….Anne and all of Team Z this is so very very tragic; I am so very sorry to hear.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Sorry to hear about Royal Mo. Prayers for his recovery and return to health. Healing wishes for smooth convalescence. Power Up, Royal Mo!
Hugs and Love to RM and all connections.
Anita in SoCal
Thank you Team Z for the generous gift of these wonderful pictures. Happy Mother’s Day beautiful Zenny. Your baby girl is beautiful.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Goodnight Zenyatta and I thank God for the blessing I have recently received. Z blog shared of you foaling a beautiful filly.
I thought I saw a pic of you and baby z with Ann on your face book page. It is so incredibly awesome. I feel that Ann could be my sister.
I love you Zenyatta, Happy Mothers Day. Kisses to you and all your sons,
Z princess and baby z and dear Sir
I saw my two sons over Mothers Day and I was blessed too.
Auntie Sally B
Donna H
So deeply saddened about Royal Mo’s injury. I so hoped for a win with Gary in the saddle. What a huge loss for the team. My condolences to the Mosses, John and Dottie and Gary.
What a special blessing to see Zenny and her beautiful filly enjoying each other! May there be comfort in the gain.
Loving concern and many prayers, Donna
Denise in STL
Dear Ann, Jerry, John, Dottie, Gary, & Team Z, Our prayers are with you and Royal Mo. He has been in the BEST hands in the racing business and we are sending our love and prayers for you and the team!
Donna Z
I just read about Royal Mo’s injury and am so sad for his team. I had so looked forward to watching him run in & I believe, winning the Preakness.
Thank you to Gary to recognizing that Royal Mo was hurt & pulling him up & supporting his hurt leg right away.
New Bolton Center is one of the best places for him to be because he will get the best of care there.
Royal Mo, I will keep you & your team in my prayers, especially Mario, John, Mr & Mrs Moss & Dottie.
I hope that spending time with Zenyatta & her new filly will help comfort Ann & Jerry during this rough time. Maybe John, Dottie & Mario can stop to visit Zenny & her beautiful girl on their way home as well. I hope they can so she can comfort them, too.
My prayers are with you & your team Royal Mo!